[arch-commits] Commit in gitlab-gitaly/repos/community-x86_64 (6 files)
Felix Yan
felixonmars at archlinux.org
Fri Jul 31 09:01:38 UTC 2020
Date: Friday, July 31, 2020 @ 09:01:37
Author: felixonmars
Revision: 666143
archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64
(from rev 666142, gitlab-gitaly/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 666142, gitlab-gitaly/trunk/configs.patch)
(from rev 666142, gitlab-gitaly/trunk/gitlab-gitaly.service)
PKGBUILD | 106 ++++++++++++-------------
configs.patch | 198 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
gitlab-gitaly.service | 28 +++---
3 files changed, 166 insertions(+), 166 deletions(-)
--- PKGBUILD 2020-07-31 09:01:14 UTC (rev 666142)
+++ PKGBUILD 2020-07-31 09:01:37 UTC (rev 666143)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase <svenstaro at gmail.com>
-# NOTE: Gitlab isn't always compatible with modern Ruby versions. In that case, check the
-# commit log for an old fix on how to tell it to use older versions of Ruby. I'm afraid we'll
-# need this again at some point in the future.
-pkgdesc="Speed up Git access using caching"
-depends=(glibc ruby libxml2 libxslt libssh2)
-makedepends=(go ruby-bundler cmake)
- "configs.patch"
- "gitlab-gitaly.service")
- '6565b3dbed2653c31d5a49043dd8227812d9c8a1f6d716ed65fed5878b9c9bd6def84e8b00ff23ddb37d8bf2f484ecb229dcb1528e8276fff7fbbb1099790850'
- '7f5cd528c873a5e43e18aa6a88bd7298422c047e0e61cf3208be7d9fcfdfdc8a844b5c439ab6afc2098c5c4c60ed9c3d167c2f87517f1e93b34f39be3d3dad09')
-prepare() {
- cd gitaly-$_tag
- patch -p1 < ../configs.patch
- # At this point the config file should not contain any references to '/home/git'
- # https://github.com/bundler/bundler/issues/6882
- sed -e '/BUNDLED WITH/,+1d' -i ruby/Gemfile.lock
-build() {
- cd gitaly-$_tag
- bundle config force_ruby_platform true # build from sources as some prebuilt gems are not available for newer ruby
- make BUILD_TAGS="tracer_static tracer_static_jaeger"
-package() {
- cd gitaly-$_tag
- make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
- mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/etc/gitlab-gitaly
- mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/webapps/gitlab-gitaly
- cp -r ruby ${pkgdir}/usr/share/webapps/gitlab-gitaly/ruby
- install -Dm644 config.toml.example "${pkgdir}/etc/${pkgname}/config.toml"
- install -Dm644 "LICENSE" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
- install -Dm0644 "${srcdir}/gitlab-gitaly.service" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/gitlab-gitaly.service"
Copied: gitlab-gitaly/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 666142, gitlab-gitaly/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD 2020-07-31 09:01:37 UTC (rev 666143)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# Maintainer: Sven-Hendrik Haase <svenstaro at gmail.com>
+# NOTE: Gitlab isn't always compatible with modern Ruby versions. In that case, check the
+# commit log for an old fix on how to tell it to use older versions of Ruby. I'm afraid we'll
+# need this again at some point in the future.
+pkgdesc="Speed up Git access using caching"
+depends=(glibc ruby libxml2 libxslt libssh2)
+makedepends=(go ruby-bundler cmake)
+ "configs.patch"
+ "gitlab-gitaly.service")
+ '6565b3dbed2653c31d5a49043dd8227812d9c8a1f6d716ed65fed5878b9c9bd6def84e8b00ff23ddb37d8bf2f484ecb229dcb1528e8276fff7fbbb1099790850'
+ '7f5cd528c873a5e43e18aa6a88bd7298422c047e0e61cf3208be7d9fcfdfdc8a844b5c439ab6afc2098c5c4c60ed9c3d167c2f87517f1e93b34f39be3d3dad09')
+prepare() {
+ cd gitaly-$_tag
+ patch -p1 < ../configs.patch
+ # At this point the config file should not contain any references to '/home/git'
+ # https://github.com/bundler/bundler/issues/6882
+ sed -e '/BUNDLED WITH/,+1d' -i ruby/Gemfile.lock
+build() {
+ cd gitaly-$_tag
+ bundle config force_ruby_platform true # build from sources as some prebuilt gems are not available for newer ruby
+ make BUILD_TAGS="tracer_static tracer_static_jaeger"
+package() {
+ cd gitaly-$_tag
+ make PREFIX=/usr DESTDIR=${pkgdir} install
+ mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/etc/gitlab-gitaly
+ mkdir -p ${pkgdir}/usr/share/webapps/gitlab-gitaly
+ cp -r ruby ${pkgdir}/usr/share/webapps/gitlab-gitaly/ruby
+ install -Dm644 config.toml.example "${pkgdir}/etc/${pkgname}/config.toml"
+ install -Dm644 "LICENSE" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
+ install -Dm0644 "${srcdir}/gitlab-gitaly.service" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/gitlab-gitaly.service"
Deleted: configs.patch
--- configs.patch 2020-07-31 09:01:14 UTC (rev 666142)
+++ configs.patch 2020-07-31 09:01:37 UTC (rev 666143)
@@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
-commit 487d724f098441298088e59805af2faba7843fbe
-Author: Anatol Pomozov <anatol.pomozov at gmail.com>
-Date: Tue May 26 00:26:02 2020 -0700
- Patch config files with Arch Linux specific locations
- Arch uses upstream's default config files as a base for its configs.
