[arch-commits] Commit in code/repos/community-x86_64 (12 files)
Filipe Laíns
ffy00 at archlinux.org
Mon Mar 30 22:30:41 UTC 2020
Date: Monday, March 30, 2020 @ 22:30:40
Author: ffy00
Revision: 607419
archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64
(from rev 607418, code/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 607418, code/trunk/code-liveshare.diff)
(from rev 607418, code/trunk/code.js)
(from rev 607418, code/trunk/code.sh)
(from rev 607418, code/trunk/enable-proposed-apis.diff)
(from rev 607418, code/trunk/product_json.diff)
PKGBUILD | 315 ++++++++++++++++++++++----------------------
code-liveshare.diff | 24 +--
code.js | 58 ++++----
code.sh | 6
enable-proposed-apis.diff | 26 +--
product_json.diff | 40 ++---
6 files changed, 235 insertions(+), 234 deletions(-)
--- PKGBUILD 2020-03-30 22:30:27 UTC (rev 607418)
+++ PKGBUILD 2020-03-30 22:30:40 UTC (rev 607419)
@@ -1,157 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Filipe Laíns (FFY00) <lains at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Michael Hansen <zrax0111 gmail com>
-# Contributor: Francisco Magalhães <franmagneto gmail com>
-pkgdesc='The Open Source build of Visual Studio Code (vscode) editor'
-# Important: Remember to check https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute#prerequisites for target node version
-# NodeJS versioning cheatsheet:
-# - carbon: 8
-# - dubnium: 10
-# - ?: 11 (not in repos)
-# - erbium: 12
-# Important: Remember to check https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/master/.yarnrc (choose correct tag) for target electron version
-depends=($_electron 'libsecret' 'libx11' 'libxkbfile' 'ripgrep')
-optdepends=('bash-completion: Bash completions'
- 'zsh-completions: ZSH completitons')
-makedepends=('git' 'gulp' 'npm' 'python2' 'yarn' 'nodejs-lts-dubnium')
- 'code.js'
- 'code.sh'
- 'product_json.diff'
- 'enable-proposed-apis.diff')
- '814c9554427183cd893a33cd2cbe91f6e0ea71921ef0717c86217b1d3058d265f9ff7a9ace3e7b76f122e60b7686475cf4d999e581a1845face3033afb9f745f'
- '0e75ee88274cbaf48c59ef6f363f6b8ac2ea83f8b17a61155008db773b709a1f0233754fa63a136ec0417313ba90a7eb17db000ec22a38ca8840d8ba6c47cab1'
- '8ec47e497287d67f37e7b669af416f43d5cdbd4574892867d7b95996ef5de53640b5bc919b06b177e1fd91cb005579d6ed0c17325117b9914ba7cf28f5f06e40'
- 'b267dcedaf51067a782d0f14007663b706973c1538f7fb91f093475134c2145fd0ffd5ed2b47ad7f01c6167a78a4af285d2818d7850fc67a7f7a473324824664')
-# Even though we don't officially support other archs, let's
-# allow the user to use this PKGBUILD to compile the package
-# for his architecture
-case "$CARCH" in
- i686)
- _vscode_arch=ia32
- ;;
- x86_64)
- _vscode_arch=x64
- ;;
- armv7h)
- _vscode_arch=arm
- ;;
- *)
- # Needed for mksrcinfo
- _vscode_arch=DUMMY
- ;;
-prepare() {
- cd $pkgname
- # Change electron binary name to the target electron
- sed -i "s|exec electron |exec $_electron |" ../code.sh
- # This patch no longer contains proprietary modifications.
- # See https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/31168 for details.
