[arch-commits] Commit in libreoffice-fresh/trunk (PKGBUILD liborcus-0.16.diff)

Andreas Radke andyrtr at archlinux.org
Wed Feb 3 13:01:29 UTC 2021

    Date: Wednesday, February 3, 2021 @ 13:01:29
  Author: andyrtr
Revision: 407167

upgpkg: libreoffice-fresh 7.1.0-1: upstream update 7.1.0


 PKGBUILD           |   40 -
 liborcus-0.16.diff | 1255 ---------------------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 1278 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2021-02-03 13:01:19 UTC (rev 407166)
+++ PKGBUILD	2021-02-03 13:01:29 UTC (rev 407167)
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 pkgname=('libreoffice-fresh-sdk' 'libreoffice-fresh')
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
 	'libexttextcat' 'libcmis' 'gobject-introspection' # 'libfbclient'
 	'libtommath' 'libzmf' 'gpgme' 'xmlsec' 'rxvt-unicode' 
 	'libepubgen' 'libfreehand' 'libqxp' 'libstaroffice'  'boost' 'libnumbertext'
-	'libffi'
+	'libffi' 'box2d' 'git'
@@ -52,15 +52,14 @@
-	${_additional_source_url}/skia-m85-e684c6daef6bfb774a325a069eda1f76ca6ac26c.tar.xz
+	${_additional_source_url}/skia-m88-59bafeeaa7de9eb753e3778c414e01dcf013dcd8.tar.xz
 	${_additional_source_url2}/8249374c274932a21846fa7629c2aa9b-officeotron-0.7.4-master.jar  # for test suite
 	${_additional_source_url2}/odfvalidator-1.2.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies-971c54fd38a968f5860014b44301872706f9e540.jar # for test suite
-	${_additional_source_url2}/884ed41809687c3e168fc7c19b16585149ff058eca79acbf3ee784f6630704cc-opens___.ttf
+	${_additional_source_url2}/f543e6e2d7275557a839a164941c0a86e5f2c3f2a0042bfc434c88c6dde9e140-opens___.ttf
-	libreoffice-fresh.sh libreoffice-fresh.csh
-        liborcus-0.16.diff)
+	libreoffice-fresh.sh libreoffice-fresh.csh)
@@ -74,18 +73,18 @@
-           skia-m85-e684c6daef6bfb774a325a069eda1f76ca6ac26c.tar.xz
+           skia-m88-59bafeeaa7de9eb753e3778c414e01dcf013dcd8.tar.xz
            8249374c274932a21846fa7629c2aa9b-officeotron-0.7.4-master.jar  # for test suite
            odfvalidator-1.2.0-incubating-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies-971c54fd38a968f5860014b44301872706f9e540.jar  # for test suite
-           884ed41809687c3e168fc7c19b16585149ff058eca79acbf3ee784f6630704cc-opens___.ttf
+           f543e6e2d7275557a839a164941c0a86e5f2c3f2a0042bfc434c88c6dde9e140-opens___.ttf
 validpgpkeys=('C2839ECAD9408FBE9531C3E9F434A1EFAFEEAEA3') # LibreOffice Build Team (CODE SIGNING KEY) <build at documentfoundation.org>
-            '0b6353221594937c482eaad078c67139455776bce6ab42df9b22709ed271e9da'
+            '698ae21765ae1e2df8bbc3b448fe88437055402708f6afe3ed6f746491887acf'
-            '544b1a1b4ca795842fb0e4e5eee68f94dd16b10ca4c3c84b1be85467cabc73ec'
+            'b17e0d7c61de80526d22c11c63596c4d56aaa2b1ad0f14d29e0abdd8b3efcc54'
@@ -100,16 +99,15 @@
-            '3294877fa2b61b220d98a0f7bfc11325429b13edd2cf455444c703ee3a14d760'
+            'f293656a15342a53bb407b932fc907c6894178a162f09728bd383e24d84b1301'
-            '884ed41809687c3e168fc7c19b16585149ff058eca79acbf3ee784f6630704cc'
+            'f543e6e2d7275557a839a164941c0a86e5f2c3f2a0042bfc434c88c6dde9e140'
-            'de20f36d45f0fecc2d94176dd3ec7226ab07fa8ffb9b0bc73c200349a9273de1'
-            '2611055af15c498b95f7fca0dedba4d18875bd29b358fd1d5ab4135d746ed606')
+            'de20f36d45f0fecc2d94176dd3ec7226ab07fa8ffb9b0bc73c200349a9273de1')
 prepare() {
@@ -130,9 +128,6 @@
 	# fix not upstreamable pyuno paths - FS#54250
 	patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/make-pyuno-work-with-system-wide-module-install.diff
-	# allow to build with recent liborcus/libixion/mdds stack - Debian patch
-	patch -Np1 -i ../liborcus-0.16.diff
 	#use the CFLAGS but remove the LibO overridden ones
 	for i in $CFLAGS; do
 		case "$i" in
@@ -283,7 +278,7 @@
 		'libxinerama' 'libabw' 'libmwaw' 'libe-book' 'libcups'
 		'liblangtag' 'libexttextcat' 'libcmis' 'liborcus' # 'libfbclient'
 		'libtommath' 'libzmf' 'libatomic_ops' 'xmlsec' 'gpgme' 'libnumbertext'
-		'libfreehand' 'libstaroffice' 'libepubgen' 'libqxp' 'libepoxy'
+		'libfreehand' 'libstaroffice' 'libepubgen' 'libqxp' 'libepoxy' 'box2d'
 	optdepends=('java-runtime:     adds java support'
 		'java-environment: required by extension-wiki-publisher and extension-nlpsolver'
@@ -298,7 +293,6 @@
 		'postgresql-libs:  for postgresql-connector'
 		'mariadb-libs:     for mysql-connector'
 		'coin-or-mp:	   required by the Calc solver'
-		#'gtk2:             for GTK2 integration'
 		'gtk3:             for GTK3 integration'
 		'kio:              for KF5 KDE desktop integration')
@@ -309,7 +303,7 @@
 	provides=('libreoffice' 'libreoffice-en-US')
-	mv fakeinstall/* ${pkgdir}/
+	mv fakeinstall/* "${pkgdir}"/
 	# put configuration files into place
 	install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/etc/libreoffice

Deleted: liborcus-0.16.diff
--- liborcus-0.16.diff	2021-02-03 13:01:19 UTC (rev 407166)
+++ liborcus-0.16.diff	2021-02-03 13:01:29 UTC (rev 407167)
@@ -1,1255 +0,0 @@
-From 109ed8f775dddfede012d56d078abd70b45490c0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Kohei Yoshida <kohei at libreoffice.org>
-Date: Wed, 9 Sep 2020 21:23:48 -0400
-Subject: Upgrade liborcus to 0.16.0.