- But directory structure at Arch is completely different from the default
- one specified by gitlab project.
- We used to have a lot of seds expressions to adjust the files but as
- complexity of configs grew 'sed' makes it easy to miss a changed/added
- option.
- Track set of diffs as a patch. If upstream modifies config file then it
- will cause a conflict that needs to be reviewed manually.
-diff --git a/config.toml.example b/config.toml.example
-index 85fbf6ba..9f8e6c99 100644
---- a/config.toml.example
-+++ b/config.toml.example
-@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
- # Documentation lives at https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/gitaly/ and
- # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee//administration/gitaly/reference
--socket_path = "/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/private/gitaly.socket"
-+socket_path = "/run/gitlab/gitlab-gitaly.socket"
- # The directory where Gitaly's executables are stored
--bin_dir = "/home/git/gitaly"
-+bin_dir = "/usr/bin"
- # # Optional: listen on a TCP socket. This is insecure (no authentication)
- # listen_addr = "localhost:9999"
-@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ bin_dir = "/home/git/gitaly"
- # # Optional: configure where the Gitaly creates the sockets for internal connections. If unset, Gitaly will create a randomly
- # # named temp directory each time it boots.
- # # Non Gitaly clients should never connect to these sockets.
--# internal_socket_dir = "/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/private/internal"
-+# internal_socket_dir = "/run/gitlab/private"
- # # Optional: authenticate Gitaly requests using a shared secret
- # [auth]
-@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ bin_dir = "/home/git/gitaly"
- # transitioning = false # Set `transitioning` to true to temporarily allow unauthenticated while rolling out authentication.
- # [tls]
--# certificate_path = '/home/git/cert.cert'
--# key_path = '/home/git/key.pem'
-+# certificate_path = '/var/lib/gitlab/cert.cert'
-+# key_path = '/var/lib/gitlab/key.pem'
- # # Git settings
- # [git]
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ bin_dir = "/home/git/gitaly"
- [[storage]]
- name = "default"
--path = "/home/git/repositories"
-+path = "/var/lib/gitlab/repositories"
- # # You can optionally configure more storages for this Gitaly instance to serve up
- #
-@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ path = "/home/git/repositories"
- # # You can optionally configure Gitaly to output JSON-formatted log messages to stdout
- # [logging]
- # # The directory where Gitaly stores extra log files
--dir = "/home/git/gitlab/log"
-+dir = "/var/log/gitlab"
- # format = "json"
- # # Optional: Set log level to only log entries with that severity or above
- # # One of, in order: debug, info, warn, errror, fatal, panic
-@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ dir = "/home/git/gitlab/log"
- [gitaly-ruby]
- # The directory where gitaly-ruby is installed
--dir = "/home/git/gitaly/ruby"
-+dir = "/usr/share/webapps/gitlab-gitaly/ruby"
- # # Gitaly-ruby resident set size (RSS) that triggers a memory restart (bytes)
- # max_rss = 200000000
-@@ -85,14 +85,14 @@ dir = "/home/git/gitaly/ruby"
- [gitlab-shell]
- # The directory where gitlab-shell is installed
--dir = "/home/git/gitlab-shell"
-+dir = "/usr/share/webapps/gitlab-shell"
- [hooks]
--custom_hooks_dir = "/home/git/custom_hooks"
-+custom_hooks_dir = "/var/lib/gitlab/custom_hooks"
- [gitlab]
--secret_file = "/home/git/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret"
--url = "http+unix://%2Fhome%2Fgit%2Fgitlab%2Ftmp%2Fsockets%2Fgitlab-workhorse.socket"
-+secret_file = "/etc/webapps/gitlab-shell/secret"
-+url = "http+unix://%2Frun%2Fgitlab%2Fgitlab.socket"
- [gitlab.http-settings]
- # read_timeout = 300
Copied: gitlab-gitaly/repos/community-x86_64/configs.patch (from rev 666142, gitlab-gitaly/trunk/configs.patch)
--- configs.patch (rev 0)
+++ configs.patch 2020-07-31 09:01:37 UTC (rev 666143)
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+commit 487d724f098441298088e59805af2faba7843fbe
+Author: Anatol Pomozov <anatol.pomozov at gmail.com>
+Date: Tue May 26 00:26:02 2020 -0700
+ Patch config files with Arch Linux specific locations
+ Arch uses upstream's default config files as a base for its configs.
