[arch-commits] Commit in diffoscope/repos/community-x86_64 (3 files)
Levente Polyak
anthraxx at archlinux.org
Sat May 23 19:22:13 UTC 2020
Date: Saturday, May 23, 2020 @ 19:22:13
Author: anthraxx
Revision: 632478
archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64
(from rev 632477, diffoscope/trunk/PKGBUILD)
0001-Update-llvm-diff-for-llvm-10.patch | 71 ----------
PKGBUILD | 200 ++++++++++++++----------------
2 files changed, 98 insertions(+), 173 deletions(-)
Deleted: 0001-Update-llvm-diff-for-llvm-10.patch
--- 0001-Update-llvm-diff-for-llvm-10.patch 2020-05-23 19:22:08 UTC (rev 632477)
+++ 0001-Update-llvm-diff-for-llvm-10.patch 2020-05-23 19:22:13 UTC (rev 632478)
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
-From c645b977740b8c42a4b1ee8fe3f6856cac7cee1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Jelle van der Waa <jelle at archlinux.org>
-Date: Mon, 27 Apr 2020 21:48:51 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Update llvm diff for llvm 10.
-Signed-off-by: Jelle van der Waa <jelle at archlinux.org>
- tests/comparators/test_rlib.py | 3 ++
- tests/data/rlib_llvm_dis_expected_diff_10 | 36 +++++++++++++++++++++++
- 2 files changed, 39 insertions(+)
- create mode 100644 tests/data/rlib_llvm_dis_expected_diff_10
-diff --git a/tests/comparators/test_rlib.py b/tests/comparators/test_rlib.py
-index e47a0f4b..180d6b66 100644
---- a/tests/comparators/test_rlib.py
-+++ b/tests/comparators/test_rlib.py
-@@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ def rlib_dis_expected_diff():
- if LooseVersion(str(actual_ver)) >= LooseVersion("7.0"):
- diff_file = 'rlib_llvm_dis_expected_diff_7'
-+ if LooseVersion(str(actual_ver)) >= LooseVersion("10.0"):
-+ diff_file = 'rlib_llvm_dis_expected_diff_10'
- return get_data(diff_file)
-diff --git a/tests/data/rlib_llvm_dis_expected_diff_10 b/tests/data/rlib_llvm_dis_expected_diff_10
-new file mode 100644
-index 00000000..46316a2f
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/tests/data/rlib_llvm_dis_expected_diff_10
-@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
-+@@ -42,32 +42,32 @@
-+ entry-block:
-+ %out.i.i = alloca i8*, align 8
-+ %4 = icmp ult i64 %3, 17
-+ br i1 %4, label %then-block-195-.i, label %_ZN12alloc_system3imp8allocate17h8ba7625cc4a820e8E.exit.i
-+ then-block-195-.i: ; preds = %entry-block
-+ %5 = tail call i8* @realloc(i8* %0, i64 %2) #2
-+- br label %_ZN12alloc_system3imp10reallocate17h4a0811c9ec086854E.exit
-++ br label %_ZN12alloc_system3imp10reallocate1l44a0811c9ec086854E.exit
-+ _ZN12alloc_system3imp8allocate17h8ba7625cc4a820e8E.exit.i: ; preds = %entry-block
-+ %6 = bitcast i8** %out.i.i to i8*
-+ call void @llvm.lifetime.start.p0i8(i64 8, i8* %6) #2
-+ store i8* null, i8** %out.i.i, align 8
-+ %7 = call i32 @posix_memalign(i8** nonnull %out.i.i, i64 %3, i64 %2) #2
-+ %8 = icmp eq i32 %7, 0
-+ %9 = load i8*, i8** %out.i.i, align 8
-+ %sret_slot.0.i.i = select i1 %8, i8* %9, i8* null
-+ call void @llvm.lifetime.end.p0i8(i64 8, i8* %6) #2
-+ %10 = icmp ule i64 %2, %1
-+ %11 = select i1 %10, i64 %2, i64 %1
-+ call void @llvm.memmove.p0i8.p0i8.i64(i8* align 1 %sret_slot.0.i.i, i8* align 1 %0, i64 %11, i1 false)
-+ call void @free(i8* %0) #2
-+- br label %_ZN12alloc_system3imp10reallocate17h4a0811c9ec086854E.exit
-++ br label %_ZN12alloc_system3imp10reallocate1l44a0811c9ec086854E.exit
-+-_ZN12alloc_system3imp10reallocate17h4a0811c9ec086854E.exit: ; preds = %_ZN12alloc_system3imp8allocate17h8ba7625cc4a820e8E.exit.i, %then-block-195-.i
-++_ZN12alloc_system3imp10reallocate1l44a0811c9ec086854E.exit: ; preds = %_ZN12alloc_system3imp8allocate17h8ba7625cc4a820e8E.exit.i, %then-block-195-.i
-+ %sret_slot.0.i = phi i8* [ %5, %then-block-195-.i ], [ %sret_slot.0.i.i, %_ZN12alloc_system3imp8allocate17h8ba7625cc4a820e8E.exit.i ]
-+ ret i8* %sret_slot.0.i
