[arch-commits] Commit in electron5/repos/community-x86_64 (35 files)
Evangelos Foutras
foutrelis at archlinux.org
Tue Jul 14 21:57:05 UTC 2020
Date: Tuesday, July 14, 2020 @ 21:57:04
Author: foutrelis
Revision: 663806
archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/angle-gcc10.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-ffmpeg-4.3.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-gcc10.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-skia-harmony.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-system-icu.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/default_app-icon.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/electron5.desktop)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/icu65.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/perfetto-gcc10.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/use-system-libraries-in-node.patch)
(from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/webrtc-gcc10.patch)
PKGBUILD | 443 ++++----
angle-gcc10.patch | 52 -
chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch | 68 -
chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch | 96 -
chromium-ffmpeg-4.3.patch | 21
chromium-gcc10.patch | 68 -
chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch | 96 -
chromium-skia-harmony.patch | 26
chromium-system-icu.patch | 38
chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch | 24
default_app-icon.patch | 42
electron5.desktop | 14
glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch | 48
icu65.patch | 128 +-
perfetto-gcc10.patch | 56 -
simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch | 504 +++++-----
use-system-libraries-in-node.patch | 112 +-
webrtc-gcc10.patch | 146 +-
18 files changed, 1003 insertions(+), 979 deletions(-)
--- PKGBUILD 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ PKGBUILD 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,220 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Nicola Squartini <tensor5 at gmail.com>
-pkgdesc='Build cross platform desktop apps with web technologies'
-license=('MIT' 'custom')
-depends=('c-ares' 'ffmpeg' 'gtk3' 'http-parser' 'libevent' 'libnghttp2'
- 'libxslt' 'libxss' 'minizip' 'nss' 're2' 'snappy')
-makedepends=('clang' 'git' 'gn-m76' 'gperf' 'harfbuzz-icu' 'java-runtime-headless'
- 'jsoncpp' 'libnotify' 'lld' 'llvm' 'ninja' 'npm' 'pciutils'
- 'python2' 'wget' 'yasm')
-optdepends=('kde-cli-tools: file deletion support (kioclient5)'
- 'trash-cli: file deletion support (trash-put)'
- "xdg-utils: open URLs with desktop's default (xdg-email, xdg-open)")
- 'git+https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git'
- "${pkgname}.desktop"
- 'default_app-icon.patch'
- 'use-system-libraries-in-node.patch'
- 'chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch'
- 'chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch'
- 'chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch'
- 'chromium-skia-harmony.patch'
- 'icu65.patch'
- 'simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch'
- 'chromium-gcc10.patch'
- 'angle-gcc10.patch'
- 'perfetto-gcc10.patch'
- 'webrtc-gcc10.patch'
- 'glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch'
- 'chromium-system-icu.patch'
- 'chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch'
- )
- 'SKIP'
- '8f2e4764848817c4a5b225db77025ca108416d56f95708114fa7add4ce503c79'
- 'a9f4d2af71c4399dd01047bb1205c0ca9bb5ce6bf0eeaeb57acf4c69724b668b'
- 'e38b50ef16e6fc7520b1892f3b17758db14733d207cc083cfcd899954444248f'
- 'f2b12ccf83a8e0adda4a87ae5c983df5e092ccf1f9a6f2e05799ce4d451dbda1'
- 'b3b6f5147d519c586cbdaf3b227dd1719676fa3a65edd6f08989087afd287afa'
- 'f51fe91427d8638c5551746d2ec7de99e8059dd76889cfeaee8ca3d8fed62265'
- '5887f78b55c4ecbbcba5930f3f0bb7bc0117c2a41c2f761805fcf7f46f1ca2b3'
- '1de9bdbfed482295dda45c7d4e323cee55a34e42f66b892da1c1a778682b7a41'
- '49cb3444eae2bf8aa83b4f8704023512dba4bf30f3caafc6dbd5ed874b7da72b'
- '64ebab5900488c0e646301609c662a167d8212109b336bfa451a9e65f5b6e630'
- '355e24e434604ee61995153f817d4a1aa29ae6c7264b21e1c7ea0d45f61d8a0f'
- '1ab11901ffac0ec4f539121ee6d5035461747459c33e79849d5c99d0216b7950'
- 'f7c8e2911d44b4b627ba8ff3f76e906d64208452ba5ec59599ea081e6b6442d6'
- '06738b3f2d3579cd9b4d1ff876ba93d6b10a741b4deb4eab7fe3008cc577c893'
- 'e2d284311f49c529ea45083438a768db390bde52949995534034d2a814beab89'
- 'f73a3226b60833f7cc12f2bd8e3569284e6c26ea6cdd97eb5f45797ed29a323a')
- 'flac'
- 'fontconfig'
- 'freetype'
- 'harfbuzz-ng'
- 'icu'
- 'libdrm'
- 'libevent'
- 'libjpeg'
-# 'libpng'
- 'libvpx'
- 'libwebp'
- 'libxml'
- 'libxslt'
-# 'openh264'
- 'opus'
- 're2'
- 'snappy'
- 'yasm'
- 'zlib'
- )
-prepare() {
- mkdir -p "${srcdir}"/python2-path
- ln -sf /usr/bin/python2 "${srcdir}/python2-path/python"
- export PATH="${srcdir}/python2-path:${PATH}:${srcdir}/depot_tools"
- echo "Fetching chromium..."
- git clone --branch=${_chromiumver} --depth=1 \
- https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git
- echo "solutions = [
- {
- \"name\": \"src/electron\",
- \"url\": \"file://${srcdir}/electron@${_commit}\",
- \"deps_file\": \"DEPS\",
- \"managed\": False,
- \"custom_deps\": {
- \"src\": None,
- },
- \"custom_vars\": {},
- },
-]" > .gclient
- python2 "${srcdir}/depot_tools/gclient.py" sync \
- --with_branch_heads \
- --with_tags \
- --nohooks
- sed -e "s/'am'/'apply'/" -i src/electron/script/lib/git.py
- echo "Running hooks..."
- # python2 "${srcdir}/depot_tools/gclient.py" runhooks
- python2 src/build/landmines.py
- python2 src/build/util/lastchange.py -o src/build/util/LASTCHANGE
- python2 src/build/util/lastchange.py -m GPU_LISTS_VERSION \
- --revision-id-only --header src/gpu/config/gpu_lists_version.h
- python2 src/build/util/lastchange.py -m SKIA_COMMIT_HASH \
- -s src/third_party/skia --header src/skia/ext/skia_commit_hash.h
- # Create sysmlink to system Node.js
- mkdir -p src/third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin
- ln -sf /usr/bin/node src/third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin
- python2 src/third_party/depot_tools/download_from_google_storage.py \
- --no_resume --extract --no_auth --bucket chromium-nodejs \
- -s src/third_party/node/node_modules.tar.gz.sha1
- vpython src/chrome/android/profiles/update_afdo_profile.py
- python2 src/electron/script/apply_all_patches.py \
- src/electron/patches/common/config.json
- cd src/electron
- npm install
- cd ..
- echo "Patching Chromium for using system libraries..."
- tools/generate_shim_headers/generate_shim_headers.py
- for lib in "${_system_libs[@]}" libjpeg_turbo; do
- third_party_dir="third_party/${lib}"
- if [ ! -d ${third_party_dir} ]; then
- third_party_dir="base/${third_party_dir}"
- fi
- find ${third_party_dir} -type f \
- \! -path "${third_party_dir}/chromium/*" \
- \! -path "${third_party_dir}/google/*" \
- \! -path 'third_party/yasm/run_yasm.py' \
- \! -regex '.*\.\(gn\|gni\|isolate\)' \
- -delete
- done
- python2 build/linux/unbundle/replace_gn_files.py \
- --system-libraries \
- "${_system_libs[@]}"
- echo "Applying local patches..."
- patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch
- patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch
- patch -d media -Np1 -i ../../chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch
- patch -Np0 -i ../chromium-skia-harmony.patch
- patch -Np1 -i ../icu65.patch
- patch -Np1 -d v8 <../simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch
- patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-gcc10.patch
- patch -Np1 -d third_party/angle <../angle-gcc10.patch
- patch -Np1 -d third_party/perfetto <../perfetto-gcc10.patch
- patch -Np1 -d third_party/webrtc <../webrtc-gcc10.patch
- patch -Np1 -d third_party/glslang/src <../glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch
- patch -Np1 -d third_party/angle/third_party/glslang/src <../glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch
- patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-system-icu.patch
- patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch
- patch -Np1 -i ../use-system-libraries-in-node.patch
- patch -Np1 -i ../default_app-icon.patch # Icon from .desktop file
-build() {
- export CC=clang
- export CXX=clang++
- export AR=ar
- export NM=nm
- cd src
- export CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH="${PWD}/buildtools"
- clang_use_chrome_plugins = false
- custom_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default"
- host_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default"
- icu_use_data_file = false
- is_component_ffmpeg = false
- link_pulseaudio = true
- linux_use_bundled_binutils = false
- remove_webcore_debug_symbols = true
- treat_warnings_as_errors = false
- use_custom_libcxx = false
- use_gnome_keyring = false
- use_sysroot = false
- '
- gn-m76 gen out/Release \
- --args="import(\"//electron/build/args/release.gn\") ${GN_EXTRA_ARGS}"
- ninja -C out/Release electron
- # Strip before zip to avoid
- # zipfile.LargeZipFile: Filesize would require ZIP64 extensions
- strip -s out/Release/electron
- ninja -C out/Release electron_dist_zip
- # ninja -C out/Release third_party/electron_node:headers
-package() {
- install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/${pkgname}
- bsdtar -xf src/out/Release/dist.zip -C "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/${pkgname}
- chmod u+s "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/${pkgname}/chrome-sandbox
- install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}
- for l in "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/${pkgname}/{LICENSE,LICENSES.chromium.html}; do
- ln -s \
- $(realpath --relative-to="${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname} ${l}) \
- "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}
- done
- install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin
- ln -s ../lib/${pkgname}/electron "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/${pkgname}
- # Install .desktop and icon file (see default_app-icon.patch)
- install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/applications ${pkgname}.desktop
- install -Dm644 src/electron/default_app/icon.png \
- "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/pixmaps/${pkgname}.png # hicolor has no 1024x1024
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
+# Maintainer: Nicola Squartini <tensor5 at gmail.com>
+pkgdesc='Build cross platform desktop apps with web technologies'
+license=('MIT' 'custom')
+depends=('c-ares' 'ffmpeg' 'gtk3' 'http-parser' 'libevent' 'libnghttp2'
+ 'libxslt' 'libxss' 'minizip' 'nss' 're2' 'snappy')
+makedepends=('clang' 'git' 'gn-m76' 'gperf' 'harfbuzz-icu' 'java-runtime-headless'
+ 'jsoncpp' 'libnotify' 'lld' 'llvm' 'ninja' 'npm' 'pciutils'
+ 'python2' 'wget' 'yasm')
+optdepends=('kde-cli-tools: file deletion support (kioclient5)'
+ 'trash-cli: file deletion support (trash-put)'
+ "xdg-utils: open URLs with desktop's default (xdg-email, xdg-open)")
+ 'git+https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git'
+ "${pkgname}.desktop"
+ 'default_app-icon.patch'
+ 'use-system-libraries-in-node.patch'
+ 'chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch'
+ 'chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch'
+ 'chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch'
+ 'chromium-ffmpeg-4.3.patch'
+ 'chromium-skia-harmony.patch'
+ 'icu65.patch'
+ 'simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch'
+ 'chromium-gcc10.patch'
+ 'angle-gcc10.patch'
+ 'perfetto-gcc10.patch'
+ 'webrtc-gcc10.patch'
+ 'glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch'
+ 'chromium-system-icu.patch'
+ 'chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch'
+ )
+ 'SKIP'
+ '8f2e4764848817c4a5b225db77025ca108416d56f95708114fa7add4ce503c79'
+ 'a9f4d2af71c4399dd01047bb1205c0ca9bb5ce6bf0eeaeb57acf4c69724b668b'
+ 'e38b50ef16e6fc7520b1892f3b17758db14733d207cc083cfcd899954444248f'
+ 'f2b12ccf83a8e0adda4a87ae5c983df5e092ccf1f9a6f2e05799ce4d451dbda1'
+ 'b3b6f5147d519c586cbdaf3b227dd1719676fa3a65edd6f08989087afd287afa'
+ 'f51fe91427d8638c5551746d2ec7de99e8059dd76889cfeaee8ca3d8fed62265'
+ '5390304b5f544868985ce00a3ec082d4ece2dacb1c73cdb35dd4facfea12449a'
+ '5887f78b55c4ecbbcba5930f3f0bb7bc0117c2a41c2f761805fcf7f46f1ca2b3'
+ '1de9bdbfed482295dda45c7d4e323cee55a34e42f66b892da1c1a778682b7a41'
+ '49cb3444eae2bf8aa83b4f8704023512dba4bf30f3caafc6dbd5ed874b7da72b'
+ '64ebab5900488c0e646301609c662a167d8212109b336bfa451a9e65f5b6e630'
+ '355e24e434604ee61995153f817d4a1aa29ae6c7264b21e1c7ea0d45f61d8a0f'
+ '1ab11901ffac0ec4f539121ee6d5035461747459c33e79849d5c99d0216b7950'
+ 'f7c8e2911d44b4b627ba8ff3f76e906d64208452ba5ec59599ea081e6b6442d6'
+ '06738b3f2d3579cd9b4d1ff876ba93d6b10a741b4deb4eab7fe3008cc577c893'
+ 'e2d284311f49c529ea45083438a768db390bde52949995534034d2a814beab89'
+ 'f73a3226b60833f7cc12f2bd8e3569284e6c26ea6cdd97eb5f45797ed29a323a')
+ 'flac'
+ 'fontconfig'
+ 'freetype'
+ 'harfbuzz-ng'
+ 'icu'
+ 'libdrm'
+ 'libevent'
+ 'libjpeg'
+# 'libpng'
+ 'libvpx'
+ 'libwebp'
+ 'libxml'
+ 'libxslt'
+# 'openh264'
+ 'opus'
+ 're2'
+ 'snappy'
+ 'yasm'
+ 'zlib'
+ )
+prepare() {
+ mkdir -p "${srcdir}"/python2-path
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/python2 "${srcdir}/python2-path/python"
+ export PATH="${srcdir}/python2-path:${PATH}:${srcdir}/depot_tools"
+ echo "Fetching chromium..."
+ git clone --branch=${_chromiumver} --depth=1 \
+ https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git
+ echo "solutions = [
+ {
+ \"name\": \"src/electron\",
+ \"url\": \"file://${srcdir}/electron@${_commit}\",
+ \"deps_file\": \"DEPS\",
+ \"managed\": False,
+ \"custom_deps\": {
+ \"src\": None,
+ },
+ \"custom_vars\": {},
+ },
+]" > .gclient
+ python2 "${srcdir}/depot_tools/gclient.py" sync \
+ --with_branch_heads \
+ --with_tags \
+ --nohooks
+ sed -e "s/'am'/'apply'/" -i src/electron/script/lib/git.py
+ echo "Running hooks..."
+ # python2 "${srcdir}/depot_tools/gclient.py" runhooks
+ python2 src/build/landmines.py
+ python2 src/build/util/lastchange.py -o src/build/util/LASTCHANGE
+ python2 src/build/util/lastchange.py -m GPU_LISTS_VERSION \
+ --revision-id-only --header src/gpu/config/gpu_lists_version.h
+ python2 src/build/util/lastchange.py -m SKIA_COMMIT_HASH \
+ -s src/third_party/skia --header src/skia/ext/skia_commit_hash.h
+ # Create sysmlink to system Node.js
+ mkdir -p src/third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/node src/third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin
+ python2 src/third_party/depot_tools/download_from_google_storage.py \
+ --no_resume --extract --no_auth --bucket chromium-nodejs \
+ -s src/third_party/node/node_modules.tar.gz.sha1
+ vpython src/chrome/android/profiles/update_afdo_profile.py
+ python2 src/electron/script/apply_all_patches.py \
+ src/electron/patches/common/config.json
+ cd src/electron
+ npm install
+ cd ..
+ echo "Patching Chromium for using system libraries..."
+ tools/generate_shim_headers/generate_shim_headers.py
+ for lib in "${_system_libs[@]}" libjpeg_turbo; do
+ third_party_dir="third_party/${lib}"
+ if [ ! -d ${third_party_dir} ]; then
+ third_party_dir="base/${third_party_dir}"
+ fi
+ find ${third_party_dir} -type f \
+ \! -path "${third_party_dir}/chromium/*" \
+ \! -path "${third_party_dir}/google/*" \
+ \! -path 'third_party/yasm/run_yasm.py' \
+ \! -regex '.*\.\(gn\|gni\|isolate\)' \
+ -delete
+ done
+ python2 build/linux/unbundle/replace_gn_files.py \
+ --system-libraries \
+ "${_system_libs[@]}"
+ echo "Applying local patches..."
+ patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch
+ patch -d media -Np1 -i ../../chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-ffmpeg-4.3.patch
+ patch -Np0 -i ../chromium-skia-harmony.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../icu65.patch
+ patch -Np1 -d v8 <../simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-gcc10.patch
+ patch -Np1 -d third_party/angle <../angle-gcc10.patch
+ patch -Np1 -d third_party/perfetto <../perfetto-gcc10.patch
+ patch -Np1 -d third_party/webrtc <../webrtc-gcc10.patch
+ patch -Np1 -d third_party/glslang/src <../glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch
+ patch -Np1 -d third_party/angle/third_party/glslang/src <../glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-system-icu.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../use-system-libraries-in-node.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../default_app-icon.patch # Icon from .desktop file
+build() {
+ export CC=clang
+ export CXX=clang++
+ export AR=ar
+ export NM=nm
+ cd src
+ export CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH="${PWD}/buildtools"
+ clang_use_chrome_plugins = false
+ custom_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default"
+ host_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default"
+ icu_use_data_file = false
+ is_component_ffmpeg = false
+ link_pulseaudio = true
+ linux_use_bundled_binutils = false
+ remove_webcore_debug_symbols = true
+ treat_warnings_as_errors = false
+ use_custom_libcxx = false
+ use_gnome_keyring = false
+ use_sysroot = false
+ '
+ gn-m76 gen out/Release \
+ --args="import(\"//electron/build/args/release.gn\") ${GN_EXTRA_ARGS}"
+ ninja -C out/Release electron
+ # Strip before zip to avoid
+ # zipfile.LargeZipFile: Filesize would require ZIP64 extensions
+ strip -s out/Release/electron
+ ninja -C out/Release electron_dist_zip
+ # ninja -C out/Release third_party/electron_node:headers
+package() {
+ install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/${pkgname}
+ bsdtar -xf src/out/Release/dist.zip -C "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/${pkgname}
+ chmod u+s "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/${pkgname}/chrome-sandbox
+ install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}
+ for l in "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/${pkgname}/{LICENSE,LICENSES.chromium.html}; do
+ ln -s \
+ $(realpath --relative-to="${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname} ${l}) \
+ "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}
+ done
+ install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin
+ ln -s ../lib/${pkgname}/electron "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/${pkgname}
+ # Install .desktop and icon file (see default_app-icon.patch)
+ install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/applications ${pkgname}.desktop
+ install -Dm644 src/electron/default_app/icon.png \
+ "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/pixmaps/${pkgname}.png # hicolor has no 1024x1024
Deleted: angle-gcc10.patch
--- angle-gcc10.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ angle-gcc10.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
-From 9a481b6ec835cfd0d4014c0b11f03c27a209f305 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Pierre-Marc Berube <pmberube at google.com>
-Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2020 19:21:34 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] Add missing #include to fix build with GCC 10.
