[arch-commits] Commit in virtualbox-host-modules-arch/repos/community-testing-x86_64 (2 files)

Christian Hesse eworm at archlinux.org
Mon Jun 8 08:53:57 UTC 2020

    Date: Monday, June 8, 2020 @ 08:53:56
  Author: eworm
Revision: 640405

archrelease: copy trunk to community-testing-x86_64

    (from rev 640404, virtualbox-host-modules-arch/trunk/PKGBUILD)

 PKGBUILD |   76 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 38 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2020-06-08 08:53:52 UTC (rev 640404)
+++ PKGBUILD	2020-06-08 08:53:56 UTC (rev 640405)
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Sébastien Luttringer
-# Contributor: Ionut Biru <ibiru at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc='Virtualbox host kernel modules for Arch Kernel'
-             "virtualbox-host-dkms=$pkgver")
-replaces=('virtualbox-modules' 'virtualbox-host-modules')
-conflicts=('virtualbox-modules' 'virtualbox-host-modules'
-           'virtualbox-host-dkms')
-build() {
-  _kernver="$(</usr/src/linux/version)"
-  dkms build --dkmstree "$srcdir" -m vboxhost/${pkgver}_OSE -k ${_kernver}
-  depends=('linux')
-  _kernver="$(</usr/src/linux/version)"
-  install -Dt "$pkgdir/usr/lib/modules/$_kernver/extramodules" -m0644 \
-    vboxhost/${pkgver}_OSE/${_kernver}/${CARCH}/module/*
-  # compress each module individually
-  find "$pkgdir" -name '*.ko' -exec xz -T1 {} +
-  # systemd module loading
-  printf '%s\n' vboxdrv vboxnetadp vboxnetflt |
-    install -D -m0644 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/lib/modules-load.d/$pkgname.conf"

Copied: virtualbox-host-modules-arch/repos/community-testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 640404, virtualbox-host-modules-arch/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2020-06-08 08:53:56 UTC (rev 640405)
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+# Maintainer: Sébastien Luttringer
+# Contributor: Ionut Biru <ibiru at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc='Virtualbox host kernel modules for Arch Kernel'
+             "virtualbox-host-dkms=$pkgver")
+replaces=('virtualbox-modules' 'virtualbox-host-modules')
+conflicts=('virtualbox-modules' 'virtualbox-host-modules'
+           'virtualbox-host-dkms')
+build() {
+  _kernver="$(</usr/src/linux/version)"
+  dkms build --dkmstree "$srcdir" -m vboxhost/${pkgver}_OSE -k ${_kernver}
+  depends=('linux')
+  _kernver="$(</usr/src/linux/version)"
+  install -Dt "$pkgdir/usr/lib/modules/$_kernver/extramodules" -m0644 \
+    vboxhost/${pkgver}_OSE/${_kernver}/${CARCH}/module/*
+  # compress each module individually
+  find "$pkgdir" -name '*.ko' -exec xz -T1 {} +
+  # systemd module loading
+  printf '%s\n' vboxdrv vboxnetadp vboxnetflt |
+    install -D -m0644 /dev/stdin "$pkgdir/usr/lib/modules-load.d/$pkgname.conf"

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