[arch-commits] Commit in electron10/repos (9 files)
Evangelos Foutras
foutrelis at archlinux.org
Wed Feb 3 10:25:29 UTC 2021
Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 @ 10:25:28
Author: foutrelis
Revision: 842483
archrelease: copy trunk to community-staging-x86_64
(from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/chromium-skia-harmony.patch)
(from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/default_app-icon.patch)
(from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/electron10.desktop)
(from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/icu68.patch)
(from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/media-Set-allocation-limit-compatible-with-FFmpeg-4.3.patch)
(from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/use-system-libraries-in-node.patch)
(from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/v8-icu68.patch)
PKGBUILD | 202 ++++
chromium-skia-harmony.patch | 14
default_app-icon.patch | 21
electron10.desktop | 7
icu68.patch | 421 ++++++++++
media-Set-allocation-limit-compatible-with-FFmpeg-4.3.patch | 43 +
use-system-libraries-in-node.patch | 57 +
v8-icu68.patch | 192 ++++
8 files changed, 957 insertions(+)
Copied: electron10/repos/community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2021-02-03 10:25:28 UTC (rev 842483)
@@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
+# Maintainer: Nicola Squartini <tensor5 at gmail.com>
+pkgdesc='Build cross platform desktop apps with web technologies'
+license=('MIT' 'custom')
+depends=('c-ares' 'ffmpeg' 'gtk3' 'http-parser' 'libevent' 'libxslt' 'minizip'
+ 'nss' 're2' 'snappy')
+makedepends=('clang' 'git' 'gn-m85' 'gperf' 'harfbuzz-icu' 'java-runtime-headless'
+ 'jsoncpp' 'libnotify' 'lld' 'llvm' 'ninja' 'npm' 'pciutils' 'yarn'
+ 'python2' 'wget')
+optdepends=('kde-cli-tools: file deletion support (kioclient5)'
+ 'libappindicator-gtk3: StatusNotifierItem support'
+ 'trash-cli: file deletion support (trash-put)'
+ "xdg-utils: open URLs with desktop's default (xdg-email, xdg-open)")
+ 'git+https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git'
+ "${pkgname}.desktop"
+ 'default_app-icon.patch'
+ 'use-system-libraries-in-node.patch'
+ 'icu68.patch'
+ 'v8-icu68.patch'
+ 'chromium-skia-harmony.patch'
+ 'media-Set-allocation-limit-compatible-with-FFmpeg-4.3.patch'
+ )
+ 'SKIP'
+ '5b7dd19adc360baa9e89bee514c0e8e183252a9ad78eae810ede7378a3b40b08'
+ 'dd2d248831dd4944d385ebf008426e66efe61d6fdf66f8932c963a12167947b4'
+ '50884820e07f7ce5ce55ee1ecdf610367a737e076c5029da0ab0d23154e7661d'
+ '38fb5218331d6e03915490dab64f7b8bf26833a581d1aaa02090437c67e9439c'
+ '6e919c9712d8fe6c2918778df1f8c2ee0675a87a48be5d2aaa54e320703ced4b'
+ '771292942c0901092a402cc60ee883877a99fb804cb54d568c8c6c94565a48e1'
+ '0f041d655335cd2a4773ae7ca5e301a0ff12c6c53f57b7cf6651c268e0420a1c'
+ )
+ 'flac'
+ 'fontconfig'
+ 'freetype'
+ 'harfbuzz-ng'
+ 'icu'
+ 'libdrm'
+ 'libevent'
+ 'libjpeg'
+ 'libpng'
+# 'libvpx'
+ 'libwebp'
+ 'libxml'
+ 'libxslt'
+# 'openh264'
+ 'opus'
+ 're2'
+ 'snappy'
+ 'zlib'
+ )
+prepare() {
+ mkdir -p "${srcdir}"/python2-path
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/python2 "${srcdir}/python2-path/python"
+ export PATH="${srcdir}/python2-path:${PATH}:${srcdir}/depot_tools"
+ echo "Fetching chromium..."
+ git clone --branch=${_chromiumver} --depth=1 \
+ https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src.git
+ echo "solutions = [
+ {
+ \"name\": \"src/electron\",
+ \"url\": \"file://${srcdir}/electron@${_commit}\",
+ \"deps_file\": \"DEPS\",
+ \"managed\": False,
+ \"custom_deps\": {
+ \"src\": None,
+ },
+ \"custom_vars\": {},
+ },
+]" > .gclient
+ python2 "${srcdir}/depot_tools/gclient.py" sync \
+ --with_branch_heads \
+ --with_tags \
+ --nohooks
+ sed -e "s/'am'/'apply'/" -i src/electron/script/lib/git.py
+ echo "Running hooks..."
+ # python2 "${srcdir}/depot_tools/gclient.py" runhooks
+ python2 src/build/landmines.py
+ python2 src/build/util/lastchange.py -o src/build/util/LASTCHANGE
+ python2 src/build/util/lastchange.py -m GPU_LISTS_VERSION \
+ --revision-id-only --header src/gpu/config/gpu_lists_version.h
+ python2 src/build/util/lastchange.py -m SKIA_COMMIT_HASH \
+ -s src/third_party/skia --header src/skia/ext/skia_commit_hash.h
+ # Create sysmlink to system clang-format
+ ln -s /usr/bin/clang-format src/buildtools/linux64
+ # Create sysmlink to system Node.js
+ mkdir -p src/third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin
+ ln -sf /usr/bin/node src/third_party/node/linux/node-linux-x64/bin
+ python2 src/third_party/depot_tools/download_from_google_storage.py \
+ --no_resume --extract --no_auth --bucket chromium-nodejs \
+ -s src/third_party/node/node_modules.tar.gz.sha1
+ vpython src/tools/download_optimization_profile.py \
+ --newest_state=src/chrome/android/profiles/newest.txt \
+ --local_state=src/chrome/android/profiles/local.txt \
+ --output_name=src/chrome/android/profiles/afdo.prof \
+ --gs_url_base=chromeos-prebuilt/afdo-job/llvm
+ python2 src/electron/script/apply_all_patches.py \
+ src/electron/patches/config.json
+ cd src/electron
+ yarn install --frozen-lockfile
+ cd ..
