[arch-commits] Commit in gap/trunk (PKGBUILD libsemigroups-1.0.patch)

Antonio Rojas arojas at archlinux.org
Fri Mar 6 14:36:35 UTC 2020

    Date: Friday, March 6, 2020 @ 14:36:34
  Author: arojas
Revision: 590993

Update to 4.11.0


 PKGBUILD                |   12 
 libsemigroups-1.0.patch | 2244 ----------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2252 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2020-03-06 14:09:18 UTC (rev 590992)
+++ PKGBUILD	2020-03-06 14:36:34 UTC (rev 590993)
@@ -4,20 +4,18 @@
 pkgname=(gap gap-doc gap-packages)
 pkgdesc="Groups, Algorithms, Programming: a system for computational discrete algebra"
 source=("https://www.gap-system.org/pub/gap/gap-${pkgver%.*}/tar.gz/gap-$pkgver.tar.gz" gap.sh
-         libsemigroups-1.0.patch
-            'ccd95de4f48d26b73d6df7c1847855f68ee70644d130d32f14213988c3e286e3'
@@ -37,13 +35,11 @@
   sed -e '/XGAP/d' -i pkg/cryst/PackageInfo.g
 # Update NormalizInterface to support recent normaliz
-  rm -r pkg/NormalizInterface-1.0.2
+  rm -r pkg/NormalizInterface-1.1.0
   cp -r ../NormalizInterface pkg
   cd pkg/NormalizInterface
   patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/normalizinterface-missing-include.patch
-  cd ../semigroups-*
-  patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/libsemigroups-1.0.patch # Fix build with libsemigroups 1.0
   cd ../PolymakeInterface-*
   patch -p2 -i "$srcdir"/gap-polymake-4.0.patch # Fix build with polymake 4.0

Deleted: libsemigroups-1.0.patch
--- libsemigroups-1.0.patch	2020-03-06 14:09:18 UTC (rev 590992)
+++ libsemigroups-1.0.patch	2020-03-06 14:36:34 UTC (rev 590993)
@@ -1,2244 +0,0 @@
-From ff6e172a492af2465fd7465da64298353cc15cc5 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: James Mitchell <jdm3 at st-and.ac.uk>
-Date: Wed, 2 May 2018 10:45:40 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Update for libsemigroups v1.0.0
- Makefile.am                 |  16 +-
- gap/main/fropin.gi          |  19 ++-
- m4/ax_check_libsemigroup.m4 |   4 +-
- scripts/travis-test.sh      |  10 +-
- src/.clang-format           |  10 +-
- src/bipart.cc               | 133 ++++++++--------
- src/bipart.h                |   9 +-
- src/congpairs.cc            | 235 ++++++++++++++--------------
- src/converter.cc            |  21 ++-
- src/converter.h             |  50 +++---
- src/fropin.cc               |  29 ++--
- src/pkg.cc                  |  22 +--
- src/pkg.h                   |   5 +-
- src/semigrp.cc              | 294 +++++++++++++++++++-----------------
- src/semigrp.h               |  63 ++++----
- src/uf.cc                   |   8 +-
- tst/standard/congfpmon.tst  |  17 +--
- 18 files changed, 484 insertions(+), 463 deletions(-)
-index 2228cad41..3eefcb9dd 100644
-@@ -1 +1 @@
-diff --git a/Makefile.am b/Makefile.am
-index b5ee5ea8b..6998d563e 100644
---- a/Makefile.am
-+++ b/Makefile.am
-   # the following triggers "make install" on libsemigroups
-   # note that making it a concrete file prevents this target
-   # to be needlessly re-run if libsemigroups/ is not changed.
--  BUILT_SOURCES = bin/include/libsemigroups/blocks.h
-+  BUILT_SOURCES = bin/include/libsemigroups/libsemigroups.hpp
- endif
-@@ -28,6 +28,18 @@ semigroups_la_SOURCES += src/semigrp.cc
- semigroups_la_CXXFLAGS = $(GAP_CFLAGS) @LIBSEMIGROUPS_CFLAGS@ -std=gnu++11 -O3 -g -march=native
- semigroups_la_CFLAGS = $(GAP_CFLAGS)
-+semigroups_la_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)/libsemigroups/extern/HPCombi/include
-+semigroups_la_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)/libsemigroups/extern/HPCombi/include/fallback
-+semigroups_la_CPPFLAGS += -I$(top_srcdir)/libsemigroups/extern/fmt-5.3.0/include
-+semigroups_la_CPPFLAGS += -DFMT_HEADER_ONLY
-+semigroups_la_CPPFLAGS += -DDEBUG
-+semigroups_la_CPPFLAGS += -DNDEBUG
- semigroups_la_LDFLAGS = $(GAP_LDFLAGS) -module -avoid-version
-@@ -37,7 +49,7 @@ semigroups_la_LDFLAGS += -no-undefined -version-info 0:0:0 -Wl,$(GAPROOT)/bin/$(
- endif
- # the following is only run if BUILT_SOURCES is wound up
- 	$(MAKE) -C libsemigroups install
- all-local: semigroups.la
-diff --git a/gap/main/fropin.gi b/gap/main/fropin.gi
-index 49ff8ed7e..cdbb79b5c 100644
---- a/gap/main/fropin.gi
-+++ b/gap/main/fropin.gi
-@@ -259,7 +259,9 @@ function(S)
-   enum := rec();
-   enum.NumberElement := function(enum, x)
--    return EN_SEMI_POSITION_SORTED(S, x);
-+    # Don't call EN_SEMI_POSITION_SORTED directly because then we pass elements
-+    # of too high degree which causes an exception in Libsemigroups
-+    return PositionSortedOp(S, x);
-   end;
-   enum.ElementNumber := function(enum, nr)
-@@ -348,6 +350,8 @@ function(S)
-   enum := rec();
-   enum.NumberElement := function(enum, x)
-+    # Don't call EN_SEMI_POSITION directly since we may then pass too large
-+    # degree pperms or transformations which cause a libsemigroups exception.
-     return PositionCanonical(S, x);
-   end;
-@@ -475,7 +479,8 @@ function(S, x)
-       or (IsTransformation(x)
-           and DegreeOfTransformation(x) > DegreeOfTransformationSemigroup(S))
-       or (IsPartialPerm(x)
--          and DegreeOfPartialPerm(x) > DegreeOfPartialPermSemigroup(S)) then
-+          and (DegreeOfPartialPerm(x) > DegreeOfPartialPermSemigroup(S)
-+          or CodegreeOfPartialPerm(x) > CodegreeOfPartialPermSemigroup(S))) then
-     return fail;
-   fi;
-@@ -487,6 +492,9 @@ InstallMethod(PositionCanonical,
- [IsPermGroup and HasGeneratorsOfGroup and IsEnumerableSemigroupRep,
-  IsMultiplicativeElement],
- function(G, x)
-+  if (not IsPerm(x)) or LargestMovedPointPerm(x) > LargestMovedPoint(G) then
-+    return fail;
-+  fi;
-   return EN_SEMI_POSITION(G, x);
- end);
-@@ -513,7 +521,8 @@ function(S, x, n)
-       or (IsTransformation(x)
-           and DegreeOfTransformation(x) > DegreeOfTransformationSemigroup(S))
-       or (IsPartialPerm(x)
--          and DegreeOfPartialPerm(x) > DegreeOfPartialPermSemigroup(S)) then
-+          and (DegreeOfPartialPerm(x) > DegreeOfPartialPermSemigroup(S)
-+          or CodegreeOfPartialPerm(x) > CodegreeOfPartialPermSemigroup(S))) then
-     return fail;
-   fi;
-@@ -529,13 +538,13 @@ function(S, x)
-       or (IsTransformation(x)
-           and DegreeOfTransformation(x) > DegreeOfTransformationSemigroup(S))
-       or (IsPartialPerm(x)
--          and DegreeOfPartialPerm(x) > DegreeOfPartialPermSemigroup(S)) then
-+          and (DegreeOfPartialPerm(x) > DegreeOfPartialPermSemigroup(S)
-+          or CodegreeOfPartialPerm(x) > CodegreeOfPartialPermSemigroup(S))) then
-     return fail;
-   elif not IsFinite(S) then
-     ErrorNoReturn("Semigroups: PositionSortedOp: usage,\n",
-                   "the first argument (a semigroup) must be finite,");
-   fi;
- end);
-diff --git a/m4/ax_check_libsemigroup.m4 b/m4/ax_check_libsemigroup.m4
-index ae1f6f40c..23e498b4a 100644
---- a/m4/ax_check_libsemigroup.m4
-+++ b/m4/ax_check_libsemigroup.m4
-@@ -21,9 +21,9 @@ AC_DEFUN([AX_CHECK_LIBSEMIGROUPS], [
-   if test "$need_included_libsemigroups" = yes;  then
- 	AC_MSG_NOTICE([using included libsemigroups...])
--   		[libsemigroups/src/semigroups.h],
-+   		[libsemigroups/libsemigroups.hpp],
-    		[],
--   		[AC_MSG_ERROR([libsemigroups is required, clone or download the repo from https://github.com/james-d-mitchell/libsemigroups into this directory])])
-+   		[AC_MSG_ERROR([libsemigroups is required, clone or download the repo from https://github.com/libsemigroups/libsemigroups into this directory])])
-    		[libsemigroups/VERSION],
-diff --git a/src/.clang-format b/src/.clang-format
-index 7de2cef03..8d5699d47 100644
---- a/src/.clang-format
-+++ b/src/.clang-format
-@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ AccessModifierOffset: -1
- AlignAfterOpenBracket: Align
- AlignConsecutiveAssignments: true
- AlignConsecutiveDeclarations: true
--AlignEscapedNewlines: Left
-+AlignEscapedNewlinesLeft: true
- AlignOperands:   true
- AlignTrailingComments: true
- AllowAllParametersOfDeclarationOnNextLine: false
-@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ AllowShortIfStatementsOnASingleLine: false
- AllowShortLoopsOnASingleLine: false
- AlwaysBreakAfterReturnType: None
- AlwaysBreakBeforeMultilineStrings: false
--AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: false
-+AlwaysBreakTemplateDeclarations: true
- BinPackArguments: false
- BinPackParameters: false
- BraceWrapping:   
-@@ -79,12 +79,8 @@ PenaltyBreakComment: 300
- PenaltyBreakFirstLessLess: 200
- PenaltyBreakString: 1000
- PenaltyExcessCharacter: 1000000
--PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 600
-+PenaltyReturnTypeOnItsOwnLine: 60
- PointerAlignment: Left
--  - Delimiter:       pb
--    Language:        TextProto
--    BasedOnStyle:    google
- ReflowComments:  true
- SortIncludes:    true
- SpaceAfterCStyleCast: true
-diff --git a/src/bipart.cc b/src/bipart.cc
-index 2db351952..83c3a3996 100644
---- a/src/bipart.cc
-+++ b/src/bipart.cc
-@@ -28,12 +28,15 @@
- #include <utility>
- #include <vector>
--#include "libsemigroups/semigroups.h"
-+#include "libsemigroups/blocks.hpp"
-+#include "libsemigroups/froidure-pin.hpp"
- #include "src/compiled.h"
-+using libsemigroups::Blocks;
- using libsemigroups::Element;
--using libsemigroups::glob_reporter;
--using libsemigroups::Timer;
-+using libsemigroups::REPORTER;
-+using libsemigroups::detail::Timer;
- // Global variables
-@@ -97,7 +100,7 @@ inline Obj blocks_new_obj(Blocks* x) {
- Obj BIPART_NC(Obj self, Obj gap_blocks) {
--  std::vector<u_int32_t>* blocks = new std::vector<u_int32_t>();
-+  std::vector<u_int32_t> blocks;
-   size_t degree         = 0;
-   size_t nr_left_blocks = 0;
-@@ -110,7 +113,7 @@ Obj BIPART_NC(Obj self, Obj gap_blocks) {
-         SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(IS_LIST(ELM_LIST(gap_blocks, i)));
-         degree += LEN_LIST(ELM_LIST(gap_blocks, i));
-       }
--      blocks->resize(degree);
-+      blocks.resize(degree);
-       degree /= 2;
-@@ -120,21 +123,21 @@ Obj BIPART_NC(Obj self, Obj gap_blocks) {
-           int jj = INT_INTOBJ(ELM_LIST(block, j));
-           if (jj < 0) {
--            (*blocks)[-jj + degree - 1] = i - 1;