-+ }
-+ ; Function Attrs: nounwind readnone uwtable
-+ define i64 @__rust_reallocate_inplace(i8* nocapture readnone %0, i64 %1, i64 %2, i64 %3) unnamed_addr #1 {
-+ entry-block:
--- PKGBUILD 2020-05-23 19:22:08 UTC (rev 632477)
+++ PKGBUILD 2020-05-23 19:22:13 UTC (rev 632478)
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Levente Polyak <anthraxx[at]archlinux[dot]org>
-pkgdesc='Tool for in-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories'
-depends=('python-magic' 'python-libarchive-c' 'python-setuptools' 'python-distro' 'python-defusedxml'
- 'python-tlsh')
- 'acl: access control list utilities support'
- 'binutils: binary utilities support'
- 'binwalk: binwalk support'
- 'bzip2: bzip2 utilities support'
- 'cdrtools: ISO utilities support'
- 'colord: ICC profiles support'
- 'cpio: cpio archive support'
- 'diffutils: diff utilities support'
- 'docx2txt: docx comparing support'
- 'dtc: device tree comparing support'
- 'e2fsprogs: Ext2/3/4 filesystem utilities support'
- 'enjarify: Android dex file support'
- 'hdf5: Hierarchical Data Format support'
- 'imagemagick: ImageMagick identify support'
- 'fpc: Free Pascal utilities support'
- 'java-environment: java utilities support'
- 'libcaca: image compare support'
- 'llvm: LLVM bitcode files support'
- 'lz4: lz4 compression support'
- 'odt2txt: odt comparing support'
- 'fontforge: bitmap font utilities support'
- 'gettext: GNU internationalization utilities support'
- 'ghc: haskell utilities support'
- 'giflib: gifbuild utilities support'
- 'gnupg: GNU privacy guard support'
- 'gnumeric: GNOME Spreadsheet support'
- 'mono: mono support'
- 'openssh: OpenSSH key comparing support'
- 'openssl: .p7c and .p7b certificates. support'
- 'poppler: PDF utilities support'
- 'r: R language support'
- 'sqlite: SQLite support'
- 'squashfs-tools: squashfs filesystem support'
- #'python-guestfs: guestfs filesystem support'
- 'python-argcomplete: completion support'
- 'python-jsbeautifier: javascript beautifier support'
- 'python-progressbar: show progressbar support'
- 'tcpdump: pcap matching support'
- 'unzip: zip utilities support'
- 'gzip: gzip utilities support'
- 'tar: tar utilities support'
-# 'wabt: webassembly support' unittest fails
- 'xxd: xxd utilities support'
- 'xz: XZ and LZMA utilities support'
- 'zstd: zst compression'
-makedepends=('help2man' 'python-docutils' 'git')
- 'python-pytest' 'python-jsbeautifier' 'python-h5py' 'acl' 'binutils' 'bzip2' 'cdrtools' 'cpio' 'diffutils' 'e2fsprogs' 'enjarify'
- 'hdf5' 'imagemagick' 'java-environment=10' 'fontforge' 'gettext' 'ghc' 'gnupg' 'mono' 'mono-tools' 'poppler' 'sqlite' 'squashfs-tools'
- 'lz4' 'unzip' 'gzip' 'tar' 'tcpdump' 'vim' 'xz' 'llvm' 'colord' 'fpc' 'openssh' 'openssl' 'odt2txt' 'docx2txt' 'r' 'dtc' 'giflib'
- 'gnumeric' 'python-progressbar' 'binwalk' 'python-argcomplete' 'zstd')
-source=(https://diffoscope.org/archive/diffoscope-${pkgver}.tar.bz2{,.asc} 0001-Update-llvm-diff-for-llvm-10.patch)
- 'SKIP'
- '56b3ed348b58da1ab58ee2f01fb2a325a41608f65b3d869d0e2a7e269ddee7428080a059ebe4eb93397b65514243c5d96b95ef075122d05463e2dcd7074762d6')
- 'SKIP'
- 'ec0e74f3201fe4b2a4514ec4628eaa28bc9d2cb7d24d2f3d8469f27a6eea1863173cbb508c8e86d0c75e1bdecd236d1377dd950e9dc4279ea4a146c8b4abad62')
-validpgpkeys=("C2FE4BD271C139B86C533E461E953E27D4311E58") # "Chris Lamb <chris at chris-lamb.co.uk>"
-prepare() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- sed '/python-magic/d' -i setup.py
- #patch -Np1 -i ${srcdir}/0001-Update-llvm-diff-for-llvm-10.patch
-build() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- python setup.py build
- make -C doc
-check() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- PYTHONPATH=".:${PYTHONPATH}" py.test \
- -k 'not test_ppu and not test_superblock' # unsquashfs output differs from fixture.