-Change-Id: Iae29fb26417dfc161698a81bee84e81545969065
-Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/102502
-Tested-by: Jenkins
-Reviewed-by: Kohei Yoshida <kohei at libreoffice.org>
- RepositoryExternal.mk                              |   4 +-
- configure.ac                                       |   2 +-
- download.lst                                       |   4 +-
- ...1-Mark-all-untentionally-unused-variables.patch | 376 +++++++++++++++++++++
- external/liborcus/ExternalPackage_liborcus.mk      |   8 +-
- external/liborcus/ExternalProject_liborcus.mk      |   4 +-
- external/liborcus/Library_orcus-parser.mk          |   1 +
- external/liborcus/Library_orcus.mk                 |   4 +
- external/liborcus/UnpackedTarball_liborcus.mk      |   1 +
- external/liborcus/libtool.patch.0                  |  10 +-
- external/liborcus/windows-constants-hack.patch     |   2 +-
- sc/source/filter/inc/orcusinterface.hxx            |  21 +-
- sc/source/filter/orcus/interface.cxx               |  82 +++--
- sc/source/filter/orcus/xmlcontext.cxx              |   7 +-
- sc/source/ui/xmlsource/xmlsourcedlg.cxx            |   6 +-
- 15 files changed, 480 insertions(+), 52 deletions(-)
- create mode 100644 external/liborcus/0001-Mark-all-untentionally-unused-variables.patch
-diff --git a/RepositoryExternal.mk b/RepositoryExternal.mk
-index d9fa980d7f24..1f0a91de142a 100644
---- a/RepositoryExternal.mk
-+++ b/RepositoryExternal.mk
-@@ -3270,7 +3270,7 @@ $(call gb_LinkTarget_set_include,$(1),\
- )
- $(call gb_LinkTarget_add_libs,$(1),\
--       -L$(call gb_UnpackedTarball_get_dir,liborcus)/src/liborcus/.libs -lorcus-0.15 \
-+       -L$(call gb_UnpackedTarball_get_dir,liborcus)/src/liborcus/.libs -lorcus-0.16 \
- )
- $(if $(SYSTEM_BOOST), \
-@@ -3289,7 +3289,7 @@ $(call gb_LinkTarget_set_include,$(1),\
- )
- $(call gb_LinkTarget_add_libs,$(1),\
--	-L$(call gb_UnpackedTarball_get_dir,liborcus)/src/parser/.libs -lorcus-parser-0.15 \
-+	-L$(call gb_UnpackedTarball_get_dir,liborcus)/src/parser/.libs -lorcus-parser-0.16 \
- )
- endef
-diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
-index 8e8d5eb662d9..06398bfa99a7 100644
---- a/configure.ac
-+++ b/configure.ac
-@@ -10126,7 +10126,7 @@ AC_SUBST(ENABLE_FUZZERS)
- dnl ===================================================================
- dnl Orcus
- dnl ===================================================================
--libo_CHECK_SYSTEM_MODULE([orcus],[ORCUS],[liborcus-0.15 >= 0.15.0])
-+libo_CHECK_SYSTEM_MODULE([orcus],[ORCUS],[liborcus-0.16 >= 0.16.0])
- if test "$with_system_orcus" != "yes"; then
-     if test "$SYSTEM_BOOST" = "TRUE"; then
-         # ===========================================================
-diff --git a/download.lst b/download.lst
-index ee4ba8a1c83b..345ddd19537b 100644
---- a/download.lst
-+++ b/download.lst
-@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ export OPENLDAP_SHA256SUM := cdd6cffdebcd95161a73305ec13fc7a78e9707b46ca9f84fb89
- export OPENLDAP_TARBALL := openldap-2.4.45.tgz
- export OPENSSL_SHA256SUM := 14cb464efe7ac6b54799b34456bd69558a749a4931ecfd9cf9f71d7881cac7bc
- export OPENSSL_TARBALL := openssl-1.0.2t.tar.gz
--export ORCUS_SHA256SUM := cfb2aa60825f2a78589ed030c07f46a1ee16ef8a2d1bf2279192fbc1ae5a5f61
--export ORCUS_TARBALL := liborcus-0.15.4.tar.bz2
-+export ORCUS_SHA256SUM := 854c6ec167ace59baa2984e175bac7b5b2af91bfde4bb10d2088b87a51ed76ec
-+export ORCUS_TARBALL := liborcus-0.16.0.tar.bz2
- export OWNCLOUD_ANDROID_LIB_SHA256SUM := b18b3e3ef7fae6a79b62f2bb43cc47a5346b6330f6a383dc4be34439aca5e9fb
- export OWNCLOUD_ANDROID_LIB_TARBALL := owncloud-android-library-0.9.4-no-binary-deps.tar.gz
- export PAGEMAKER_SHA256SUM := 66adacd705a7d19895e08eac46d1e851332adf2e736c566bef1164e7a442519d
-diff --git a/external/liborcus/0001-Mark-all-untentionally-unused-variables.patch b/external/liborcus/0001-Mark-all-untentionally-unused-variables.patch
-new file mode 100644
-index 000000000000..b0f6a572aff7
---- /dev/null
-+++ b/external/liborcus/0001-Mark-all-untentionally-unused-variables.patch
-@@ -0,0 +1,376 @@
-+From 6d34c41b661a9e8dddf6d08bf1f3c1fd4f5581da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-+From: Kohei Yoshida <kohei.yoshida at gmail.com>
-+Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 21:39:09 -0400
-+Subject: [PATCH] Mark all untentionally unused variables.
-+ include/orcus/css_parser.hpp       | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------
-+ include/orcus/csv_parser.hpp       |  5 ++-
-+ include/orcus/json_parser.hpp      | 15 +++++--
-+ include/orcus/sax_parser.hpp       | 35 ++++++++++++---
-+ include/orcus/sax_token_parser.hpp | 20 +++++++--
-+ include/orcus/yaml_parser.hpp      | 10 ++++-
-+ 6 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
-+diff --git a/include/orcus/css_parser.hpp b/include/orcus/css_parser.hpp
-+index cdfae5e0..3e96980b 100644
-+--- a/include/orcus/css_parser.hpp
-++++ b/include/orcus/css_parser.hpp
-+@@ -31,23 +31,44 @@ namespace orcus {
-+ class css_handler
-+ {
-+ public:
-+-    void at_rule_name(const char* p, size_t n) {}
-++    void at_rule_name(const char* p, size_t n)
-++    {
-++        (void)p; (void)n;
-++    }
-+-    void simple_selector_type(const char* p, size_t n) {}
-++    void simple_selector_type(const char* p, size_t n)
-++    {
-++        (void)p; (void)n;
-++    }
-+-    void simple_selector_class(const char* p, size_t n) {}
-++    void simple_selector_class(const char* p, size_t n)
-++    {
-++        (void)p; (void)n;
-++    }
-+-    void simple_selector_pseudo_element(orcus::css::pseudo_element_t pe) {}
-++    void simple_selector_pseudo_element(orcus::css::pseudo_element_t pe)
-++    {
-++        (void)pe;
-++    }
-+-    void simple_selector_pseudo_class(orcus::css::pseudo_class_t pc) {}
-++    void simple_selector_pseudo_class(orcus::css::pseudo_class_t pc)
-++    {
-++        (void)pc;
-++    }
-+-    void simple_selector_id(const char* p, size_t n) {}
-++    void simple_selector_id(const char* p, size_t n)
-++    {
-++        (void)p; (void)n;
-++    }
-+     void end_simple_selector() {}
-+     void end_selector() {}
-+-    void combinator(orcus::css::combinator_t combinator) {}
-++    void combinator(orcus::css::combinator_t combinator)
-++    {
-++        (void)combinator;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called at each property name.