-+            blocks[-jj + degree - 1] = i - 1;
-           } else {
--            nr_left_blocks    = i;
--            (*blocks)[jj - 1] = i - 1;
-+            nr_left_blocks = i;
-+            blocks[jj - 1] = i - 1;
-           }
-         }
-       }
-     } else {  // gap_blocks is the internal rep of a bipartition
--      blocks->reserve(LEN_LIST(gap_blocks));
-+      blocks.reserve(LEN_LIST(gap_blocks));
-       for (size_t i = 1; i <= static_cast<size_t>(LEN_LIST(gap_blocks)) / 2;
-            i++) {
-         SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(IS_INTOBJ(ELM_LIST(gap_blocks, i))
-                           && INT_INTOBJ(ELM_LIST(gap_blocks, i)) > 0);
-         u_int32_t index = INT_INTOBJ(ELM_LIST(gap_blocks, i)) - 1;
--        blocks->push_back(index);
-+        blocks.push_back(index);
-         nr_blocks = (index > nr_blocks ? index : nr_blocks);
-       }
-       nr_left_blocks = nr_blocks + 1;
-@@ -144,7 +147,7 @@ Obj BIPART_NC(Obj self, Obj gap_blocks) {
-         SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(IS_INTOBJ(ELM_LIST(gap_blocks, i))
-                           && INT_INTOBJ(ELM_LIST(gap_blocks, i)) > 0);
-         u_int32_t index = INT_INTOBJ(ELM_LIST(gap_blocks, i)) - 1;
--        blocks->push_back(index);
-+        blocks.push_back(index);
-         nr_blocks = (index > nr_blocks ? index : nr_blocks);
-       }
-       nr_blocks++;
-@@ -168,8 +171,8 @@ Obj BIPART_EXT_REP(Obj self, Obj x) {
-   Bipartition* xx = bipart_get_cpp(x);
-   size_t       n  = xx->degree();
--  Obj ext_rep = NEW_PLIST(n == 0 ? T_PLIST_EMPTY : T_PLIST_TAB,
--                          xx->nr_blocks());
-+  Obj ext_rep
-+      = NEW_PLIST(n == 0 ? T_PLIST_EMPTY : T_PLIST_TAB, xx->nr_blocks());
-   SET_LEN_PLIST(ext_rep, (Int) xx->nr_blocks());
-   for (size_t i = 0; i < 2 * n; i++) {
-@@ -198,8 +201,7 @@ Obj BIPART_INT_REP(Obj self, Obj x) {
-   Bipartition* xx = bipart_get_cpp(x);  // get C++ bipartition pointer
-   size_t       n  = xx->degree();
--  Obj int_rep
--      = NEW_PLIST_IMM(n == 0 ? T_PLIST_EMPTY : T_PLIST_CYC, 2 * n);
-+  Obj int_rep = NEW_PLIST_IMM(n == 0 ? T_PLIST_EMPTY : T_PLIST_CYC, 2 * n);
-   SET_LEN_PLIST(int_rep, (Int) 2 * n);
-   for (size_t i = 0; i < 2 * n; i++) {
-@@ -347,18 +349,17 @@ Obj BIPART_LEFT_PROJ(Obj self, Obj x) {
-             -1);
-   _BUFFER_size_t.resize(2 * deg, -1);
--  std::vector<u_int32_t>* blocks = new std::vector<u_int32_t>();
--  blocks->resize(2 * deg, -1);
-+  std::vector<u_int32_t> blocks(2 * deg, -1);
-   for (size_t i = 0; i < deg; i++) {
--    (*blocks)[i] = xx->at(i);
-+    blocks[i] = xx->at(i);
-     if (xx->is_transverse_block(xx->at(i))) {
--      (*blocks)[i + deg] = xx->at(i);
-+      blocks[i + deg] = xx->at(i);
-     } else if (_BUFFER_size_t[xx->at(i)] != static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
--      (*blocks)[i + deg] = _BUFFER_size_t[xx->at(i)];
-+      blocks[i + deg] = _BUFFER_size_t[xx->at(i)];
-     } else {
-       _BUFFER_size_t[xx->at(i)] = next;
--      (*blocks)[i + deg]        = next;
-+      blocks[i + deg]           = next;
-       next++;
-     }
-   }
-@@ -384,8 +385,7 @@ Obj BIPART_RIGHT_PROJ(Obj self, Obj x) {
-   auto buf1 = _BUFFER_size_t.begin();
-   auto buf2 = _BUFFER_size_t.begin() + 2 * deg;
--  std::vector<u_int32_t>* blocks = new std::vector<u_int32_t>();
--  blocks->resize(2 * deg, -1);
-+  std::vector<u_int32_t> blocks(2 * deg, -1);
-   for (size_t i = deg; i < 2 * deg; i++) {
-     if (buf2[xx->at(i)] == static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
-@@ -396,8 +396,8 @@ Obj BIPART_RIGHT_PROJ(Obj self, Obj x) {
-         buf1[xx->at(i)] = l_block++;
-       }
-     }
--    (*blocks)[i - deg] = buf1[xx->at(i)];
--    (*blocks)[i]       = buf2[xx->at(i)];
-+    blocks[i - deg] = buf1[xx->at(i)];
-+    blocks[i]       = buf2[xx->at(i)];
-   }
-   Bipartition* out = new Bipartition(blocks);
-@@ -418,17 +418,16 @@ Obj BIPART_STAR(Obj self, Obj x) {
-             -1);
-   _BUFFER_size_t.resize(2 * deg, -1);
--  std::vector<u_int32_t>* blocks = new std::vector<u_int32_t>();
--  blocks->resize(2 * deg, -1);
-+  std::vector<u_int32_t> blocks(2 * deg, -1);
-   size_t next = 0;
-   for (size_t i = 0; i < deg; i++) {
-     if (_BUFFER_size_t[xx->at(i + deg)] != static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
--      (*blocks)[i] = _BUFFER_size_t[xx->at(i + deg)];
-+      blocks[i] = _BUFFER_size_t[xx->at(i + deg)];
-     } else {
-       _BUFFER_size_t[xx->at(i + deg)] = next;
--      (*blocks)[i]                    = next;
-+      blocks[i]                       = next;
-       next++;
-     }
-   }
-@@ -437,10 +436,10 @@ Obj BIPART_STAR(Obj self, Obj x) {
-   for (size_t i = 0; i < deg; i++) {
-     if (_BUFFER_size_t[xx->at(i)] != static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
--      (*blocks)[i + deg] = _BUFFER_size_t[xx->at(i)];
-+      blocks[i + deg] = _BUFFER_size_t[xx->at(i)];
-     } else {
-       _BUFFER_size_t[xx->at(i)] = next;
--      (*blocks)[i + deg]        = next;
-+      blocks[i + deg]           = next;
-       next++;
-     }
-   }
-@@ -563,8 +562,7 @@ Obj BIPART_STAB_ACTION(Obj self, Obj x, Obj p) {
-   size_t deg       = xx->degree();
-   size_t nr_blocks = xx->nr_blocks();
--  std::vector<u_int32_t>* blocks = new std::vector<u_int32_t>();
--  blocks->resize(2 * deg);
-+  std::vector<u_int32_t> blocks(2 * deg);
-   _BUFFER_size_t.clear();
-   _BUFFER_size_t.resize(2 * nr_blocks + std::max(deg, pdeg), -1);
-@@ -604,8 +602,8 @@ Obj BIPART_STAB_ACTION(Obj self, Obj x, Obj p) {
-   }
-   for (size_t i = 0; i < deg; i++) {
--    (*blocks)[i]       = xx->at(i);
--    (*blocks)[i + deg] = tab2[tab1[xx->at(i + deg)]];
-+    blocks[i]       = xx->at(i);
-+    blocks[i + deg] = tab2[tab1[xx->at(i + deg)]];
-   }
-   return bipart_new_obj(new Bipartition(blocks));
-@@ -722,8 +720,8 @@ Obj BLOCKS_EXT_REP(Obj self, Obj x) {
-   Blocks* xx = blocks_get_cpp(x);
-   size_t  n  = xx->degree();
--  Obj ext_rep = NEW_PLIST(n == 0 ? T_PLIST_EMPTY : T_PLIST_TAB,
--                          xx->nr_blocks());
-+  Obj ext_rep
-+      = NEW_PLIST(n == 0 ? T_PLIST_EMPTY : T_PLIST_TAB, xx->nr_blocks());
-   SET_LEN_PLIST(ext_rep, (Int) xx->nr_blocks());
-   for (size_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
-@@ -793,21 +791,20 @@ Obj BLOCKS_PROJ(Obj self, Obj x) {
-   _BUFFER_size_t.clear();
-   _BUFFER_size_t.resize(blocks->nr_blocks(), -1);
--  std::vector<u_int32_t>* out = new std::vector<u_int32_t>();
--  out->resize(2 * blocks->degree());
--  u_int32_t nr_blocks = blocks->nr_blocks();
-+  std::vector<u_int32_t> out(2 * blocks->degree());
-+  u_int32_t              nr_blocks = blocks->nr_blocks();
-   for (u_int32_t i = 0; i < blocks->degree(); i++) {
-     u_int32_t index = blocks->block(i);
--    (*out)[i]       = index;
-+    out[i]          = index;
-     if (blocks->is_transverse_block(index)) {
--      (*out)[i + blocks->degree()] = index;
-+      out[i + blocks->degree()] = index;
-     } else {
-       if (_BUFFER_size_t[index] == static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
-         _BUFFER_size_t[index] = nr_blocks;
-         nr_blocks++;
-       }
--      (*out)[i + blocks->degree()] = _BUFFER_size_t[index];
-+      out[i + blocks->degree()] = _BUFFER_size_t[index];
-     }
-   }
-   return bipart_new_obj(new Bipartition(out));
-@@ -920,22 +917,21 @@ Obj BLOCKS_E_CREATOR(Obj self, Obj left_gap, Obj right_gap) {
-     }
-   }
--  std::vector<u_int32_t>* blocks = new std::vector<u_int32_t>();
--  blocks->resize(2 * left->degree());
-+  std::vector<u_int32_t> blocks(2 * left->degree());
-   size_t next = right->nr_blocks();
-   for (size_t i = 0; i < left->degree(); i++) {
--    (*blocks)[i] = right->block(i);
--    size_t j     = left->block(i);
-+    blocks[i] = right->block(i);
-+    size_t j  = left->block(i);
-     if (left->is_transverse_block(j)) {
--      (*blocks)[i + left->degree()] = tab1[fuse_it(j)];
-+      blocks[i + left->degree()] = tab1[fuse_it(j)];
-     } else {
-       if (tab2[j] == static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
-         tab2[j] = next;
-         next++;
-       }
--      (*blocks)[i + left->degree()] = tab2[j];
-+      blocks[i + left->degree()] = tab2[j];
-     }
-   }
-@@ -1071,14 +1067,13 @@ Obj BLOCKS_INV_LEFT(Obj self, Obj blocks_gap, Obj x_gap) {
-        x->nr_blocks(),
-        false);
--                       == blocks->nr_blocks() + x->nr_blocks());
-+                    == blocks->nr_blocks() + x->nr_blocks());
--  std::vector<u_int32_t>* out_blocks = new std::vector<u_int32_t>();
--  out_blocks->resize(2 * x->degree());
-+  std::vector<u_int32_t> out_blocks(2 * x->degree());
-   _BUFFER_size_t.resize(2 * blocks->nr_blocks() + x->nr_blocks(), -1);
--                       == 2 * blocks->nr_blocks() + x->nr_blocks());
-+                    == 2 * blocks->nr_blocks() + x->nr_blocks());
-   SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(std::all_of(
-       _BUFFER_size_t.cbegin() + blocks->nr_blocks() + x->nr_blocks(),
-       _BUFFER_size_t.cend(),
-@@ -1096,12 +1091,12 @@ Obj BLOCKS_INV_LEFT(Obj self, Obj blocks_gap, Obj x_gap) {
-   // find the left blocks of the output
-   for (u_int32_t i = 0; i < blocks->degree(); i++) {
--    (*out_blocks)[i] = blocks->block(i);
--    u_int32_t j      = fuse_it(x->at(i) + blocks->nr_blocks());
-+    out_blocks[i] = blocks->block(i);
-+    u_int32_t j   = fuse_it(x->at(i) + blocks->nr_blocks());
-     if (j >= blocks->nr_blocks() || tab[j] == static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
--      (*out_blocks)[i + x->degree()] = blocks->nr_blocks();  // junk
-+      out_blocks[i + x->degree()] = blocks->nr_blocks();  // junk
-     } else {
--      (*out_blocks)[i + x->degree()] = tab[j];
-+      out_blocks[i + x->degree()] = tab[j];
-     }
-   }
-@@ -1175,8 +1170,7 @@ Obj BLOCKS_INV_RIGHT(Obj self, Obj blocks_gap, Obj x_gap) {
-   u_int32_t junk = -1;
-   u_int32_t next = 0;
--  std::vector<u_int32_t>* out_blocks = new std::vector<u_int32_t>();
--  out_blocks->resize(2 * x->degree());
-+  std::vector<u_int32_t> out_blocks(2 * x->degree());
