[arch-commits] Commit in spyder/repos/community-any (4 files)

Bruno Pagani archange at archlinux.org
Wed Jul 29 12:56:15 UTC 2020

    Date: Wednesday, July 29, 2020 @ 12:56:15
  Author: archange
Revision: 665770

archrelease: copy trunk to community-any

    (from rev 665769, spyder/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 665769, spyder/trunk/spyder3_to_spyder.patch)

 PKGBUILD                |  240 ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 spyder3_to_spyder.patch |   86 ++++++++--------
 2 files changed, 161 insertions(+), 165 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2020-07-29 12:55:52 UTC (rev 665769)
+++ PKGBUILD	2020-07-29 12:56:15 UTC (rev 665770)
@@ -1,122 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Muflone http://www.muflone.com/contacts/english/
-# Maintainer: Bruno Pagani <archange at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Francois Boulogne <fboulogne at april.org>
-# Contributor: TDY <tdy at gmx.com>
-pkgdesc="The Scientific Python Development Environment"
-makedepends=(python-setuptools python-sphinx)
-    python-atomicwrites
-    python-chardet
-    python-cloudpickle
-    python-diff-match-patch
-    python-intervaltree
-    ipython
-    python-jedi
-    python-keyring
-    jupyter-nbconvert
-    python-numpydoc
-    python-parso
-    python-pexpect
-    python-pickleshare
-    python-psutil
-    python-pygments
-    python-pylint
-    python-pyqt5
-    python-pyqtwebengine
-    qt5-webkit
-    python-language-server
-    python-xdg
-    python-pyzmq
-    python-qdarkstyle
-    python-qtawesome
-    python-qtconsole
-    python-qtpy
-    python-sphinx
-    python-spyder-kernels
-    python-watchdog
-    'cython: run Cython files in the IPython Console'
-    'python-matplotlib: 2D/3D plotting in the IPython Console'
-    'python-numpy: support for N-dimensional arrays in the Variable Explorer'
-    'python-pandas: support for DataFrames and Series in the Variable Explorer'
-    'python-scipy: support for Matlab workspace in the Variable Explorer'
-    'python-sympy: symbolic mathematics in the IPython Console'
-    python-pytest
-    python-pytest-qt
-    python-pytest-mock
-    python-pytest-cov
-    python-pytest-xvfb
-    python-pytest-ordering
-    python-pytest-lazy-fixture
-    python-mock
-    python-flaky
-    python-pandas
-    python-scipy
-    python-sympy
-    python-pillow
-    python-matplotlib
-    cython
-    git
-    tk
-        spyder-ignore-deps-tests.patch::https://github.com/spyder-ide/spyder/commit/833de4b928a5d2b28422d2c56a08e9217af6ad2a.patch
-        spyder3_to_spyder.patch)
-            '426d1228a52c02ce77dcf3904ca07c024a0f23f019e79984b9563b47bf9164d1'
-            '42b51d2696f06e4ad69be7379e913fd90e5c09c3e8244b6f38ef127ae86cfe89')
-prepare() {
-  cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
-  # Replace spyder3 with spyder
-  patch -p1 -i ../spyder3_to_spyder.patch
-  mv scripts/spyder{3,}.desktop
-  mv scripts/spyder{3,}.appdata.xml
-  # Allow our jedi and parso versions
-  sed -i "s|JEDI_REQVER = '=0.15.2'|JEDI_REQVER = '>=0.15.2'|" -i spyder/dependencies.py
-  sed -i "s|PARSO_REQVER = '=0.5.2'|PARSO_REQVER = '>=0.5.2'|" -i spyder/dependencies.py
-  sed -i "s|PYLS_REQVER = '>=0.31.9;<0.32.0'|PYLS_REQVER = '>=0.31.9'|" -i spyder/dependencies.py
-  # Fix test failure in uneeded subtests
-  patch -p1 -i ../spyder-ignore-deps-tests.patch
-build() {
-  cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
-  python setup.py build
-check() {
-  cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
-  # Required per above patching
-  sed -i "s|jedi==0.15.2|jedi>=0.15.2|" -i setup.py
-  sed -i "s|parso==0.5.2|parso>=0.5.2|" -i setup.py
-  sed -i "s|python-language-server[all]>=0.31.9,<0.32.0|python-language-server[all]>=0.31.9|" -i setup.py
-  sed -i "s|jedi =0.15.2|jedi >=0.15.2|" -i requirements/conda.txt
-  sed -i "s|parso =0.5.2|parso >=0.5.2|" -i requirements/conda.txt
-  sed -i "s|jedi =0.15.2|jedi >=0.15.2|" -i binder/environment.yml
-  sed -i "s|parso =0.5.2|parso >=0.5.2|" -i binder/environment.yml
-  sed -i "s|python-language-server >=0.31.9,<0.32.0|python-language-server >=0.31.9|" -i binder/environment.yml
-  # Some tests failures but upstream does not support us
-  python runtests.py || warning "Tests failed"
-package() {
-  cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
-  python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize=1 --skip-build
-  # Install license file
-  install -Dm644 LICENSE.txt -t ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/
-  # Install icon file
-  install -Dm644 spyder/images/spyder.svg -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/
-  # Remove useless spyder_win_post_install script
-  rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/spyder_win_post_install.py