-+@@ -55,7 +76,10 @@ public:
-+      * @param p pointer to the char-array containing the property name string.
-+      * @param n length of the property name string.
-+      */
-+-    void property_name(const char* p, size_t n) {}
-++    void property_name(const char* p, size_t n)
-++    {
-++        (void)p; (void)n;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called at each ordinary property value string.
-+@@ -63,7 +87,10 @@ public:
-+      * @param p pointer to the char-array containing the value string.
-+      * @param n length of the value string.
-+      */
-+-    void value(const char* p, size_t n) {}
-++    void value(const char* p, size_t n)
-++    {
-++        (void)p; (void)n;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called at each RGB color value of a property.
-+@@ -72,7 +99,10 @@ public:
-+      * @param green value of green (0-255)
-+      * @param blue value of blue (0-255)
-+      */
-+-    void rgb(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) {}
-++    void rgb(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue)
-++    {
-++        (void)red; (void)green; (void)blue;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called at each RGB color value of a property with alpha transparency
-+@@ -83,7 +113,10 @@ public:
-+      * @param blue value of blue (0-255)
-+      * @param alpha alpha transparency value
-+      */
-+-    void rgba(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, double alpha) {}
-++    void rgba(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, double alpha)
-++    {
-++        (void)red; (void)green; (void)blue; (void)alpha;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called at each HSL color value of a property.
-+@@ -92,7 +125,10 @@ public:
-+      * @param sat saturation
-+      * @param light lightness
-+      */
-+-    void hsl(uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t light) {}
-++    void hsl(uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t light)
-++    {
-++        (void)hue; (void)sat; (void)light;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called at each HSL color value of a property with alpha transparency
-+@@ -103,7 +139,10 @@ public:
-+      * @param light lightness
-+      * @param alpha alpha value
-+      */
-+-    void hsla(uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t light, double alpha) {}
-++    void hsla(uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t light, double alpha)
-++    {
-++        (void)hue; (void)sat; (void)light; (void)alpha;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called at each URL value of a property.
-+@@ -111,7 +150,10 @@ public:
-+      * @param p pointer to the char-array containing the URL value string.
-+      * @param n length of the URL value string.
-+      */
-+-    void url(const char* p, size_t n) {}
-++    void url(const char* p, size_t n)
-++    {
-++        (void)p; (void)n;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called when the parsing begins.
-+diff --git a/include/orcus/csv_parser.hpp b/include/orcus/csv_parser.hpp
-+index a873b0f2..27b4f924 100644
-+--- a/include/orcus/csv_parser.hpp
-++++ b/include/orcus/csv_parser.hpp
-+@@ -47,7 +47,10 @@ public:
-+      *                  the text content is guaranteed to be valid so long as
-+      *                  the original CSV stream content is valid.
-+      */
-+-    void cell(const char* p, size_t n, bool transient) {}
-++    void cell(const char* p, size_t n, bool transient)
-++    {
-++        (void)p; (void)n; (void)transient;
-++    }
-+ };
-+ template<typename _Handler>
-+diff --git a/include/orcus/json_parser.hpp b/include/orcus/json_parser.hpp
-+index 51a3d7cc..ef22b3a8 100644
-+--- a/include/orcus/json_parser.hpp
-++++ b/include/orcus/json_parser.hpp
-+@@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ public:
-+      *                  pointer points to somewhere in the JSON stream being
-+      *                  parsed.
-+      */
-+-    void object_key(const char* p, size_t len, bool transient) {}
-++    void object_key(const char* p, size_t len, bool transient)
-++    {
-++        (void)p; (void)len; (void)transient;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called when the closing curly brace of an object is encountered.
-+@@ -87,14 +90,20 @@ public:
-+      *                  pointer points to somewhere in the JSON stream being
-+      *                  parsed.
-+      */
-+-    void string(const char* p, size_t len, bool transient) {}
-++    void string(const char* p, size_t len, bool transient)
-++    {
-++        (void)p; (void)len; (void)transient;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called when a numeric value is encountered.
-+      *
-+      * @param val numeric value.
-+      */
-+-    void number(double val) {}
-++    void number(double val)
-++    {
-++        (void)val;
-++    }
-+ };
-+ /**
-+diff --git a/include/orcus/sax_parser.hpp b/include/orcus/sax_parser.hpp
-+index 73c17d06..3b21bfdf 100644
-+--- a/include/orcus/sax_parser.hpp
-++++ b/include/orcus/sax_parser.hpp
-+@@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ public:
-+      *
-+      * @param param struct containing doctype declaration data.
-+      */
-+-    void doctype(const orcus::sax::doctype_declaration& param) {}
-++    void doctype(const orcus::sax::doctype_declaration& param)
-++    {
-++        (void)param;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called when <?... is encountered, where the '...' may be an
-+@@ -39,28 +42,40 @@ public:
-+      *
-+      * @param decl name of the identifier.
-+      */
-+-    void start_declaration(const orcus::pstring& decl) {}
-++    void start_declaration(const orcus::pstring& decl)
-++    {
-++        (void)decl;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called when the closing tag (>) of a <?... ?> is encountered.
-+      *
-+      * @param decl name of the identifier.
-+      */
-+-    void end_declaration(const orcus::pstring& decl) {}
-++    void end_declaration(const orcus::pstring& decl)
-++    {
-++        (void)decl;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called at the start of each element.
-+      *
-+      * @param elem information of the element being parsed.
-+      */
-+-    void start_element(const orcus::sax::parser_element& elem) {}
-++    void start_element(const orcus::sax::parser_element& elem)
-++    {
-++        (void)elem;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called at the end of each element.
-+      *
-+      * @param elem information of the element being parsed.
-+      */
-+-    void end_element(const orcus::sax::parser_element& elem) {}
-++    void end_element(const orcus::sax::parser_element& elem)
-++    {
-++        (void)elem;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called when a segment of a text content is parsed.  Each text content
-+@@ -76,7 +91,10 @@ public:
-+      *                  a non-text value or be interned within the scope of
-+      *                  the callback</em>.
-+      */
-+-    void characters(const orcus::pstring& val, bool transient) {}
-++    void characters(const orcus::pstring& val, bool transient)
-++    {
-++        (void)val; (void)transient;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called upon parsing of an attribute of an element.  Note that <em>when
-+@@ -86,7 +104,10 @@ public:
-+      *
-+      * @param attr struct containing attribute information.
-+      */
-+-    void attribute(const orcus::sax::parser_attribute& attr) {}
-++    void attribute(const orcus::sax::parser_attribute& attr)
-++    {
-++        (void)attr;
-++    }
-+ };
-+ /**
-+diff --git a/include/orcus/sax_token_parser.hpp b/include/orcus/sax_token_parser.hpp
-+index 1452bc27..6b1b1de4 100644
-+--- a/include/orcus/sax_token_parser.hpp
-++++ b/include/orcus/sax_token_parser.hpp
-+@@ -71,7 +71,10 @@ public:
-+      *
-+      * @param decl struct containing the attributes of the XML declaration.
-+      */
-+-    void declaration(const orcus::xml_declaration_t& decl) {}
-++    void declaration(const orcus::xml_declaration_t& decl)
-++    {
-++        (void)decl;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called at the start of each element.