-   _BUFFER_size_t.resize(3 * blocks->nr_blocks() + 2 * x->nr_blocks(), -1);
-   auto tab1 = _BUFFER_size_t.begin() + blocks->nr_blocks() + x->nr_blocks();
-@@ -1192,7 +1186,7 @@ Obj BLOCKS_INV_RIGHT(Obj self, Obj blocks_gap, Obj x_gap) {
-           tab1[j] = next;
-           next++;
-         }
--        (*out_blocks)[i] = tab1[j];
-+        out_blocks[i] = tab1[j];
-         continue;
-       }
-     }
-@@ -1200,7 +1194,7 @@ Obj BLOCKS_INV_RIGHT(Obj self, Obj blocks_gap, Obj x_gap) {
-       junk = next;
-       next++;
-     }
--    (*out_blocks)[i] = junk;
-+    out_blocks[i] = junk;
-   }
-   u_int32_t out_nr_left_blocks = next;
-@@ -1210,13 +1204,13 @@ Obj BLOCKS_INV_RIGHT(Obj self, Obj blocks_gap, Obj x_gap) {
-   for (u_int32_t i = blocks->degree(); i < 2 * blocks->degree(); i++) {
-     u_int32_t j = blocks->block(i - blocks->degree());
-     if (blocks->is_transverse_block(j)) {
--      (*out_blocks)[i] = tab1[fuse_it(j)];
-+      out_blocks[i] = tab1[fuse_it(j)];
-     } else {
-       if (tab2[j] == static_cast<size_t>(-1)) {
-         tab2[j] = next;
-         next++;
-       }
--      (*out_blocks)[i] = tab2[j];
-+      out_blocks[i] = tab2[j];
-     }
-   }
-@@ -1390,10 +1384,11 @@ class IdempotentCounter {
-   }
-   std::vector<size_t> count() {
--    glob_reporter.reset_thread_ids();
--    glob_reporter.set_report(_report);
--    REPORT("using " << _nr_threads << " / "
--                    << std::thread::hardware_concurrency() << " threads");
-+    libsemigroups::THREAD_ID_MANAGER.reset();
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(_report);
-+    REPORT_DEFAULT("using %llu / %llu additional threads",
-+                   _nr_threads,
-+                   std::thread::hardware_concurrency());
-     Timer timer;
-     for (size_t i = 0; i < _nr_threads; i++) {
-@@ -1405,7 +1400,7 @@ class IdempotentCounter {
-       _threads[i].join();
-     }
--    REPORT(timer);
-+    REPORT_TIME(timer);
-     size_t              max = *max_element(_ranks.begin(), _ranks.end()) + 1;
-     std::vector<size_t> out = std::vector<size_t>(max, 0);
-@@ -1441,7 +1436,7 @@ class IdempotentCounter {
-         }
-       }
-     }
--    REPORT("finished in " << timer.string());
-+    REPORT_DEFAULT("finished in %llu", timer.string());
-   }
-   // This is basically the same as BLOCKS_E_TESTER, but is required because we
-diff --git a/src/bipart.h b/src/bipart.h
-index 8c09b7548..d8d192486 100644
---- a/src/bipart.h
-+++ b/src/bipart.h
-@@ -19,10 +19,15 @@
--#include "libsemigroups/elements.h"
-+// libsemigroups headers
-+#include "libsemigroups/element.hpp"
-+// GAP headers
-+#include "src/compiled.h"
-+// Semigroups pkg headers
- #include "pkg.h"
- #include "semigroups-debug.h"
--#include "src/compiled.h"
- using libsemigroups::Bipartition;
- using libsemigroups::Blocks;
-diff --git a/src/congpairs.cc b/src/congpairs.cc
-index 29457859c..de99163ac 100644
---- a/src/congpairs.cc
-+++ b/src/congpairs.cc
-@@ -27,16 +27,34 @@
- #include "rnams.h"
- #include "semigrp.h"
--#include "libsemigroups/cong.h"
--using libsemigroups::Congruence;
--using libsemigroups::Partition;
--using libsemigroups::RecVec;
--using libsemigroups::relation_t;
--using libsemigroups::word_t;
-+#include "libsemigroups/cong.hpp"
-+#include "libsemigroups/fpsemi.hpp"
-+#include "libsemigroups/report.hpp"
-+using libsemigroups::FpSemigroup;
-+using libsemigroups::detail::DynamicArray2;
-+using libsemigroups::relation_type;
-+using libsemigroups::ReportGuard;
-+using libsemigroups::word_type;
-+using Congruence      = libsemigroups::Congruence;
-+using congruence_type = libsemigroups::congruence_type;
-+static inline congruence_type cstring_to_congruence_t(char const* type) {
-+  std::string stype = std::string(type);
-+  if (stype == "left") {
-+    return congruence_type::left;
-+  } else if (stype == "right") {
-+    return congruence_type::right;
-+  } else if (stype == "twosided") {
-+    return congruence_type::twosided;
-+  } else {
-+    ErrorQuit("Unrecognised type %s", (Int) type, 0L);
-+    return congruence_type::left;
-+  }
--static inline word_t plist_to_word_t(gap_list_t plist) {
--  word_t word;
-+static inline word_type plist_to_word_type(gap_list_t plist) {
-+  word_type word;
-   for (size_t i = 1; i <= (size_t) LEN_PLIST(plist); i++) {
-     Obj j = ELM_PLIST(plist, i);
-@@ -45,7 +63,7 @@ static inline word_t plist_to_word_t(gap_list_t plist) {
-   return word;
- }
--static inline gap_list_t word_t_to_plist(word_t* w) {
-+static inline gap_list_t word_type_to_plist(word_type const* w) {
-   gap_list_t plist = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_CYC, w->size());
-   SET_LEN_PLIST(plist, w->size());
-   for (size_t i = 0; i < w->size(); i++) {
-@@ -66,13 +84,13 @@ static inline gap_semigroup_t cong_obj_get_range_obj(gap_cong_t o) {
-   return ElmPRec(o, RNam_range);
- }
--static inline Semigroup* cong_obj_get_range(gap_cong_t o) {
-+static inline FroidurePin<Element const*>* cong_obj_get_range(gap_cong_t o) {
-   return semi_obj_get_semi_cpp(cong_obj_get_range_obj(o));
- }
- static inline bool cong_obj_get_range_type(gap_cong_t o) {
-   initRNams();
--  // SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(IsSemigroupCongruenceByGeneratingPairsRep(o));
-+  // SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(IsSemigroup<>CongruenceByGeneratingPairsRep(o));
-   return semi_obj_get_type(cong_obj_get_range_obj(o));
- }
-@@ -82,82 +100,67 @@ static inline bool cong_obj_is_fp_cong(gap_cong_t cong) {
- }
- static void cong_obj_init_cpp_cong(gap_cong_t o) {
--  // SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(IsSemigroupCongruenceByGeneratingPairsRep(o));
-+  // SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(IsSemigroup<>CongruenceByGeneratingPairsRep(o));
-   SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(!cong_obj_has_cpp_cong(o));
-   initRNams();
--  gap_list_t      genpairs  = ElmPRec(o, RNam_genpairs);
--  gap_semigroup_t range_obj = cong_obj_get_range_obj(o);
--  std::string     type      = std::string(CSTR_STRING(ElmPRec(o, RNam_type)));
--  Congruence*     cong;
--  bool            report = semi_obj_get_report(range_obj);
-+  gap_list_t                     genpairs  = ElmPRec(o, RNam_genpairs);
-+  gap_semigroup_t                range_obj = cong_obj_get_range_obj(o);
-+  congruence_type type
-+      = cstring_to_congruence_t(CSTR_STRING(ElmPRec(o, RNam_type)));
-+  Congruence* cong   = nullptr;
-+  bool        report = semi_obj_get_report(range_obj);
-+  auto rg = ReportGuard(report);
-   if (cong_obj_is_fp_cong(o)) {
-     size_t nrgens = INT_INTOBJ(ElmPRec(o, RNam_fp_nrgens));
-+    auto S = libsemigroups::detail::make_unique<FpSemigroup>();
-+    S->set_alphabet(nrgens);
-     // Get the fp semigroup's rels
--    gap_list_t              gap_rels = ElmPRec(o, RNam_fp_rels);
--    word_t                  lhs, rhs;
--    std::vector<relation_t> rels;
--    rels.reserve(LEN_PLIST(gap_rels));
-+    gap_list_t gap_rels = ElmPRec(o, RNam_fp_rels);
-     for (size_t i = 1; i <= (size_t) LEN_PLIST(gap_rels); i++) {
-       gap_list_t rel = ELM_PLIST(gap_rels, i);
--      lhs            = plist_to_word_t(ELM_PLIST(rel, 1));
--      rhs            = plist_to_word_t(ELM_PLIST(rel, 2));
--      rels.push_back(make_pair(lhs, rhs));
-+      S->add_rule(plist_to_word_type(ELM_PLIST(rel, 1)),
-+                  plist_to_word_type(ELM_PLIST(rel, 2)));
-     }
-+    cong = new Congruence(type, *S);
-     // Get the extra pairs
--    gap_list_t              gap_extra = ElmPRec(o, RNam_fp_extra);
--    std::vector<relation_t> extra;
--    extra.reserve(LEN_PLIST(gap_extra));
-+    gap_list_t gap_extra = ElmPRec(o, RNam_fp_extra);
-     for (size_t i = 1; i <= (size_t) LEN_PLIST(gap_extra); i++) {
-       gap_list_t pair = ELM_PLIST(gap_extra, i);
--      lhs             = plist_to_word_t(ELM_PLIST(pair, 1));
--      rhs             = plist_to_word_t(ELM_PLIST(pair, 2));
--      extra.push_back(make_pair(lhs, rhs));
-+      cong->add_pair(plist_to_word_type(ELM_PLIST(pair, 1)),
-+                     plist_to_word_type(ELM_PLIST(pair, 2)));
-     }
--    cong = new Congruence(type, nrgens, rels, extra);
--    cong->set_report(report);
-   } else if (cong_obj_get_range_type(o) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* range = cong_obj_get_range(o);
--    range->set_report(report);
--    std::vector<relation_t> extra;
--    word_t                  lhs, rhs;
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* range = cong_obj_get_range(o);
-+    cong = new Congruence(type, *range);
-     for (size_t i = 1; i <= (size_t) LEN_PLIST(genpairs); i++) {
-       Obj lhs_obj = ELM_PLIST(ELM_PLIST(genpairs, i), 1);
-       Obj rhs_obj = ELM_PLIST(ELM_PLIST(genpairs, i), 2);
--      range->factorisation(
--          lhs, INT_INTOBJ(EN_SEMI_POSITION(0L, range_obj, lhs_obj)) - 1);
--      range->factorisation(
--          rhs, INT_INTOBJ(EN_SEMI_POSITION(0L, range_obj, rhs_obj)) - 1);
--      extra.push_back(make_pair(lhs, rhs));
--      lhs.clear();
--      rhs.clear();
-+      cong->add_pair(
-+          range->factorisation(
-+              INT_INTOBJ(EN_SEMI_POSITION(0L, range_obj, lhs_obj)) - 1),
-+          range->factorisation(
-+              INT_INTOBJ(EN_SEMI_POSITION(0L, range_obj, rhs_obj)) - 1));
-     }
--    cong = new Congruence(type, range, extra);
--    cong->set_report(report);
-   } else {
--    gap_rec_t               data  = fropin(range_obj, INTOBJ_INT(-1), 0, False);
--    gap_list_t              rules = ElmPRec(data, RNam_rules);
--    gap_list_t              words = ElmPRec(data, RNam_words);
--    std::vector<relation_t> rels;
--    std::vector<relation_t> extra;
--    // convert the rules (i.e. relations) to relation_t's
--    for (size_t i = 1; i <= (size_t) LEN_PLIST(rules); i++) {
--      word_t lhs = plist_to_word_t(ELM_PLIST(ELM_PLIST(rules, i), 1));
--      word_t rhs = plist_to_word_t(ELM_PLIST(ELM_PLIST(rules, i), 2));
--      rels.push_back(make_pair(lhs, rhs));
--    }
-+    gap_rec_t data = fropin(range_obj, INTOBJ_INT(-1), 0, False);
-+    // gap_list_t              rules = ElmPRec(data, RNam_rules);
-+    gap_list_t words = ElmPRec(data, RNam_words);
