[arch-commits] Commit in e-antic/repos/community-x86_64 (4 files)

Antonio Rojas arojas at archlinux.org
Fri Jul 31 16:42:24 UTC 2020

    Date: Friday, July 31, 2020 @ 16:42:24
  Author: arojas
Revision: 666263

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 666262, e-antic/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 666262, e-antic/trunk/e-antic-flint-2.6.patch)

 PKGBUILD                |   58 +++----
 e-antic-flint-2.6.patch |  364 +++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------------
 2 files changed, 211 insertions(+), 211 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2020-07-31 16:42:14 UTC (rev 666262)
+++ PKGBUILD	2020-07-31 16:42:24 UTC (rev 666263)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Antonio Rojas <arojas at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc="Embedded algebraic number fields (on top of antic)"
-build() {
-  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr
-  #https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=655517
-  sed -i -e 's/ -shared / -Wl,-O1,--as-needed\0/g' libtool
-  make
-package() {
-  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
-  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver/COPYING "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE

Copied: e-antic/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 666262, e-antic/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2020-07-31 16:42:24 UTC (rev 666263)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+# Maintainer: Antonio Rojas <arojas at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc="Embedded algebraic number fields (on top of antic)"
+build() {
+  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr
+  #https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=655517
+  sed -i -e 's/ -shared / -Wl,-O1,--as-needed\0/g' libtool
+  make
+package() {
+  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
+  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver/COPYING "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE

Deleted: e-antic-flint-2.6.patch
--- e-antic-flint-2.6.patch	2020-07-31 16:42:14 UTC (rev 666262)
+++ e-antic-flint-2.6.patch	2020-07-31 16:42:24 UTC (rev 666263)
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/e-antic/e-antic.h b/e-antic/e-antic.h
-index d941baf..5317bd0 100644
---- a/e-antic/e-antic.h
-+++ b/e-antic/e-antic.h
-@@ -18,12 +18,6 @@ extern "C" {
-                            __E_ANTIC_VERSION_MINOR * 100 + \
-                            __E_ANTIC_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL)
--/* check flint version */
--#if __FLINT_RELEASE != 20502 && __FLINT_RELEASE != 20503
--#error FLINT 2.5.2 or 2.5.3 required
- #ifdef __cplusplus
- }
- #endif
-diff --git a/e-antic/poly_extra.h b/e-antic/poly_extra.h
-index 9338f29..ee3b98b 100644
---- a/e-antic/poly_extra.h
-+++ b/e-antic/poly_extra.h
-@@ -100,102 +100,6 @@ void arb_mul_fmpq(arb_t a, const arb_t b, const fmpq_t c, slong prec);
- void arb_div_fmpq(arb_t a, const arb_t b, const fmpq_t c, slong prec);
- void arb_fmpq_div(arb_t a, const fmpq_t c, const arb_t b, slong prec);
--static __inline__
--int fmpq_equal_fmpz(const fmpq_t a, const fmpz_t b)
--    return fmpz_is_one(fmpq_denref(a)) && fmpz_equal(fmpq_numref(a), b);
--static __inline__
--int fmpq_equal_si(const fmpq_t a, const slong b)
--    return fmpz_is_one(fmpq_denref(a)) && fmpz_equal_si(fmpq_numref(a), b);
--static __inline__
--int fmpq_equal_ui(const fmpq_t a, const ulong b)
--    return fmpz_is_one(fmpq_denref(a)) && fmpz_equal_ui(fmpq_numref(a), b);
--static __inline__
--int fmpq_cmp_fmpz(const fmpq_t a, const fmpz_t b)
--    int s;
--    fmpz_t den;
--    fmpz_init(den);
--    fmpz_one(den);
--    s = _fmpq_cmp(fmpq_numref(a), fmpq_denref(a), b, den);
--    fmpz_clear(den);
--    return s;
--static __inline__
--int fmpq_cmp_si(const fmpq_t a, slong b)
--    int s;
--    fmpq_t bb;
--    fmpq_init(bb);
--    fmpz_set_si(fmpq_numref(bb), b);
--    fmpz_one(fmpq_denref(bb));
--    s = fmpq_cmp(a, bb);
--    fmpq_clear(bb);
--    return s;
--static __inline__
--int fmpq_cmp_ui(const fmpq_t a, ulong b)
--    int s;
--    fmpq_t bb;
--    fmpq_init(bb);
--    fmpz_set_ui(fmpq_numref(bb), b);
--    fmpz_one(fmpq_denref(bb));
--    s = fmpq_cmp(a, bb);
--    fmpq_clear(bb);
--    return s;
--static __inline__
--void fmpq_add_ui(fmpq_t a, const fmpq_t b, ulong c)
--    fmpz_t tmp;
--    fmpz_init(tmp);
--    fmpz_set_ui(tmp, c);
--    fmpq_add_fmpz(a, b, tmp);
--    fmpz_clear(tmp);
--static __inline__
--void fmpq_sub_ui(fmpq_t a, const fmpq_t b, ulong c)
--    fmpz_t tmp;
--    fmpz_init(tmp);
--    fmpz_set_ui(tmp, c);
--    fmpq_sub_fmpz(a, b, tmp);
--    fmpz_clear(tmp);
--static __inline__
--void fmpq_mul_si(fmpq_t a, const fmpq_t b, slong c)
--    fmpz_t tmp;
--    fmpz_init(tmp);
--    fmpz_set_si(tmp, c);
--    fmpq_mul_fmpz(a, b, tmp);
--    fmpz_clear(tmp);
--static __inline__
--void fmpq_mul_ui(fmpq_t a, const fmpq_t b, ulong c)
--    fmpz_t tmp;
--    fmpz_init(tmp);
--    fmpz_set_ui(tmp, c);
--    fmpq_mul_fmpz(a, b, tmp);
--    fmpz_clear(tmp);
- static __inline__
- void fmpq_div_si(fmpq_t a, const fmpq_t b, slong c)
- {
-@@ -256,22 +160,6 @@ void fmpz_poly_evaluate_at_one(fmpz_t res, fmpz * p, slong len)
-     return _fmpz_vec_sum(res, p, len);
- }
--static __inline__
--double fmpq_get_d(fmpq_t q)
--    arb_t z;
--    double d;
--    arb_init(z);
--    arb_set_fmpq(z, q, 64);
--    d = arf_get_d(arb_midref(z), ARF_RND_NEAR);
--    arb_clear(z);
--    return d;
- static __inline__
- ulong EANTIC_FIXED_fmpz_vec_max_bits(const fmpz * vec, slong len)
- {
-@@ -338,7 +226,7 @@ void _fmpz_poly_num_real_roots_sturm(slong * n_neg, slong * n_pos, const fmpz *
- void fmpz_poly_product_roots_fmpq_vec(fmpz_poly_t poly, const fmpq * xs, slong n);
--#elif __FLINT_RELEASE == 20503
-+#elif __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20503
- #define _EANTIC_FIXED_fmpq_poly_get_str_pretty _fmpq_poly_get_str_pretty
- #define EANTIC_FIXED_fmpq_poly_get_str_pretty fmpq_poly_get_str_pretty
-diff --git a/nf_elem/mul.c b/nf_elem/mul.c
-index 17fb3ed..a965147 100644
---- a/nf_elem/mul.c
-+++ b/nf_elem/mul.c
-@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void _nf_elem_mul_red(nf_elem_t a, const nf_elem_t b,
-                _fmpz_vec_set(r, NF_ELEM_NUMREF(a), plen);
-                _fmpz_poly_divrem(q, NF_ELEM_NUMREF(a), r, plen, 
--                  fmpq_poly_numref(nf->pol), len);
-+                  fmpq_poly_numref(nf->pol), len, 0);
-                _fmpz_vec_clear(r, plen);
-                _fmpz_vec_clear(q, plen - len + 1);
-diff --git a/nf_elem/reduce.c b/nf_elem/reduce.c
-index dd84519..007c6d4 100644
---- a/nf_elem/reduce.c
-+++ b/nf_elem/reduce.c
-@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ void _nf_elem_reduce(nf_elem_t a, const nf_t nf)
-                _fmpz_vec_set(r, NF_ELEM_NUMREF(a), plen);
-                _fmpz_poly_divrem(q, NF_ELEM_NUMREF(a), r, plen, 
--                  fmpq_poly_numref(nf->pol), len);
-+                  fmpq_poly_numref(nf->pol), len, 0);
-                _fmpz_vec_clear(r, plen);
-                _fmpz_vec_clear(q, plen - len + 1);