-Bug: angleproject:4389
-Change-Id: I4a2f04a12a059924871f5d54f137c67670747ebd
-Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/angle/angle/+/2063042
-Reviewed-by: Jamie Madill <jmadill at chromium.org>
-Commit-Queue: Jamie Madill <jmadill at chromium.org>
- include/platform/Platform.h | 1 +
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
-diff --git a/include/platform/Platform.h b/include/platform/Platform.h
-index b603ff9ba..131674008 100644
---- a/include/platform/Platform.h
-+++ b/include/platform/Platform.h
-@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
- #include <stdint.h>
-+#include <stdlib.h>
- #include <array>
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/angle-gcc10.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/angle-gcc10.patch)
--- angle-gcc10.patch (rev 0)
+++ angle-gcc10.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+From 9a481b6ec835cfd0d4014c0b11f03c27a209f305 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Pierre-Marc Berube <pmberube at google.com>
+Date: Tue, 18 Feb 2020 19:21:34 -0500
+Subject: [PATCH] Add missing #include to fix build with GCC 10.
+Bug: angleproject:4389
+Change-Id: I4a2f04a12a059924871f5d54f137c67670747ebd
+Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/angle/angle/+/2063042
+Reviewed-by: Jamie Madill <jmadill at chromium.org>
+Commit-Queue: Jamie Madill <jmadill at chromium.org>
+ include/platform/Platform.h | 1 +
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
+diff --git a/include/platform/Platform.h b/include/platform/Platform.h
+index b603ff9ba..131674008 100644
+--- a/include/platform/Platform.h
++++ b/include/platform/Platform.h
+@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
+ #include <stdint.h>
++#include <stdlib.h>
+ #include <array>
Deleted: chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch
--- chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From 1fb4edaf534c278a0b7a3150efff8e712c1efe91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Peng Huang <penghuang at chromium.org>
-Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 22:01:52 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Avoid log flooding in GLSurfacePresentationHelper
-Bug: 879929
-Change-Id: Ifb452736573e65791ed5e3f143778f576854a167
-Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/1477918
-Commit-Queue: Peng Huang <penghuang at chromium.org>
-Reviewed-by: Antoine Labour <piman at chromium.org>
-Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#633415}
- ui/gl/gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc | 8 +++++++-
- 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/ui/gl/gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc b/ui/gl/gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc
-index 987725ca1c931..e7bcd1a5b79ff 100644
---- a/ui/gl/gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc
-+++ b/ui/gl/gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc
-@@ -237,7 +237,13 @@ void GLSurfacePresentationHelper::CheckPendingFrames() {
- &vsync_interval_)) {
- vsync_timebase_ = base::TimeTicks();
- vsync_interval_ = base::TimeDelta();
-- LOG(ERROR) << "GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed!";
-+ static unsigned int count = 0;
-+ ++count;
-+ // GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() could be called and failed frequently,
-+ // so we have to limit the LOG to avoid flooding the log.
-+ LOG_IF(ERROR, count < 20 || !(count & 0xff))
-+ << "GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for " << count
-+ << " times!";
- }
- }
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch)
--- chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch (rev 0)
+++ chromium-avoid-log-flooding-in-GLSurfacePresentationHelper.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From 1fb4edaf534c278a0b7a3150efff8e712c1efe91 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Peng Huang <penghuang at chromium.org>
+Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2019 22:01:52 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] Avoid log flooding in GLSurfacePresentationHelper
+Bug: 879929
+Change-Id: Ifb452736573e65791ed5e3f143778f576854a167
+Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/1477918
+Commit-Queue: Peng Huang <penghuang at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Antoine Labour <piman at chromium.org>
+Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#633415}
+ ui/gl/gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc | 8 +++++++-
+ 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/ui/gl/gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc b/ui/gl/gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc
+index 987725ca1c931..e7bcd1a5b79ff 100644
+--- a/ui/gl/gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc
++++ b/ui/gl/gl_surface_presentation_helper.cc
+@@ -237,7 +237,13 @@ void GLSurfacePresentationHelper::CheckPendingFrames() {
+ &vsync_interval_)) {
+ vsync_timebase_ = base::TimeTicks();
+ vsync_interval_ = base::TimeDelta();
+- LOG(ERROR) << "GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed!";
++ static unsigned int count = 0;
++ ++count;
++ // GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() could be called and failed frequently,
++ // so we have to limit the LOG to avoid flooding the log.
++ LOG_IF(ERROR, count < 20 || !(count & 0xff))
++ << "GetVSyncParametersIfAvailable() failed for " << count
++ << " times!";
+ }
+ }
Deleted: chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch
--- chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-From a5ba6f9bb7665040045dc0f8087407096630ad7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Raphael Kubo da Costa <raphael.kubo.da.costa at intel.com>
-Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2019 02:57:28 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] color_utils: Use std::sqrt() instead of std::sqrtf()
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-This fixes the build with libstdc++:
- ../../ui/gfx/color_utils.cc: In function ‘SkColor color_utils::SetDarkestColorForTesting(SkColor)’:
- ../../ui/gfx/color_utils.cc:434:12: error: ‘sqrtf’ is not a member of ‘std’
- std::sqrtf((dark_luminance + 0.05f) * (kWhiteLuminance + 0.05f)) - 0.05f;
- ^~~~~
- ../../ui/gfx/color_utils.cc:434:12: note: suggested alternative: ‘sqrt’
- std::sqrtf((dark_luminance + 0.05f) * (kWhiteLuminance + 0.05f)) - 0.05f;
- ^~~~~
- sqrt
-sqrtf() is not formally part of C++14 as far as I can see even though libc++
-has it in <cmath>. Additionally, we're only dealing with floats in all parts
-of the expression above, so using the float sqrt() overload should be
-harmless anyway.
-Bug: 819294
-Change-Id: If6c7bf31819df97a761e6963def6d6506154c34d
-Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/1458193
-Auto-Submit: Raphael Kubo da Costa <raphael.kubo.da.costa at intel.com>
-Reviewed-by: Peter Kasting <pkasting at chromium.org>
-Commit-Queue: Raphael Kubo da Costa <raphael.kubo.da.costa at intel.com>
-Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#630140}
- ui/gfx/color_utils.cc | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/ui/gfx/color_utils.cc b/ui/gfx/color_utils.cc
-index c868cd54bac3f..92ba1407d594f 100644
---- a/ui/gfx/color_utils.cc
-+++ b/ui/gfx/color_utils.cc
-@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ SkColor SetDarkestColorForTesting(SkColor color) {
- // GetContrastRatio(kWhiteLuminance, g_luminance_midpoint). The formula below
- // can be verified by plugging it into how GetContrastRatio() operates.
- g_luminance_midpoint =
-- std::sqrtf((dark_luminance + 0.05f) * (kWhiteLuminance + 0.05f)) - 0.05f;
-+ std::sqrt((dark_luminance + 0.05f) * (kWhiteLuminance + 0.05f)) - 0.05f;
- return previous_darkest_color;
- }
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch)
--- chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch (rev 0)
+++ chromium-color_utils-use-std-sqrt.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+From a5ba6f9bb7665040045dc0f8087407096630ad7b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Raphael Kubo da Costa <raphael.kubo.da.costa at intel.com>
+Date: Fri, 8 Feb 2019 02:57:28 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] color_utils: Use std::sqrt() instead of std::sqrtf()
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+This fixes the build with libstdc++:
+ ../../ui/gfx/color_utils.cc: In function ‘SkColor color_utils::SetDarkestColorForTesting(SkColor)’:
+ ../../ui/gfx/color_utils.cc:434:12: error: ‘sqrtf’ is not a member of ‘std’
+ std::sqrtf((dark_luminance + 0.05f) * (kWhiteLuminance + 0.05f)) - 0.05f;
+ ^~~~~
+ ../../ui/gfx/color_utils.cc:434:12: note: suggested alternative: ‘sqrt’
+ std::sqrtf((dark_luminance + 0.05f) * (kWhiteLuminance + 0.05f)) - 0.05f;
+ ^~~~~
+ sqrt
+sqrtf() is not formally part of C++14 as far as I can see even though libc++
+has it in <cmath>. Additionally, we're only dealing with floats in all parts
+of the expression above, so using the float sqrt() overload should be
+harmless anyway.
+Bug: 819294
+Change-Id: If6c7bf31819df97a761e6963def6d6506154c34d
+Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/1458193
+Auto-Submit: Raphael Kubo da Costa <raphael.kubo.da.costa at intel.com>
+Reviewed-by: Peter Kasting <pkasting at chromium.org>
+Commit-Queue: Raphael Kubo da Costa <raphael.kubo.da.costa at intel.com>
+Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#630140}
+ ui/gfx/color_utils.cc | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/ui/gfx/color_utils.cc b/ui/gfx/color_utils.cc
+index c868cd54bac3f..92ba1407d594f 100644
+--- a/ui/gfx/color_utils.cc
++++ b/ui/gfx/color_utils.cc
+@@ -431,7 +431,7 @@ SkColor SetDarkestColorForTesting(SkColor color) {
+ // GetContrastRatio(kWhiteLuminance, g_luminance_midpoint). The formula below
+ // can be verified by plugging it into how GetContrastRatio() operates.
+ g_luminance_midpoint =
+- std::sqrtf((dark_luminance + 0.05f) * (kWhiteLuminance + 0.05f)) - 0.05f;
++ std::sqrt((dark_luminance + 0.05f) * (kWhiteLuminance + 0.05f)) - 0.05f;
+ return previous_darkest_color;
+ }
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/chromium-ffmpeg-4.3.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-ffmpeg-4.3.patch)
--- chromium-ffmpeg-4.3.patch (rev 0)
+++ chromium-ffmpeg-4.3.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+diff --git a/media/base/media.cc b/media/base/media.cc
+index c282ee49a03..a298b40c79b 100644
+--- a/media/base/media.cc
++++ b/media/base/media.cc
+@@ -14,6 +14,7 @@
+ #include "third_party/libyuv/include/libyuv.h"
++#include <limits>
+ #include "third_party/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_features.h" // nogncheck
+ extern "C" {
+ #include <libavutil/cpu.h>
+@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ class MediaInitializer {
+ // Remove allocation limit from ffmpeg, so calls go down to shim layer.