+ echo "Applying local patches..."
+ patch -Np1 -i ../icu68.patch
+ patch -Np1 -d v8 <../v8-icu68.patch
+ patch -Np0 -i ../chromium-skia-harmony.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../media-Set-allocation-limit-compatible-with-FFmpeg-4.3.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../use-system-libraries-in-node.patch
+ patch -Np1 -i ../default_app-icon.patch # Icon from .desktop file
+ echo "Patching Chromium for using system libraries..."
+ tools/generate_shim_headers/generate_shim_headers.py
+ for lib in $(printf "%s\n" "${_system_libs[@]}" | sed 's/^libjpeg$/&_turbo/'); do
+ third_party_dir="third_party/${lib}"
+ if [ ! -d ${third_party_dir} ]; then
+ third_party_dir="base/${third_party_dir}"
+ fi
+ find ${third_party_dir} -type f \
+ \! -path "${third_party_dir}/chromium/*" \
+ \! -path "${third_party_dir}/google/*" \
+ \! -path 'third_party/harfbuzz-ng/utils/hb_scoped.h' \
+ \! -regex '.*\.\(gn\|gni\|isolate\)' \
+ -delete
+ done
+ python2 build/linux/unbundle/replace_gn_files.py \
+ --system-libraries \
+ "${_system_libs[@]}"
+build() {
+ export CC=clang
+ export CXX=clang++
+ export AR=ar
+ export NM=nm
+ # Do not warn about unknown warning options
+ CFLAGS+=' -Wno-unknown-warning-option'
+ CXXFLAGS+=' -Wno-unknown-warning-option'
+ cd src
+ export CHROMIUM_BUILDTOOLS_PATH="${PWD}/buildtools"
+ blink_symbol_level = 0
+ clang_use_chrome_plugins = false
+ custom_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default"
+ host_toolchain = "//build/toolchain/linux/unbundle:default"
+ icu_use_data_file = false
+ is_component_ffmpeg = false
+ link_pulseaudio = true
+ treat_warnings_as_errors = false
+ use_custom_libcxx = false
+ use_gnome_keyring = false
+ use_sysroot = false
+ '
+ gn-m85 gen out/Release \
+ --args="import(\"//electron/build/args/release.gn\") ${GN_EXTRA_ARGS}"
+ ninja -C out/Release electron
+ # Strip before zip to avoid
+ # zipfile.LargeZipFile: Filesize would require ZIP64 extensions
+ strip -s out/Release/electron
+ ninja -C out/Release electron_dist_zip
+ # ninja -C out/Release third_party/electron_node:headers
+package() {
+ install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}"
+ bsdtar -xf src/out/Release/dist.zip -C "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}"
+ chmod u+s "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}/chrome-sandbox"
+ install -dm755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
+ for l in "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/${pkgname}"/{LICENSE,LICENSES.chromium.html}; do
+ ln -s \
+ "$(realpath --relative-to="${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" "${l}")" \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
+ done
+ install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin
+ ln -s "../lib/${pkgname}/electron" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/${pkgname}"
+ # Install .desktop and icon file (see default_app-icon.patch)
+ install -Dm644 -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/applications" "${pkgname}.desktop"
+ install -Dm644 src/electron/default_app/icon.png \
+ "${pkgdir}/usr/share/pixmaps/${pkgname}.png" # hicolor has no 1024x1024
Copied: electron10/repos/community-staging-x86_64/chromium-skia-harmony.patch (from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/chromium-skia-harmony.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/chromium-skia-harmony.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/chromium-skia-harmony.patch 2021-02-03 10:25:28 UTC (rev 842483)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+--- third_party/skia/src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType.cpp.orig 2019-07-19 11:08:34.770972665 +0000
++++ third_party/skia/src/ports/SkFontHost_FreeType.cpp 2019-07-19 11:08:44.274442065 +0000
+@@ -128,9 +128,9 @@ public:
+ : fGetVarDesignCoordinates(nullptr)
+ , fGetVarAxisFlags(nullptr)
+ , fLibrary(nullptr)
+- , fIsLCDSupported(false)
++ , fIsLCDSupported(true)
+ , fLightHintingIsYOnly(false)
+- , fLCDExtra(0)
++ , fLCDExtra(2)
+ {
+ if (FT_New_Library(&gFTMemory, &fLibrary)) {
+ return;
Copied: electron10/repos/community-staging-x86_64/default_app-icon.patch (from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/default_app-icon.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/default_app-icon.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/default_app-icon.patch 2021-02-03 10:25:28 UTC (rev 842483)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+--- a/electron/default_app/default_app.ts
++++ b/electron/default_app/default_app.ts
+@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@
+ };
+ if (process.platform === 'linux') {
+- options.icon = path.join(__dirname, 'icon.png');
++ options.icon = '/usr/share/pixmaps/electron.png';
+ }
+ mainWindow = new BrowserWindow(options);
+--- a/electron/filenames.gni
++++ b/electron/filenames.gni
+@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
+ ]
+ default_app_static_sources = [
+- "default_app/icon.png",
+ "default_app/index.html",
+ "default_app/package.json",
+ "default_app/styles.css",
Copied: electron10/repos/community-staging-x86_64/electron10.desktop (from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/electron10.desktop)
--- community-staging-x86_64/electron10.desktop (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/electron10.desktop 2021-02-03 10:25:28 UTC (rev 842483)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+[Desktop Entry]
+Name=Electron 10
+Exec=electron10 %u
Copied: electron10/repos/community-staging-x86_64/icu68.patch (from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/icu68.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/icu68.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/icu68.patch 2021-02-03 10:25:28 UTC (rev 842483)
@@ -0,0 +1,421 @@
+From 4d16e52a5e6771c4aa5f892e14486bf0e87027d1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
+Date: Tue, 20 Oct 2020 00:11:50 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] Prepare for landing ICU68
+MIME-Version: 1.0
+Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+In the landing process of ICU68 we found these need to be changed
+since ICU68 no longer define TRUE and FALSE for UBool to
+avoid C++20 problem.