--    // convert the generating pairs to relation_t's
-+    size_t nrgens = LEN_PLIST(semi_obj_get_gens(range_obj));
-+    cong = new Congruence(type, Congruence::policy::runners::none);
-+    cong->set_nr_generators(nrgens);
-+    auto tc = new libsemigroups::congruence::ToddCoxeter(type);
-+    tc->set_nr_generators(nrgens);
-+    // convert the generating pairs to relation_type's
-     for (size_t i = 1; i <= (size_t) LEN_PLIST(genpairs); i++) {
-       Obj lhs_obj = ELM_PLIST(ELM_PLIST(genpairs, i), 1);
-       Obj rhs_obj = ELM_PLIST(ELM_PLIST(genpairs, i), 2);
-@@ -166,40 +169,33 @@ static void cong_obj_init_cpp_cong(gap_cong_t o) {
-                           INT_INTOBJ(EN_SEMI_POSITION(0L, range_obj, lhs_obj)));
-       Obj rhs = ELM_PLIST(words,
-                           INT_INTOBJ(EN_SEMI_POSITION(0L, range_obj, rhs_obj)));
--      extra.push_back(make_pair(plist_to_word_t(lhs), plist_to_word_t(rhs)));
-+      tc->add_pair(plist_to_word_type(lhs), plist_to_word_type(rhs));
-     }
--    size_t nrgens = LEN_PLIST(semi_obj_get_gens(range_obj));
-     Obj graph;
--    if (type == "left") {
-+    if (type == congruence_type::left) {
-       // the left Cayley graph
-       graph = ElmPRec(data, RNam_left);
-     } else {
--      SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(type == "right" || type == "twosided");
-+      SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(type == congruence_type::right
-+                        || type == congruence_type::twosided);
-       // the right Cayley graph
-       graph = ElmPRec(data, RNam_right);
-     }
--    RecVec<size_t> prefill(nrgens, LEN_PLIST(graph) + 1);
--    Obj genslookup = ElmPRec(data, RNam_genslookup);
--    for (size_t i = 0; i < nrgens; i++) {
--      prefill.set(0, i, INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(genslookup, i + 1)));
--    }
-+    DynamicArray2<size_t> table(nrgens, LEN_PLIST(graph));
-     for (size_t i = 1; i <= (size_t) LEN_PLIST(graph); i++) {
-       Obj next = ELM_PLIST(graph, i);
-       for (size_t j = 1; j <= nrgens; j++) {
--        prefill.set(i, j - 1, INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(next, j)));
-+        table.set(i - 1, j - 1, INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(next, j)) - 1);
-       }
-     }
--    cong = new Congruence(type, nrgens, std::vector<relation_t>(), extra);
--    cong->set_report(report);
--    cong->set_prefill(prefill);
-+    tc->prefill(table);
-+    cong->add_runner(*tc);
-   }
-+  SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(cong != nullptr);
-   AssPRec(o, RNam_cong_pairs_congruence, OBJ_CLASS(cong, T_SEMI_SUBTYPE_CONG));
- }
-@@ -221,17 +217,17 @@ Obj CONG_PAIRS_NR_CLASSES(Obj self, gap_cong_t o) {
- Obj CONG_PAIRS_IN(Obj self, gap_cong_t o, Obj elm1, Obj elm2) {
-   initRNams();
--  word_t lhs, rhs;
-+  word_type lhs, rhs;
-   if (cong_obj_is_fp_cong(o)) {
--    lhs = plist_to_word_t(elm1);
--    rhs = plist_to_word_t(elm2);
-+    lhs = plist_to_word_type(elm1);
-+    rhs = plist_to_word_type(elm2);
-   } else {
-     gap_semigroup_t S       = cong_obj_get_range_obj(o);
-     size_t          lhs_pos = INT_INTOBJ(EN_SEMI_POSITION(0L, S, elm1));
-     size_t          rhs_pos = INT_INTOBJ(EN_SEMI_POSITION(0L, S, elm2));
--    SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(lhs_pos != Semigroup::UNDEFINED);
--    SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(rhs_pos != Semigroup::UNDEFINED);
-     if (IsbPRec(o, RNam_fin_cong_lookup)) {
-       // TODO(JDM) use FindPRec and GET_ELM_PREC
-@@ -241,7 +237,7 @@ Obj CONG_PAIRS_IN(Obj self, gap_cong_t o, Obj elm1, Obj elm2) {
-     }
-     if (cong_obj_get_range_type(o) != UNKNOWN) {
--      Semigroup* range = cong_obj_get_range(o);
-+      FroidurePin<Element const*>* range = cong_obj_get_range(o);
-       range->factorisation(lhs, lhs_pos - 1);
-       range->factorisation(rhs, rhs_pos - 1);
-@@ -249,13 +245,13 @@ Obj CONG_PAIRS_IN(Obj self, gap_cong_t o, Obj elm1, Obj elm2) {
-       gap_rec_t  data  = fropin(S, INTOBJ_INT(-1), 0, False);
-       gap_list_t words = ElmPRec(data, RNam_words);
--      lhs = plist_to_word_t(ELM_PLIST(words, lhs_pos));
--      rhs = plist_to_word_t(ELM_PLIST(words, rhs_pos));
-+      lhs = plist_to_word_type(ELM_PLIST(words, lhs_pos));
-+      rhs = plist_to_word_type(ELM_PLIST(words, rhs_pos));
-     }
-   }
-   Congruence* cong = cong_obj_get_cpp(o);
--  return (cong->test_equals(lhs, rhs) ? True : False);
-+  return (cong->contains(lhs, rhs) ? True : False);
- }
- // This describes a total ordering on the classes of the congruence.
-@@ -266,18 +262,18 @@ Obj CONG_PAIRS_LESS_THAN(Obj        self,
-                          gap_list_t rep2) {
-   initRNams();
--  word_t lhs, rhs;
-+  word_type lhs, rhs;
-   if (cong_obj_is_fp_cong(o)) {
--    lhs = plist_to_word_t(rep1);
--    rhs = plist_to_word_t(rep2);
-+    lhs = plist_to_word_type(rep1);
-+    rhs = plist_to_word_type(rep2);
-   } else {
-     gap_semigroup_t S       = cong_obj_get_range_obj(o);
-     size_t          lhs_pos = INT_INTOBJ(EN_SEMI_POSITION(0L, S, rep1));
-     size_t          rhs_pos = INT_INTOBJ(EN_SEMI_POSITION(0L, S, rep2));
-     if (cong_obj_get_range_type(o) != UNKNOWN) {
--      Semigroup* range = cong_obj_get_range(o);
-+      FroidurePin<Element const*>* range = cong_obj_get_range(o);
-       range->factorisation(lhs, lhs_pos - 1);
-       range->factorisation(rhs, rhs_pos - 1);
-@@ -285,13 +281,13 @@ Obj CONG_PAIRS_LESS_THAN(Obj        self,
-       gap_rec_t  data  = fropin(S, INTOBJ_INT(-1), 0, False);
-       gap_list_t words = ElmPRec(data, RNam_words);
--      lhs = plist_to_word_t(ELM_PLIST(words, lhs_pos));
--      rhs = plist_to_word_t(ELM_PLIST(words, rhs_pos));
-+      lhs = plist_to_word_type(ELM_PLIST(words, lhs_pos));
-+      rhs = plist_to_word_type(ELM_PLIST(words, rhs_pos));
-     }
-   }
-   Congruence* cong = cong_obj_get_cpp(o);
--  return (cong->test_less_than(lhs, rhs) ? True : False);
-+  return (cong->less(lhs, rhs) ? True : False);
- }
- Obj CONG_PAIRS_LOOKUP_PART(Obj self, gap_cong_t o) {
-@@ -323,13 +319,13 @@ Obj CONG_PAIRS_LOOKUP_PART(Obj self, gap_cong_t o) {
-   Obj lookup;
-   if (cong_obj_get_range_type(o) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* range = cong_obj_get_range(o);
--    range->set_report(report);
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* range = cong_obj_get_range(o);
-+    auto rg = ReportGuard(report);
-     lookup = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_CYC, range->size());
-     SET_LEN_PLIST(lookup, range->size());
--    word_t word;
-+    word_type word;
-     for (size_t i = 0; i < range->size(); i++) {
-       range->factorisation(word, i);  // changes word in place
-       size_t class_index = cong->word_to_class_index(word);
-@@ -359,7 +355,7 @@ Obj CONG_PAIRS_LOOKUP_PART(Obj self, gap_cong_t o) {
-     for (size_t i = 1; i <= (size_t) LEN_PLIST(words); i++) {
-       size_t class_index
--          = cong->word_to_class_index(plist_to_word_t(ELM_PLIST(words, i)));
-+          = cong->word_to_class_index(plist_to_word_type(ELM_PLIST(words, i)));
-       auto it = class_dictionary.find(class_index);
-       if (it == class_dictionary.end()) {
-@@ -395,13 +391,12 @@ Obj CONG_PAIRS_ELM_COSET_ID(Obj self, gap_cong_t cong_obj, Obj elm) {
-   } else if (cong_obj_is_fp_cong(cong_obj)) {
-     // elm should be a gap_list_t representing a word
-     Congruence* cong = cong_obj_get_cpp(cong_obj);
--    return INTOBJ_INT(cong->word_to_class_index(plist_to_word_t(elm)) + 1);
-+    return INTOBJ_INT(cong->word_to_class_index(plist_to_word_type(elm)) + 1);
-   } else if (cong_obj_get_range_type(cong_obj) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Congruence* cong  = cong_obj_get_cpp(cong_obj);
--    Semigroup*  range = cong_obj_get_range(cong_obj);
--    range->set_report(report);
--    word_t word;
-+    Congruence*  cong  = cong_obj_get_cpp(cong_obj);
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* range = cong_obj_get_range(cong_obj);
-+    auto rg = ReportGuard(report);
-+    word_type word;
-     range->factorisation(
-         word, INT_INTOBJ(EN_SEMI_POSITION(self, range_obj, elm)) - 1);
-     return INTOBJ_INT(cong->word_to_class_index(word) + 1);
-@@ -412,7 +407,7 @@ Obj CONG_PAIRS_ELM_COSET_ID(Obj self, gap_cong_t cong_obj, Obj elm) {
-     Obj word = ELM_PLIST(ElmPRec(data, RNam_words),
-                          INT_INTOBJ(EN_SEMI_POSITION(self, range_obj, elm)));
--    return INTOBJ_INT(cong->word_to_class_index(plist_to_word_t(word)) + 1);
-+    return INTOBJ_INT(cong->word_to_class_index(plist_to_word_type(word)) + 1);
-   }
- }
-@@ -420,26 +415,22 @@ gap_list_t CONG_PAIRS_NONTRIVIAL_CLASSES(Obj self, gap_cong_t o) {
-   initRNams();
-   Congruence* cong = cong_obj_get_cpp(o);
--  Partition<word_t>* nt_classes = cong->nontrivial_classes();
-   // Initialise gap_lists
--  gap_list_t gap_lists = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_TAB, nt_classes->size());
--  SET_LEN_PLIST(gap_lists, nt_classes->size());
-+  gap_list_t gap_lists
-+      = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_TAB, cong->nr_non_trivial_classes());
-+  SET_LEN_PLIST(gap_lists, cong->nr_non_trivial_classes());
-   // Convert the words to plists
--  for (size_t c = 0; c < nt_classes->size(); c++) {
--    gap_list_t next_class
--        = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_TAB, (*nt_classes)[c]->size());
--    SET_LEN_PLIST(next_class, (*nt_classes)[c]->size());
--    for (size_t e = 0; e < (*nt_classes)[c]->size(); e++) {
--      SET_ELM_PLIST(next_class, e + 1, word_t_to_plist((*(*nt_classes)[c])[e]));
-+  for (auto it1 = cong->cbegin_ntc(); it1 < cong->cend_ntc(); ++it1) {
-+    gap_list_t next_class = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_TAB, it1->size());
-+    SET_LEN_PLIST(next_class, it1->size());
-+    size_t pos = 0;
-+    for (auto it2 = it1->cbegin(); it2 < it1->cend(); ++it2) {
-+      SET_ELM_PLIST(next_class, ++pos, word_type_to_plist(&(*it2)));
-       CHANGED_BAG(next_class);
-     }
--    SET_ELM_PLIST(gap_lists, c + 1, next_class);
-+    SET_ELM_PLIST(gap_lists, (it1 - cong->cbegin_ntc()) + 1, next_class);