+- av_max_alloc(0);
++ av_max_alloc(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
Deleted: chromium-gcc10.patch
--- chromium-gcc10.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ chromium-gcc10.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,34 +0,0 @@
-From 17902f2263622eb21bd8adddf078355dbe7654a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Chisoon Jeong <chisoon.jeong at lge.com>
-Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 18:02:12 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Add #include <stddef.h> for clarity and supporting gcc
- compilation
-Depending on compilation environments of gcc, supported_cdm_versions.h|cc
-is not compiled. To fix this issue add '#include <stddef.h>' in
-Change-Id: I0f56cb4f69e1fb3867a1c168a28431661341784b
-Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2117912
-Reviewed-by: Nico Weber <thakis at chromium.org>
-Reviewed-by: Scott Violet <sky at chromium.org>
-Reviewed-by: John Rummell <jrummell at chromium.org>
-Commit-Queue: Nico Weber <thakis at chromium.org>
-Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#755016}
- media/cdm/supported_cdm_versions.h | 2 ++
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/media/cdm/supported_cdm_versions.h b/media/cdm/supported_cdm_versions.h
-index dbe59ba5ea7..25bb6ed3f33 100644
---- a/media/cdm/supported_cdm_versions.h
-+++ b/media/cdm/supported_cdm_versions.h
-@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
-+#include <stddef.h>
- #include <array>
- #include "media/base/media_export.h"
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/chromium-gcc10.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-gcc10.patch)
--- chromium-gcc10.patch (rev 0)
+++ chromium-gcc10.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+From 17902f2263622eb21bd8adddf078355dbe7654a5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Chisoon Jeong <chisoon.jeong at lge.com>
+Date: Tue, 31 Mar 2020 18:02:12 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] Add #include <stddef.h> for clarity and supporting gcc
+ compilation
+Depending on compilation environments of gcc, supported_cdm_versions.h|cc
+is not compiled. To fix this issue add '#include <stddef.h>' in
+Change-Id: I0f56cb4f69e1fb3867a1c168a28431661341784b
+Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2117912
+Reviewed-by: Nico Weber <thakis at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Scott Violet <sky at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: John Rummell <jrummell at chromium.org>
+Commit-Queue: Nico Weber <thakis at chromium.org>
+Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#755016}
+ media/cdm/supported_cdm_versions.h | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/media/cdm/supported_cdm_versions.h b/media/cdm/supported_cdm_versions.h
+index dbe59ba5ea7..25bb6ed3f33 100644
+--- a/media/cdm/supported_cdm_versions.h
++++ b/media/cdm/supported_cdm_versions.h
+@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@
++#include <stddef.h>
+ #include <array>
+ #include "media/base/media_export.h"
Deleted: chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch
--- chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,48 +0,0 @@
-From d4824fb46a07f3dbecf6358020f0f0da2c586475 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Tom Anderson <thomasanderson at chromium.org>
-Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 05:35:55 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Fix build with libstdc++
-MIME-Version: 1.0
-Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
-Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
-When building with libstdc++ (use_custom_libcxx=false), we get (different) build
-erros when building with clang and gcc.
- base/optional.h:348:61: error: no member named 'value' in
- 'std::is_constructible<media::learning::Value, const
- base::Optional<media::learning::Value> &>'
- base/optional.h:347:57: error: incomplete type
- ‘std::is_constructible<media::learning::Value,
- base::Optional<media::learning::Value>&>’ used in nested name specifier
-Change-Id: I133ff4f30398202b5726c605fafee8aa916179d3
-Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/1475936
-Auto-Submit: Thomas Anderson <thomasanderson at chromium.org>
-Commit-Queue: Frank Liberato <liberato at chromium.org>
-Reviewed-by: Frank Liberato <liberato at chromium.org>
-Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#632921}
-Cr-Mirrored-From: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src
-Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 08b9fbc728043c89f21af46796bacd7324b7ce06
- learning/common/value.h | 2 +-
- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/learning/common/value.h b/learning/common/value.h
-index 62f4953f6..ef37eebd4 100644
---- a/learning/common/value.h
-+++ b/learning/common/value.h
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class COMPONENT_EXPORT(LEARNING_COMMON) Value {
- public:
- Value();
- template <typename T>
-- explicit Value(T x) : value_(x) {
-+ explicit Value(const T& x) : value_(x) {
- // We want to rule out mostly pointers, since they wouldn't make much sense.
- // Note that the implicit cast would likely fail anyway.
- static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value || std::is_enum<T>::value,
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch)
--- chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch (rev 0)
+++ chromium-media-fix-build-with-libstdc++.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+From d4824fb46a07f3dbecf6358020f0f0da2c586475 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Tom Anderson <thomasanderson at chromium.org>
+Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2019 05:35:55 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix build with libstdc++
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+When building with libstdc++ (use_custom_libcxx=false), we get (different) build
+erros when building with clang and gcc.
+ base/optional.h:348:61: error: no member named 'value' in
+ 'std::is_constructible<media::learning::Value, const
+ base::Optional<media::learning::Value> &>'
+ base/optional.h:347:57: error: incomplete type
+ ‘std::is_constructible<media::learning::Value,
+ base::Optional<media::learning::Value>&>’ used in nested name specifier
+Change-Id: I133ff4f30398202b5726c605fafee8aa916179d3
+Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/1475936
+Auto-Submit: Thomas Anderson <thomasanderson at chromium.org>
+Commit-Queue: Frank Liberato <liberato at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Frank Liberato <liberato at chromium.org>
+Cr-Original-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#632921}
+Cr-Mirrored-From: https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src
+Cr-Mirrored-Commit: 08b9fbc728043c89f21af46796bacd7324b7ce06
+ learning/common/value.h | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/learning/common/value.h b/learning/common/value.h
+index 62f4953f6..ef37eebd4 100644
+--- a/learning/common/value.h
++++ b/learning/common/value.h
+@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ class COMPONENT_EXPORT(LEARNING_COMMON) Value {
+ public:
+ Value();
+ template <typename T>
+- explicit Value(T x) : value_(x) {
++ explicit Value(const T& x) : value_(x) {
+ // We want to rule out mostly pointers, since they wouldn't make much sense.
+ // Note that the implicit cast would likely fail anyway.
+ static_assert(std::is_arithmetic<T>::value || std::is_enum<T>::value,
Deleted: chromium-skia-harmony.patch
--- chromium-skia-harmony.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ chromium-skia-harmony.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
---- third_party/skia/src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType.cpp.orig 2019-01-20 10:54:56.415239030 +0000
-+++ third_party/skia/src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType.cpp 2019-01-20 10:55:05.695307733 +0000
-@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ public:
- : fGetVarDesignCoordinates(nullptr)
- , fGetVarAxisFlags(nullptr)
- , fLibrary(nullptr)
-- , fIsLCDSupported(false)
-- , fLCDExtra(0)
-+ , fIsLCDSupported(true)
-+ , fLCDExtra(2)
- {
- if (FT_New_Library(&gFTMemory, &fLibrary)) {
- return;
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/chromium-skia-harmony.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-skia-harmony.patch)
--- chromium-skia-harmony.patch (rev 0)
+++ chromium-skia-harmony.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+--- third_party/skia/src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType.cpp.orig 2019-01-20 10:54:56.415239030 +0000
++++ third_party/skia/src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType.cpp 2019-01-20 10:55:05.695307733 +0000
+@@ -121,8 +121,8 @@ public:
+ : fGetVarDesignCoordinates(nullptr)
+ , fGetVarAxisFlags(nullptr)
+ , fLibrary(nullptr)
+- , fIsLCDSupported(false)
+- , fLCDExtra(0)
++ , fIsLCDSupported(true)
++ , fLCDExtra(2)
+ {
+ if (FT_New_Library(&gFTMemory, &fLibrary)) {
+ return;
Deleted: chromium-system-icu.patch
--- chromium-system-icu.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ chromium-system-icu.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data.h b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data.h
-index 28fb6a9..bb4dbd7 100644
---- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data.h
-+++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data.h
-@@ -244,10 +244,12 @@ static const UChar32 kIsHangulRanges[] = {
- 0xD7B0, 0xD7FF,
- // Halfwidth Hangul Jamo
- // https://www.unicode.org/charts/nameslist/c_FF00.html
-- 0xFFA0, 0xFFDC,
-+ 0xFFA0, 0xFFDB,
- };
--static const UChar32 kIsHangulArray[] = {};
-+static const UChar32 kIsHangulArray[] = {
-+ 0xFFDC,
- #if !defined(USING_SYSTEM_ICU)
- // Freezed trie tree, see character_property_data_generator.cc.
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/chromium-system-icu.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-system-icu.patch)
--- chromium-system-icu.patch (rev 0)
+++ chromium-system-icu.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data.h b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data.h
+index 28fb6a9..bb4dbd7 100644
+--- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data.h
++++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/character_property_data.h
+@@ -244,10 +244,12 @@ static const UChar32 kIsHangulRanges[] = {
+ 0xD7B0, 0xD7FF,
+ // Halfwidth Hangul Jamo
+ // https://www.unicode.org/charts/nameslist/c_FF00.html
+- 0xFFA0, 0xFFDC,
++ 0xFFA0, 0xFFDB,
+ };
+-static const UChar32 kIsHangulArray[] = {};
++static const UChar32 kIsHangulArray[] = {
++ 0xFFDC,
+ #if !defined(USING_SYSTEM_ICU)
+ // Freezed trie tree, see character_property_data_generator.cc.