+Bug: 1138555
+Change-Id: I64fd98c99864aa86b07280537a780105cb0eabbe
+Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2473522
+Reviewed-by: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Colin Blundell <blundell at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Dominic Battré <battre at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Guillaume Jenkins <gujen at google.com>
+Reviewed-by: Jungshik Shin <jshin at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Mihai Sardarescu <msarda at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Dave Tapuska <dtapuska at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Mustafa Emre Acer <meacer at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Marian Fechete <marianfe at google.com>
+Reviewed-by: Matthew Denton <mpdenton at chromium.org>
+Commit-Queue: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
+Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#818713}
+ base/i18n/icu_util.cc | 2 +-
+ base/i18n/string_compare.cc | 4 ++--
+ base/i18n/time_formatting.cc | 2 +-
+ .../autofill/core/common/autofill_regexes.cc | 8 ++++----
+ .../browser/string_conversions_util.cc | 6 +++---
+ .../public/identity_manager/identity_utils.cc | 2 +-
+ .../renderer/spellcheck_worditerator.cc | 2 +-
+ .../spoof_checks/idn_spoof_checker.cc | 4 ++--
+ .../spoof_checks/skeleton_generator.cc | 2 +-
+ content/zygote/zygote_linux.cc | 2 +-
+ .../time_zone_monitor_android.cc | 2 +-
+ .../renderer/core/exported/web_view_test.cc | 12 ++++++------
+ .../blink/renderer/platform/text/locale_icu.cc | 4 ++--
+ .../platform/text/text_break_iterator_icu.cc | 16 ++++++++--------
+ .../renderer/platform/text/unicode_utilities.cc | 2 +-
+ .../renderer/platform/wtf/text/text_codec_icu.cc | 2 +-
+ ui/base/l10n/formatter.cc | 6 +++---
+ 17 files changed, 39 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
+diff --git a/base/i18n/icu_util.cc b/base/i18n/icu_util.cc
+index b225f1d46c0b7..20debbe655c46 100644
+--- a/base/i18n/icu_util.cc
++++ b/base/i18n/icu_util.cc
+@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ void InitializeIcuTimeZone() {
+ // https://ssl.icu-project.org/trac/ticket/13208 .
+ string16 zone_id = android::GetDefaultTimeZoneId();
+ icu::TimeZone::adoptDefault(icu::TimeZone::createTimeZone(
+- icu::UnicodeString(FALSE, zone_id.data(), zone_id.length())));
++ icu::UnicodeString(false, zone_id.data(), zone_id.length())));
+ #elif defined(OS_FUCHSIA)
+ // The platform-specific mechanisms used by ICU's detectHostTimeZone() to
+ // determine the default time zone will not work on Fuchsia. Therefore,
+diff --git a/base/i18n/string_compare.cc b/base/i18n/string_compare.cc
+index c0e83c6f7306f..e4fb687c14884 100644
+--- a/base/i18n/string_compare.cc
++++ b/base/i18n/string_compare.cc
+@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@ UCollationResult CompareString16WithCollator(const icu::Collator& collator,
+ StringPiece16 rhs) {
+ UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UCollationResult result = collator.compare(
+- icu::UnicodeString(FALSE, lhs.data(), static_cast<int>(lhs.length())),
+- icu::UnicodeString(FALSE, rhs.data(), static_cast<int>(rhs.length())),
++ icu::UnicodeString(false, lhs.data(), static_cast<int>(lhs.length())),
++ icu::UnicodeString(false, rhs.data(), static_cast<int>(rhs.length())),
+ error);
+ return result;
+diff --git a/base/i18n/time_formatting.cc b/base/i18n/time_formatting.cc
+index c769b57d7162a..c085f5ef2448a 100644
+--- a/base/i18n/time_formatting.cc
++++ b/base/i18n/time_formatting.cc
+@@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ bool TimeDurationFormatWithSeconds(const TimeDelta time,
+ icu::FieldPosition ignore(icu::FieldPosition::DONT_CARE);
+ measure_format.formatMeasures(measures, 3, formatted, ignore, status);
+ *out = i18n::UnicodeStringToString16(formatted);
+- return U_SUCCESS(status) == TRUE;
++ return U_SUCCESS(status);
+ }
+ string16 DateIntervalFormat(const Time& begin_time,
+diff --git a/components/autofill/core/common/autofill_regexes.cc b/components/autofill/core/common/autofill_regexes.cc
+index 02254fa266ac5..1cf12f310d077 100644
+--- a/components/autofill/core/common/autofill_regexes.cc
++++ b/components/autofill/core/common/autofill_regexes.cc
+@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ class AutofillRegexes {
+ icu::RegexMatcher* AutofillRegexes::GetMatcher(const base::string16& pattern) {
+ auto it = matchers_.find(pattern);
+ if (it == matchers_.end()) {
+- const icu::UnicodeString icu_pattern(FALSE, pattern.data(),
++ const icu::UnicodeString icu_pattern(false, pattern.data(),
+ pattern.length());