Copied: e-antic/repos/community-x86_64/e-antic-flint-2.6.patch (from rev 666262, e-antic/trunk/e-antic-flint-2.6.patch)
--- e-antic-flint-2.6.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ e-antic-flint-2.6.patch	2020-07-31 16:42:24 UTC (rev 666263)
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+diff --git a/e-antic/e-antic.h b/e-antic/e-antic.h
+index d941baf..5317bd0 100644
+--- a/e-antic/e-antic.h
++++ b/e-antic/e-antic.h
+@@ -18,12 +18,6 @@ extern "C" {
+                            __E_ANTIC_VERSION_MINOR * 100 + \
+                            __E_ANTIC_VERSION_PATCHLEVEL)
+-/* check flint version */
+-#if __FLINT_RELEASE != 20502 && __FLINT_RELEASE != 20503
+-#error FLINT 2.5.2 or 2.5.3 required
+ #ifdef __cplusplus
+ }
+ #endif
+diff --git a/e-antic/poly_extra.h b/e-antic/poly_extra.h
+index 9338f29..ee3b98b 100644
+--- a/e-antic/poly_extra.h
++++ b/e-antic/poly_extra.h
+@@ -100,102 +100,6 @@ void arb_mul_fmpq(arb_t a, const arb_t b, const fmpq_t c, slong prec);
+ void arb_div_fmpq(arb_t a, const arb_t b, const fmpq_t c, slong prec);
+ void arb_fmpq_div(arb_t a, const fmpq_t c, const arb_t b, slong prec);
+-static __inline__
+-int fmpq_equal_fmpz(const fmpq_t a, const fmpz_t b)
+-    return fmpz_is_one(fmpq_denref(a)) && fmpz_equal(fmpq_numref(a), b);
+-static __inline__
+-int fmpq_equal_si(const fmpq_t a, const slong b)
+-    return fmpz_is_one(fmpq_denref(a)) && fmpz_equal_si(fmpq_numref(a), b);
+-static __inline__
+-int fmpq_equal_ui(const fmpq_t a, const ulong b)
+-    return fmpz_is_one(fmpq_denref(a)) && fmpz_equal_ui(fmpq_numref(a), b);
+-static __inline__
+-int fmpq_cmp_fmpz(const fmpq_t a, const fmpz_t b)
+-    int s;
+-    fmpz_t den;
+-    fmpz_init(den);
+-    fmpz_one(den);
+-    s = _fmpq_cmp(fmpq_numref(a), fmpq_denref(a), b, den);
+-    fmpz_clear(den);
+-    return s;
+-static __inline__
+-int fmpq_cmp_si(const fmpq_t a, slong b)
+-    int s;
+-    fmpq_t bb;
+-    fmpq_init(bb);
+-    fmpz_set_si(fmpq_numref(bb), b);
+-    fmpz_one(fmpq_denref(bb));
+-    s = fmpq_cmp(a, bb);
+-    fmpq_clear(bb);
+-    return s;
+-static __inline__
+-int fmpq_cmp_ui(const fmpq_t a, ulong b)
+-    int s;
+-    fmpq_t bb;
+-    fmpq_init(bb);
+-    fmpz_set_ui(fmpq_numref(bb), b);
+-    fmpz_one(fmpq_denref(bb));
+-    s = fmpq_cmp(a, bb);
+-    fmpq_clear(bb);
+-    return s;
+-static __inline__
+-void fmpq_add_ui(fmpq_t a, const fmpq_t b, ulong c)
+-    fmpz_t tmp;
+-    fmpz_init(tmp);
+-    fmpz_set_ui(tmp, c);
+-    fmpq_add_fmpz(a, b, tmp);
+-    fmpz_clear(tmp);
+-static __inline__
+-void fmpq_sub_ui(fmpq_t a, const fmpq_t b, ulong c)