- patch -p0 < ../product_json.diff
- # Set the commit and build date
- local _commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
- local _datestamp=$(date -u -Is | sed 's/\+00:00/Z/')
- sed -e "s/@COMMIT@/$_commit/" -e "s/@DATE@/$_datestamp/" -i product.json
- # See https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/live-share/issues/262 for details
- # Also, https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/48946
- patch -p1 < ../enable-proposed-apis.diff
- # Build native modules for system electron
- local _target=$(</usr/lib/$_electron/version)
- sed -i "s/^target .*/target \"${_target//v/}\"/" .yarnrc
- # Patch appdata and desktop file
- sed -i 's|/usr/share/@@NAME@@/@@NAME@@|@@NAME@@|g
- s|@@NAME_SHORT@@|Code|g
- s|@@NAME_LONG@@|Code - OSS|g
- s|@@NAME@@|code-oss|g
- s|@@ICON@@|code-oss|g
- s|@@EXEC@@|/usr/bin/code-oss|g
- s|@@LICENSE@@|MIT|g
- s|@@URLPROTOCOL@@|vscode|g
- s|inode/directory;||' resources/linux/code{.appdata.xml,.desktop,-url-handler.desktop}
- # Add completitions for code-oss
- cp resources/completions/bash/code resources/completions/bash/code-oss
- cp resources/completions/zsh/_code resources/completions/zsh/_code-oss
- # Patch completitions with correct names
- sed -i 's|@@APPNAME@@|code|g' resources/completions/{bash/code,zsh/_code}
- sed -i 's|@@APPNAME@@|code-oss|g' resources/completions/{bash/code-oss,zsh/_code-oss}
- # Fix bin path
- sed -i "s|return path.join(path.dirname(execPath), 'bin', \`\${product.applicationName}\`);|return '/usr/bin/code';|g
- s|return path.join(appRoot, 'scripts', 'code-cli.sh');|return '/usr/bin/code';|g" \
- src/vs/platform/environment/node/environmentService.ts
-build() {
- # https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/issues/1044
- mkdir -p path
- ln -sf /usr/bin/python2 path/python
- export PATH="$PWD/path:$PATH"
- cd $pkgname
- yarn install --arch=$_vscode_arch
- # The default memory limit may be too low for current versions of node
- # to successfully build vscode. Change it if this number still doesn't
- # work for your system.
- mem_limit="--max_old_space_size=6144"
- if ! /usr/bin/node $mem_limit /usr/bin/gulp vscode-linux-$_vscode_arch-min
- then
- echo
- echo "*** NOTE: If the build failed due to running out of file handles (EMFILE),"
- echo "*** you will need to raise your max open file limit."
- echo "*** You can check this for more information on how to increase this limit:"
- echo "*** https://ro-che.info/articles/2017-03-26-increase-open-files-limit"
- exit 1
- fi
-package() {
- # Install resource files
- install -dm 755 "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/$pkgname
- cp -r --no-preserve=ownership --preserve=mode VSCode-linux-$_vscode_arch/resources/app/* "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/$pkgname/
- # Replace statically included binary with system copy
- ln -sf /usr/bin/rg "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/code/node_modules.asar.unpacked/vscode-ripgrep/bin/rg
- # Install binary
- install -Dm 755 code.sh "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/code-oss
- install -Dm 755 code.js "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/$pkgname/code.js
- ln -sf /usr/bin/code-oss "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/code
- # Install appdata and desktop file
- install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/linux/code.appdata.xml "$pkgdir"/usr/share/metainfo/code-oss.appdata.xml
- install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/linux/code.desktop "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/code-oss.desktop
- install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/linux/code-url-handler.desktop "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/code-oss-url-handler.desktop
- install -Dm 644 VSCode-linux-$_vscode_arch/resources/app/resources/linux/code.png "$pkgdir"/usr/share/pixmaps/code-oss.png
- # Install bash and zsh completions
- install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/completions/bash/code "$pkgdir"/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/code
- install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/completions/bash/code-oss "$pkgdir"/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/code-oss
- install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/completions/zsh/_code "$pkgdir"/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_code
- install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/completions/zsh/_code-oss "$pkgdir"/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_code-oss
- # Install license files
- install -Dm 644 VSCode-linux-$_vscode_arch/resources/app/LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE
- install -Dm 644 VSCode-linux-$_vscode_arch/resources/app/ThirdPartyNotices.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/ThirdPartyNotices.txt