-     CHANGED_BAG(gap_lists);
-   }
--  delete nt_classes;
-   return gap_lists;
- }
-diff --git a/src/converter.cc b/src/converter.cc
-index 5f9fa93aa..95e411fa5 100644
---- a/src/converter.cc
-+++ b/src/converter.cc
-@@ -36,16 +36,15 @@ BooleanMat* BoolMatConverter::convert(Obj o, size_t n) const {
--  size_t             m = LEN_BLIST(ELM_PLIST(o, 1));
--  std::vector<bool>* x(new std::vector<bool>());
--  x->resize(m * m, false);
-+  size_t            m = LEN_BLIST(ELM_PLIST(o, 1));
-+  std::vector<bool> x(m * m, false);
-   for (size_t i = 0; i < m; i++) {
-     Obj row = ELM_PLIST(o, i + 1);
-     for (size_t j = 0; j < m; j++) {
-       if (ELM_BLIST(row, j + 1) == True) {
--        x->at(i * m + j) = true;
-+        x.at(i * m + j) = true;
-       }
-     }
-   }
-@@ -89,12 +88,11 @@ Obj BoolMatConverter::unconvert(Element const* x) const {
- Bipartition* BipartConverter::convert(Obj o, size_t n) const {
--  return static_cast<Bipartition*>(
--      static_cast<Element*>(bipart_get_cpp(o))->really_copy());
-+  return new Bipartition(*bipart_get_cpp(o));
- }
- Obj BipartConverter::unconvert(Element const* x) const {
--  return bipart_new_obj(static_cast<Bipartition*>(x->really_copy()));
-+  return bipart_new_obj(new Bipartition(*static_cast<Bipartition const*>(x)));
- }
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-@@ -115,10 +113,9 @@ Obj PBRConverter::get_gap_type(size_t deg) const {
- PBR* PBRConverter::convert(Obj o, size_t n) const {
--  size_t                               m = INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(o, 1));
--  std::vector<std::vector<u_int32_t>>* pbr(
--      new std::vector<std::vector<u_int32_t>>());
--  pbr->reserve(m);
-+  size_t                              m = INT_INTOBJ(ELM_PLIST(o, 1));
-+  std::vector<std::vector<u_int32_t>> pbr;
-+  pbr.reserve(m);
-   for (u_int32_t i = 0; i < 2 * m; i++) {
-     Obj                    adj = ELM_PLIST(o, i + 2);
-@@ -128,7 +125,7 @@ PBR* PBRConverter::convert(Obj o, size_t n) const {
-       // assumes that adj is duplicate-free
-     }
-     std::sort(next.begin(), next.end());
--    pbr->push_back(next);
-+    pbr.push_back(next);
-   }
-   return new PBR(pbr);
- }
-diff --git a/src/converter.h b/src/converter.h
-index b8f29f798..c4892a4b5 100644
---- a/src/converter.h
-+++ b/src/converter.h
-@@ -37,15 +37,15 @@
- #include "src/compiled.h"
- #include "pkg.h"
- #include "semigroups-debug.h"
--#include "libsemigroups/elements.h"
-+#include "libsemigroups/element.hpp"
-+#include "libsemigroups/semiring.hpp"
- using libsemigroups::Bipartition;
- using libsemigroups::BooleanMat;
- using libsemigroups::Element;
--using libsemigroups::MatrixOverSemiringBase;
-+using libsemigroups::detail::MatrixOverSemiringBase;
- using libsemigroups::NaturalSemiring;
- using libsemigroups::PartialPerm;
- using libsemigroups::PBR;
-@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ using libsemigroups::ProjectiveMaxPlusMatrix;
- using libsemigroups::Semiring;
- using libsemigroups::SemiringWithThreshold;
- using libsemigroups::Transformation;
-+using libsemigroups::UNDEFINED;
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- // Abstract base class
-@@ -69,24 +70,25 @@ class Converter {
- // Transformations
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
--template <typename T> class TransConverter : public Converter {
-+template <typename T>
-+class TransConverter : public Converter {
-  public:
-   Transformation<T>* convert(Obj o, size_t n) const override {
--    auto x = new std::vector<T>();
--    x->reserve(n);
-+    std::vector<T> x;
-+    x.reserve(n);
-     size_t i = 0;
-     if (TNUM_OBJ(o) == T_TRANS2) {
-       UInt2* pto2 = ADDR_TRANS2(o);
-       for (i = 0; i < std::min((size_t) DEG_TRANS2(o), n); i++) {
--        x->push_back(pto2[i]);
-+        x.push_back(pto2[i]);
-       }
-     } else if (TNUM_OBJ(o) == T_TRANS4) {
-       UInt4* pto4 = ADDR_TRANS4(o);
-       for (i = 0; i < std::min((size_t) DEG_TRANS4(o), n); i++) {
--        x->push_back(pto4[i]);
-+        x.push_back(pto4[i]);
-       }
-     } else {
-       // in case of future changes to transformations in GAP
-@@ -94,7 +96,7 @@ template <typename T> class TransConverter : public Converter {
-     }
-     for (; i < n; i++) {
--      x->push_back(i);
-+      x.push_back(i);
-     }
-     return new Transformation<T>(x);
-   }
-@@ -115,31 +117,32 @@ template <typename T> class TransConverter : public Converter {
- // Partial perms
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
--template <typename T> class PPermConverter : public Converter {
-+template <typename T>
-+class PPermConverter : public Converter {
-  public:
-   PartialPerm<T>* convert(Obj o, size_t n) const override {
--    auto x = new std::vector<T>();
--    x->reserve(n);
-+    std::vector<T> x;
-+    x.reserve(n);
-     size_t i = 0;
-     if (TNUM_OBJ(o) == T_PPERM2) {
-       UInt2* pto2 = ADDR_PPERM<UInt2>(o);
-       for (i = 0; i < std::min((size_t) DEG_PPERM2(o), n); i++) {
-         if (pto2[i] == 0) {
--          x->push_back(UNDEFINED);
-+          x.push_back(UNDEFINED);
-         } else {
--          x->push_back(pto2[i] - 1);
-+          x.push_back(pto2[i] - 1);
-         }
-       }
-     } else if (TNUM_OBJ(o) == T_PPERM4) {
-       UInt4* pto4 = ADDR_PPERM<UInt4>(o);
-       for (i = 0; i < std::min((size_t) DEG_PPERM4(o), n); i++) {
-         if (pto4[i] == 0) {
--          x->push_back(UNDEFINED);
-+          x.push_back(UNDEFINED);
-         } else {
--          x->push_back(pto4[i] - 1);
-+          x.push_back(pto4[i] - 1);
-         }
-       }
-     } else {
-@@ -148,7 +151,7 @@ template <typename T> class PPermConverter : public Converter {
-     }
-     for (; i < n; i++) {
--      x->push_back(UNDEFINED);
-+      x.push_back(UNDEFINED);
-     }
-     return new PartialPerm<T>(x);
-   }
-@@ -186,11 +189,10 @@ template <typename T> class PPermConverter : public Converter {
-     }
-   }
--  template <typename UIntT> inline UIntT* ADDR_PPERM(Obj x) const {
-+  template <typename UIntT>
-+  inline UIntT* ADDR_PPERM(Obj x) const {
-     return reinterpret_cast<UIntT*>(static_cast<Obj*>(ADDR_OBJ(x)) + 2) + 1;
-   }
--  T UNDEFINED = (T) -1;
- };
- ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-@@ -226,17 +228,17 @@ class MatrixOverSemiringConverter : public Converter {
-     size_t m = LEN_PLIST(ELM_PLIST(o, 1));
--    std::vector<int64_t>* matrix(new std::vector<int64_t>());
--    matrix->reserve(m);
-+    std::vector<int64_t> matrix;
-+    matrix.reserve(m);
-     for (size_t i = 0; i < m; i++) {
-       Obj row = ELM_PLIST(o, i + 1);
-       for (size_t j = 0; j < m; j++) {
-         Obj entry = ELM_PLIST(row, j + 1);
-         if (EQ(_gap_zero, entry)) {
--          matrix->push_back(_semiring->zero());
-+          matrix.push_back(_semiring->zero());
-         } else {
--          matrix->push_back(INT_INTOBJ(entry));
-+          matrix.push_back(INT_INTOBJ(entry));
-         }
-       }
-     }
-diff --git a/src/fropin.cc b/src/fropin.cc
-index 2de1dbca6..9918cad6c 100644
---- a/src/fropin.cc
-+++ b/src/fropin.cc
-@@ -21,13 +21,11 @@
- #include <algorithm>
- #include <iostream>
--#include "libsemigroups/report.h"
- #include "rnams.h"
- #include "semigroups-debug.h"
- #include "semigrp.h"
--using libsemigroups::glob_reporter;
--using libsemigroups::Timer;
-+using libsemigroups::detail::Timer;
- // Macros for the GAP version of the algorithm
-@@ -112,9 +110,9 @@ Obj fropin(Obj obj, Obj limit, Obj lookfunc, Obj looking) {
-     return data;
-   }
-   int_limit = std::max((size_t) INT_INTOBJ(limit), (size_t)(nr + batch_size));
--  glob_reporter.set_report(report);
--  REPORT_FROM_FUNC("limit = " << int_limit);
-+  if (report) {
-+    std::cout << "limit = " << int_limit << "\n";
-+  }
-   Timer timer;
-@@ -313,15 +311,16 @@ Obj fropin(Obj obj, Obj limit, Obj lookfunc, Obj looking) {
-       len++;
-       AssPlist(lenindex, len, INTOBJ_INT(i));
-     }
--    if (i <= nr) {
--      REPORT_FROM_FUNC("found " << nr << " elements, " << nrrules
--                                << " rules, max word length " << len + 1
--                                << ", so far");
--    } else {
--      REPORT_FROM_FUNC("found " << nr << " elements, " << nrrules
--                                << " rules, max word length " << len + 1
--                                << ", finished!");
--      REPORT_FROM_FUNC("elapsed time = " << timer);  // NOLINT()
-+    if (report) {
-+      if (i <= nr) {
-+        std::cout << "found " << nr << " elements, " << nrrules
-+                  << " rules, max word length " << len + 1 << ", so far,\n";
-+      } else {
-+        std::cout << "found " << nr << " elements, " << nrrules
-+                  << " rules, max word length " << len + 1 << ", finished!\n";
-+        // NOLINTNEXTLINE(build/include_what_you_use)
-+        std::cout << "elapsed time = " << timer.string() << "\n";
-+      }
-     }
-   }
-diff --git a/src/pkg.cc b/src/pkg.cc
-index c4e38c8e1..9399770b0 100644
---- a/src/pkg.cc
-+++ b/src/pkg.cc
-@@ -32,12 +32,13 @@
- #include "semigrp.h"
- #include "uf.h"
--#include "libsemigroups/cong.h"
--#include "libsemigroups/semigroups.h"
--#include "libsemigroups/uf.h"
-+#include "libsemigroups/blocks.hpp"
-+#include "libsemigroups/cong.hpp"
-+#include "libsemigroups/froidure-pin.hpp"
-+#include "libsemigroups/uf.hpp"
- using libsemigroups::Congruence;
--using libsemigroups::UF;
-+using libsemigroups::detail::UF;
- #if !defined(SIZEOF_VOID_P)
- #error Something is wrong with this GAP installation: SIZEOF_VOID_P not defined
-@@ -111,7 +112,7 @@ void TSemiObjFreeFunc(Obj o) {
-         // don't use functions to access these since they have too many
-         // side effects
-         delete CLASS_OBJ<Converter*>(o, 4);
--        delete CLASS_OBJ<Semigroup*>(o, 5);
-+        delete CLASS_OBJ<FroidurePin<Element const*>*>(o, 5);
-       }
-       break;
-     }
-@@ -121,7 +122,6 @@ void TSemiObjFreeFunc(Obj o) {
- void TBipartObjFreeFunc(Obj o) {
--  bipart_get_cpp(o)->really_delete();
-   delete bipart_get_cpp(o);
- }