-+@@ -79,7 +82,10 @@ public:
-+      * @param elem struct containing the element's information as well as all
-+      *             the attributes that belong to the element.
-+      */
-+-    void start_element(const orcus::xml_token_element_t& elem) {}
-++    void start_element(const orcus::xml_token_element_t& elem)
-++    {
-++        (void)elem;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called at the end of each element.
-+@@ -87,7 +93,10 @@ public:
-+      * @param elem struct containing the element's information as well as all
-+      *             the attributes that belong to the element.
-+      */
-+-    void end_element(const orcus::xml_token_element_t& elem) {}
-++    void end_element(const orcus::xml_token_element_t& elem)
-++    {
-++        (void)elem;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called when a segment of a text content is parsed.  Each text content
-+@@ -103,7 +112,10 @@ public:
-+      *                  a non-text value or be interned within the scope of
-+      *                  the callback</em>.
-+      */
-+-    void characters(const orcus::pstring& val, bool transient) {}
-++    void characters(const orcus::pstring& val, bool transient)
-++    {
-++        (void)val; (void)transient;
-++    }
-+ };
-+ /**
-+diff --git a/include/orcus/yaml_parser.hpp b/include/orcus/yaml_parser.hpp
-+index 797ebbec..8d16fbc7 100644
-+--- a/include/orcus/yaml_parser.hpp
-++++ b/include/orcus/yaml_parser.hpp
-+@@ -72,14 +72,20 @@ public:
-+      * @param p pointer to the first character of the string value.
-+      * @param len length of the string value.
-+      */
-+-    void string(const char* p, size_t n) {}
-++    void string(const char* p, size_t n)
-++    {
-++        (void)p; (void)n;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called when a numeric value is encountered.
-+      *
-+      * @param val numeric value.
-+      */
-+-    void number(double val) {}
-++    void number(double val)
-++    {
-++        (void)val;
-++    }
-+     /**
-+      * Called when a boolean 'true' keyword is encountered.
-diff --git a/external/liborcus/ExternalPackage_liborcus.mk b/external/liborcus/ExternalPackage_liborcus.mk
-index 21dd1bfb1ce5..747691809d2e 100644
---- a/external/liborcus/ExternalPackage_liborcus.mk
-+++ b/external/liborcus/ExternalPackage_liborcus.mk
-@@ -12,11 +12,11 @@ $(eval $(call gb_ExternalPackage_ExternalPackage,liborcus,liborcus))
- $(eval $(call gb_ExternalPackage_use_external_project,liborcus,liborcus))
- ifeq ($(OS),MACOSX)
--$(eval $(call gb_ExternalPackage_add_file,liborcus,$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER)/liborcus-0.15.0.dylib,src/liborcus/.libs/liborcus-0.15.0.dylib))
--$(eval $(call gb_ExternalPackage_add_file,liborcus,$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER)/liborcus-parser-0.15.0.dylib,src/parser/.libs/liborcus-parser-0.15.0.dylib))
-+$(eval $(call gb_ExternalPackage_add_file,liborcus,$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER)/liborcus-0.16.0.dylib,src/liborcus/.libs/liborcus-0.16.0.dylib))
-+$(eval $(call gb_ExternalPackage_add_file,liborcus,$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER)/liborcus-parser-0.16.0.dylib,src/parser/.libs/liborcus-parser-0.16.0.dylib))
- else ifeq ($(DISABLE_DYNLOADING),)
--$(eval $(call gb_ExternalPackage_add_file,liborcus,$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER)/liborcus-0.15.so.0,src/liborcus/.libs/liborcus-0.15.so.0.0.0))
--$(eval $(call gb_ExternalPackage_add_file,liborcus,$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER)/liborcus-parser-0.15.so.0,src/parser/.libs/liborcus-parser-0.15.so.0.0.0))
-+$(eval $(call gb_ExternalPackage_add_file,liborcus,$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER)/liborcus-0.16.so.0,src/liborcus/.libs/liborcus-0.16.so.0.0.0))
-+$(eval $(call gb_ExternalPackage_add_file,liborcus,$(LIBO_LIB_FOLDER)/liborcus-parser-0.16.so.0,src/parser/.libs/liborcus-parser-0.16.so.0.0.0))
- endif
- # vim: set noet sw=4 ts=4:
-diff --git a/external/liborcus/ExternalProject_liborcus.mk b/external/liborcus/ExternalProject_liborcus.mk
-index 136fa538397e..c2a8cdcbe4a3 100644
---- a/external/liborcus/ExternalProject_liborcus.mk
-+++ b/external/liborcus/ExternalProject_liborcus.mk
-@@ -123,8 +123,8 @@ $(call gb_ExternalProject_get_state_target,liborcus,build) :
- 		   $(MAKE) \
- 		$(if $(filter MACOSX,$(OS)),\
- 			&& $(PERL) $(SRCDIR)/solenv/bin/macosx-change-install-names.pl shl OOO \
--				$(EXTERNAL_WORKDIR)/src/liborcus/.libs/liborcus-0.15.0.dylib \
--				$(EXTERNAL_WORKDIR)/src/parser/.libs/liborcus-parser-0.15.0.dylib \
-+				$(EXTERNAL_WORKDIR)/src/liborcus/.libs/liborcus-0.16.0.dylib \
-+				$(EXTERNAL_WORKDIR)/src/parser/.libs/liborcus-parser-0.16.0.dylib \
- 		) \
- 	)
- 	$(call gb_Trace_EndRange,liborcus,EXTERNAL)
-diff --git a/external/liborcus/Library_orcus-parser.mk b/external/liborcus/Library_orcus-parser.mk
-index d3cbddbb8cec..4e46591b98fe 100644
---- a/external/liborcus/Library_orcus-parser.mk
-+++ b/external/liborcus/Library_orcus-parser.mk
-@@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_generated_exception_objects,orcus-parser,\
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/parser/tokens \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/parser/types \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/parser/xml_namespace \
-+	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/parser/xml_writer \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/parser/yaml_parser_base \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/parser/zip_archive \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/parser/zip_archive_stream \
-diff --git a/external/liborcus/Library_orcus.mk b/external/liborcus/Library_orcus.mk
-index ea99e7509fbf..0a0ca582882a 100644
---- a/external/liborcus/Library_orcus.mk
-+++ b/external/liborcus/Library_orcus.mk
-@@ -85,6 +85,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_generated_exception_objects,orcus,\
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/odf_tokens \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/ods_content_xml_context \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/ods_content_xml_handler \
-+	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/ods_dde_links_context \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/ods_session_data \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/ooxml_content_types \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/ooxml_global \