Copied: code/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 607418, code/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD 2020-03-30 22:30:40 UTC (rev 607419)
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+# Maintainer: Filipe Laíns (FFY00) <lains at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Michael Hansen <zrax0111 gmail com>
+# Contributor: Francisco Magalhães <franmagneto gmail com>
+pkgdesc='The Open Source build of Visual Studio Code (vscode) editor'
+# Important: Remember to check https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/wiki/How-to-Contribute#prerequisites for target node version
+# NodeJS versioning cheatsheet:
+# - carbon: 8
+# - dubnium: 10
+# - ?: 11 (not in repos)
+# - erbium: 12
+# Important: Remember to check https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/blob/master/.yarnrc (choose correct tag) for target electron version
+depends=($_electron 'libsecret' 'libx11' 'libxkbfile' 'ripgrep')
+optdepends=('bash-completion: Bash completions'
+ 'zsh-completions: ZSH completitons'
+ 'x11-ssh-askpass: SSH authentication')
+makedepends=('git' 'gulp' 'npm' 'python2' 'yarn' 'nodejs-lts-dubnium')
+ 'code.js'
+ 'code.sh'
+ 'product_json.diff'
+ 'enable-proposed-apis.diff')
+ '814c9554427183cd893a33cd2cbe91f6e0ea71921ef0717c86217b1d3058d265f9ff7a9ace3e7b76f122e60b7686475cf4d999e581a1845face3033afb9f745f'
+ '0e75ee88274cbaf48c59ef6f363f6b8ac2ea83f8b17a61155008db773b709a1f0233754fa63a136ec0417313ba90a7eb17db000ec22a38ca8840d8ba6c47cab1'
+ '8ec47e497287d67f37e7b669af416f43d5cdbd4574892867d7b95996ef5de53640b5bc919b06b177e1fd91cb005579d6ed0c17325117b9914ba7cf28f5f06e40'
+ 'b267dcedaf51067a782d0f14007663b706973c1538f7fb91f093475134c2145fd0ffd5ed2b47ad7f01c6167a78a4af285d2818d7850fc67a7f7a473324824664')
+# Even though we don't officially support other archs, let's
+# allow the user to use this PKGBUILD to compile the package
+# for his architecture
+case "$CARCH" in
+ i686)
+ _vscode_arch=ia32
+ ;;
+ x86_64)
+ _vscode_arch=x64
+ ;;
+ armv7h)
+ _vscode_arch=arm
+ ;;
+ *)
+ # Needed for mksrcinfo
+ _vscode_arch=DUMMY
+ ;;
+prepare() {
+ cd $pkgname
+ # Change electron binary name to the target electron
+ sed -i "s|exec electron |exec $_electron |" ../code.sh
+ # This patch no longer contains proprietary modifications.
+ # See https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/31168 for details.
+ patch -p0 < ../product_json.diff
+ # Set the commit and build date
+ local _commit=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
+ local _datestamp=$(date -u -Is | sed 's/\+00:00/Z/')
+ sed -e "s/@COMMIT@/$_commit/" -e "s/@DATE@/$_datestamp/" -i product.json
+ # See https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/live-share/issues/262 for details
+ # Also, https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/48946
+ patch -p1 < ../enable-proposed-apis.diff
+ # Build native modules for system electron
+ local _target=$(</usr/lib/$_electron/version)
+ sed -i "s/^target .*/target \"${_target//v/}\"/" .yarnrc
+ # Patch appdata and desktop file
+ sed -i 's|/usr/share/@@NAME@@/@@NAME@@|@@NAME@@|g
+ s|@@NAME_SHORT@@|Code|g
+ s|@@NAME_LONG@@|Code - OSS|g
+ s|@@NAME@@|code-oss|g
+ s|@@ICON@@|code-oss|g
+ s|@@EXEC@@|/usr/bin/code-oss|g
+ s|@@LICENSE@@|MIT|g
+ s|@@URLPROTOCOL@@|vscode|g
+ s|inode/directory;||' resources/linux/code{.appdata.xml,.desktop,-url-handler.desktop}
+ # Add completitions for code-oss
+ cp resources/completions/bash/code resources/completions/bash/code-oss
+ cp resources/completions/zsh/_code resources/completions/zsh/_code-oss
+ # Patch completitions with correct names
+ sed -i 's|@@APPNAME@@|code|g' resources/completions/{bash/code,zsh/_code}
+ sed -i 's|@@APPNAME@@|code-oss|g' resources/completions/{bash/code-oss,zsh/_code-oss}
+ # Fix bin path
+ sed -i "s|return path.join(path.dirname(execPath), 'bin', \`\${product.applicationName}\`);|return '/usr/bin/code';|g
+ s|return path.join(appRoot, 'scripts', 'code-cli.sh');|return '/usr/bin/code';|g" \
+ src/vs/platform/environment/node/environmentService.ts
+build() {
+ # https://github.com/mapbox/node-sqlite3/issues/1044
+ mkdir -p path
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/python2 path/python
+ export PATH="$PWD/path:$PATH"
+ cd $pkgname
+ yarn install --arch=$_vscode_arch
+ # The default memory limit may be too low for current versions of node
+ # to successfully build vscode. Change it if this number still doesn't
+ # work for your system.
+ mem_limit="--max_old_space_size=6144"
+ if ! /usr/bin/node $mem_limit /usr/bin/gulp vscode-linux-$_vscode_arch-min
+ then
+ echo
+ echo "*** NOTE: If the build failed due to running out of file handles (EMFILE),"
+ echo "*** you will need to raise your max open file limit."