- # ppu bug https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/diffoscope/issues/9
-package() {
- cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
- python setup.py install --skip-build -O1 --root="${pkgdir}"
- install -Dm 644 README.rst -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}"
- install -Dm 644 doc/diffoscope.1 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1"
-# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:
Copied: diffoscope/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 632477, diffoscope/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD 2020-05-23 19:22:13 UTC (rev 632478)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+# Maintainer: Levente Polyak <anthraxx[at]archlinux[dot]org>
+pkgdesc='Tool for in-depth comparison of files, archives, and directories'
+depends=('python-magic' 'python-libarchive-c' 'python-setuptools' 'python-distro' 'python-defusedxml'
+ 'python-tlsh')
+ 'acl: access control list utilities support'
+ 'binutils: binary utilities support'
+ 'binwalk: binwalk support'
+ 'bzip2: bzip2 utilities support'
+ 'cdrtools: ISO utilities support'
+ 'colord: ICC profiles support'
+ 'cpio: cpio archive support'
+ 'diffutils: diff utilities support'
+ 'docx2txt: docx comparing support'
+ 'dtc: device tree comparing support'
+ 'e2fsprogs: Ext2/3/4 filesystem utilities support'
+ 'enjarify: Android dex file support'
+ 'hdf5: Hierarchical Data Format support'
+ 'imagemagick: ImageMagick identify support'
+ 'fpc: Free Pascal utilities support'
+ 'java-environment: java utilities support'
+ 'libcaca: image compare support'
+ 'llvm: LLVM bitcode files support'
+ 'lz4: lz4 compression support'
+ 'odt2txt: odt comparing support'
+ 'fontforge: bitmap font utilities support'
+ 'gettext: GNU internationalization utilities support'
+ 'ghc: haskell utilities support'
+ 'giflib: gifbuild utilities support'
+ 'gnupg: GNU privacy guard support'
+ 'gnumeric: GNOME Spreadsheet support'
+ 'mono: mono support'
+ 'openssh: OpenSSH key comparing support'
+ 'openssl: .p7c and .p7b certificates. support'
+ 'poppler: PDF utilities support'
+ 'r: R language support'
+ 'sqlite: SQLite support'
+ 'squashfs-tools: squashfs filesystem support'
+ #'python-guestfs: guestfs filesystem support'
+ 'python-argcomplete: completion support'
+ 'python-jsbeautifier: javascript beautifier support'
+ 'python-progressbar: show progressbar support'
+ 'tcpdump: pcap matching support'
+ 'unzip: zip utilities support'
+ 'gzip: gzip utilities support'
+ 'tar: tar utilities support'
+# 'wabt: webassembly support' unittest fails
+ 'xxd: xxd utilities support'
+ 'xz: XZ and LZMA utilities support'
+ 'zstd: zst compression'
+makedepends=('help2man' 'python-docutils' 'git')
+ 'python-pytest' 'python-jsbeautifier' 'python-h5py' 'acl' 'binutils' 'bzip2' 'cdrtools' 'cpio' 'diffutils' 'e2fsprogs' 'enjarify'
+ 'hdf5' 'imagemagick' 'java-environment=11' 'fontforge' 'gettext' 'ghc' 'gnupg' 'mono' 'mono-tools' 'poppler' 'sqlite' 'squashfs-tools'
+ 'lz4' 'unzip' 'gzip' 'tar' 'tcpdump' 'vim' 'xz' 'llvm' 'colord' 'fpc' 'openssh' 'openssl' 'odt2txt' 'docx2txt' 'r' 'dtc' 'giflib'
+ 'gnumeric' 'python-progressbar' 'binwalk' 'python-argcomplete' 'zstd')
+ 'SKIP')
+ 'SKIP')
+validpgpkeys=("C2FE4BD271C139B86C533E461E953E27D4311E58") # "Chris Lamb <chris at chris-lamb.co.uk>"
+prepare() {
+ cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ sed '/python-magic/d' -i setup.py
+build() {
+ cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ python setup.py build
+ make -C doc
+check() {
+ cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ PYTHONPATH=".:${PYTHONPATH}" py.test \
+ -k 'not test_ppu and not test_superblock' # unsquashfs output differs from fixture.
+ # ppu bug https://salsa.debian.org/reproducible-builds/diffoscope/issues/9
+package() {
+ cd ${pkgname}-${pkgver}
+ python setup.py install --skip-build -O1 --root="${pkgdir}"
+ install -Dm 644 README.rst -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}"
+ install -Dm 644 doc/diffoscope.1 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man1"
+# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:
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