Deleted: chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch
--- chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/third_party/webrtc/rtc_base/physical_socket_server.cc b/third_party/webrtc/rtc_base/physical_socket_server.cc
-index 4845a73..b004f4f 100644
---- a/third_party/webrtc/rtc_base/physical_socket_server.cc
-+++ b/third_party/webrtc/rtc_base/physical_socket_server.cc
-@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
- #undef SetPort
- #endif
-+#include <linux/sockios.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <algorithm>
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch)
--- chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch (rev 0)
+++ chromium-webrtc-fix-SIOCGSTAMP-include.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --git a/third_party/webrtc/rtc_base/physical_socket_server.cc b/third_party/webrtc/rtc_base/physical_socket_server.cc
+index 4845a73..b004f4f 100644
+--- a/third_party/webrtc/rtc_base/physical_socket_server.cc
++++ b/third_party/webrtc/rtc_base/physical_socket_server.cc
+@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@
+ #undef SetPort
+ #endif
++#include <linux/sockios.h>
+ #include <errno.h>
+ #include <algorithm>
Deleted: default_app-icon.patch
--- default_app-icon.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ default_app-icon.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
---- a/electron/default_app/default_app.js
-+++ b/electron/default_app/default_app.js
-@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
- }
- if (process.platform === 'linux') {
-- options.icon = path.join(__dirname, 'icon.png')
-+ options.icon = '/usr/share/pixmaps/electron.png'
- }
- mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(options)
---- a/electron/filenames.gni
-+++ b/electron/filenames.gni
-@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@
- default_app_sources = [
- "default_app/default_app.js",
-- "default_app/icon.png",
- "default_app/index.html",
- "default_app/main.js",
- "default_app/package.json",
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/default_app-icon.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/default_app-icon.patch)
--- default_app-icon.patch (rev 0)
+++ default_app-icon.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+--- a/electron/default_app/default_app.js
++++ b/electron/default_app/default_app.js
+@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
+ }
+ if (process.platform === 'linux') {
+- options.icon = path.join(__dirname, 'icon.png')
++ options.icon = '/usr/share/pixmaps/electron.png'
+ }
+ mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(options)
+--- a/electron/filenames.gni
++++ b/electron/filenames.gni
+@@ -92,7 +92,6 @@
+ default_app_sources = [
+ "default_app/default_app.js",
+- "default_app/icon.png",
+ "default_app/index.html",
+ "default_app/main.js",
+ "default_app/package.json",
Deleted: electron5.desktop
--- electron5.desktop 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ electron5.desktop 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-[Desktop Entry]
-Exec=electron5 %u
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/electron5.desktop (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/electron5.desktop)
--- electron5.desktop (rev 0)
+++ electron5.desktop 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Exec=electron5 %u
Deleted: glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch
--- glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-From 24b3e8384e93f3e73b6aa14ea00a30574112f9ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Reid Kleckner <rnk at google.com>
-Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2019 14:09:03 -0800
-Subject: [PATCH] Remove glslang::pool_allocator::setAllocator
-TPoolAllocator is not copy assignable, so this setter could never have
-been used. After a recent change (878a24ee2), new versions of Clang
-reject this code outright.
- glslang/Include/PoolAlloc.h | 1 -
- 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
-diff --git a/glslang/Include/PoolAlloc.h b/glslang/Include/PoolAlloc.h
-index 0e237a6a2..b8eccb883 100644
---- a/glslang/Include/PoolAlloc.h
-+++ b/glslang/Include/PoolAlloc.h
-@@ -304,7 +304,6 @@ class pool_allocator {
- size_type max_size() const { return static_cast<size_type>(-1) / sizeof(T); }
- size_type max_size(int size) const { return static_cast<size_type>(-1) / size; }
-- void setAllocator(TPoolAllocator* a) { allocator = *a; }
- TPoolAllocator& getAllocator() const { return allocator; }
- protected:
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch)
--- glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch (rev 0)
+++ glslang-remove-setAllocator.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+From 24b3e8384e93f3e73b6aa14ea00a30574112f9ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Reid Kleckner <rnk at google.com>
+Date: Wed, 4 Dec 2019 14:09:03 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH] Remove glslang::pool_allocator::setAllocator
+TPoolAllocator is not copy assignable, so this setter could never have
+been used. After a recent change (878a24ee2), new versions of Clang
+reject this code outright.
+ glslang/Include/PoolAlloc.h | 1 -
+ 1 file changed, 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/glslang/Include/PoolAlloc.h b/glslang/Include/PoolAlloc.h
+index 0e237a6a2..b8eccb883 100644
+--- a/glslang/Include/PoolAlloc.h
++++ b/glslang/Include/PoolAlloc.h
+@@ -304,7 +304,6 @@ class pool_allocator {
+ size_type max_size() const { return static_cast<size_type>(-1) / sizeof(T); }
+ size_type max_size(int size) const { return static_cast<size_type>(-1) / size; }
+- void setAllocator(TPoolAllocator* a) { allocator = *a; }
+ TPoolAllocator& getAllocator() const { return allocator; }
+ protected:
Deleted: icu65.patch
--- icu65.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ icu65.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-From 5679c3c191ed62b62d8db22f1657a296ee9bfe8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
-Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2019 22:49:47 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] Update ICU to 65.1 from 64 and fix broken tests
-ICU 65-1 release note
-CLDR 36 release blog
-Most of the test expectation change is due to CLDR 36 update
-of Grapheme Cluster for Indic languages
-See the following for related changes in ICU 65.1 in this area:
-Bug: chromium:1014272, chromium:1017047
-Change-Id: I9fc6d4620bf2a4c189940d06d8c79893502db3dd
-Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:linux_layout_tests_layout_ng_disabled
-Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/1866059
-Reviewed-by: Jungshik Shin <jshin at chromium.org>
-Reviewed-by: Doug Turner <dougt at chromium.org>
-Reviewed-by: Michael Wasserman <msw at chromium.org>
-Reviewed-by: Kent Tamura <tkent at chromium.org>
-Reviewed-by: Trent Apted <tapted at chromium.org>
-Reviewed-by: Mason Freed <masonfreed at chromium.org>
-Commit-Queue: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
-Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#711027}
- third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.cc | 2 +-
- ui/gfx/render_text_harfbuzz.cc | 5 ++++-
- 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.cc b/third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.cc
-index 511aac29086..f188cf548a6 100644
---- a/third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.cc
-+++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.cc
-@@ -6191,7 +6191,7 @@ static ParseQualifiedNameResult ParseQualifiedNameInternal(
- for (unsigned i = 0; i < length;) {
- UChar32 c;
-- U16_NEXT(characters, i, length, c)
-+ U16_NEXT(characters, i, length, c);
- if (c == ':') {
- if (saw_colon)
- return ParseQualifiedNameResult(kQNMultipleColons);
-diff --git a/ui/gfx/render_text_harfbuzz.cc b/ui/gfx/render_text_harfbuzz.cc
-index 50e86af6b97..0339ff3ff8e 100644
---- a/ui/gfx/render_text_harfbuzz.cc
-+++ b/ui/gfx/render_text_harfbuzz.cc
-@@ -971,7 +971,10 @@ RangeF TextRunHarfBuzz::GetGraphemeBounds(RenderTextHarfBuzz* render_text,
- ++total;
- }
- }
-- DCHECK_GT(total, 0);
-+ // With ICU 65.1, DCHECK_GT() below fails.
-+ // See https://crbug.com/1017047 for more details.
-+ //
-+ // DCHECK_GT(total, 0);
- // It's possible for |text_index| to point to a diacritical mark, at the end
- // of |chars|. In this case all the grapheme boundaries come before it. Just
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/icu65.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/icu65.patch)
--- icu65.patch (rev 0)
+++ icu65.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+From 5679c3c191ed62b62d8db22f1657a296ee9bfe8e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
+Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2019 22:49:47 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] Update ICU to 65.1 from 64 and fix broken tests
+ICU 65-1 release note
+CLDR 36 release blog
+Most of the test expectation change is due to CLDR 36 update
+of Grapheme Cluster for Indic languages
+See the following for related changes in ICU 65.1 in this area:
+Bug: chromium:1014272, chromium:1017047
+Change-Id: I9fc6d4620bf2a4c189940d06d8c79893502db3dd
+Cq-Include-Trybots: luci.chromium.try:linux_layout_tests_layout_ng_disabled
+Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/1866059
+Reviewed-by: Jungshik Shin <jshin at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Doug Turner <dougt at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Michael Wasserman <msw at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Kent Tamura <tkent at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Trent Apted <tapted at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Mason Freed <masonfreed at chromium.org>
+Commit-Queue: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
+Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#711027}
+ third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.cc | 2 +-
+ ui/gfx/render_text_harfbuzz.cc | 5 ++++-
+ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.cc b/third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.cc
+index 511aac29086..f188cf548a6 100644
+--- a/third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.cc
++++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/core/dom/document.cc
+@@ -6191,7 +6191,7 @@ static ParseQualifiedNameResult ParseQualifiedNameInternal(
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < length;) {
+ UChar32 c;
+- U16_NEXT(characters, i, length, c)
++ U16_NEXT(characters, i, length, c);
+ if (c == ':') {
+ if (saw_colon)
+ return ParseQualifiedNameResult(kQNMultipleColons);
+diff --git a/ui/gfx/render_text_harfbuzz.cc b/ui/gfx/render_text_harfbuzz.cc
+index 50e86af6b97..0339ff3ff8e 100644
+--- a/ui/gfx/render_text_harfbuzz.cc
++++ b/ui/gfx/render_text_harfbuzz.cc
+@@ -971,7 +971,10 @@ RangeF TextRunHarfBuzz::GetGraphemeBounds(RenderTextHarfBuzz* render_text,
+ ++total;
+ }
+ }
+- DCHECK_GT(total, 0);
++ // With ICU 65.1, DCHECK_GT() below fails.
++ // See https://crbug.com/1017047 for more details.
++ //
++ // DCHECK_GT(total, 0);
+ // It's possible for |text_index| to point to a diacritical mark, at the end
+ // of |chars|. In this case all the grapheme boundaries come before it. Just
Deleted: perfetto-gcc10.patch
--- perfetto-gcc10.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ perfetto-gcc10.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-From 0e7ca0bf9872932322563e70bcf84eb033ffde4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Chisoon Jeong <chisoon.jeong at lge.com>
-Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 19:46:20 +0900
-Subject: [PATCH] Add #include <stdint.h> in
- include/perfetto/base/task_runner.h
-Depending on compilation environment, task_runner.h|cc is
-not compiled due to missing stdint.h. This change includes stdint.h in
-task_runner.h to fix this issue.