+ echo "*** You can check this for more information on how to increase this limit:"
+ echo "*** https://ro-che.info/articles/2017-03-26-increase-open-files-limit"
+ exit 1
+ fi
+package() {
+ # Install resource files
+ install -dm 755 "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/$pkgname
+ cp -r --no-preserve=ownership --preserve=mode VSCode-linux-$_vscode_arch/resources/app/* "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/$pkgname/
+ # Replace statically included binary with system copy
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/rg "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/code/node_modules.asar.unpacked/vscode-ripgrep/bin/rg
+ # Install binary
+ install -Dm 755 code.sh "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/code-oss
+ install -Dm 755 code.js "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/$pkgname/code.js
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/code-oss "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/code
+ # Install appdata and desktop file
+ install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/linux/code.appdata.xml "$pkgdir"/usr/share/metainfo/code-oss.appdata.xml
+ install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/linux/code.desktop "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/code-oss.desktop
+ install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/linux/code-url-handler.desktop "$pkgdir"/usr/share/applications/code-oss-url-handler.desktop
+ install -Dm 644 VSCode-linux-$_vscode_arch/resources/app/resources/linux/code.png "$pkgdir"/usr/share/pixmaps/code-oss.png
+ # Install bash and zsh completions
+ install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/completions/bash/code "$pkgdir"/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/code
+ install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/completions/bash/code-oss "$pkgdir"/usr/share/bash-completion/completions/code-oss
+ install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/completions/zsh/_code "$pkgdir"/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_code
+ install -Dm 644 $pkgname/resources/completions/zsh/_code-oss "$pkgdir"/usr/share/zsh/site-functions/_code-oss
+ # Install license files
+ install -Dm 644 VSCode-linux-$_vscode_arch/resources/app/LICENSE.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE
+ install -Dm 644 VSCode-linux-$_vscode_arch/resources/app/ThirdPartyNotices.txt "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/ThirdPartyNotices.txt
Deleted: code-liveshare.diff
--- code-liveshare.diff 2020-03-30 22:30:27 UTC (rev 607418)
+++ code-liveshare.diff 2020-03-30 22:30:40 UTC (rev 607419)
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/product.json b/product.json
-index b250c66fc4..8a9befcfbb 100644
---- a/product.json
-+++ b/product.json
-@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
- "reportIssueUrl": "https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/new",
- "urlProtocol": "code-oss",
- "extensionAllowedProposedApi": [
-+ "ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare",
- "ms-vscode.references-view"
- ],
- "quality": "stable",
Copied: code/repos/community-x86_64/code-liveshare.diff (from rev 607418, code/trunk/code-liveshare.diff)
--- code-liveshare.diff (rev 0)
+++ code-liveshare.diff 2020-03-30 22:30:40 UTC (rev 607419)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+diff --git a/product.json b/product.json
+index b250c66fc4..8a9befcfbb 100644
+--- a/product.json
++++ b/product.json
+@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
+ "reportIssueUrl": "https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/new",
+ "urlProtocol": "code-oss",
+ "extensionAllowedProposedApi": [
++ "ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare",
+ "ms-vscode.references-view"
+ ],
+ "quality": "stable",
Deleted: code.js
--- code.js 2020-03-30 22:30:27 UTC (rev 607418)
+++ code.js 2020-03-30 22:30:40 UTC (rev 607419)
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-const name = 'code-oss';
-const app = require('electron').app;
-const path = require('path');
-const fs = require("fs");
-// Change command name.
-const fd = fs.openSync("/proc/self/comm", fs.constants.O_WRONLY);
-fs.writeSync(fd, name);
-// Remove first command line argument (/usr/lib/code/code.js). - We call the CLI file first
-process.argv.splice(0, 1);
-// Set application paths.
-const appPath = __dirname;
-const packageJson = require(path.join(appPath, 'package.json'));
-app.setDesktopName(name + '.desktop');
-app.setPath('userCache', path.join(app.getPath('cache'), name));
-app.setPath('userData', path.join(app.getPath('appData'), name));
-// Run the application.
-require('module')._load(appPath, module, true);
Copied: code/repos/community-x86_64/code.js (from rev 607418, code/trunk/code.js)
--- code.js (rev 0)
+++ code.js 2020-03-30 22:30:40 UTC (rev 607419)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+const name = 'code-oss';
+const app = require('electron').app;
+const path = require('path');
+const fs = require("fs");
+// Change command name.
+const fd = fs.openSync("/proc/self/comm", fs.constants.O_WRONLY);
+fs.writeSync(fd, name);
+// Remove first command line argument (/usr/lib/code/code.js). - We call the CLI file first
+process.argv.splice(0, 1);
+// Set application paths.