-@@ -103,6 +104,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_generated_exception_objects,orcus,\
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/orcus_xls_xml \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/orcus_xlsx \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/orcus_xml \
-+	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/orcus_xml_impl \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/orcus_xml_map_def \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/session_context \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/spreadsheet_iface_util \
-@@ -134,7 +136,9 @@ $(eval $(call gb_Library_add_generated_exception_objects,orcus,\
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/xml_simple_stream_handler \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/xml_stream_handler \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/xml_stream_parser \
-+	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/xml_structure_mapper \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/xml_structure_tree \
-+	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/xpath_parser \
- 	UnpackedTarball/liborcus/src/liborcus/yaml_document_tree \
- ))
-diff --git a/external/liborcus/UnpackedTarball_liborcus.mk b/external/liborcus/UnpackedTarball_liborcus.mk
-index e5e33b0b1249..4736dbccab4b 100644
---- a/external/liborcus/UnpackedTarball_liborcus.mk
-+++ b/external/liborcus/UnpackedTarball_liborcus.mk
-@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ $(eval $(call gb_UnpackedTarball_add_patches,liborcus,\
- 	external/liborcus/gcc9.patch.0 \
- 	external/liborcus/libtool.patch.0 \
- 	external/liborcus/fix-pch.patch.0 \
-+	external/liborcus/0001-Mark-all-untentionally-unused-variables.patch \
- ))
- ifeq ($(OS),WNT)
-diff --git a/external/liborcus/libtool.patch.0 b/external/liborcus/libtool.patch.0
-index aa6ffa908ec3..663dbd8099d7 100644
---- a/external/liborcus/libtool.patch.0
-+++ b/external/liborcus/libtool.patch.0
-@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
----- ltmain.sh.sav	2018-09-14 23:47:13.000000000 +0200
--+++ ltmain.sh	2019-05-05 23:11:30.406904472 +0200
--@@ -7278,7 +7278,7 @@ func_mode_link ()
-+--- ltmain.sh.orig	2020-09-09 21:20:23.069433984 -0400
-++++ ltmain.sh	2020-09-09 21:27:13.168073996 -0400
-+@@ -7373,7 +7373,7 @@
-        -64|-mips[0-9]|-r[0-9][0-9]*|-xarch=*|-xtarget=*|+DA*|+DD*|-q*|-m*| \
-        -t[45]*|-txscale*|-p|-pg|--coverage|-fprofile-*|-F*|@*|-tp=*|--sysroot=*| \
-        -O*|-g*|-flto*|-fwhopr*|-fuse-linker-plugin|-fstack-protector*|-stdlib=*| \
---      -specs=*|-fsanitize=*)
--+      -specs=*|-fsanitize=*|-fuse-ld=*)
-+-      -specs=*|-fsanitize=*|-fuse-ld=*|-static-*|-fcilkplus)
-++      -specs=*|-fsanitize=*|-fuse-ld=*|-static-*|-fcilkplus)
-          func_quote_for_eval "$arg"
-  	arg=$func_quote_for_eval_result
-          func_append compile_command " $arg"
-diff --git a/external/liborcus/windows-constants-hack.patch b/external/liborcus/windows-constants-hack.patch
-index 876bc1688a31..51aabfa1fb47 100644
---- a/external/liborcus/windows-constants-hack.patch
-+++ b/external/liborcus/windows-constants-hack.patch
-@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ index ae571f5..539ce18 100644
- -#include "constants.inl"
-  namespace orcus {
-diff --git a/sc/source/filter/inc/orcusinterface.hxx b/sc/source/filter/inc/orcusinterface.hxx
-index b298c711d234..00aea6764957 100644
---- a/sc/source/filter/inc/orcusinterface.hxx
-+++ b/sc/source/filter/inc/orcusinterface.hxx
-@@ -62,6 +62,11 @@ public:
-     {
-         return mnTextEncoding;
-     }
-+    ScDocumentImport& getDoc() const
-+    {
-+        return mrDoc;
-+    }
- };
- class ScOrcusRefResolver : public orcus::spreadsheet::iface::import_reference_resolver
-@@ -71,20 +76,28 @@ class ScOrcusRefResolver : public orcus::spreadsheet::iface::import_reference_re
- public:
-     ScOrcusRefResolver( const ScOrcusGlobalSettings& rGS );
--    orcus::spreadsheet::address_t resolve_address(const char* p, size_t n) override;
--    orcus::spreadsheet::range_t resolve_range(const char* p, size_t n) override;
-+    orcus::spreadsheet::src_address_t resolve_address(const char* p, size_t n) override;
-+    orcus::spreadsheet::src_range_t resolve_range(const char* p, size_t n) override;
- };
- class ScOrcusNamedExpression : public orcus::spreadsheet::iface::import_named_expression
- {
-     ScDocumentImport& mrDoc;
-     const ScOrcusGlobalSettings& mrGlobalSettings;
--    SCTAB mnTab; //< negative if global, else >= 0 for sheet-local named expressions.
-+    ScAddress maBasePos;
-+    OUString maName;
-+    OUString maExpr;
-+    const SCTAB mnTab; //< negative if global, else >= 0 for sheet-local named expressions.
- public:
-     ScOrcusNamedExpression( ScDocumentImport& rDoc, const ScOrcusGlobalSettings& rGS, SCTAB nTab = -1 );
--    virtual void define_name(const char* p_name, size_t n_name, const char* p_exp, size_t n_exp) override;
-+    void reset();
-+    virtual void set_base_position(const orcus::spreadsheet::src_address_t& pos) override;
-+    virtual void set_named_expression(const char* p_name, size_t n_name, const char* p_exp, size_t n_exp) override;
-+    virtual void set_named_range(const char* p_name, size_t n_name, const char* p_range, size_t n_range) override;
-+    virtual void commit() override;
- };
- class ScOrcusSharedStrings : public orcus::spreadsheet::iface::import_shared_strings
-diff --git a/sc/source/filter/orcus/interface.cxx b/sc/source/filter/orcus/interface.cxx
-index 220f7ce057f9..aa96eb21d405 100644
---- a/sc/source/filter/orcus/interface.cxx
-+++ b/sc/source/filter/orcus/interface.cxx
-@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
- #include <sal/log.hxx>
- #include <stylesbuffer.hxx>
-+#include <orcus/exception.hpp>
- using namespace com::sun::star;
-@@ -158,51 +159,54 @@ orcus::spreadsheet::formula_grammar_t ScOrcusGlobalSettings::get_default_formula
- ScOrcusRefResolver::ScOrcusRefResolver( const ScOrcusGlobalSettings& rGS ) :
-     mrGlobalSettings(rGS) {}
--os::address_t ScOrcusRefResolver::resolve_address(const char* p, size_t n)
-+os::src_address_t ScOrcusRefResolver::resolve_address(const char* p, size_t n)
- {
-     OUString aStr(p, n, mrGlobalSettings.getTextEncoding());
-     ScAddress aAddr;