-Change-Id: I6dcfbd4ad62cbd287b8e75e306930ad00731048a
- include/perfetto/base/task_runner.h | 2 ++
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/include/perfetto/base/task_runner.h b/include/perfetto/base/task_runner.h
-index cf6040123..040aab2b7 100644
---- a/include/perfetto/base/task_runner.h
-+++ b/include/perfetto/base/task_runner.h
-@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
-+#include <stdint.h>
- #include <functional>
- #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/perfetto-gcc10.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/perfetto-gcc10.patch)
--- perfetto-gcc10.patch (rev 0)
+++ perfetto-gcc10.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+From 0e7ca0bf9872932322563e70bcf84eb033ffde4f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Chisoon Jeong <chisoon.jeong at lge.com>
+Date: Tue, 24 Mar 2020 19:46:20 +0900
+Subject: [PATCH] Add #include <stdint.h> in
+ include/perfetto/base/task_runner.h
+Depending on compilation environment, task_runner.h|cc is
+not compiled due to missing stdint.h. This change includes stdint.h in
+task_runner.h to fix this issue.
+Change-Id: I6dcfbd4ad62cbd287b8e75e306930ad00731048a
+ include/perfetto/base/task_runner.h | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/include/perfetto/base/task_runner.h b/include/perfetto/base/task_runner.h
+index cf6040123..040aab2b7 100644
+--- a/include/perfetto/base/task_runner.h
++++ b/include/perfetto/base/task_runner.h
+@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
++#include <stdint.h>
+ #include <functional>
+ #include "perfetto/base/export.h"
Deleted: simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch
--- simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
-From 77ae23b73f4dff5c84bd147eadc45e8b05297875 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
-Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 17:25:17 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] [Intl] Simplified ListFormat implementation
-Use ICU64 new API formatStringsToValue
-Bug: v8:8836
-Change-Id: I7399a301b2536f331b1df1e1845adf2e533bafb9
-Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/v8/v8/+/1560659
-Commit-Queue: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
-Reviewed-by: Sathya Gunasekaran <gsathya at chromium.org>
-Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#60856}
- src/objects/js-list-format.cc | 185 ++++++++++++++--------------------
- src/objects/js-list-format.h | 1 -
- 2 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/objects/js-list-format.cc b/src/objects/js-list-format.cc
-index e6f9c76a61..ab780605cd 100644
---- a/src/objects/js-list-format.cc
-+++ b/src/objects/js-list-format.cc
-@@ -273,78 +273,6 @@ Handle<String> JSListFormat::TypeAsString() const {
- namespace {
--MaybeHandle<JSArray> GenerateListFormatParts(
-- Isolate* isolate, const icu::UnicodeString& formatted,
-- const std::vector<icu::FieldPosition>& positions) {
-- Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
-- Handle<JSArray> array =
-- factory->NewJSArray(static_cast<int>(positions.size()));
-- int index = 0;
-- int prev_item_end_index = 0;
-- Handle<String> substring;
-- for (const icu::FieldPosition pos : positions) {
-- CHECK(pos.getBeginIndex() >= prev_item_end_index);
-- if (pos.getBeginIndex() != prev_item_end_index) {
-- isolate, substring,
-- Intl::ToString(isolate, formatted, prev_item_end_index,
-- pos.getBeginIndex()),
-- JSArray);
-- Intl::AddElement(isolate, array, index++, factory->literal_string(),
-- substring);
-- }
-- isolate, substring,
-- Intl::ToString(isolate, formatted, pos.getBeginIndex(),
-- pos.getEndIndex()),
-- JSArray);
-- Intl::AddElement(isolate, array, index++, factory->element_string(),
-- substring);
-- prev_item_end_index = pos.getEndIndex();
-- }
-- if (prev_item_end_index != formatted.length()) {
-- isolate, substring,
-- Intl::ToString(isolate, formatted, prev_item_end_index,
-- formatted.length()),
-- JSArray);
-- Intl::AddElement(isolate, array, index++, factory->literal_string(),
-- substring);
-- }
-- return array;
--// Get all the FieldPosition into a vector from FieldPositionIterator and return
--// them in output order.
--std::vector<icu::FieldPosition> GenerateFieldPosition(
-- icu::FieldPositionIterator iter) {
-- std::vector<icu::FieldPosition> positions;
-- icu::FieldPosition pos;
-- while (iter.next(pos)) {
-- // Only take the information of the ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD field.
-- if (pos.getField() == ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD) {
-- positions.push_back(pos);
-- }
-- }
-- // Because the format may reoder the items, ICU FieldPositionIterator
-- // keep the order for FieldPosition based on the order of the input items.
-- // But the formatToParts API in ECMA402 expects in formatted output order.
-- // Therefore we have to sort based on beginIndex of the FieldPosition.
-- // Example of such is in the "ur" (Urdu) locale with type: "unit", where the
-- // main text flows from right to left, the formatted list of unit should flow
-- // from left to right and therefore in the memory the formatted result will
-- // put the first item on the last in the result string according the current
-- // CLDR patterns.
-- // See 'listPattern' pattern in
-- // third_party/icu/source/data/locales/ur_IN.txt
-- std::sort(positions.begin(), positions.end(),
-- [](icu::FieldPosition a, icu::FieldPosition b) {
-- return a.getBeginIndex() < b.getBeginIndex();
-- });
-- return positions;
- // Extract String from JSArray into array of UnicodeString
- Maybe<std::vector<icu::UnicodeString>> ToUnicodeStringArray(
- Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArray> array) {
-@@ -384,31 +312,95 @@ Maybe<std::vector<icu::UnicodeString>> ToUnicodeStringArray(
- return Just(result);
- }
--} // namespace
--// ecma402 #sec-formatlist
--MaybeHandle<String> JSListFormat::FormatList(Isolate* isolate,
-- Handle<JSListFormat> format,
-- Handle<JSArray> list) {
-+template <typename T>
-+MaybeHandle<T> FormatListCommon(
-+ Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSListFormat> format, Handle<JSArray> list,
-+ MaybeHandle<T> (*formatToResult)(Isolate*, const icu::FormattedList&)) {
- DCHECK(!list->IsUndefined());
- // ecma402 #sec-createpartsfromlist
- // 2. If list contains any element value such that Type(value) is not String,
- // throw a TypeError exception.
- Maybe<std::vector<icu::UnicodeString>> maybe_array =
- ToUnicodeStringArray(isolate, list);
-- MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_array, Handle<String>());
-+ MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_array, Handle<T>());
- std::vector<icu::UnicodeString> array = maybe_array.FromJust();
- icu::ListFormatter* formatter = format->icu_formatter()->raw();
- CHECK_NOT_NULL(formatter);
- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-- icu::UnicodeString formatted;
-- formatter->format(array.data(), static_cast<int32_t>(array.size()), formatted,
-- status);
-- DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status));
-+ icu::FormattedList formatted = formatter->formatStringsToValue(
-+ array.data(), static_cast<int32_t>(array.size()), status);
-+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
-+ THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kIcuError), T);
-+ }
-+ return formatToResult(isolate, formatted);
-+// A helper function to convert the FormattedList to a
-+// MaybeHandle<String> for the implementation of format.
-+MaybeHandle<String> FormattedToString(Isolate* isolate,
-+ const icu::FormattedList& formatted) {
-+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-+ icu::UnicodeString result = formatted.toString(status);
-+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
-+ THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kIcuError), String);
-+ }
-+ return Intl::ToString(isolate, result);
-+Handle<String> IcuFieldIdToType(Isolate* isolate, int32_t field_id) {
-+ switch (field_id) {
-+ return isolate->factory()->literal_string();
-+ return isolate->factory()->element_string();
-+ default:
-+ // To prevent MSVC from issuing C4715 warning.
-+ return Handle<String>();
-+ }
-+// A helper function to convert the FormattedList to a
-+// MaybeHandle<JSArray> for the implementation of formatToParts.
-+MaybeHandle<JSArray> FormattedToJSArray(Isolate* isolate,
-+ const icu::FormattedList& formatted) {
-+ Handle<JSArray> array = isolate->factory()->NewJSArray(0);
-+ icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition cfpos;
-+ cfpos.constrainCategory(UFIELD_CATEGORY_LIST);
-+ int index = 0;
-+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-+ icu::UnicodeString string = formatted.toString(status);
-+ Handle<String> substring;
-+ while (formatted.nextPosition(cfpos, status) && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
-+ isolate, substring,
-+ Intl::ToString(isolate, string, cfpos.getStart(), cfpos.getLimit()),
-+ JSArray);
-+ Intl::AddElement(isolate, array, index++,
-+ IcuFieldIdToType(isolate, cfpos.getField()), substring);
-+ }
-+ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
-+ THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kIcuError), JSArray);
-+ }
-+ JSObject::ValidateElements(*array);
-+ return array;
-+} // namespace
-+// ecma402 #sec-formatlist
-+MaybeHandle<String> JSListFormat::FormatList(Isolate* isolate,
-+ Handle<JSListFormat> format,
-+ Handle<JSArray> list) {
-+ return FormatListCommon<String>(isolate, format, list, FormattedToString);
-- return Intl::ToString(isolate, formatted);
-+// ecma42 #sec-formatlisttoparts
-+MaybeHandle<JSArray> JSListFormat::FormatListToParts(
-+ Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSListFormat> format, Handle<JSArray> list) {
-+ return FormatListCommon<JSArray>(isolate, format, list, FormattedToJSArray);
- }
- std::set<std::string> JSListFormat::GetAvailableLocales() {
-@@ -422,30 +414,5 @@ std::set<std::string> JSListFormat::GetAvailableLocales() {
- return Intl::BuildLocaleSet(icu_available_locales, num_locales);
- }
--// ecma42 #sec-formatlisttoparts
--MaybeHandle<JSArray> JSListFormat::FormatListToParts(
-- Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSListFormat> format, Handle<JSArray> list) {
-- DCHECK(!list->IsUndefined());
-- // ecma402 #sec-createpartsfromlist
-- // 2. If list contains any element value such that Type(value) is not String,
-- // throw a TypeError exception.