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+@@ -71,21 +71,21 @@ bool MatchesPattern(const base::string16& input,
+ base::AutoLock lock(*g_lock);
+ icu::RegexMatcher* matcher = g_autofill_regexes->GetMatcher(pattern);
+- icu::UnicodeString icu_input(FALSE, input.data(), input.length());
++ icu::UnicodeString icu_input(false, input.data(), input.length());
+ matcher->reset(icu_input);
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ UBool matched = matcher->find(0, status);
+ DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status));
+- if (matched == TRUE && match) {
++ if (matched && match) {
+ icu::UnicodeString match_unicode =
+ matcher->group(group_to_be_captured, status);
+ DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status));
+ *match = base::i18n::UnicodeStringToString16(match_unicode);
+ }
+- return matched == TRUE;
++ return matched;
+ }
+ } // namespace autofill
+diff --git a/components/autofill_assistant/browser/string_conversions_util.cc b/components/autofill_assistant/browser/string_conversions_util.cc
+index 212bafa637288..1d00d68019fa3 100644
+--- a/components/autofill_assistant/browser/string_conversions_util.cc
++++ b/components/autofill_assistant/browser/string_conversions_util.cc
+@@ -39,13 +39,13 @@ bool UnicodeToUTF8(const std::vector<UChar32>& source, std::string* target) {
+ // |target|.
+ bool AppendUnicodeToUTF8(const UChar32 source, std::string* target) {
+ char bytes[4];
+- UBool error = FALSE;
++ UBool error = false;
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ U8_APPEND(bytes, offset, base::size(bytes), source, error);
+- if (error == FALSE) {
++ if (error == false) {
+ target->append(bytes, offset);
+ }
+- return error == FALSE;
++ return !error;
+ }
+ } // namespace autofill_assistant
+diff --git a/components/signin/public/identity_manager/identity_utils.cc b/components/signin/public/identity_manager/identity_utils.cc
+index 1c414e20e5de4..014d6746d95f2 100644
+--- a/components/signin/public/identity_manager/identity_utils.cc
++++ b/components/signin/public/identity_manager/identity_utils.cc
+@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ bool IsUsernameAllowedByPattern(base::StringPiece username,
+ // See if the username matches the policy-provided pattern.
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+- const icu::UnicodeString icu_pattern(FALSE, utf16_pattern.data(),
++ const icu::UnicodeString icu_pattern(false, utf16_pattern.data(),
+ utf16_pattern.length());
+ icu::RegexMatcher matcher(icu_pattern, UREGEX_CASE_INSENSITIVE, status);
+ if (!U_SUCCESS(status)) {
+diff --git a/components/spellcheck/renderer/spellcheck_worditerator.cc b/components/spellcheck/renderer/spellcheck_worditerator.cc
+index ec16fefbebc91..3b1f060866021 100644
+--- a/components/spellcheck/renderer/spellcheck_worditerator.cc
++++ b/components/spellcheck/renderer/spellcheck_worditerator.cc
+@@ -442,7 +442,7 @@ bool SpellcheckWordIterator::Normalize(size_t input_start,
+ // spellchecker and we need manual normalization as well. The normalized
+ // text does not have to be NUL-terminated since its characters are copied to
+ // string16, which adds a NUL character when we need.
+- icu::UnicodeString input(FALSE, &text_[input_start],
++ icu::UnicodeString input(false, &text_[input_start],
+ base::checked_cast<int32_t>(input_length));
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ icu::UnicodeString output;
+diff --git a/components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/idn_spoof_checker.cc b/components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/idn_spoof_checker.cc
+index 6d66a7c4db885..d73192b1426a4 100644
+--- a/components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/idn_spoof_checker.cc
++++ b/components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/idn_spoof_checker.cc
+@@ -368,7 +368,7 @@ IDNSpoofChecker::Result IDNSpoofChecker::SafeToDisplayAsUnicode(
+ return Result::kICUSpoofChecks;
+ }
+- icu::UnicodeString label_string(FALSE /* isTerminated */, label.data(),
++ icu::UnicodeString label_string(false /* isTerminated */, label.data(),
+ base::checked_cast<int32_t>(label.size()));
+ // A punycode label with 'xn--' prefix is not subject to the URL
+@@ -711,7 +711,7 @@ bool IDNSpoofChecker::IsWholeScriptConfusableAllowedForTLD(
+ base::StringPiece tld,
+ base::StringPiece16 tld_unicode) {
+ icu::UnicodeString tld_string(
+- FALSE /* isTerminated */, tld_unicode.data(),
++ false /* isTerminated */, tld_unicode.data(),
+ base::checked_cast<int32_t>(tld_unicode.size()));
+ // Allow if the TLD contains any letter from the script, in which case it's
+ // likely to be a TLD in that script.