--    aAddr.Parse(aStr, nullptr,
-+    aAddr.Parse(aStr, &mrGlobalSettings.getDoc().getDoc(),
-         formula::FormulaGrammar::extractRefConvention(
-             mrGlobalSettings.getCalcGrammar()));
--    os::address_t ret;
--    ret.column = 0;
--    ret.row = 0;
--    if (aAddr.IsValid())
-+    if (!aAddr.IsValid())
-     {
--        ret.column = aAddr.Col();
--        ret.row = aAddr.Row();
-+        std::ostringstream os;
-+        os << "'" << std::string(p, n) << "' is not a valid address expression.";
-+        throw orcus::invalid_arg_error(os.str());
-     }
-+    os::src_address_t ret;
-+    ret.sheet = aAddr.Tab();
-+    ret.column = aAddr.Col();
-+    ret.row = aAddr.Row();
-     return ret;
- }
--os::range_t ScOrcusRefResolver::resolve_range(const char* p, size_t n)
-+os::src_range_t ScOrcusRefResolver::resolve_range(const char* p, size_t n)
- {
-     OUString aStr(p, n, mrGlobalSettings.getTextEncoding());
-     ScRange aRange;
--    aRange.Parse(aStr, nullptr,
-+    aRange.Parse(aStr, &mrGlobalSettings.getDoc().getDoc(),
-         formula::FormulaGrammar::extractRefConvention(
-             mrGlobalSettings.getCalcGrammar()));
--    os::range_t ret;
--    ret.first.column = 0;
--    ret.first.row = 0;
--    ret.last.column = 0;
--    ret.last.row = 0;
--    if (aRange.IsValid())
-+    if (!aRange.IsValid())
-     {
--        ret.first.column = aRange.aStart.Col();
--        ret.first.row    = aRange.aStart.Row();
--        ret.last.column  = aRange.aEnd.Col();
--        ret.last.row     = aRange.aEnd.Row();
-+        std::ostringstream os;
-+        os << "'" << std::string(p, n) << "' is not a valid range expression.";
-+        throw orcus::invalid_arg_error(os.str());
-     }
-+    os::src_range_t ret;
-+    ret.first.sheet  = aRange.aStart.Tab();
-+    ret.first.column = aRange.aStart.Col();
-+    ret.first.row    = aRange.aStart.Row();
-+    ret.last.sheet   = aRange.aEnd.Tab();
-+    ret.last.column  = aRange.aEnd.Col();
-+    ret.last.row     = aRange.aEnd.Row();
-     return ret;
- }
-@@ -210,20 +214,46 @@ ScOrcusNamedExpression::ScOrcusNamedExpression(
-     ScDocumentImport& rDoc, const ScOrcusGlobalSettings& rGS, SCTAB nTab ) :
-     mrDoc(rDoc), mrGlobalSettings(rGS), mnTab(nTab) {}
--void ScOrcusNamedExpression::define_name(const char* p_name, size_t n_name, const char* p_exp, size_t n_exp)
-+void ScOrcusNamedExpression::reset()
-+    maBasePos.SetTab(0);
-+    maBasePos.SetCol(0);
-+    maBasePos.SetRow(0);
-+    maName.clear();
-+    maExpr.clear();
-+void ScOrcusNamedExpression::set_base_position(const orcus::spreadsheet::src_address_t& pos)
-+    maBasePos.SetTab(pos.sheet);
-+    maBasePos.SetCol(pos.column);
-+    maBasePos.SetRow(pos.row);
-+void ScOrcusNamedExpression::set_named_expression(const char* p_name, size_t n_name, const char* p_exp, size_t n_exp)
-+    maName = OUString(p_name, n_name, mrGlobalSettings.getTextEncoding());
-+    maExpr = OUString(p_exp, n_exp, mrGlobalSettings.getTextEncoding());
-+void ScOrcusNamedExpression::set_named_range(const char* /*p_name*/, size_t /*n_name*/, const char* /*p_range*/, size_t /*n_range*/)
- {
--    OUString aName(p_name, n_name, mrGlobalSettings.getTextEncoding());
--    OUString aExpr(p_exp, n_exp, mrGlobalSettings.getTextEncoding());
-+    throw std::runtime_error("ScOrcusNamedExpression::set_named_range not implemented yet.");
-+void ScOrcusNamedExpression::commit()
-     ScRangeName* pNames = mnTab >= 0 ? mrDoc.getDoc().GetRangeName(mnTab) : mrDoc.getDoc().GetRangeName();
-     if (!pNames)
-         return;
-     ScRangeData* pRange = new ScRangeData(
--        &mrDoc.getDoc(), aName, aExpr, ScAddress(), ScRangeData::Type::Name,
-+        &mrDoc.getDoc(), maName, maExpr, maBasePos, ScRangeData::Type::Name,
-         mrGlobalSettings.getCalcGrammar());
-     pNames->insert(pRange, false);
-+    reset(); // make sure to reset the state for the next run.
- }
- ScOrcusFactory::CellStoreToken::CellStoreToken(const ScAddress& rPos, Type eType)
-diff --git a/sc/source/filter/orcus/xmlcontext.cxx b/sc/source/filter/orcus/xmlcontext.cxx
-index f886dd555a66..1f3ee58220a0 100644
---- a/sc/source/filter/orcus/xmlcontext.cxx
-+++ b/sc/source/filter/orcus/xmlcontext.cxx
-@@ -89,10 +89,9 @@ void populateTree(
-        rTreeCtrl.set_image(*xEntry, rParam.maImgElementRepeat, -1);
-     }
--    orcus::xml_structure_tree::entity_names_type aNames;
-+    orcus::xml_structure_tree::entity_names_type aNames = rWalker.get_attributes();
-     // Insert attributes.
--    rWalker.get_attributes(aNames);
-     for (const orcus::xml_structure_tree::entity_name& rAttrName : aNames)
-     {
-         OUString sAttr(toString(rAttrName, rWalker));
-@@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ void populateTree(
-         rTreeCtrl.set_image(*xAttr, rParam.maImgAttribute, -1);
-     }
--    rWalker.get_children(aNames);
-+    aNames = rWalker.get_children();
-     // Non-leaf if it has child elements, leaf otherwise.
-     rEntryData.mbLeafNode = aNames.empty();
-@@ -266,7 +265,7 @@ void ScOrcusXMLContextImpl::importXML(const ScOrcusImportXMLParam& rParam)
-             std::for_each(rLink.maFieldPaths.begin(), rLink.maFieldPaths.end(),
-                 [&filter](const OString& rFieldPath)
-                 {
--                    filter.append_field_link(rFieldPath.getStr());
-+                    filter.append_field_link(rFieldPath.getStr(), orcus::pstring());
-                 }
-             );
-diff --git a/sc/source/ui/xmlsource/xmlsourcedlg.cxx b/sc/source/ui/xmlsource/xmlsourcedlg.cxx
-index 1eb2e4b06077..167ecae315ae 100644
---- a/sc/source/ui/xmlsource/xmlsourcedlg.cxx
-+++ b/sc/source/ui/xmlsource/xmlsourcedlg.cxx
-@@ -49,8 +49,12 @@ OUString getXPath(
-         if (pData)
-             rNamespaces.push_back(pData->mnNamespaceID);
-+        // element separator is '/' whereas attribute separator is '/@' in xpath.
-         aBuf.insert(0, rTree.get_text(*xEntry, 0));
--        aBuf.insert(0, isAttribute(rTree, *xEntry) ? '@' : '/');
-+        if (isAttribute(rTree, *xEntry))
-+            aBuf.insert(0, "/@");
-+        else
-+            aBuf.insert(0, '/');
-     }
-     while (rTree.iter_parent(*xEntry));
-cgit v1.2.1
-From 1821dde6601193cc0ddf87fc020de708544d9700 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Kohei Yoshida <kohei at libreoffice.org>
-Date: Mon, 28 Sep 2020 16:19:54 -0400
-Subject: Update liborcus to 0.16.1.