-- Maybe<std::vector<icu::UnicodeString>> maybe_array =
-- ToUnicodeStringArray(isolate, list);
-- MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_array, Handle<JSArray>());
-- std::vector<icu::UnicodeString> array = maybe_array.FromJust();
-- icu::ListFormatter* formatter = format->icu_formatter()->raw();
-- CHECK_NOT_NULL(formatter);
-- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-- icu::UnicodeString formatted;
-- icu::FieldPositionIterator iter;
-- formatter->format(array.data(), static_cast<int32_t>(array.size()), formatted,
-- &iter, status);
-- DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status));
-- std::vector<icu::FieldPosition> field_positions = GenerateFieldPosition(iter);
-- return GenerateListFormatParts(isolate, formatted, field_positions);
- } // namespace internal
- } // namespace v8
-diff --git a/src/objects/js-list-format.h b/src/objects/js-list-format.h
-index 1ae6fcdb84..6054e488cd 100644
---- a/src/objects/js-list-format.h
-+++ b/src/objects/js-list-format.h
-@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ class JSListFormat : public JSObject {
- // Layout description.
-- V(kJSListFormatOffset, kTaggedSize) \
- V(kLocaleOffset, kTaggedSize) \
- V(kICUFormatterOffset, kTaggedSize) \
- V(kFlagsOffset, kTaggedSize) \
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch)
--- simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch (rev 0)
+++ simplified-ListFormat-implementation.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+From 77ae23b73f4dff5c84bd147eadc45e8b05297875 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
+Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2019 17:25:17 -0700
+Subject: [PATCH] [Intl] Simplified ListFormat implementation
+Use ICU64 new API formatStringsToValue
+Bug: v8:8836
+Change-Id: I7399a301b2536f331b1df1e1845adf2e533bafb9
+Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/v8/v8/+/1560659
+Commit-Queue: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Sathya Gunasekaran <gsathya at chromium.org>
+Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#60856}
+ src/objects/js-list-format.cc | 185 ++++++++++++++--------------------
+ src/objects/js-list-format.h | 1 -
+ 2 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 110 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/src/objects/js-list-format.cc b/src/objects/js-list-format.cc
+index e6f9c76a61..ab780605cd 100644
+--- a/src/objects/js-list-format.cc
++++ b/src/objects/js-list-format.cc
+@@ -273,78 +273,6 @@ Handle<String> JSListFormat::TypeAsString() const {
+ namespace {
+-MaybeHandle<JSArray> GenerateListFormatParts(
+- Isolate* isolate, const icu::UnicodeString& formatted,
+- const std::vector<icu::FieldPosition>& positions) {
+- Factory* factory = isolate->factory();
+- Handle<JSArray> array =
+- factory->NewJSArray(static_cast<int>(positions.size()));
+- int index = 0;
+- int prev_item_end_index = 0;
+- Handle<String> substring;
+- for (const icu::FieldPosition pos : positions) {
+- CHECK(pos.getBeginIndex() >= prev_item_end_index);
+- if (pos.getBeginIndex() != prev_item_end_index) {
+- isolate, substring,
+- Intl::ToString(isolate, formatted, prev_item_end_index,
+- pos.getBeginIndex()),
+- JSArray);
+- Intl::AddElement(isolate, array, index++, factory->literal_string(),
+- substring);
+- }
+- isolate, substring,
+- Intl::ToString(isolate, formatted, pos.getBeginIndex(),
+- pos.getEndIndex()),
+- JSArray);
+- Intl::AddElement(isolate, array, index++, factory->element_string(),
+- substring);
+- prev_item_end_index = pos.getEndIndex();
+- }
+- if (prev_item_end_index != formatted.length()) {
+- isolate, substring,
+- Intl::ToString(isolate, formatted, prev_item_end_index,
+- formatted.length()),
+- JSArray);
+- Intl::AddElement(isolate, array, index++, factory->literal_string(),
+- substring);
+- }
+- return array;
+-// Get all the FieldPosition into a vector from FieldPositionIterator and return
+-// them in output order.
+-std::vector<icu::FieldPosition> GenerateFieldPosition(
+- icu::FieldPositionIterator iter) {
+- std::vector<icu::FieldPosition> positions;
+- icu::FieldPosition pos;
+- while (iter.next(pos)) {
+- // Only take the information of the ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD field.
+- if (pos.getField() == ULISTFMT_ELEMENT_FIELD) {
+- positions.push_back(pos);
+- }
+- }
+- // Because the format may reoder the items, ICU FieldPositionIterator
+- // keep the order for FieldPosition based on the order of the input items.
+- // But the formatToParts API in ECMA402 expects in formatted output order.
+- // Therefore we have to sort based on beginIndex of the FieldPosition.
+- // Example of such is in the "ur" (Urdu) locale with type: "unit", where the
+- // main text flows from right to left, the formatted list of unit should flow
+- // from left to right and therefore in the memory the formatted result will
+- // put the first item on the last in the result string according the current
+- // CLDR patterns.
+- // See 'listPattern' pattern in
+- // third_party/icu/source/data/locales/ur_IN.txt
+- std::sort(positions.begin(), positions.end(),
+- [](icu::FieldPosition a, icu::FieldPosition b) {
+- return a.getBeginIndex() < b.getBeginIndex();
+- });
+- return positions;
+ // Extract String from JSArray into array of UnicodeString
+ Maybe<std::vector<icu::UnicodeString>> ToUnicodeStringArray(
+ Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSArray> array) {
+@@ -384,31 +312,95 @@ Maybe<std::vector<icu::UnicodeString>> ToUnicodeStringArray(
+ return Just(result);
+ }
+-} // namespace
+-// ecma402 #sec-formatlist
+-MaybeHandle<String> JSListFormat::FormatList(Isolate* isolate,
+- Handle<JSListFormat> format,
+- Handle<JSArray> list) {
++template <typename T>
++MaybeHandle<T> FormatListCommon(
++ Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSListFormat> format, Handle<JSArray> list,
++ MaybeHandle<T> (*formatToResult)(Isolate*, const icu::FormattedList&)) {
+ DCHECK(!list->IsUndefined());
+ // ecma402 #sec-createpartsfromlist
+ // 2. If list contains any element value such that Type(value) is not String,
+ // throw a TypeError exception.
+ Maybe<std::vector<icu::UnicodeString>> maybe_array =
+ ToUnicodeStringArray(isolate, list);
+- MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_array, Handle<String>());
++ MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_array, Handle<T>());
+ std::vector<icu::UnicodeString> array = maybe_array.FromJust();
+ icu::ListFormatter* formatter = format->icu_formatter()->raw();
+ CHECK_NOT_NULL(formatter);
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+- icu::UnicodeString formatted;
+- formatter->format(array.data(), static_cast<int32_t>(array.size()), formatted,
+- status);
+- DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status));
++ icu::FormattedList formatted = formatter->formatStringsToValue(
++ array.data(), static_cast<int32_t>(array.size()), status);
++ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
++ THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kIcuError), T);
++ }
++ return formatToResult(isolate, formatted);
++// A helper function to convert the FormattedList to a
++// MaybeHandle<String> for the implementation of format.
++MaybeHandle<String> FormattedToString(Isolate* isolate,
++ const icu::FormattedList& formatted) {
++ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
++ icu::UnicodeString result = formatted.toString(status);
++ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
++ THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kIcuError), String);
++ }
++ return Intl::ToString(isolate, result);
++Handle<String> IcuFieldIdToType(Isolate* isolate, int32_t field_id) {
++ switch (field_id) {
++ return isolate->factory()->literal_string();
++ return isolate->factory()->element_string();
++ default:
++ // To prevent MSVC from issuing C4715 warning.
++ return Handle<String>();
++ }
++// A helper function to convert the FormattedList to a
++// MaybeHandle<JSArray> for the implementation of formatToParts.
++MaybeHandle<JSArray> FormattedToJSArray(Isolate* isolate,
++ const icu::FormattedList& formatted) {
++ Handle<JSArray> array = isolate->factory()->NewJSArray(0);
++ icu::ConstrainedFieldPosition cfpos;
++ cfpos.constrainCategory(UFIELD_CATEGORY_LIST);
++ int index = 0;
++ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
++ icu::UnicodeString string = formatted.toString(status);
++ Handle<String> substring;
++ while (formatted.nextPosition(cfpos, status) && U_SUCCESS(status)) {
++ isolate, substring,
++ Intl::ToString(isolate, string, cfpos.getStart(), cfpos.getLimit()),
++ JSArray);
++ Intl::AddElement(isolate, array, index++,
++ IcuFieldIdToType(isolate, cfpos.getField()), substring);
++ }
++ if (U_FAILURE(status)) {
++ THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewTypeError(MessageTemplate::kIcuError), JSArray);
++ }
++ JSObject::ValidateElements(*array);
++ return array;
++} // namespace
++// ecma402 #sec-formatlist
++MaybeHandle<String> JSListFormat::FormatList(Isolate* isolate,
++ Handle<JSListFormat> format,
++ Handle<JSArray> list) {
++ return FormatListCommon<String>(isolate, format, list, FormattedToString);
+- return Intl::ToString(isolate, formatted);
++// ecma42 #sec-formatlisttoparts
++MaybeHandle<JSArray> JSListFormat::FormatListToParts(
++ Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSListFormat> format, Handle<JSArray> list) {
++ return FormatListCommon<JSArray>(isolate, format, list, FormattedToJSArray);
+ }
+ std::set<std::string> JSListFormat::GetAvailableLocales() {
+@@ -422,30 +414,5 @@ std::set<std::string> JSListFormat::GetAvailableLocales() {
+ return Intl::BuildLocaleSet(icu_available_locales, num_locales);
+ }
+-// ecma42 #sec-formatlisttoparts
+-MaybeHandle<JSArray> JSListFormat::FormatListToParts(
+- Isolate* isolate, Handle<JSListFormat> format, Handle<JSArray> list) {
+- DCHECK(!list->IsUndefined());
+- // ecma402 #sec-createpartsfromlist
+- // 2. If list contains any element value such that Type(value) is not String,
+- // throw a TypeError exception.