+diff --git a/components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/skeleton_generator.cc b/components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/skeleton_generator.cc
+index 9628626600df5..9a779018ebfae 100644
+--- a/components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/skeleton_generator.cc
++++ b/components/url_formatter/spoof_checks/skeleton_generator.cc
+@@ -116,7 +116,7 @@ SkeletonGenerator::~SkeletonGenerator() = default;
+ Skeletons SkeletonGenerator::GetSkeletons(base::StringPiece16 hostname) {
+ Skeletons skeletons;
+ size_t hostname_length = hostname.length() - (hostname.back() == '.' ? 1 : 0);
+- icu::UnicodeString host(FALSE, hostname.data(), hostname_length);
++ icu::UnicodeString host(false, hostname.data(), hostname_length);
+ // If input has any characters outside Latin-Greek-Cyrillic and [0-9._-],
+ // there is no point in getting rid of diacritics because combining marks
+ // attached to non-LGC characters are already blocked.
+diff --git a/content/zygote/zygote_linux.cc b/content/zygote/zygote_linux.cc
+index 95d5a82c25082..b6d8e5a29c55e 100644
+--- a/content/zygote/zygote_linux.cc
++++ b/content/zygote/zygote_linux.cc
+@@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ base::ProcessId Zygote::ReadArgsAndFork(base::PickleIterator iter,
+ if (!iter.ReadString16(&timezone_id))
+ return -1;
+ icu::TimeZone::adoptDefault(icu::TimeZone::createTimeZone(
+- icu::UnicodeString(FALSE, timezone_id.data(), timezone_id.length())));
++ icu::UnicodeString(false, timezone_id.data(), timezone_id.length())));
+ if (!iter.ReadInt(&numfds))
+ return -1;
+diff --git a/services/device/time_zone_monitor/time_zone_monitor_android.cc b/services/device/time_zone_monitor/time_zone_monitor_android.cc
+index 818670a821e41..f57f9724e5d48 100644
+--- a/services/device/time_zone_monitor/time_zone_monitor_android.cc
++++ b/services/device/time_zone_monitor/time_zone_monitor_android.cc
+@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ void TimeZoneMonitorAndroid::TimeZoneChangedFromJava(
+ // See base/i18n/icu_util.cc:InitializeIcuTimeZone() for more information.
+ base::string16 zone_id = base::android::GetDefaultTimeZoneId();
+ std::unique_ptr<icu::TimeZone> new_zone(icu::TimeZone::createTimeZone(
+- icu::UnicodeString(FALSE, zone_id.data(), zone_id.length())));
++ icu::UnicodeString(false, zone_id.data(), zone_id.length())));
+ UpdateIcuAndNotifyClients(std::move(new_zone));
+ }
+diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/core/exported/web_view_test.cc b/third_party/blink/renderer/core/exported/web_view_test.cc
+index a6b9552bb18d9..36809d914d1af 100644
+--- a/third_party/blink/renderer/core/exported/web_view_test.cc
++++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/core/exported/web_view_test.cc
+@@ -4868,18 +4868,18 @@ TEST_F(ShowUnhandledTapTest, ShowUnhandledTapUIIfNeeded) {
+ TEST_F(ShowUnhandledTapTest, ShowUnhandledTapUIIfNeededWithMutateDom) {
+ // Test dom mutation.
+- TestEachMouseEvent("mutateDom", FALSE);
++ TestEachMouseEvent("mutateDom", false);
+ // Test without any DOM mutation.
+- TestEachMouseEvent("none", TRUE);
++ TestEachMouseEvent("none", true);
+ }
+ TEST_F(ShowUnhandledTapTest, ShowUnhandledTapUIIfNeededWithMutateStyle) {
+ // Test style mutation.
+- TestEachMouseEvent("mutateStyle", FALSE);
++ TestEachMouseEvent("mutateStyle", false);
+ // Test checkbox:indeterminate style mutation.
+- TestEachMouseEvent("mutateIndeterminate", FALSE);
++ TestEachMouseEvent("mutateIndeterminate", false);
+ // Test click div with :active style.
+ Tap("style_active");
+@@ -4888,10 +4888,10 @@ TEST_F(ShowUnhandledTapTest, ShowUnhandledTapUIIfNeededWithMutateStyle) {
+ TEST_F(ShowUnhandledTapTest, ShowUnhandledTapUIIfNeededWithPreventDefault) {
+ // Test swallowing.
+- TestEachMouseEvent("preventDefault", FALSE);
++ TestEachMouseEvent("preventDefault", false);
+ // Test without any preventDefault.