-Change-Id: I27e87278545c1d41381b1ab8a49f6f6a07681bfb
-Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/103590
-Tested-by: Jenkins
-Reviewed-by: Kohei Yoshida <kohei at libreoffice.org>
- download.lst                                       |   4 +-
- ...1-Mark-all-untentionally-unused-variables.patch | 376 ---------------------
- external/liborcus/UnpackedTarball_liborcus.mk      |   1 -
- 3 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 379 deletions(-)
- delete mode 100644 external/liborcus/0001-Mark-all-untentionally-unused-variables.patch
-diff --git a/download.lst b/download.lst
-index a4782bb2b9ef..48af3c5e9198 100644
---- a/download.lst
-+++ b/download.lst
-@@ -206,8 +206,8 @@ export OPENLDAP_SHA256SUM := cdd6cffdebcd95161a73305ec13fc7a78e9707b46ca9f84fb89
- export OPENLDAP_TARBALL := openldap-2.4.45.tgz
- export OPENSSL_SHA256SUM := 14cb464efe7ac6b54799b34456bd69558a749a4931ecfd9cf9f71d7881cac7bc
- export OPENSSL_TARBALL := openssl-1.0.2t.tar.gz
--export ORCUS_SHA256SUM := 854c6ec167ace59baa2984e175bac7b5b2af91bfde4bb10d2088b87a51ed76ec
--export ORCUS_TARBALL := liborcus-0.16.0.tar.bz2
-+export ORCUS_SHA256SUM := c700d1325f744104d9fca0d5a019434901e9d51a16eedfb05792f90a298587a4
-+export ORCUS_TARBALL := liborcus-0.16.1.tar.bz2
- export OWNCLOUD_ANDROID_LIB_SHA256SUM := b18b3e3ef7fae6a79b62f2bb43cc47a5346b6330f6a383dc4be34439aca5e9fb
- export OWNCLOUD_ANDROID_LIB_TARBALL := owncloud-android-library-0.9.4-no-binary-deps.tar.gz
- export PAGEMAKER_SHA256SUM := 66adacd705a7d19895e08eac46d1e851332adf2e736c566bef1164e7a442519d
-diff --git a/external/liborcus/0001-Mark-all-untentionally-unused-variables.patch b/external/liborcus/0001-Mark-all-untentionally-unused-variables.patch
-deleted file mode 100644
-index b0f6a572aff7..000000000000
---- a/external/liborcus/0001-Mark-all-untentionally-unused-variables.patch
-+++ /dev/null
-@@ -1,376 +0,0 @@
--From 6d34c41b661a9e8dddf6d08bf1f3c1fd4f5581da Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
--From: Kohei Yoshida <kohei.yoshida at gmail.com>
--Date: Fri, 11 Sep 2020 21:39:09 -0400
--Subject: [PATCH] Mark all untentionally unused variables.
-- include/orcus/css_parser.hpp       | 70 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------
-- include/orcus/csv_parser.hpp       |  5 ++-
-- include/orcus/json_parser.hpp      | 15 +++++--
-- include/orcus/sax_parser.hpp       | 35 ++++++++++++---
-- include/orcus/sax_token_parser.hpp | 20 +++++++--
-- include/orcus/yaml_parser.hpp      | 10 ++++-
-- 6 files changed, 124 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
--diff --git a/include/orcus/css_parser.hpp b/include/orcus/css_parser.hpp
--index cdfae5e0..3e96980b 100644
----- a/include/orcus/css_parser.hpp
--+++ b/include/orcus/css_parser.hpp
--@@ -31,23 +31,44 @@ namespace orcus {
-- class css_handler
-- {
-- public:
---    void at_rule_name(const char* p, size_t n) {}
--+    void at_rule_name(const char* p, size_t n)
--+    {
--+        (void)p; (void)n;
--+    }
---    void simple_selector_type(const char* p, size_t n) {}
--+    void simple_selector_type(const char* p, size_t n)
--+    {
--+        (void)p; (void)n;
--+    }
---    void simple_selector_class(const char* p, size_t n) {}
--+    void simple_selector_class(const char* p, size_t n)
--+    {
--+        (void)p; (void)n;
--+    }
---    void simple_selector_pseudo_element(orcus::css::pseudo_element_t pe) {}
--+    void simple_selector_pseudo_element(orcus::css::pseudo_element_t pe)
--+    {
--+        (void)pe;
--+    }
---    void simple_selector_pseudo_class(orcus::css::pseudo_class_t pc) {}
--+    void simple_selector_pseudo_class(orcus::css::pseudo_class_t pc)
--+    {
--+        (void)pc;
--+    }
---    void simple_selector_id(const char* p, size_t n) {}
--+    void simple_selector_id(const char* p, size_t n)
--+    {
--+        (void)p; (void)n;
--+    }
--     void end_simple_selector() {}
--     void end_selector() {}
---    void combinator(orcus::css::combinator_t combinator) {}
--+    void combinator(orcus::css::combinator_t combinator)
--+    {
--+        (void)combinator;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called at each property name.
--@@ -55,7 +76,10 @@ public:
--      * @param p pointer to the char-array containing the property name string.
--      * @param n length of the property name string.
--      */
---    void property_name(const char* p, size_t n) {}
--+    void property_name(const char* p, size_t n)
--+    {
--+        (void)p; (void)n;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called at each ordinary property value string.
--@@ -63,7 +87,10 @@ public:
--      * @param p pointer to the char-array containing the value string.
--      * @param n length of the value string.
--      */
---    void value(const char* p, size_t n) {}
--+    void value(const char* p, size_t n)
--+    {
--+        (void)p; (void)n;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called at each RGB color value of a property.
--@@ -72,7 +99,10 @@ public:
--      * @param green value of green (0-255)
--      * @param blue value of blue (0-255)
--      */
---    void rgb(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue) {}
--+    void rgb(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue)
--+    {
--+        (void)red; (void)green; (void)blue;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called at each RGB color value of a property with alpha transparency
--@@ -83,7 +113,10 @@ public:
--      * @param blue value of blue (0-255)
--      * @param alpha alpha transparency value
--      */
---    void rgba(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, double alpha) {}
--+    void rgba(uint8_t red, uint8_t green, uint8_t blue, double alpha)
--+    {
--+        (void)red; (void)green; (void)blue; (void)alpha;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called at each HSL color value of a property.
--@@ -92,7 +125,10 @@ public:
--      * @param sat saturation
--      * @param light lightness
--      */
---    void hsl(uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t light) {}
--+    void hsl(uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t light)
--+    {
--+        (void)hue; (void)sat; (void)light;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called at each HSL color value of a property with alpha transparency
--@@ -103,7 +139,10 @@ public:
--      * @param light lightness
--      * @param alpha alpha value
--      */
---    void hsla(uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t light, double alpha) {}
--+    void hsla(uint8_t hue, uint8_t sat, uint8_t light, double alpha)
--+    {
--+        (void)hue; (void)sat; (void)light; (void)alpha;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called at each URL value of a property.
--@@ -111,7 +150,10 @@ public:
--      * @param p pointer to the char-array containing the URL value string.
--      * @param n length of the URL value string.
--      */
---    void url(const char* p, size_t n) {}
--+    void url(const char* p, size_t n)
--+    {
--+        (void)p; (void)n;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called when the parsing begins.