+const appPath = __dirname;
+const packageJson = require(path.join(appPath, 'package.json'));
+app.setDesktopName(name + '.desktop');
+app.setPath('userCache', path.join(app.getPath('cache'), name));
+app.setPath('userData', path.join(app.getPath('appData'), name));
+// Run the application.
+require('module')._load(appPath, module, true);
Deleted: code.sh
--- code.sh 2020-03-30 22:30:27 UTC (rev 607418)
+++ code.sh 2020-03-30 22:30:40 UTC (rev 607419)
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE=1 exec electron /usr/lib/code/out/cli.js /usr/lib/code/code.js "$@"
Copied: code/repos/community-x86_64/code.sh (from rev 607418, code/trunk/code.sh)
--- code.sh (rev 0)
+++ code.sh 2020-03-30 22:30:40 UTC (rev 607419)
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ELECTRON_RUN_AS_NODE=1 exec electron /usr/lib/code/out/cli.js /usr/lib/code/code.js "$@"
Deleted: enable-proposed-apis.diff
--- enable-proposed-apis.diff 2020-03-30 22:30:27 UTC (rev 607418)
+++ enable-proposed-apis.diff 2020-03-30 22:30:40 UTC (rev 607419)
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/product.json b/product.json
-index b250c66fc4..8a9befcfbb 100644
---- a/product.json
-+++ b/product.json
-@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
- "reportIssueUrl": "https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/new",
- "urlProtocol": "code-oss",
- "extensionAllowedProposedApi": [
-+ "ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare",
-+ "ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh",
- "ms-vscode.references-view"
- ],
- "quality": "stable",
Copied: code/repos/community-x86_64/enable-proposed-apis.diff (from rev 607418, code/trunk/enable-proposed-apis.diff)
--- enable-proposed-apis.diff (rev 0)
+++ enable-proposed-apis.diff 2020-03-30 22:30:40 UTC (rev 607419)
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+diff --git a/product.json b/product.json
+index b250c66fc4..8a9befcfbb 100644
+--- a/product.json
++++ b/product.json
+@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
+ "reportIssueUrl": "https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues/new",
+ "urlProtocol": "code-oss",
+ "extensionAllowedProposedApi": [
++ "ms-vsliveshare.vsliveshare",
++ "ms-vscode-remote.remote-ssh",
+ "ms-vscode.references-view"
+ ],
+ "quality": "stable",
Deleted: product_json.diff
--- product_json.diff 2020-03-30 22:30:27 UTC (rev 607418)
+++ product_json.diff 2020-03-30 22:30:40 UTC (rev 607419)
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
---- product.json 2019-04-06 13:26:49.879655883 +0100
-+++ product.json 2019-04-06 13:26:37.399656243 +0100
-@@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
- {
-+ "quality": "stable",
-+ "extensionsGallery": {
-+ "serviceUrl": "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery",
-+ "cacheUrl": "https://vscode.blob.core.windows.net/gallery/index",
-+ "itemUrl": "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items"
-+ },
-+ "documentationUrl": "https://code.visualstudio.com/docs",
-+ "requestFeatureUrl": "https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues",
-+ "introductoryVideosUrl": "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832146",
-+ "tipsAndTricksUrl": "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852118",
-+ "keyboardShortcutsUrlLinux": "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832144",
-+ "commit": "@COMMIT@",
-+ "date": "@DATE@",
- "nameShort": "Code - OSS",
- "nameLong": "Code - OSS",
- "applicationName": "code-oss",
Copied: code/repos/community-x86_64/product_json.diff (from rev 607418, code/trunk/product_json.diff)
--- product_json.diff (rev 0)
+++ product_json.diff 2020-03-30 22:30:40 UTC (rev 607419)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+--- product.json 2019-04-06 13:26:49.879655883 +0100
++++ product.json 2019-04-06 13:26:37.399656243 +0100
+@@ -1,4 +1,17 @@
+ {
++ "quality": "stable",
++ "extensionsGallery": {
++ "serviceUrl": "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/_apis/public/gallery",
++ "cacheUrl": "https://vscode.blob.core.windows.net/gallery/index",
++ "itemUrl": "https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items"
++ },
++ "documentationUrl": "https://code.visualstudio.com/docs",
++ "requestFeatureUrl": "https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode/issues",
++ "introductoryVideosUrl": "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832146",
++ "tipsAndTricksUrl": "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=852118",
++ "keyboardShortcutsUrlLinux": "https://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?linkid=832144",
++ "commit": "@COMMIT@",
++ "date": "@DATE@",
+ "nameShort": "Code - OSS",
+ "nameLong": "Code - OSS",
+ "applicationName": "code-oss",
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