+- TestEachMouseEvent("none", TRUE);
++ TestEachMouseEvent("none", true);
+ }
+ TEST_F(ShowUnhandledTapTest, ShowUnhandledTapUIIfNeededWithNonTriggeringNodes) {
+diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/locale_icu.cc b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/locale_icu.cc
+index 92fb99e0cc027..f991b5137728c 100644
+--- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/locale_icu.cc
++++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/locale_icu.cc
+@@ -169,12 +169,12 @@ static String GetDateFormatPattern(const UDateFormat* date_format) {
+ return g_empty_string;
+ UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+- int32_t length = udat_toPattern(date_format, TRUE, nullptr, 0, &status);
++ int32_t length = udat_toPattern(date_format, true, nullptr, 0, &status);
+ if (status != U_BUFFER_OVERFLOW_ERROR || !length)
+ return g_empty_string;
+ StringBuffer<UChar> buffer(length);
+ status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+- udat_toPattern(date_format, TRUE, buffer.Characters(), length, &status);
++ udat_toPattern(date_format, true, buffer.Characters(), length, &status);
+ if (U_FAILURE(status))
+ return g_empty_string;
+ return String::Adopt(buffer);
+diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_break_iterator_icu.cc b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_break_iterator_icu.cc
+index 5bea0079dd343..0e8c60a31599e 100644
+--- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_break_iterator_icu.cc
++++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/text_break_iterator_icu.cc
+@@ -312,13 +312,13 @@ static inline bool TextInChunkOrOutOfRange(UText* text,
+ text->chunkOffset = offset <= std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()
+ ? static_cast<int32_t>(offset)
+ : 0;
+- is_accessible = TRUE;
++ is_accessible = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (native_index >= native_length &&
+ text->chunkNativeLimit == native_length) {
+ text->chunkOffset = text->chunkLength;
+- is_accessible = FALSE;
++ is_accessible = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+@@ -331,12 +331,12 @@ static inline bool TextInChunkOrOutOfRange(UText* text,
+ text->chunkOffset = offset <= std::numeric_limits<int32_t>::max()
+ ? static_cast<int32_t>(offset)
+ : 0;
+- is_accessible = TRUE;
++ is_accessible = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ if (native_index <= 0 && !text->chunkNativeStart) {
+ text->chunkOffset = 0;
+- is_accessible = FALSE;
++ is_accessible = false;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+@@ -347,7 +347,7 @@ static UBool TextLatin1Access(UText* text,
+ int64_t native_index,
+ UBool forward) {
+ if (!text->context)
+- return FALSE;
++ return false;
+ int64_t native_length = TextNativeLength(text);
+ UBool is_accessible;
+ if (TextInChunkOrOutOfRange(text, native_index, native_length, forward,
+@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ static UBool TextLatin1Access(UText* text,
+ DCHECK_EQ(new_context, kPriorContext);
+ TextLatin1SwitchToPriorContext(text, native_index, native_length, forward);
+ }
+- return TRUE;
++ return true;
+ }
+ static const struct UTextFuncs kTextLatin1Funcs = {
+@@ -511,7 +511,7 @@ static void TextUTF16SwitchToPriorContext(UText* text,
+ static UBool TextUTF16Access(UText* text, int64_t native_index, UBool forward) {
+ if (!text->context)
+- return FALSE;
++ return false;
+ int64_t native_length = TextNativeLength(text);
+ UBool is_accessible;
+ if (TextInChunkOrOutOfRange(text, native_index, native_length, forward,
+@@ -533,7 +533,7 @@ static UBool TextUTF16Access(UText* text, int64_t native_index, UBool forward) {
+ DCHECK_EQ(new_context, kPriorContext);
+ TextUTF16SwitchToPriorContext(text, native_index, native_length, forward);
+ }
+- return TRUE;
++ return true;
+ }
+ static const struct UTextFuncs kTextUTF16Funcs = {
+diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/unicode_utilities.cc b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/unicode_utilities.cc
+index 2cefd5390b6b0..b8c4515dc13ca 100644
+--- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/unicode_utilities.cc
++++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/text/unicode_utilities.cc
+@@ -300,7 +300,7 @@ void NormalizeCharactersIntoNFCForm(const UChar* characters,
+ DCHECK(U_SUCCESS(status));
+ int32_t input_length = static_cast<int32_t>(length);
+ // copy-on-write.
+- icu::UnicodeString normalized(FALSE, characters, input_length);
++ icu::UnicodeString normalized(false, characters, input_length);
+ // In the vast majority of cases, input is already NFC. Run a quick check
+ // to avoid normalizing the entire input unnecessarily.
+ int32_t normalized_prefix_length =
+diff --git a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/text_codec_icu.cc b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/text_codec_icu.cc
+index b62573550a1cb..fb8ab0530c51e 100644
+--- a/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/text_codec_icu.cc
++++ b/third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/text/text_codec_icu.cc
+@@ -327,7 +327,7 @@ void TextCodecICU::CreateICUConverter() const {
+ << "ICU ambiguous alias warning for encoding: " << encoding_.GetName();
+ if (converter_icu_)
+- ucnv_setFallback(converter_icu_, TRUE);
++ ucnv_setFallback(converter_icu_, true);
+ }
+ int TextCodecICU::DecodeToBuffer(UChar* target,
+diff --git a/ui/base/l10n/formatter.cc b/ui/base/l10n/formatter.cc
+index e4446d4786f49..684ead8c0a0df 100644
+--- a/ui/base/l10n/formatter.cc
++++ b/ui/base/l10n/formatter.cc
+@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ void Formatter::Format(Unit unit,
+ int value,
+ icu::UnicodeString* formatted_string) const {
+ DCHECK(simple_format_[unit]);
+- DCHECK(formatted_string->isEmpty() == TRUE);
++ DCHECK(formatted_string->isEmpty());
+ UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ FormatNumberInPlural(*simple_format_[unit],
+ value, formatted_string, &error);
+@@ -250,7 +250,7 @@ void Formatter::Format(TwoUnits units,
+ << "Detailed() not implemented for your (format, length) combination!";
+ DCHECK(detailed_format_[units][1])
+ << "Detailed() not implemented for your (format, length) combination!";
+- DCHECK(formatted_string->isEmpty() == TRUE);
++ DCHECK(formatted_string->isEmpty());
+ UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ FormatNumberInPlural(*detailed_format_[units][0], value_1,
+ formatted_string, &error);
+@@ -283,7 +283,7 @@ std::unique_ptr<icu::MessageFormat> Formatter::InitFormat(
+ base::string16 pattern = l10n_util::GetStringUTF16(pluralities.id);
+ UErrorCode error = U_ZERO_ERROR;
+ std::unique_ptr<icu::MessageFormat> format(new icu::MessageFormat(
+- icu::UnicodeString(FALSE, pattern.data(), pattern.length()), error));
++ icu::UnicodeString(false, pattern.data(), pattern.length()), error));
+ if (format.get())
+ return format;
Copied: electron10/repos/community-staging-x86_64/media-Set-allocation-limit-compatible-with-FFmpeg-4.3.patch (from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/media-Set-allocation-limit-compatible-with-FFmpeg-4.3.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/media-Set-allocation-limit-compatible-with-FFmpeg-4.3.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/media-Set-allocation-limit-compatible-with-FFmpeg-4.3.patch 2021-02-03 10:25:28 UTC (rev 842483)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+From 7f4c7ff6b0f0e74338c885b0d5e5ef80fed597c3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Dan Sanders <sandersd at chromium.org>
+Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 20:38:03 +0000
+Subject: [PATCH] [media] Set allocation limit compatible with FFmpeg 4.3
+Previously we set the limit to zero, meaning no limit, but FFmpeg 4.3
+will not allocate at all with that setting.