-@@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ void TSemiObjLoadFunc(Obj o) {
-         ADDR_OBJ(o)[2] = LoadSubObj();                        // semigroup Obj
-         ADDR_OBJ(o)[3] = reinterpret_cast<Obj>(LoadUInt4());  // degree
-         ADDR_OBJ(o)[4] = static_cast<Obj>(nullptr);           // Converter*
--        ADDR_OBJ(o)[5] = static_cast<Obj>(nullptr);           // Semigroup*
-+        ADDR_OBJ(o)[5] = static_cast<Obj>(nullptr);           // FroidurePin*
-         CHANGED_BAG(o);
-       }
-       break;
-@@ -247,12 +247,12 @@ void TBipartObjSaveFunc(Obj o) {
- }
- void TBipartObjLoadFunc(Obj o) {
--  UInt4                   deg    = LoadUInt4();
--  std::vector<u_int32_t>* blocks = new std::vector<u_int32_t>();
--  blocks->reserve(2 * deg);
-+  UInt4                  deg = LoadUInt4();
-+  std::vector<u_int32_t> blocks;
-+  blocks.reserve(2 * deg);
-   for (size_t i = 0; i < 2 * deg; i++) {
--    blocks->push_back(LoadUInt4());
-+    blocks.push_back(LoadUInt4());
-   }
-   ADDR_OBJ(o)[0] = reinterpret_cast<Obj>(new Bipartition(blocks));
-diff --git a/src/pkg.h b/src/pkg.h
-index 715e12eb6..d32cea002 100644
---- a/src/pkg.h
-+++ b/src/pkg.h
-@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
- // compatibility with GAP <= 4.9
- static inline Obj NEW_PLIST_IMM(UInt type, Int plen) {
--    return NEW_PLIST(type | IMMUTABLE, plen);
-+  return NEW_PLIST(type | IMMUTABLE, plen);
- }
- #endif
-@@ -101,7 +101,8 @@ inline Obj OBJ_CLASS(Class* cpp_class, t_semi_subtype_t type, size_t size = 2) {
- // Get a pointer to a C++ object of type Class from GAP Obj of type T_SEMI
--template <typename Class> inline Class CLASS_OBJ(Obj o, size_t pos = 1) {
-+template <typename Class>
-+inline Class CLASS_OBJ(Obj o, size_t pos = 1) {
-   return reinterpret_cast<Class>(ADDR_OBJ(o)[pos]);
- }
-diff --git a/src/semigrp.cc b/src/semigrp.cc
-index fd9c6fec8..026eaca83 100644
---- a/src/semigrp.cc
-+++ b/src/semigrp.cc
-@@ -26,19 +26,20 @@
- #include "bipart.h"
- #include "converter.h"
- #include "fropin.h"
-+#include "libsemigroups/froidure-pin-base.hpp"
- #include "pkg.h"
- #include "src/compiled.h"
--using libsemigroups::cayley_graph_t;
- using libsemigroups::Integers;
-+using libsemigroups::LIMIT_MAX;
- using libsemigroups::MatrixOverSemiring;
- using libsemigroups::MaxPlusSemiring;
- using libsemigroups::MinPlusSemiring;
- using libsemigroups::NaturalSemiring;
--using libsemigroups::really_delete_cont;
- using libsemigroups::TropicalMaxPlusSemiring;
- using libsemigroups::TropicalMinPlusSemiring;
--using libsemigroups::word_t;
-+using libsemigroups::UNDEFINED;
-+using libsemigroups::word_type;
- #define ERROR(obj, message)                               \
-@@ -78,12 +79,18 @@ using libsemigroups::word_t;
- #define CHECK_POS_INTOBJ(obj)
- #endif
--std::vector<Element const*>* plist_to_vec(Converter* converter,
--                                          gap_list_t elements,
--                                          size_t     degree) {
-+template <class TElementType>
-+void delete_vec(std::vector<TElementType*>* vec) {
-+  for (auto x : *vec) {
-+    delete x;
-+  }
-+plist_to_vec(Converter* converter, gap_list_t elements, size_t degree) {
--  auto out = new std::vector<Element const*>();
-+  auto out = new std::vector<Element*>();
-   for (size_t i = 0; i < (size_t) LEN_PLIST(elements); i++) {
-     out->push_back(converter->convert(ELM_LIST(elements, i + 1), degree));
-@@ -92,9 +99,8 @@ std::vector<Element const*>* plist_to_vec(Converter* converter,
- }
- template <typename T>
--static inline gap_list_t iterator_to_plist(Converter* converter,
--                                           T          first,
--                                           T          last) {
-+static inline gap_list_t
-+iterator_to_plist(Converter* converter, T first, T last) {
-   gap_list_t out
-       = NEW_PLIST((first == last ? T_PLIST_EMPTY : T_PLIST_HOM), last - first);
-   SET_LEN_PLIST(out, last - first);
-@@ -106,7 +112,7 @@ static inline gap_list_t iterator_to_plist(Converter* converter,
-   return out;
- }
--gap_list_t word_t_to_plist(word_t const& word) {
-+gap_list_t word_type_to_plist(word_type const& word) {
-   SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(!word.empty());
-   gap_list_t out = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_CYC, word.size());
-   // IMMUTABLE since it should not be altered on the GAP level
-@@ -248,7 +254,7 @@ static inline size_t semi_obj_get_period(gap_semigroup_t so) {
- //  2: gap_semigroup_t   so,
- //  3: size_t            degree,
- //  4: Converter*,
--//  5: Semigroup*
-+//  5: FroidurePin*
- //
- // To call en_semi_init_converter positions 0 to 3 must already be set, and 4
- // and 5 must be nullptrs. To call en_semi_init_semigroup,
-@@ -347,9 +353,9 @@ Converter* en_semi_init_converter(en_semi_obj_t es) {
-   return converter;
- }
--Semigroup* en_semi_init_semigroup(en_semi_obj_t es) {
-+FroidurePin<Element const*>* en_semi_init_semigroup(en_semi_obj_t es) {
-   SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN);
--  SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(CLASS_OBJ<Semigroup*>(es, 5) == nullptr);
-+  SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(CLASS_OBJ<FroidurePin<Element const*>*>(es, 5) == nullptr);
-   initRNams();
-   if (en_semi_get_converter(es) == nullptr) {
-@@ -361,9 +367,9 @@ Semigroup* en_semi_init_semigroup(en_semi_obj_t es) {
-   size_t          deg       = en_semi_get_degree(es);
-   gap_list_t      plist     = semi_obj_get_gens(so);
-   auto            gens      = plist_to_vec(converter, plist, deg);
--  Semigroup*      semi_cpp  = new Semigroup(gens);
--  semi_cpp->set_batch_size(semi_obj_get_batch_size(so));
--  really_delete_cont(gens);
-+  FroidurePin<Element const*>*    semi_cpp  = new FroidurePin<Element const*>(gens);
-+  semi_cpp->batch_size(semi_obj_get_batch_size(so));
-+  delete_vec(gens);
-   ADDR_OBJ(es)[5] = reinterpret_cast<Obj>(semi_cpp);
-   return semi_cpp;
-@@ -462,11 +468,11 @@ Converter* en_semi_get_converter(en_semi_obj_t es) {
-   return (converter != nullptr ? converter : en_semi_init_converter(es));
- }
--Semigroup* en_semi_get_semi_cpp(en_semi_obj_t es) {
-+FroidurePin<Element const*>* en_semi_get_semi_cpp(en_semi_obj_t es) {
-                     && SUBTYPE_OF_T_SEMI(es) == T_SEMI_SUBTYPE_ENSEMI);
-   SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN);
--  Semigroup* semi_cpp = CLASS_OBJ<Semigroup*>(es, 5);
-+  FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = CLASS_OBJ<FroidurePin<Element const*>*>(es, 5);
-   return (semi_cpp != nullptr ? semi_cpp : en_semi_init_semigroup(es));
- }
-@@ -497,7 +503,7 @@ en_semi_t semi_obj_get_type(gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   return en_semi_get_type(semi_obj_get_en_semi(so));
- }
--Semigroup* semi_obj_get_semi_cpp(gap_semigroup_t so) {
-+FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_obj_get_semi_cpp(gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   return en_semi_get_semi_cpp(semi_obj_get_en_semi(so));
- }
-@@ -532,9 +538,9 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_AS_LIST(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
--    semi_cpp->enumerate();
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    semi_cpp->run();
-     return iterator_to_plist(
-         en_semi_get_converter(es), semi_cpp->cbegin(), semi_cpp->cend());
-   } else {
-@@ -547,8 +553,8 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_AS_SET(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-     Converter* converter = en_semi_get_converter(es);
-     // The T_PLIST_HOM_SSORTED makes a huge difference to performance!!
-     gap_list_t out = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_HOM_SSORT, semi_cpp->size());
-@@ -573,9 +579,8 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_CAYLEY_TABLE(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-     size_t n = semi_cpp->size();
-     SEMIGROUPS_ASSERT(n != 0);
-     gap_list_t out = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST_TAB_RECT, n);
-@@ -644,7 +649,7 @@ gap_semigroup_t EN_SEMI_CLOSURE(Obj             self,
-   Converter* converter = en_semi_get_converter(es);
-   auto       coll      = plist_to_vec(converter, plist, deg);
--  Semigroup* old_semi_cpp = semi_obj_get_semi_cpp(old_so);
-+  FroidurePin<Element const*>* old_semi_cpp = semi_obj_get_semi_cpp(old_so);
- // CAUTION: copy_closure always copies old_semi_cpp regardless of whether or
- // not every element in coll belongs to old_semi_cpp!! Only call this
-@@ -654,26 +659,26 @@ gap_semigroup_t EN_SEMI_CLOSURE(Obj             self,
-   bool valid = false;
-   for (auto const& x : *coll) {
--    if (!old_semi_cpp->test_membership(x)) {
-+    if (!old_semi_cpp->contains(x)) {
-       valid = true;
-       break;
-     }
-   }
- #endif
--  old_semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(new_so));
--  Semigroup* new_semi_cpp = old_semi_cpp->copy_closure(coll);
--  really_delete_cont(coll);
-+  auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(new_so));
-+  FroidurePin<Element const*>* new_semi_cpp = old_semi_cpp->copy_closure(*coll);
-+  delete_vec(coll);
--  new_semi_cpp->set_batch_size(semi_obj_get_batch_size(new_so));
-+  new_semi_cpp->batch_size(semi_obj_get_batch_size(new_so));
-   ADDR_OBJ(es)[5] = reinterpret_cast<Obj>(new_semi_cpp);
-   CHANGED_BAG(es);
-   // Reset the generators of the new semigroup
--  gap_list_t gens = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST_HOM, new_semi_cpp->nrgens());
-+  gap_list_t gens = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST_HOM, new_semi_cpp->nr_generators());
--  for (size_t i = 0; i < new_semi_cpp->nrgens(); i++) {
--    AssPlist(gens, i + 1, converter->unconvert(new_semi_cpp->gens(i)));
-+  for (size_t i = 0; i < new_semi_cpp->nr_generators(); i++) {
-+    AssPlist(gens, i + 1, converter->unconvert(new_semi_cpp->generator(i)));
-   }
-   AssPRec(new_so, RNam_GeneratorsOfMagma, gens);
-@@ -690,9 +695,8 @@ gap_semigroup_t EN_SEMI_CLOSURE(Obj             self,
- // the elements in <so>. If this is not the case, then this should not be
- // called but ClosureSemigroup should be instead, on the GAP level.