Copied: spyder/repos/community-any/PKGBUILD (from rev 665769, spyder/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2020-07-29 12:56:15 UTC (rev 665770)
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+# Maintainer: Muflone http://www.muflone.com/contacts/english/
+# Maintainer: Bruno Pagani <archange at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Francois Boulogne <fboulogne at april.org>
+# Contributor: TDY <tdy at gmx.com>
+pkgdesc="The Scientific Python Development Environment"
+makedepends=(python-setuptools python-sphinx)
+    python-atomicwrites
+    python-chardet
+    python-cloudpickle
+    python-diff-match-patch
+    python-intervaltree
+    ipython
+    python-jedi
+    python-keyring
+    jupyter-nbconvert
+    python-numpydoc
+    python-parso
+    python-pexpect
+    python-pickleshare
+    python-psutil
+    python-pygments
+    python-pylint
+    python-pyqt5
+    python-pyqtwebengine
+    qt5-webkit
+    python-language-server
+    python-xdg
+    python-pyzmq
+    python-qdarkstyle
+    python-qtawesome
+    python-qtconsole
+    python-qtpy
+    python-sphinx
+    python-spyder-kernels
+    python-watchdog
+    'cython: run Cython files in the IPython Console'
+    'python-matplotlib: 2D/3D plotting in the IPython Console'
+    'python-numpy: support for N-dimensional arrays in the Variable Explorer'
+    'python-pandas: support for DataFrames and Series in the Variable Explorer'
+    'python-scipy: support for Matlab workspace in the Variable Explorer'
+    'python-sympy: symbolic mathematics in the IPython Console'
+    python-pytest
+    python-pytest-qt
+    python-pytest-mock
+    python-pytest-cov
+    python-pytest-xvfb
+    python-pytest-ordering
+    python-pytest-lazy-fixture
+    python-mock
+    python-flaky
+    python-pandas
+    python-scipy
+    python-sympy
+    python-pillow
+    python-matplotlib
+    cython
+    git
+    tk
+        spyder3_to_spyder.patch)
+            '42b51d2696f06e4ad69be7379e913fd90e5c09c3e8244b6f38ef127ae86cfe89')
+prepare() {
+  cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+  # Replace spyder3 with spyder
+  patch -p1 -i ../spyder3_to_spyder.patch
+  mv scripts/spyder{3,}.desktop
+  mv scripts/spyder{3,}.appdata.xml
+  # Allow our jedi and parso versions
+  sed -i "s|JEDI_REQVER = '=0.17.1'|JEDI_REQVER = '>=0.17.0'|" -i spyder/dependencies.py
+  sed -i "s|PARSO_REQVER = '=0.7.0'|PARSO_REQVER = '>=0.7.0'|" -i spyder/dependencies.py
+  sed -i "s|PYLS_REQVER = '>=0.34.0;<1.0.0'|PYLS_REQVER = '>=0.34.0'|" -i spyder/dependencies.py
+build() {
+  cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+  python setup.py build
+check() {
+  cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+  # Required per above patching
+  sed -i "s|jedi==0.17.1|jedi>=0.17.0|" -i setup.py
+  sed -i "s|parso==0.7.0|parso>=0.7.0|" -i setup.py
+  sed -i "s|python-language-server[all]>=0.34.0,<1.0.0|python-language-server[all]>=0.34.0|" -i setup.py
+  sed -i "s|jedi =0.17.1|jedi >=0.17.0|" -i requirements/conda.txt
+  sed -i "s|parso =0.7.0|parso >=0.7.0|" -i requirements/conda.txt
+  sed -i "s|jedi =0.17.1|jedi >=0.17.0|" -i binder/environment.yml
+  sed -i "s|parso =0.7.0|parso >=0.7.0|" -i binder/environment.yml
+  sed -i "s|python-language-server >=0.34.0,<1.0.0|python-language-server >=0.34.0|" -i binder/environment.yml
+  # Some tests failures but upstream does not support us
+  python runtests.py || warning "Tests failed"
+package() {
+  cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+  python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize=1 --skip-build
+  # Install license file
+  install -Dm644 LICENSE.txt -t ${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/
+  # Install icon file
+  install -Dm644 spyder/images/spyder.svg -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/
+  # Remove useless spyder_win_post_install script
+  rm -f "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/spyder_win_post_install.py