--diff --git a/include/orcus/csv_parser.hpp b/include/orcus/csv_parser.hpp
--index a873b0f2..27b4f924 100644
----- a/include/orcus/csv_parser.hpp
--+++ b/include/orcus/csv_parser.hpp
--@@ -47,7 +47,10 @@ public:
--      *                  the text content is guaranteed to be valid so long as
--      *                  the original CSV stream content is valid.
--      */
---    void cell(const char* p, size_t n, bool transient) {}
--+    void cell(const char* p, size_t n, bool transient)
--+    {
--+        (void)p; (void)n; (void)transient;
--+    }
-- };
-- template<typename _Handler>
--diff --git a/include/orcus/json_parser.hpp b/include/orcus/json_parser.hpp
--index 51a3d7cc..ef22b3a8 100644
----- a/include/orcus/json_parser.hpp
--+++ b/include/orcus/json_parser.hpp
--@@ -54,7 +54,10 @@ public:
--      *                  pointer points to somewhere in the JSON stream being
--      *                  parsed.
--      */
---    void object_key(const char* p, size_t len, bool transient) {}
--+    void object_key(const char* p, size_t len, bool transient)
--+    {
--+        (void)p; (void)len; (void)transient;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called when the closing curly brace of an object is encountered.
--@@ -87,14 +90,20 @@ public:
--      *                  pointer points to somewhere in the JSON stream being
--      *                  parsed.
--      */
---    void string(const char* p, size_t len, bool transient) {}
--+    void string(const char* p, size_t len, bool transient)
--+    {
--+        (void)p; (void)len; (void)transient;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called when a numeric value is encountered.
--      *
--      * @param val numeric value.
--      */
---    void number(double val) {}
--+    void number(double val)
--+    {
--+        (void)val;
--+    }
-- };
-- /**
--diff --git a/include/orcus/sax_parser.hpp b/include/orcus/sax_parser.hpp
--index 73c17d06..3b21bfdf 100644
----- a/include/orcus/sax_parser.hpp
--+++ b/include/orcus/sax_parser.hpp
--@@ -30,7 +30,10 @@ public:
--      *
--      * @param param struct containing doctype declaration data.
--      */
---    void doctype(const orcus::sax::doctype_declaration& param) {}
--+    void doctype(const orcus::sax::doctype_declaration& param)
--+    {
--+        (void)param;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called when <?... is encountered, where the '...' may be an
--@@ -39,28 +42,40 @@ public:
--      *
--      * @param decl name of the identifier.
--      */
---    void start_declaration(const orcus::pstring& decl) {}
--+    void start_declaration(const orcus::pstring& decl)
--+    {
--+        (void)decl;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called when the closing tag (>) of a <?... ?> is encountered.
--      *
--      * @param decl name of the identifier.
--      */
---    void end_declaration(const orcus::pstring& decl) {}
--+    void end_declaration(const orcus::pstring& decl)
--+    {
--+        (void)decl;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called at the start of each element.
--      *
--      * @param elem information of the element being parsed.
--      */
---    void start_element(const orcus::sax::parser_element& elem) {}
--+    void start_element(const orcus::sax::parser_element& elem)
--+    {
--+        (void)elem;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called at the end of each element.
--      *
--      * @param elem information of the element being parsed.
--      */
---    void end_element(const orcus::sax::parser_element& elem) {}
--+    void end_element(const orcus::sax::parser_element& elem)
--+    {
--+        (void)elem;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called when a segment of a text content is parsed.  Each text content
--@@ -76,7 +91,10 @@ public:
--      *                  a non-text value or be interned within the scope of
--      *                  the callback</em>.
--      */
---    void characters(const orcus::pstring& val, bool transient) {}
--+    void characters(const orcus::pstring& val, bool transient)
--+    {
--+        (void)val; (void)transient;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called upon parsing of an attribute of an element.  Note that <em>when
--@@ -86,7 +104,10 @@ public:
--      *
--      * @param attr struct containing attribute information.
--      */
---    void attribute(const orcus::sax::parser_attribute& attr) {}
--+    void attribute(const orcus::sax::parser_attribute& attr)
--+    {
--+        (void)attr;
--+    }
-- };
-- /**
--diff --git a/include/orcus/sax_token_parser.hpp b/include/orcus/sax_token_parser.hpp
--index 1452bc27..6b1b1de4 100644
----- a/include/orcus/sax_token_parser.hpp
--+++ b/include/orcus/sax_token_parser.hpp
--@@ -71,7 +71,10 @@ public:
--      *
--      * @param decl struct containing the attributes of the XML declaration.
--      */
---    void declaration(const orcus::xml_declaration_t& decl) {}
--+    void declaration(const orcus::xml_declaration_t& decl)
--+    {
--+        (void)decl;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called at the start of each element.
--@@ -79,7 +82,10 @@ public:
--      * @param elem struct containing the element's information as well as all
--      *             the attributes that belong to the element.
--      */
---    void start_element(const orcus::xml_token_element_t& elem) {}
--+    void start_element(const orcus::xml_token_element_t& elem)
--+    {
--+        (void)elem;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called at the end of each element.
--@@ -87,7 +93,10 @@ public:
--      * @param elem struct containing the element's information as well as all
--      *             the attributes that belong to the element.
--      */
---    void end_element(const orcus::xml_token_element_t& elem) {}
--+    void end_element(const orcus::xml_token_element_t& elem)
--+    {
--+        (void)elem;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called when a segment of a text content is parsed.  Each text content
--@@ -103,7 +112,10 @@ public:
--      *                  a non-text value or be interned within the scope of
--      *                  the callback</em>.
--      */
---    void characters(const orcus::pstring& val, bool transient) {}
--+    void characters(const orcus::pstring& val, bool transient)
--+    {
--+        (void)val; (void)transient;
--+    }
-- };
-- /**
--diff --git a/include/orcus/yaml_parser.hpp b/include/orcus/yaml_parser.hpp
--index 797ebbec..8d16fbc7 100644
----- a/include/orcus/yaml_parser.hpp
--+++ b/include/orcus/yaml_parser.hpp
--@@ -72,14 +72,20 @@ public:
--      * @param p pointer to the first character of the string value.
--      * @param len length of the string value.
--      */
---    void string(const char* p, size_t n) {}
--+    void string(const char* p, size_t n)
--+    {
--+        (void)p; (void)n;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called when a numeric value is encountered.
--      *
--      * @param val numeric value.
--      */
---    void number(double val) {}
--+    void number(double val)
--+    {
--+        (void)val;
--+    }
--     /**
--      * Called when a boolean 'true' keyword is encountered.
-diff --git a/external/liborcus/UnpackedTarball_liborcus.mk b/external/liborcus/UnpackedTarball_liborcus.mk
-index 4736dbccab4b..e5e33b0b1249 100644
---- a/external/liborcus/UnpackedTarball_liborcus.mk
-+++ b/external/liborcus/UnpackedTarball_liborcus.mk
-@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@ $(eval $(call gb_UnpackedTarball_add_patches,liborcus,\
- 	external/liborcus/gcc9.patch.0 \
- 	external/liborcus/libtool.patch.0 \
- 	external/liborcus/fix-pch.patch.0 \
--	external/liborcus/0001-Mark-all-untentionally-unused-variables.patch \
- ))
- ifeq ($(OS),WNT)
-cgit v1.2.1

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