[arch-commits] Commit in ghdl/repos/community-x86_64 (PKGBUILD PKGBUILD)
Filipe Laíns
ffy00 at archlinux.org
Sun May 17 22:54:33 UTC 2020
Date: Sunday, May 17, 2020 @ 22:54:32
Author: ffy00
Revision: 629115
archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64
(from rev 629114, ghdl/trunk/PKGBUILD)
PKGBUILD | 343 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
1 file changed, 179 insertions(+), 164 deletions(-)
--- PKGBUILD 2020-05-17 22:54:23 UTC (rev 629114)
+++ PKGBUILD 2020-05-17 22:54:32 UTC (rev 629115)
@@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Filipe Laíns (FFY00) <lains at archlinux.org>
-pkgname=('ghdl-mcode' 'ghdl-llvm' 'ghdl-gcc')
-pkgdesc='VHDL simulator'
-makedepends=('gmp' 'mpfr' 'libmpc' 'zlib' 'llvm' 'clang')
-validpgpkeys=('33C235A34C46AA3FFB293709A328C3A2C3C45C06') # Jakub Jelinek <jakub at redhat.com>
- "https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-$_gcc/gcc-$_gcc.tar.xz"{,.sig}
- "http://isl.gforge.inria.fr/isl-$_isl.tar.bz2"
- "fix-llvm10.patch::$url/commit/cfb359f0b05e9042c1045213b93b09e465fa8ccc.patch")
- '4b9e3639eef6e623747a22c37a904b4750c93b6da77cf3958d5047e9b5ebddb7eebe091cc16ca0a227c0ecbd2bf3b984b221130f269a97ee4cc18f9cf6c444de'
- 'SKIP'
- 'fc2c9796979610dd51143dcefe4f5c989c4354571cc5a1fcc6b932fd41f42a54f6b43adfd289af61be7bd06f3a523fa6a7d7ee56680e32d8036beb4c188fa668'
- '67aff7e7bdcf4b517074a3f436ee2b1fc9b4b1d9d618fe6df0b7819cb44471d051682b1c78e95ce67616563e0714a6297c9936af79d784d49778a8a9cbdad36b')
-export GNATMAKE="gnatmake $MAKEFLAGS"
-prepare() {
- cd $pkgbase-$pkgver
- patch -p1 -i ../fix-llvm10.patch
- cd "$srcdir"
- cp -r $pkgbase-$pkgver ghdl-mcode
- cp -r $pkgbase-$pkgver ghdl-llvm
- cp -r $pkgbase-$pkgver ghdl-gcc
- mkdir gcc-build
- cd gcc-$_gcc
- ln -s ../isl-$_isl isl
- echo $_gcc > gcc/BASE-VER
- # hack! - some configure tests for header files using "$CPP $CPPFLAGS"
- sed -i "/ac_cpp=/s/\$CPPFLAGS/\$CPPFLAGS -O2/" {libiberty,gcc}/configure
-_configure() {
- ./configure \
- --prefix=/usr \
- --disable-werror \
- --enable-checks \
- --enable-libghdl \
- --enable-openieee \
- --enable-synth $@
-build() {
- echo 'Building ghdl-mcode...'
- cd "$srcdir"/ghdl-mcode
- _configure
- make
- echo 'Building ghdl-llvm...'
- cd "$srcdir"/ghdl-llvm
- _configure --with-llvm-config
- make
- echo 'Building ghdl-gcc...'