Deleted: spyder3_to_spyder.patch
--- spyder3_to_spyder.patch	2020-07-29 12:55:52 UTC (rev 665769)
+++ spyder3_to_spyder.patch	2020-07-29 12:56:15 UTC (rev 665770)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
---- a/scripts/spyder3.desktop
-+++ b/scripts/spyder3.desktop
-@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
- [Desktop Entry]
- Type=Application
- Version=1.0
- Comment=The Scientific Python Development Environment - Python 3
--Exec=spyder3 %F
-+Exec=spyder %F
- Terminal=false
- MimeType=text/x-python;
- Categories=Development;Science;IDE;Qt;
---- a/setup.py
-+++ b/setup.py
-@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@
-     """Return data_files in a platform dependent manner"""
-     if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
-         if PY3:
--            data_files = [('share/applications', ['scripts/spyder3.desktop']),
--                          ('share/icons', ['img_src/spyder3.png']),
--                          ('share/metainfo', ['scripts/spyder3.appdata.xml'])]
-+            data_files = [('share/applications', ['scripts/spyder.desktop']),
-+                          ('share/icons', ['img_src/spyder.png']),
-+                          ('share/metainfo', ['scripts/spyder.appdata.xml'])]
-         else:
-             data_files = [('share/applications', ['scripts/spyder.desktop']),
-                           ('share/icons', ['img_src/spyder.png'])]
-@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
- # See spyder-ide/spyder#1158.
- SCRIPTS = ['%s_win_post_install.py' % NAME]
- if PY3 and sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
--    SCRIPTS.append('spyder3')
-+    SCRIPTS.append('spyder')
- else:
-     SCRIPTS.append('spyder')

Copied: spyder/repos/community-any/spyder3_to_spyder.patch (from rev 665769, spyder/trunk/spyder3_to_spyder.patch)
--- spyder3_to_spyder.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ spyder3_to_spyder.patch	2020-07-29 12:56:15 UTC (rev 665770)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+--- a/scripts/spyder3.desktop
++++ b/scripts/spyder3.desktop
+@@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
+ [Desktop Entry]
+ Type=Application
+ Version=1.0
+ Comment=The Scientific Python Development Environment - Python 3
+-Exec=spyder3 %F
++Exec=spyder %F
+ Terminal=false
+ MimeType=text/x-python;
+ Categories=Development;Science;IDE;Qt;
+--- a/setup.py
++++ b/setup.py
+@@ -88,9 +88,9 @@
+     """Return data_files in a platform dependent manner"""
+     if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
+         if PY3:
+-            data_files = [('share/applications', ['scripts/spyder3.desktop']),
+-                          ('share/icons', ['img_src/spyder3.png']),
+-                          ('share/metainfo', ['scripts/spyder3.appdata.xml'])]
++            data_files = [('share/applications', ['scripts/spyder.desktop']),
++                          ('share/icons', ['img_src/spyder.png']),
++                          ('share/metainfo', ['scripts/spyder.appdata.xml'])]
+         else:
+             data_files = [('share/applications', ['scripts/spyder.desktop']),
+                           ('share/icons', ['img_src/spyder.png'])]
+@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
+ # See spyder-ide/spyder#1158.
+ SCRIPTS = ['%s_win_post_install.py' % NAME]
+ if PY3 and sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
+-    SCRIPTS.append('spyder3')
++    SCRIPTS.append('spyder')
+ else:
+     SCRIPTS.append('spyder')

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