+- Maybe<std::vector<icu::UnicodeString>> maybe_array =
+- ToUnicodeStringArray(isolate, list);
+- MAYBE_RETURN(maybe_array, Handle<JSArray>());
+- std::vector<icu::UnicodeString> array = maybe_array.FromJust();
+- icu::ListFormatter* formatter = format->icu_formatter()->raw();
+- CHECK_NOT_NULL(formatter);
+- UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+- icu::UnicodeString formatted;
+- icu::FieldPositionIterator iter;
+- formatter->format(array.data(), static_cast<int32_t>(array.size()), formatted,
+- &iter, status);
+- DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status));
+- std::vector<icu::FieldPosition> field_positions = GenerateFieldPosition(iter);
+- return GenerateListFormatParts(isolate, formatted, field_positions);
+ } // namespace internal
+ } // namespace v8
+diff --git a/src/objects/js-list-format.h b/src/objects/js-list-format.h
+index 1ae6fcdb84..6054e488cd 100644
+--- a/src/objects/js-list-format.h
++++ b/src/objects/js-list-format.h
+@@ -106,7 +106,6 @@ class JSListFormat : public JSObject {
+ // Layout description.
+- V(kJSListFormatOffset, kTaggedSize) \
+ V(kLocaleOffset, kTaggedSize) \
+ V(kICUFormatterOffset, kTaggedSize) \
+ V(kFlagsOffset, kTaggedSize) \
Deleted: use-system-libraries-in-node.patch
--- use-system-libraries-in-node.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ use-system-libraries-in-node.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
---- a/third_party/electron_node/BUILD.gn
-+++ b/third_party/electron_node/BUILD.gn
-@@ -42,6 +42,18 @@
- node_module_version = ""
- }
-+if (is_linux) {
-+ import("//build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni")
-+ pkg_config("cares") {
-+ packages = [ "libcares" ]
-+ }
-+ pkg_config("nghttp2") {
-+ packages = [ "libnghttp2" ]
-+ }
- assert(!node_use_dtrace, "node_use_dtrace not supported in GN")
- assert(!node_use_etw, "node_use_etw not supported in GN")
-@@ -206,12 +218,8 @@
- component("node_lib") {
- deps = [
- ":node_js2c",
-- "deps/cares",
- "deps/histogram",
-- "deps/http_parser",
- "deps/llhttp",
-- "deps/nghttp2",
-- "deps/zlib",
- "//third_party/brotli:dec",
- "//third_party/brotli:enc",
- "//v8:v8_libplatform",
-@@ -225,6 +233,21 @@
- public_configs = [ ":node_lib_config" ]
- include_dirs = [ "src" ]
- libs = []
-+ if (is_linux) {
-+ configs += [
-+ ":cares",
-+ ":nghttp2",
-+ ]
-+ deps += [ "//third_party/zlib" ]
-+ libs += [ "http_parser" ]
-+ } else {
-+ deps += [
-+ "deps/cares",
-+ "deps/http_parser",
-+ "deps/nghttp2",
-+ "deps/zlib",
-+ ]
-+ }
- cflags_cc = [
- "-Wno-deprecated-declarations",
- "-Wno-implicit-fallthrough",
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/use-system-libraries-in-node.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/use-system-libraries-in-node.patch)
--- use-system-libraries-in-node.patch (rev 0)
+++ use-system-libraries-in-node.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+--- a/third_party/electron_node/BUILD.gn
++++ b/third_party/electron_node/BUILD.gn
+@@ -42,6 +42,18 @@
+ node_module_version = ""
+ }
++if (is_linux) {
++ import("//build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni")
++ pkg_config("cares") {
++ packages = [ "libcares" ]
++ }
++ pkg_config("nghttp2") {
++ packages = [ "libnghttp2" ]
++ }
+ assert(!node_use_dtrace, "node_use_dtrace not supported in GN")
+ assert(!node_use_etw, "node_use_etw not supported in GN")
+@@ -206,12 +218,8 @@
+ component("node_lib") {
+ deps = [
+ ":node_js2c",
+- "deps/cares",
+ "deps/histogram",
+- "deps/http_parser",
+ "deps/llhttp",
+- "deps/nghttp2",
+- "deps/zlib",
+ "//third_party/brotli:dec",
+ "//third_party/brotli:enc",
+ "//v8:v8_libplatform",
+@@ -225,6 +233,21 @@
+ public_configs = [ ":node_lib_config" ]
+ include_dirs = [ "src" ]
+ libs = []
++ if (is_linux) {
++ configs += [
++ ":cares",
++ ":nghttp2",
++ ]
++ deps += [ "//third_party/zlib" ]
++ libs += [ "http_parser" ]
++ } else {
++ deps += [
++ "deps/cares",
++ "deps/http_parser",
++ "deps/nghttp2",
++ "deps/zlib",
++ ]
++ }
+ cflags_cc = [
+ "-Wno-deprecated-declarations",
+ "-Wno-implicit-fallthrough",
Deleted: webrtc-gcc10.patch
--- webrtc-gcc10.patch 2020-07-14 21:56:48 UTC (rev 663805)
+++ webrtc-gcc10.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-From 03fade52dae736275c4f4e7fe1cbd6fe82d7aa4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Stephan Hartmann <stha09 at googlemail.com>
-Date: Sat, 2 May 2020 12:17:05 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] IWYU: uint32_t is defined in cstdint
-This is required for gcc-10.
-Bug: None
-Change-Id: I0d04f720d09b42e1d54e058b897ddc047ef64bf6
-Reviewed-on: https://webrtc-review.googlesource.com/c/src/+/174204
-Reviewed-by: Magnus Flodman <mflodman at webrtc.org>
-Commit-Queue: Mirko Bonadei <mbonadei at webrtc.org>
-Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#31184}
- AUTHORS | 1 +
- call/rtx_receive_stream.h | 1 +
- 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/call/rtx_receive_stream.h b/call/rtx_receive_stream.h
-index 8ffa4400a9..a389fc2a57 100644
---- a/call/rtx_receive_stream.h
-+++ b/call/rtx_receive_stream.h
-@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
-+#include <cstdint>
- #include <map>
- #include "call/rtp_packet_sink_interface.h"
-From 3ca2836f701fc2fbc2ddaa0000d6ad655b5e3caa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Stephan Hartmann <stha09 at googlemail.com>
-Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 09:01:38 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH] IWYU: size_t is defined in stddef.h
-This required for gcc-10.
-Bug: None
-Change-Id: Iba3ff0881005cb2ae4574e47284a1b881594de86
-Reviewed-on: https://webrtc-review.googlesource.com/c/src/+/176361
-Reviewed-by: Ivo Creusen <ivoc at webrtc.org>
-Commit-Queue: Ivo Creusen <ivoc at webrtc.org>
-Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#31417}
- modules/audio_processing/aec3/clockdrift_detector.h | 2 ++
- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/modules/audio_processing/aec3/clockdrift_detector.h b/modules/audio_processing/aec3/clockdrift_detector.h
-index 22528c9489..2ba90bb889 100644
---- a/modules/audio_processing/aec3/clockdrift_detector.h
-+++ b/modules/audio_processing/aec3/clockdrift_detector.h
-@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
-+#include <stddef.h>
- #include <array>
- namespace webrtc {
-diff --meow-im-a-cat a/modules/video_coding/decoding_state.h b/modules/video_coding/decoding_state.h
---- a/modules/video_coding/decoding_state.h 2020-07-07 15:58:30.000000000 +0000
-+++ b/modules/video_coding/decoding_state.h 2020-07-07 16:24:41.667578586 +0000
-@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
-+#include <cstdint>
- #include <map>
- #include <set>
- #include <vector>
Copied: electron5/repos/community-x86_64/webrtc-gcc10.patch (from rev 663805, electron5/trunk/webrtc-gcc10.patch)
--- webrtc-gcc10.patch (rev 0)
+++ webrtc-gcc10.patch 2020-07-14 21:57:04 UTC (rev 663806)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+From 03fade52dae736275c4f4e7fe1cbd6fe82d7aa4c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Stephan Hartmann <stha09 at googlemail.com>
+Date: Sat, 2 May 2020 12:17:05 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] IWYU: uint32_t is defined in cstdint
+This is required for gcc-10.
+Bug: None
+Change-Id: I0d04f720d09b42e1d54e058b897ddc047ef64bf6
+Reviewed-on: https://webrtc-review.googlesource.com/c/src/+/174204
+Reviewed-by: Magnus Flodman <mflodman at webrtc.org>
+Commit-Queue: Mirko Bonadei <mbonadei at webrtc.org>
+Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#31184}
+ AUTHORS | 1 +
+ call/rtx_receive_stream.h | 1 +
+ 2 files changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/call/rtx_receive_stream.h b/call/rtx_receive_stream.h
+index 8ffa4400a9..a389fc2a57 100644
+--- a/call/rtx_receive_stream.h
++++ b/call/rtx_receive_stream.h
+@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
++#include <cstdint>
+ #include <map>
+ #include "call/rtp_packet_sink_interface.h"
+From 3ca2836f701fc2fbc2ddaa0000d6ad655b5e3caa Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Stephan Hartmann <stha09 at googlemail.com>
+Date: Sun, 31 May 2020 09:01:38 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] IWYU: size_t is defined in stddef.h
+This required for gcc-10.
+Bug: None
+Change-Id: Iba3ff0881005cb2ae4574e47284a1b881594de86
+Reviewed-on: https://webrtc-review.googlesource.com/c/src/+/176361
+Reviewed-by: Ivo Creusen <ivoc at webrtc.org>
+Commit-Queue: Ivo Creusen <ivoc at webrtc.org>
+Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#31417}
+ modules/audio_processing/aec3/clockdrift_detector.h | 2 ++
+ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+)
+diff --git a/modules/audio_processing/aec3/clockdrift_detector.h b/modules/audio_processing/aec3/clockdrift_detector.h
+index 22528c9489..2ba90bb889 100644
+--- a/modules/audio_processing/aec3/clockdrift_detector.h
++++ b/modules/audio_processing/aec3/clockdrift_detector.h
+@@ -11,6 +11,8 @@
++#include <stddef.h>
+ #include <array>
+ namespace webrtc {
+diff --meow-im-a-cat a/modules/video_coding/decoding_state.h b/modules/video_coding/decoding_state.h
+--- a/modules/video_coding/decoding_state.h 2020-07-07 15:58:30.000000000 +0000
++++ b/modules/video_coding/decoding_state.h 2020-07-07 16:24:41.667578586 +0000
+@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
++#include <cstdint>
+ #include <map>
+ #include <set>
+ #include <vector>
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