+Changed to std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max().
+Bug: 1095962
+Change-Id: I96820c21f794f2814e955ee75ff22dfd31804c29
+Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromium/src/+/2349405
+Reviewed-by: Dale Curtis <dalecurtis at chromium.org>
+Commit-Queue: Dan Sanders <sandersd at chromium.org>
+Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#796966}
+ media/base/media.cc | 5 ++++-
+ 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/media/base/media.cc b/media/base/media.cc
+index c282ee49a03..11e99c238ba 100644
+--- a/media/base/media.cc
++++ b/media/base/media.cc
+@@ -4,6 +4,9 @@
+ #include "media/base/media.h"
++#include <stdint.h>
++#include <limits>
+ #include "base/allocator/buildflags.h"
+ #include "base/command_line.h"
+ #include "base/macros.h"
+@@ -41,7 +44,7 @@ class MediaInitializer {
+ // Remove allocation limit from ffmpeg, so calls go down to shim layer.
+- av_max_alloc(0);
++ av_max_alloc(std::numeric_limits<size_t>::max());
Copied: electron10/repos/community-staging-x86_64/use-system-libraries-in-node.patch (from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/use-system-libraries-in-node.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/use-system-libraries-in-node.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/use-system-libraries-in-node.patch 2021-02-03 10:25:28 UTC (rev 842483)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+--- a/third_party/electron_node/BUILD.gn
++++ b/third_party/electron_node/BUILD.gn
+@@ -45,6 +45,18 @@
+ node_module_version = ""
+ }
++if (is_linux) {
++ import("//build/config/linux/pkg_config.gni")
++ pkg_config("cares") {
++ packages = [ "libcares" ]
++ }
++ pkg_config("nghttp2") {
++ packages = [ "libnghttp2" ]
++ }
+ assert(!node_use_dtrace, "node_use_dtrace not supported in GN")
+ assert(!node_use_etw, "node_use_etw not supported in GN")
+@@ -198,13 +210,9 @@
+ component("node_lib") {
+ deps = [
+ ":node_js2c",
+- "deps/cares",
+ "deps/histogram",
+- "deps/http_parser",
+ "deps/llhttp",
+- "deps/nghttp2",
+ "deps/uvwasi",
+- "deps/zlib",
+ "//third_party/brotli:dec",
+ "//third_party/brotli:enc",
+ "//v8:v8_libplatform",
+@@ -218,6 +226,21 @@
+ public_configs = [ ":node_lib_config" ]
+ include_dirs = [ "src" ]
+ libs = []
++ if (is_linux) {
++ configs += [
++ ":cares",
++ ":nghttp2",
++ ]
++ deps += [ "//third_party/zlib" ]
++ libs += [ "http_parser" ]
++ } else {
++ deps += [
++ "deps/cares",
++ "deps/http_parser",
++ "deps/nghttp2",
++ "deps/zlib",
++ ]
++ }
+ cflags_cc = [
+ "-Wno-deprecated-declarations",
+ "-Wno-implicit-fallthrough",
Copied: electron10/repos/community-staging-x86_64/v8-icu68.patch (from rev 842482, electron10/trunk/v8-icu68.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/v8-icu68.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/v8-icu68.patch 2021-02-03 10:25:28 UTC (rev 842483)
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+From b0a7f5691113534c2cf771f2dd3cece5e93bc7d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
+Date: Tue, 03 Nov 2020 23:20:37 -0800
+Subject: [PATCH] Update to ICU68-1
+ICU68-1 change the output skeleton format. So we need to change
+resolvedOptions code for 68 migration.
+Chromium roll
+Bug: v8:10945
+Change-Id: I3b2c7fbe8abb22df8fa51287c498ca3245b8c55b
+Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/v8/v8/+/2477431
+Commit-Queue: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Jakob Kummerow <jkummerow at chromium.org>
+Reviewed-by: Shu-yu Guo <syg at chromium.org>
+Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#70972}
+(ported to work with <ICU-68.1 -- https://bugs.gentoo.org/757606)
+diff --git a/src/objects/js-number-format.cc b/src/objects/js-number-format.cc
+index 45b0eab..d18b133 100644
+--- a/src/objects/js-number-format.cc
++++ b/src/objects/js-number-format.cc
+@@ -389,17 +389,20 @@ Handle<String> CurrencySignString(Isolate* isolate,
+ Handle<String> UnitDisplayString(Isolate* isolate,
+ const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
+ // Ex: skeleton as
+- // "measure-unit/length-meter .### rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-full-name"
++ // <ICU-68.1: "measure-unit/length-meter .### rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-full-name".
++ // >=ICU-68.1: "unit/length-meter .### rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-full-name"
+ if (skeleton.indexOf("unit-width-full-name") >= 0) {
+ return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).long_string_handle();
+ }
+ // Ex: skeleton as
+- // "measure-unit/length-meter .### rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-narrow".