- cd "$srcdir"/ghdl-gcc
- _configure --with-gcc="$srcdir"/gcc-$_gcc
- make copy-sources
- cd "$srcdir"/gcc-build
- "$srcdir"/gcc-$_gcc/configure \
- --prefix=/usr \
- --libdir=/usr/lib \
- --libexecdir=/usr/lib \
- --enable-languages=vhdl \
- --enable-default-pie \
- --enable-default-ssp \
- --with-isl \
- --enable-plugin \
- --enable-lto \
- --disable-bootstrap \
- --disable-multilib \
- --disable-libada \
- --disable-libsanitizer \
- --disable-libssp \
- --disable-libquadmath \
- --disable-libgomp \
- --disable-libvtv \
- --with-pkgversion='Arch Linux Repositories' \
- --with-bugurl='https://bugs.archlinux.org/'
- make
- cd "$srcdir"/ghdl-gcc
- make \
- GHDL_GCC_BIN="$srcdir"/gcc-build/gcc/ghdl \
- GHDL1_GCC_BIN="--GHDL1=$srcdir/gcc-build/gcc/ghdl1" \
- ghdllib
-package_ghdl-mcode() {
- pkgdesc="$pkgdesc (mcode backend)"
- cd $pkgname
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
-package_ghdl-llvm() {
- pkgdesc="$pkgdesc (LLVM backend)"
- depends+=('llvm-libs')
- options=(!emptydirs)
- cd $pkgname
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
- # strip binaries
- find "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/ -type f -and \( -executable -o -name '*.o' \) -exec strip '{}' \;
-package_ghdl-gcc() {
- pkgdesc="$pkgdesc (GCC backend)"
- options=(!emptydirs)
- cd "$srcdir"/gcc-build
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
- # Remove files that conflict with the system gcc -- we only want to install the ghdl plugin
- for FILE in $(find "$pkgdir" -not -type d); do
- if [ -f /"${FILE#"$pkgdir"}" ]; then
- rm -f "$FILE"
- fi
- done
- find "$pkgdir"/usr/share -not -type d -not -name '*ghdl*' -delete
- rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/lib64
- # strip binaries
- find "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/ "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/gcc -type f -and \( -executable -o -name '*.o' \) -exec strip '{}' \;
- cd "$srcdir"/ghdl-gcc
- make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
Copied: ghdl/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 629114, ghdl/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD 2020-05-17 22:54:32 UTC (rev 629115)
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+# Maintainer: Filipe Laíns (FFY00) <lains at archlinux.org>
+pkgname=('ghdl-mcode' 'ghdl-llvm' 'ghdl-gcc')
+pkgdesc='VHDL simulator'
+makedepends=('gmp' 'mpfr' 'libmpc' 'zlib' 'llvm' 'clang')
+validpgpkeys=('33C235A34C46AA3FFB293709A328C3A2C3C45C06') # Jakub Jelinek <jakub at redhat.com>
+ "https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/gcc-$_gcc/gcc-$_gcc.tar.xz"{,.sig}
+ "http://isl.gforge.inria.fr/isl-$_isl.tar.bz2"
+ "fix-llvm10.patch::$url/commit/cfb359f0b05e9042c1045213b93b09e465fa8ccc.patch")
+ '0cb2a74c793face751f42bc580960b00e2bfea785872a0a2155f1f1dbfaa248f9591b67f4322db0f096f8844aca9243bc02732bda106c3b6e43b02bb67eb3096'
+ 'SKIP'
+ 'fc2c9796979610dd51143dcefe4f5c989c4354571cc5a1fcc6b932fd41f42a54f6b43adfd289af61be7bd06f3a523fa6a7d7ee56680e32d8036beb4c188fa668'
+ '67aff7e7bdcf4b517074a3f436ee2b1fc9b4b1d9d618fe6df0b7819cb44471d051682b1c78e95ce67616563e0714a6297c9936af79d784d49778a8a9cbdad36b')
+export GNATMAKE="gnatmake $MAKEFLAGS"
+prepare() {
+ cd $pkgbase-$pkgver
+ patch -p1 -i ../fix-llvm10.patch
+ cd "$srcdir"
+ cp -r $pkgbase-$pkgver ghdl-mcode
+ cp -r $pkgbase-$pkgver ghdl-llvm
+ cp -r $pkgbase-$pkgver ghdl-gcc
+ mkdir gcc-build
+ cd gcc-$_gcc
+ ln -s ../isl-$_isl isl
+ echo $_gcc > gcc/BASE-VER
+ # hack! - some configure tests for header files using "$CPP $CPPFLAGS"
+ sed -i "/ac_cpp=/s/\$CPPFLAGS/\$CPPFLAGS -O2/" {libiberty,gcc}/configure
+_configure() {
+ ./configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --disable-werror \
+ --enable-checks \
+ --enable-libghdl \
+ --enable-synth $@
+# --enable-openieee \
+build() {
+ echo 'Building ghdl-mcode...'