+ But directory structure at Arch is completely different from the default
+ one specified by gitlab project.
+ We used to have a lot of seds expressions to adjust the files but as
+ complexity of configs grew 'sed' makes it easy to miss a changed/added
+ option.
+ Track set of diffs as a patch. If upstream modifies config file then it
+ will cause a conflict that needs to be reviewed manually.
+diff --git a/config.toml.example b/config.toml.example
+index 85fbf6ba..9f8e6c99 100644
+--- a/config.toml.example
++++ b/config.toml.example
+@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
+ # Documentation lives at https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/administration/gitaly/ and
+ # https://docs.gitlab.com/ee//administration/gitaly/reference
+-socket_path = "/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/private/gitaly.socket"
++socket_path = "/run/gitlab/gitlab-gitaly.socket"
+ # The directory where Gitaly's executables are stored
+-bin_dir = "/home/git/gitaly"
++bin_dir = "/usr/bin"
+ # # Optional: listen on a TCP socket. This is insecure (no authentication)
+ # listen_addr = "localhost:9999"
+@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ bin_dir = "/home/git/gitaly"
+ # # Optional: configure where the Gitaly creates the sockets for internal connections. If unset, Gitaly will create a randomly
+ # # named temp directory each time it boots.
+ # # Non Gitaly clients should never connect to these sockets.
+-# internal_socket_dir = "/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/private/internal"
++# internal_socket_dir = "/run/gitlab/private"
+ # # Optional: authenticate Gitaly requests using a shared secret
+ # [auth]
+@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ bin_dir = "/home/git/gitaly"
+ # transitioning = false # Set `transitioning` to true to temporarily allow unauthenticated while rolling out authentication.
+ # [tls]
+-# certificate_path = '/home/git/cert.cert'
+-# key_path = '/home/git/key.pem'
++# certificate_path = '/var/lib/gitlab/cert.cert'
++# key_path = '/var/lib/gitlab/key.pem'
+ # # Git settings
+ # [git]
+@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ bin_dir = "/home/git/gitaly"
+ [[storage]]
+ name = "default"
+-path = "/home/git/repositories"
++path = "/var/lib/gitlab/repositories"
+ # # You can optionally configure more storages for this Gitaly instance to serve up
+ #
+@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ path = "/home/git/repositories"
+ # # You can optionally configure Gitaly to output JSON-formatted log messages to stdout
+ # [logging]
+ # # The directory where Gitaly stores extra log files
+-dir = "/home/git/gitlab/log"
++dir = "/var/log/gitlab"
+ # format = "json"
+ # # Optional: Set log level to only log entries with that severity or above
+ # # One of, in order: debug, info, warn, errror, fatal, panic
+@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ dir = "/home/git/gitlab/log"
+ [gitaly-ruby]
+ # The directory where gitaly-ruby is installed
+-dir = "/home/git/gitaly/ruby"
++dir = "/usr/share/webapps/gitlab-gitaly/ruby"
+ # # Gitaly-ruby resident set size (RSS) that triggers a memory restart (bytes)
+ # max_rss = 200000000
+@@ -85,14 +85,14 @@ dir = "/home/git/gitaly/ruby"
+ [gitlab-shell]
+ # The directory where gitlab-shell is installed
+-dir = "/home/git/gitlab-shell"
++dir = "/usr/share/webapps/gitlab-shell"
+ [hooks]
+-custom_hooks_dir = "/home/git/custom_hooks"
++custom_hooks_dir = "/var/lib/gitlab/custom_hooks"
+ [gitlab]
+-secret_file = "/home/git/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret"
+-url = "http+unix://%2Fhome%2Fgit%2Fgitlab%2Ftmp%2Fsockets%2Fgitlab-workhorse.socket"
++secret_file = "/etc/webapps/gitlab-shell/secret"
++url = "http+unix://%2Frun%2Fgitlab%2Fgitlab.socket"
+ [gitlab.http-settings]
+ # read_timeout = 300
Deleted: gitlab-gitaly.service
--- gitlab-gitaly.service 2020-07-31 09:01:14 UTC (rev 666142)
+++ gitlab-gitaly.service 2020-07-31 09:01:37 UTC (rev 666143)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-Description=Gitaly is a Git RPC service for handling all the git calls made by GitLab.
-ExecStart=/usr/bin/gitaly /etc/gitlab-gitaly/config.toml
Copied: gitlab-gitaly/repos/community-x86_64/gitlab-gitaly.service (from rev 666142, gitlab-gitaly/trunk/gitlab-gitaly.service)
--- gitlab-gitaly.service (rev 0)
+++ gitlab-gitaly.service 2020-07-31 09:01:37 UTC (rev 666143)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Description=Gitaly is a Git RPC service for handling all the git calls made by GitLab.
+ExecStart=/usr/bin/gitaly /etc/gitlab-gitaly/config.toml
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