--gap_semigroup_t EN_SEMI_CLOSURE_DEST(Obj             self,
--                                     gap_semigroup_t so,
--                                     gap_list_t      plist) {
-+EN_SEMI_CLOSURE_DEST(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_list_t plist) {
-   CHECK_PLIST(plist);
-@@ -705,19 +709,19 @@ gap_semigroup_t EN_SEMI_CLOSURE_DEST(Obj             self,
--  Semigroup*   semi_cpp  = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+  FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp  = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-   size_t const deg       = semi_cpp->degree();
-   Converter*   converter = en_semi_get_converter(es);
-   auto coll = plist_to_vec(converter, plist, deg);
--  semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
--  semi_cpp->closure(coll);
--  really_delete_cont(coll);
-+  auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+  semi_cpp->closure(*coll);
-+  delete_vec(coll);
-   gap_list_t gens = ElmPRec(so, RNam_GeneratorsOfMagma);
--  for (size_t i = 0; i < semi_cpp->nrgens(); i++) {
--    AssPlist(gens, i + 1, converter->unconvert(semi_cpp->gens(i)));
-+  for (size_t i = 0; i < semi_cpp->nr_generators(); i++) {
-+    AssPlist(gens, i + 1, converter->unconvert(semi_cpp->generator(i)));
-   }
-   // Reset the fropin data since none of it is valid any longer
-@@ -752,7 +756,7 @@ gap_int_t EN_SEMI_CURRENT_NR_RULES(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   if (es == 0L) {
-     return INTOBJ_INT(0);
-   } else if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    return INTOBJ_INT(en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es)->current_nrrules());
-+    return INTOBJ_INT(en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es)->current_nr_rules());
-   } else {
-     gap_rec_t fp = semi_obj_get_fropin(so);
-     // TODO(JDM) could write a function return_if_not_bound_prec(prec, rnam,
-@@ -785,9 +789,8 @@ gap_int_t EN_SEMI_CURRENT_SIZE(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
- // Get the <pos> element of <S> this is not cached anywhere for cpp semigroups
--gap_element_t EN_SEMI_ELEMENT_NUMBER(Obj             self,
--                                     gap_semigroup_t so,
--                                     gap_int_t       pos) {
-+EN_SEMI_ELEMENT_NUMBER(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t pos) {
-@@ -796,10 +799,18 @@ gap_element_t EN_SEMI_ELEMENT_NUMBER(Obj             self,
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
-     nr--;
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
--    Element const* x = semi_cpp->at(nr);
--    return (x == nullptr ? Fail : en_semi_get_converter(es)->unconvert(x));
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    try {
-+      return en_semi_get_converter(es)->unconvert(semi_cpp->at(nr));
-+    } catch (std::out_of_range& e) {
-+      std::cerr << "exception std::out_of_range thrown "
-+                   "by libsemigroups::FroidurePin::at("
-+                << nr << "): " << e.what() << std::endl;
-+      return Fail;
-+    }
-   } else {
-     gap_rec_t fp = semi_obj_get_fropin(so);
-     if (IsbPRec(fp, RNam_elts)) {
-@@ -819,21 +830,27 @@ gap_element_t EN_SEMI_ELEMENT_NUMBER(Obj             self,
-   }
- }
--gap_element_t EN_SEMI_ELEMENT_NUMBER_SORTED(Obj             self,
--                                            gap_semigroup_t so,
--                                            gap_int_t       pos) {
-+EN_SEMI_ELEMENT_NUMBER_SORTED(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t pos) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    size_t     nr       = INT_INTOBJ(pos) - 1;
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
--    Element const* x = semi_cpp->sorted_at(nr);
--    return (x == nullptr ? Fail : en_semi_get_converter(es)->unconvert(x));
-+    size_t       nr       = INT_INTOBJ(pos) - 1;
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    try {
-+      return en_semi_get_converter(es)->unconvert(semi_cpp->sorted_at(nr));
-+    } catch (std::out_of_range& e) {
-+      std::cerr << "exception std::out_of_range thrown "
-+                   "by libsemigroups::FroidurePin::sorted_at("
-+                << nr << "): " << e.what() << std::endl;
-+      return Fail;
-+    }
-   } else {
-     ErrorQuit("EN_SEMI_ELEMENT_NUMBER_SORTED: this shouldn't happen!", 0L, 0L);
-     return 0L;
-@@ -853,7 +870,7 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_ELMS_LIST(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_list_t poslist) {
-   SET_LEN_PLIST(out, len);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-     for (size_t i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
-       gap_int_t pos = ELM_LIST(poslist, i);
-       if (pos == 0 || !IS_INTOBJ(pos) || INT_INTOBJ(pos) <= 0) {
-@@ -862,16 +879,24 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_ELMS_LIST(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_list_t poslist) {
-                   (Int) i,
-                   0L);
-       }
--      semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
--      Element const* x = semi_cpp->at(INT_INTOBJ(pos) - 1);
--      if (x == nullptr) {
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+      try {
-+        SET_ELM_PLIST(out,
-+                      i,
-+                      en_semi_get_converter(es)->unconvert(
-+                          semi_cpp->at(INT_INTOBJ(pos) - 1)));
-+        CHANGED_BAG(out);
-+      } catch (std::out_of_range& e) {
-+        std::cerr << "exception std::out_of_range thrown "
-+                     "by libsemigroups::FroidurePin::at("
-+                  << (INT_INTOBJ(pos) - 1) << "): " << e.what() << std::endl;
-         ErrorQuit("Semigroups: ELMS_LIST: List Elements, <list>[%d] "
-                   "must be at most %d,",
-                   (Int) i,
-                   (Int) semi_cpp->size());
-       }
--      SET_ELM_PLIST(out, i, en_semi_get_converter(es)->unconvert(x));
--      CHANGED_BAG(out);
-     }
-   } else {
-     for (size_t i = 1; i <= len; i++) {
-@@ -896,17 +921,15 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_ELMS_LIST(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_list_t poslist) {
-   return out;
- }
--gap_semigroup_t EN_SEMI_ENUMERATE(Obj             self,
--                                  gap_semigroup_t so,
--                                  gap_int_t       limit) {
-+EN_SEMI_ENUMERATE(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t limit) {
-   CHECK_INTOBJ(limit);
--  size_t c_limit
--      = (INT_INTOBJ(limit) < 0 ? Semigroup::LIMIT_MAX : INT_INTOBJ(limit));
-+  size_t c_limit   = (INT_INTOBJ(limit) < 0 ? LIMIT_MAX : INT_INTOBJ(limit));
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-     semi_cpp->enumerate(c_limit);
-   } else {
-     fropin(so, limit, 0, False);
-@@ -927,8 +950,8 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_FACTORIZATION(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t pos) {
-               0L);
-     return 0L;  // keep compiler happy
-   } else if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    gap_list_t words;
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    gap_list_t   words;
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-     if (pos_c > semi_cpp->current_size()) {
-       ErrorQuit("the 2nd argument must be at most %d not %d",
-@@ -939,13 +962,13 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_FACTORIZATION(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t pos) {
-     gap_rec_t fp = semi_obj_get_fropin(so);
-     if (!IsbPRec(fp, RNam_words)) {
-       // TODO(JDM) Use FindPRec instead
--      word_t w;  // changed in place by the next line
--      semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+      word_type w;  // changed in place by the next line
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-       semi_cpp->factorisation(w, pos_c - 1);
-       words = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST, pos_c);
-       // IMMUTABLE since it should not be altered on the GAP level
-       SET_LEN_PLIST(words, pos_c);
--      SET_ELM_PLIST(words, pos_c, word_t_to_plist(w));
-+      SET_ELM_PLIST(words, pos_c, word_type_to_plist(w));
-       CHANGED_BAG(words);
-       AssPRec(fp, RNam_words, words);
-       CHANGED_BAG(so);
-@@ -961,7 +984,8 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_FACTORIZATION(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t pos) {
-           gap_list_t new_word
-               = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_CYC, LEN_PLIST(old_word) + 1);
-           // IMMUTABLE since it should not be altered on the GAP level
--          memcpy(ADDR_OBJ(new_word) + 1, CONST_ADDR_OBJ(old_word) + 1,
-+          memcpy(ADDR_OBJ(new_word) + 1,
-+                 CONST_ADDR_OBJ(old_word) + 1,
-                  (size_t)(LEN_PLIST(old_word) * sizeof(Obj)));
-           SET_ELM_PLIST(new_word,
-                         LEN_PLIST(old_word) + 1,
-@@ -976,7 +1000,8 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_FACTORIZATION(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t pos) {
-           gap_list_t new_word
-               = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_CYC, LEN_PLIST(old_word) + 1);
-           // IMMUTABLE since it should not be altered on the GAP level
--          memcpy(ADDR_OBJ(new_word) + 2, CONST_ADDR_OBJ(old_word) + 1,
-+          memcpy(ADDR_OBJ(new_word) + 2,
-+                 CONST_ADDR_OBJ(old_word) + 1,
-                  (size_t)(LEN_PLIST(old_word) * sizeof(Obj)));
-           SET_ELM_PLIST(
-               new_word, 1, INTOBJ_INT(semi_cpp->first_letter(pos_c - 1) + 1));
-@@ -985,10 +1010,10 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_FACTORIZATION(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t pos) {
-           CHANGED_BAG(fp);
-           CHANGED_BAG(so);
-         } else {
--          word_t w;  // changed in place by the next line
--          semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+          word_type w;  // changed in place by the next line
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-           semi_cpp->factorisation(w, pos_c - 1);
--          AssPlist(words, pos_c, word_t_to_plist(w));
-+          AssPlist(words, pos_c, word_type_to_plist(w));
-           CHANGED_BAG(fp);
-           CHANGED_BAG(so);
-         }
-@@ -1010,17 +1035,17 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_LEFT_CAYLEY_GRAPH(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-     gap_list_t out = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST_TAB_RECT, semi_cpp->size());
-     // this is intentionally not IMMUTABLE
-     SET_LEN_PLIST(out, semi_cpp->size());
-     for (size_t i = 0; i < semi_cpp->size(); ++i) {
--      gap_list_t next = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST_CYC, semi_cpp->nrgens());
-+      gap_list_t next = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST_CYC, semi_cpp->nr_generators());
-       // this is intentionally not IMMUTABLE
--      SET_LEN_PLIST(next, semi_cpp->nrgens());
--      for (size_t j = 0; j < semi_cpp->nrgens(); ++j) {
-+      SET_LEN_PLIST(next, semi_cpp->nr_generators());
-+      for (size_t j = 0; j < semi_cpp->nr_generators(); ++j) {
-         SET_ELM_PLIST(next, j + 1, INTOBJ_INT(semi_cpp->left(i, j) + 1));
-       }
-       SET_ELM_PLIST(out, i + 1, next);
-@@ -1037,8 +1062,8 @@ gap_int_t EN_SEMI_LENGTH_ELEMENT(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t pos) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-     return INTOBJ_INT(semi_cpp->length_non_const(INT_INTOBJ(pos) - 1));
-   } else {
-     return INTOBJ_INT(LEN_PLIST(EN_SEMI_FACTORIZATION(self, so, pos)));
-@@ -1049,11 +1074,11 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_IDEMPOTENTS(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp  = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    Converter* converter = en_semi_get_converter(es);
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp  = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    Converter*   converter = en_semi_get_converter(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
--    semi_cpp->set_max_threads(semi_obj_get_nr_threads(so));
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    semi_cpp->max_threads(semi_obj_get_nr_threads(so));
-     return iterator_to_plist(converter,
-                              semi_cpp->cbegin_idempotents(),
-                              semi_cpp->cend_idempotents());
-@@ -1097,9 +1122,9 @@ gap_int_t EN_SEMI_IDEMS_SUBSET(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_list_t list) {
-   size_t len = 0;
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
--    semi_cpp->set_max_threads(semi_obj_get_nr_threads(so));
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    semi_cpp->max_threads(semi_obj_get_nr_threads(so));
-     for (size_t pos = 1; pos <= (size_t) LEN_LIST(list); pos++) {
-       gap_int_t ent = ELM_LIST(list, pos);
-@@ -1143,7 +1168,7 @@ gap_bool_t EN_SEMI_IS_DONE(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   if (es == 0L) {
-     return False;
-   } else if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    return (en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es)->is_done() ? True : False);
-+    return (en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es)->finished() ? True : False);
-   }
-   gap_rec_t fp = semi_obj_get_fropin(so);
-@@ -1157,11 +1182,11 @@ gap_int_t EN_SEMI_NR_IDEMPOTENTS(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
--    semi_cpp->set_max_threads(semi_obj_get_nr_threads(so));
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    semi_cpp->max_threads(semi_obj_get_nr_threads(so));
--    return INTOBJ_INT(semi_cpp->nridempotents());
-+    return INTOBJ_INT(semi_cpp->nr_idempotents());
-   } else {