+ cd "$srcdir"/ghdl-mcode
+ _configure
+ make
+ echo 'Building ghdl-llvm...'
+ cd "$srcdir"/ghdl-llvm
+ _configure --with-llvm-config
+ make
+ echo 'Building ghdl-gcc...'
+ cd "$srcdir"/ghdl-gcc
+ _configure --with-gcc="$srcdir"/gcc-$_gcc
+ make copy-sources
+ cd "$srcdir"/gcc-build
+ "$srcdir"/gcc-$_gcc/configure \
+ --prefix=/usr \
+ --libdir=/usr/lib \
+ --libexecdir=/usr/lib \
+ --enable-languages=vhdl \
+ --enable-default-pie \
+ --enable-default-ssp \
+ --with-isl \
+ --enable-plugin \
+ --enable-lto \
+ --disable-bootstrap \
+ --disable-multilib \
+ --disable-libada \
+ --disable-libsanitizer \
+ --disable-libssp \
+ --disable-libquadmath \
+ --disable-libgomp \
+ --disable-libvtv \
+ --with-pkgversion='Arch Linux Repositories' \
+ --with-bugurl='https://bugs.archlinux.org/'
+ make
+ cd "$srcdir"/ghdl-gcc
+ make \
+ GHDL_GCC_BIN="$srcdir"/gcc-build/gcc/ghdl \
+ GHDL1_GCC_BIN="--GHDL1=$srcdir/gcc-build/gcc/ghdl1" \
+ ghdllib
+#check() {
+# cd $pkgbase-$pkgver/testsuite
+# echo 'Running tests for ghdl-mcode...'
+# GHDL="$srcdir"/ghdl-mcode/ghdl_mcode ./testsuite.sh
+# echo 'Running tests for ghdl-llvm...'
+# GHDL="$srcdir"/ghdl-llvm/ghdl1-llvm ./testsuite.sh
+# echo 'Running tests for ghdl-gcc...'
+# GHDL="$srcdir"/gcc-build/gcc/ghdl ./testsuite.sh
+package_ghdl-mcode() {
+ pkgdesc="$pkgdesc (mcode backend)"
+ cd $pkgname
+ make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+package_ghdl-llvm() {
+ pkgdesc="$pkgdesc (LLVM backend)"
+ depends+=('llvm-libs')
+ options=(!emptydirs)
+ cd $pkgname
+ make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+ # strip binaries
+ find "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/ -type f -and \( -executable -o -name '*.o' \) -exec strip '{}' \;
+package_ghdl-gcc() {
+ pkgdesc="$pkgdesc (GCC backend)"
+ options=(!emptydirs)
+ cd "$srcdir"/gcc-build
+ make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+ # Remove files that conflict with the system gcc -- we only want to install the ghdl plugin
+ for FILE in $(find "$pkgdir" -not -type d); do
+ if [ -f /"${FILE#"$pkgdir"}" ]; then
+ rm -f "$FILE"
+ fi
+ done
+ find "$pkgdir"/usr/share -not -type d -not -name '*ghdl*' -delete
+ rm -rf "$pkgdir"/usr/lib64
+ # strip binaries
+ find "$pkgdir"/usr/bin/ "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/gcc -type f -and \( -executable -o -name '*.o' \) -exec strip '{}' \;
+ cd "$srcdir"/ghdl-gcc
+ make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
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