+-    fmpz_t tmp;
+-    fmpz_init(tmp);
+-    fmpz_set_ui(tmp, c);
+-    fmpq_sub_fmpz(a, b, tmp);
+-    fmpz_clear(tmp);
+-static __inline__
+-void fmpq_mul_si(fmpq_t a, const fmpq_t b, slong c)
+-    fmpz_t tmp;
+-    fmpz_init(tmp);
+-    fmpz_set_si(tmp, c);
+-    fmpq_mul_fmpz(a, b, tmp);
+-    fmpz_clear(tmp);
+-static __inline__
+-void fmpq_mul_ui(fmpq_t a, const fmpq_t b, ulong c)
+-    fmpz_t tmp;
+-    fmpz_init(tmp);
+-    fmpz_set_ui(tmp, c);
+-    fmpq_mul_fmpz(a, b, tmp);
+-    fmpz_clear(tmp);
+ static __inline__
+ void fmpq_div_si(fmpq_t a, const fmpq_t b, slong c)
+ {
+@@ -256,22 +160,6 @@ void fmpz_poly_evaluate_at_one(fmpz_t res, fmpz * p, slong len)
+     return _fmpz_vec_sum(res, p, len);
+ }
+-static __inline__
+-double fmpq_get_d(fmpq_t q)
+-    arb_t z;
+-    double d;
+-    arb_init(z);
+-    arb_set_fmpq(z, q, 64);
+-    d = arf_get_d(arb_midref(z), ARF_RND_NEAR);
+-    arb_clear(z);
+-    return d;
+ static __inline__
+ ulong EANTIC_FIXED_fmpz_vec_max_bits(const fmpz * vec, slong len)
+ {
+@@ -338,7 +226,7 @@ void _fmpz_poly_num_real_roots_sturm(slong * n_neg, slong * n_pos, const fmpz *
+ void fmpz_poly_product_roots_fmpq_vec(fmpz_poly_t poly, const fmpq * xs, slong n);
+-#elif __FLINT_RELEASE == 20503
++#elif __FLINT_RELEASE >= 20503
+ #define _EANTIC_FIXED_fmpq_poly_get_str_pretty _fmpq_poly_get_str_pretty
+ #define EANTIC_FIXED_fmpq_poly_get_str_pretty fmpq_poly_get_str_pretty
+diff --git a/nf_elem/mul.c b/nf_elem/mul.c
+index 17fb3ed..a965147 100644
+--- a/nf_elem/mul.c
++++ b/nf_elem/mul.c
+@@ -128,7 +128,7 @@ void _nf_elem_mul_red(nf_elem_t a, const nf_elem_t b,
+                _fmpz_vec_set(r, NF_ELEM_NUMREF(a), plen);
+                _fmpz_poly_divrem(q, NF_ELEM_NUMREF(a), r, plen, 
+-                  fmpq_poly_numref(nf->pol), len);
++                  fmpq_poly_numref(nf->pol), len, 0);
+                _fmpz_vec_clear(r, plen);
+                _fmpz_vec_clear(q, plen - len + 1);
+diff --git a/nf_elem/reduce.c b/nf_elem/reduce.c
+index dd84519..007c6d4 100644
+--- a/nf_elem/reduce.c
++++ b/nf_elem/reduce.c
+@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ void _nf_elem_reduce(nf_elem_t a, const nf_t nf)
+                _fmpz_vec_set(r, NF_ELEM_NUMREF(a), plen);
+                _fmpz_poly_divrem(q, NF_ELEM_NUMREF(a), r, plen, 
+-                  fmpq_poly_numref(nf->pol), len);
++                  fmpq_poly_numref(nf->pol), len, 0);
+                _fmpz_vec_clear(r, plen);
+                _fmpz_vec_clear(q, plen - len + 1);

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