-     // This could probably be better but is also probably not worth the effort
-     // of improving
-@@ -1191,14 +1216,13 @@ Obj EN_SEMI_POSITION(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_element_t x) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    size_t     deg      = en_semi_get_degree(es);
--    Element*   xx       = en_semi_get_converter(es)->convert(x, deg);
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    size_t       deg      = en_semi_get_degree(es);
-+    Element*     xx       = en_semi_get_converter(es)->convert(x, deg);
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-     size_t pos = semi_cpp->position(xx);
--    xx->really_delete();
-     delete xx;
--    return (pos == Semigroup::UNDEFINED ? Fail : INTOBJ_INT(pos + 1));
-+    return (pos == UNDEFINED ? Fail : INTOBJ_INT(pos + 1));
-   } else {
-     gap_rec_t data = semi_obj_get_fropin(so);
-     Obj       ht   = ElmPRec(data, RNam_ht);
-@@ -1220,9 +1244,8 @@ Obj EN_SEMI_POSITION(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_element_t x) {
- // Get the position of <x> with out any further enumeration
--gap_int_t EN_SEMI_CURRENT_POSITION(Obj             self,
--                                   gap_semigroup_t so,
--                                   gap_element_t   x) {
-+EN_SEMI_CURRENT_POSITION(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_element_t x) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi_no_init(so);
-@@ -1232,17 +1255,15 @@ gap_int_t EN_SEMI_CURRENT_POSITION(Obj             self,
-     size_t   deg = en_semi_get_degree(es);
-     Element* xx  = en_semi_get_converter(es)->convert(x, deg);
-     size_t   pos = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es)->current_position(xx);
--    xx->really_delete();
-     delete xx;
--    return (pos == Semigroup::UNDEFINED ? Fail : INTOBJ_INT(pos + 1));
-+    return (pos == UNDEFINED ? Fail : INTOBJ_INT(pos + 1));
-   } else {
-     return CALL_2ARGS(HTValue, ElmPRec(semi_obj_get_fropin(so), RNam_ht), x);
-   }
- }
--gap_int_t EN_SEMI_POSITION_SORTED(Obj             self,
--                                  gap_semigroup_t so,
--                                  gap_element_t   x) {
-+EN_SEMI_POSITION_SORTED(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_element_t x) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-@@ -1251,14 +1272,13 @@ gap_int_t EN_SEMI_POSITION_SORTED(Obj             self,
-     ErrorQuit("EN_SEMI_POSITION_SORTED: this shouldn't happen!", 0L, 0L);
-     return 0L;
-   } else {
--    size_t     deg      = en_semi_get_degree(es);
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    size_t       deg      = en_semi_get_degree(es);
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-     Element* xx  = en_semi_get_converter(es)->convert(x, deg);
-     size_t   pos = semi_cpp->sorted_position(xx);
--    xx->really_delete();
-     delete xx;
--    return (pos == Semigroup::UNDEFINED ? Fail : INTOBJ_INT(pos + 1));
-+    return (pos == UNDEFINED ? Fail : INTOBJ_INT(pos + 1));
-   }
- }
-@@ -1270,12 +1290,11 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_RELATIONS(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
-     if (!IsbPRec(fp, RNam_rules) || LEN_PLIST(ElmPRec(fp, RNam_rules)) == 0) {
--      Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--      semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
--      gap_list_t rules
--          = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_TAB_RECT, semi_cpp->nrrules());
-+      FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+      gap_list_t rules = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_TAB_RECT, semi_cpp->nr_rules());
-       // IMMUTABLE since it should not be altered on the GAP level
--      SET_LEN_PLIST(rules, semi_cpp->nrrules());
-+      SET_LEN_PLIST(rules, semi_cpp->nr_rules());
-       size_t nr = 0;
-       semi_cpp->reset_next_relation();
-@@ -1306,7 +1325,8 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_RELATIONS(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
-         gap_list_t new_word
-             = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_CYC, LEN_PLIST(old_word) + 1);
-         // IMMUTABLE since it should not be altered on the GAP level
--        memcpy(ADDR_OBJ(new_word) + 1, CONST_ADDR_OBJ(old_word) + 1,
-+        memcpy(ADDR_OBJ(new_word) + 1,
-+               CONST_ADDR_OBJ(old_word) + 1,
-                (size_t)(LEN_PLIST(old_word) * sizeof(Obj)));
-         SET_ELM_PLIST(
-             new_word, LEN_PLIST(old_word) + 1, INTOBJ_INT(relation[1] + 1));
-@@ -1341,18 +1361,18 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_RIGHT_CAYLEY_GRAPH(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-     gap_list_t out = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST_TAB_RECT, semi_cpp->size());
-     // this is intentionally not IMMUTABLE
-     SET_LEN_PLIST(out, semi_cpp->size());
-     for (size_t i = 0; i < semi_cpp->size(); ++i) {
--      gap_list_t next = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST_CYC, semi_cpp->nrgens());
-+      gap_list_t next = NEW_PLIST(T_PLIST_CYC, semi_cpp->nr_generators());
-       // this is intentionally not IMMUTABLE
--      SET_LEN_PLIST(next, semi_cpp->nrgens());
--      for (size_t j = 0; j < semi_cpp->nrgens(); ++j) {
-+      SET_LEN_PLIST(next, semi_cpp->nr_generators());
-+      for (size_t j = 0; j < semi_cpp->nr_generators(); ++j) {
-         SET_ELM_PLIST(next, j + 1, INTOBJ_INT(semi_cpp->right(i, j) + 1));
-       }
-       SET_ELM_PLIST(out, i + 1, next);
-@@ -1370,8 +1390,8 @@ gap_int_t EN_SEMI_SIZE(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so) {
-   en_semi_obj_t es = semi_obj_get_en_semi(so);
-   if (en_semi_get_type(es) != UNKNOWN) {
--    Semigroup* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
--    semi_cpp->set_report(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-+    FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_cpp = en_semi_get_semi_cpp(es);
-+    auto rg = libsemigroups::ReportGuard(semi_obj_get_report(so));
-     return INTOBJ_INT(semi_cpp->size());
-   } else {
-     gap_rec_t fp = fropin(so, INTOBJ_INT(-1), 0, False);
-diff --git a/src/semigrp.h b/src/semigrp.h
-index 1b99accf9..e5427e138 100644
---- a/src/semigrp.h
-+++ b/src/semigrp.h
-@@ -21,13 +21,16 @@
-+#include "libsemigroups/froidure-pin.hpp"
-+#include "src/compiled.h"  // GAP headers
- #include "converter.h"
--#include "libsemigroups/semigroups.h"
- #include "pkg.h"
- #include "rnams.h"
--#include "src/compiled.h"  // GAP headers
--using libsemigroups::Semigroup;
-+using libsemigroups::FroidurePin;
- // Typedef for readability, an en_semi_obj_t should be an Obj of TNUM_OBJ =
-@@ -57,12 +60,12 @@ enum en_semi_t {
- // C++ functions
--size_t     semi_obj_get_batch_size(gap_semigroup_t so);
--bool       semi_obj_get_report(gap_semigroup_t so);
--gap_list_t semi_obj_get_gens(gap_semigroup_t so);
--gap_rec_t  semi_obj_get_fropin(gap_semigroup_t so);
--en_semi_t  semi_obj_get_type(gap_semigroup_t so);
--Semigroup* semi_obj_get_semi_cpp(gap_semigroup_t so);
-+size_t         semi_obj_get_batch_size(gap_semigroup_t so);
-+bool           semi_obj_get_report(gap_semigroup_t so);
-+gap_list_t     semi_obj_get_gens(gap_semigroup_t so);
-+gap_rec_t      semi_obj_get_fropin(gap_semigroup_t so);
-+en_semi_t      semi_obj_get_type(gap_semigroup_t so);
-+FroidurePin<Element const*>* semi_obj_get_semi_cpp(gap_semigroup_t so);
- static inline en_semi_t en_semi_get_type(en_semi_obj_t es) {
-@@ -84,37 +87,32 @@ static inline size_t en_semi_get_degree(en_semi_obj_t es) {
-   return CLASS_OBJ<size_t>(es, 3);
- }
--Converter* en_semi_get_converter(en_semi_obj_t es);
--Semigroup* en_semi_get_semi_cpp(en_semi_obj_t es);
-+Converter*     en_semi_get_converter(en_semi_obj_t es);
-+FroidurePin<Element const*>* en_semi_get_semi_cpp(en_semi_obj_t es);
- // GAP level functions for IsEnumerableSemigroupRep
--gap_list_t      EN_SEMI_AS_LIST(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
--gap_list_t      EN_SEMI_AS_SET(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
--gap_int_t       EN_SEMI_CURRENT_MAX_WORD_LENGTH(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
--gap_int_t       EN_SEMI_CURRENT_NR_RULES(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
--gap_int_t       EN_SEMI_CURRENT_POSITION(Obj             self,
--                                         gap_semigroup_t so,
--                                         gap_element_t   x);
-+gap_list_t EN_SEMI_AS_LIST(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
-+gap_list_t EN_SEMI_AS_SET(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
-+gap_int_t  EN_SEMI_CURRENT_MAX_WORD_LENGTH(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
-+gap_int_t  EN_SEMI_CURRENT_NR_RULES(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
-+                EN_SEMI_CURRENT_POSITION(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_element_t x);
- gap_int_t       EN_SEMI_CURRENT_SIZE(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
- gap_list_t      EN_SEMI_CAYLEY_TABLE(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
- gap_semigroup_t EN_SEMI_CLOSURE(Obj             self,
-                                 gap_semigroup_t new_so,
-                                 gap_semigroup_t old_so,
-                                 gap_list_t      plist);
--gap_semigroup_t EN_SEMI_CLOSURE_DEST(Obj             self,
--                                     gap_semigroup_t so,
--                                     gap_list_t      coll);
--gap_element_t   EN_SEMI_ELEMENT_NUMBER(Obj             self,
--                                       gap_semigroup_t so,
--                                       gap_int_t       pos);
--gap_element_t   EN_SEMI_ELEMENT_NUMBER_SORTED(Obj             self,
--                                              gap_semigroup_t so,
--                                              gap_int_t       pos);
-+EN_SEMI_CLOSURE_DEST(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_list_t coll);
-+EN_SEMI_ELEMENT_NUMBER(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t pos);
-+           EN_SEMI_ELEMENT_NUMBER_SORTED(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t pos);
- gap_list_t EN_SEMI_ELMS_LIST(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_list_t poslist);
--gap_semigroup_t EN_SEMI_ENUMERATE(Obj             self,
--                                  gap_semigroup_t so,
--                                  gap_int_t       limit);
-+           EN_SEMI_ENUMERATE(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t limit);
- gap_list_t EN_SEMI_FACTORIZATION(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t pos);
- gap_list_t EN_SEMI_LEFT_CAYLEY_GRAPH(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
- gap_int_t  EN_SEMI_LENGTH_ELEMENT(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_int_t pos);
-@@ -123,9 +121,8 @@ gap_list_t EN_SEMI_IDEMS_SUBSET(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_list_t list);
- gap_bool_t EN_SEMI_IS_DONE(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
- gap_int_t  EN_SEMI_NR_IDEMPOTENTS(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
- gap_int_t  EN_SEMI_POSITION(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_element_t x);
--gap_int_t  EN_SEMI_POSITION_SORTED(Obj             self,
--                                   gap_semigroup_t so,
--                                   gap_element_t   x);
-+           EN_SEMI_POSITION_SORTED(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so, gap_element_t x);
- gap_list_t EN_SEMI_RELATIONS(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
- gap_list_t EN_SEMI_RIGHT_CAYLEY_GRAPH(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
- gap_int_t  EN_SEMI_SIZE(Obj self, gap_semigroup_t so);
-diff --git a/src/uf.cc b/src/uf.cc
-index ae663c7a8..63643dd4d 100644
---- a/src/uf.cc
-+++ b/src/uf.cc
-@@ -26,9 +26,9 @@
- #include "semigroups-debug.h"
- #include "src/compiled.h"
--#include "libsemigroups/uf.h"
-+#include "libsemigroups/uf.hpp"
--using libsemigroups::UF;
-+using libsemigroups::detail::UF;
- // GAP level functions
-@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ Obj UF_FLATTEN(Obj self, Obj uf) {
- }
- Obj UF_TABLE(Obj self, Obj uf) {
--  UF::table_t* table     = CLASS_OBJ<UF*>(uf)->get_table();
-+  UF::table_type* table     = CLASS_OBJ<UF*>(uf)->get_table();
-   size_t       size      = table->size();
-   Obj          gap_table = NEW_PLIST_IMM(T_PLIST_CYC, size);
-   // IMMUTABLE since it should not be altered on the GAP level
-@@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ Obj UF_TABLE(Obj self, Obj uf) {
- }
- Obj UF_BLOCKS(Obj self, Obj uf) {
--  UF::blocks_t const* blocks = CLASS_OBJ<UF*>(uf)->get_blocks();
-+  UF::blocks_type const* blocks = CLASS_OBJ<UF*>(uf)->get_blocks();
-   size_t              size   = blocks->size();
-   size_t              i, j;
-diff --git a/tst/standard/congfpmon.tst b/tst/standard/congfpmon.tst
-index c69ad7356..33b51b1d1 100644
---- a/tst/standard/congfpmon.tst
-+++ b/tst/standard/congfpmon.tst
-@@ -96,12 +96,9 @@ false
- gap> class1 = class2;
- false
- gap> enum := Enumerator(class1);;
--gap> enum[3];
--gap> enum[11];
--gap> Position(enum, M.2 * M.1 * M.2 * M.1);
-+gap> AsSSortedList(enum);
-+[ m2, m1^2, m1*m2, m2*m1, m1^2*m2, m1*m2*m1, m2*m1*m2, m1^2*m2*m1, (m1*m2)^2, 
-+  (m2*m1)^2, (m1*m2)^2*m1 ]
- gap> Size(enum);
- 11
- gap> class1 * class2 = EquivalenceClassOfElement(cong, M.2 ^ 20 * M.1 ^ 42);
-@@ -164,11 +161,11 @@ gap> class1 = class2;
- false
- gap> enum := Enumerator(class1);;
- gap> enum[3];
- gap> enum[11];
- gap> Position(enum, M.2 * M.1 * M.2 * M.1);
- gap> Size(enum);
- 30
-@@ -232,7 +229,7 @@ gap> class1 = class2;
- false
- gap> enum := Enumerator(class1);;
- gap> enum[3];
- gap> enum[11];
- m1*(m1*m2)^2*m1^3
- gap> Position(enum, M.1 * (M.1 * M.2) ^ 2 * M.1 ^ 3);

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