++ // <ICU-68.1: "measure-unit/length-meter .### rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-narrow".
++ // >=ICU-68.1: "unit/length-meter .### rounding-mode-half-up unit-width-narrow".
+ if (skeleton.indexOf("unit-width-narrow") >= 0) {
+ return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).narrow_string_handle();
+ }
+ // Ex: skeleton as
+- // "measure-unit/length-foot .### rounding-mode-half-up"
++ // <ICU-68.1: "measure-unit/length-foot .### rounding-mode-half-up"
++ // >=ICU-68.1: "unit/length-foot .### rounding-mode-half-up"
+ return ReadOnlyRoots(isolate).short_string_handle();
+ }
+@@ -422,7 +425,8 @@ Notation NotationFromSkeleton(const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
+ return Notation::COMPACT;
+ }
+ // Ex: skeleton as
+- // "measure-unit/length-foot .### rounding-mode-half-up"
++ // <ICU-68.1: "measure-unit/length-foot .### rounding-mode-half-up"
++ // >=ICU-68.1: "unit/length-foot .### rounding-mode-half-up"
+ return Notation::STANDARD;
+ }
+@@ -562,14 +566,23 @@ namespace {
+ // Ex: percent .### rounding-mode-half-up
+ // Special case for "percent"
+-// Ex: "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour .###
+-// rounding-mode-half-up" should return "kilometer-per-unit".
+-// Ex: "measure-unit/duration-year .### rounding-mode-half-up" should return
+-// "year".
++// <ICU-68.1:
++// Ex: "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour .###
++// rounding-mode-half-up" should return "kilometer-per-unit".
++// Ex: "measure-unit/duration-year .### rounding-mode-half-up" should return
++// >=ICU-68.1:
++// Ex: "unit/milliliter-per-acre .### rounding-mode-half-up"
++// should return "milliliter-per-acre".
++// Ex: "unit/year .### rounding-mode-half-up" should return
++// "year".
+ std::string UnitFromSkeleton(const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
+ std::string str;
+ str = skeleton.toUTF8String<std::string>(str);
+ std::string search("measure-unit/");
++ std::string search("unit/");
+ size_t begin = str.find(search);
+ if (begin == str.npos) {
+ // Special case for "percent".
+@@ -578,20 +591,41 @@ std::string UnitFromSkeleton(const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
+ }
+ return "";
+ }
+ // Skip the type (ex: "length").
+ // "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
+ // b
+ begin = str.find("-", begin + search.size());
++ // Ex:
++ // "unit/acre .### rounding-mode-half-up"
++ // b
++ // Ex:
++ // "unit/milliliter-per-acre .### rounding-mode-half-up"
++ // b
++ begin += search.size();
+ if (begin == str.npos) {
+ return "";
+ }
+ begin++; // Skip the '-'.
+ // Find the end of the subtype.
+ size_t end = str.find(" ", begin);
+- // "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
+- // b e
++ // <ICU-68.1:
++ // "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
++ // b e
++ // >=ICU-68.1:
++ // Ex:
++ // "unit/acre .### rounding-mode-half-up"
++ // b e
++ // Ex:
++ // "unit/milliliter-per-acre .### rounding-mode-half-up"
++ // b e
+ if (end == str.npos) {
+ end = str.size();
+ return str.substr(begin, end - begin);
+ }
+ // "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
+@@ -625,17 +659,36 @@ std::string UnitFromSkeleton(const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
+ // "measure-unit/length-kilometer per-measure-unit/duration-hour"
+ // [result ] b e
+ return result + "-per-" + str.substr(begin, end - begin);
++ }
++ return str.substr(begin, end - begin);
+ }
+ Style StyleFromSkeleton(const icu::UnicodeString& skeleton) {
+ if (skeleton.indexOf("currency/") >= 0) {
+ return Style::CURRENCY;
+ }
+ if (skeleton.indexOf("measure-unit/") >= 0) {
+ if (skeleton.indexOf("scale/100") >= 0 &&
+ skeleton.indexOf("measure-unit/concentr-percent") >= 0) {
++ if (skeleton.indexOf("percent") >= 0) {
++ // percent precision-integer rounding-mode-half-up scale/100
++ if (skeleton.indexOf("scale/100") >= 0) {
+ return Style::PERCENT;
++ } else {
++ return Style::UNIT;
+ }
++ }
++ // Before ICU68: "measure-unit/", since ICU68 "unit/"
++ if (skeleton.indexOf("unit/") >= 0) {
+ return Style::UNIT;
+ }
+ return Style::DECIMAL;
+diff --git a/src/objects/js-relative-time-format.cc b/src/objects/js-relative-time-format.cc
+index 267343aaae..64d56a1c12 100644
+--- a/src/objects/js-relative-time-format.cc
++++ b/src/objects/js-relative-time-format.cc
+@@ -195,9 +195,18 @@ MaybeHandle<JSRelativeTimeFormat> JSRelativeTimeFormat::New(
+ }
+ }
+ icu::DecimalFormat* decimal_format =
+ static_cast<icu::DecimalFormat*>(number_format);
+ decimal_format->setMinimumGroupingDigits(-2);
++ if (number_format->getDynamicClassID() ==
++ icu::DecimalFormat::getStaticClassID()) {
++ icu::DecimalFormat* decimal_format =
++ static_cast<icu::DecimalFormat*>(number_format);
++ decimal_format->setMinimumGroupingDigits(-2);
++ }
+ // Change UDISPCTX_CAPITALIZATION_NONE to other values if
+ // ECMA402 later include option to change capitalization.
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