[arch-commits] Commit in bsd-games/trunk (10 files)

Laurent Carlier lcarlier at archlinux.org
Sat Feb 6 07:49:25 UTC 2021

    Date: Saturday, February 6, 2021 @ 07:49:24
  Author: lcarlier
Revision: 846469

upgpkg: bsd-games 3.1-1: upstream update 3.1


 PKGBUILD                   |   41 ++-------
 bad-ntohl-cast.diff        |   22 ----
 bsd-games-2.17-64bit.patch |   43 ---------
 bsd-games.install          |   11 --
 config.params              |   15 ---
 gamescreen.h.diff          |   15 ---
 getline.diff               |  194 -------------------------------------------
 null-check.diff            |   24 -----
 number.c.diff              |  156 ----------------------------------
 stdio.h.diff               |   14 ---
 10 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 523 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2021-02-06 07:12:04 UTC (rev 846468)
+++ PKGBUILD	2021-02-06 07:49:24 UTC (rev 846469)
@@ -5,43 +5,26 @@
 # Contributor: SmackleFunky <smacklefunky at optusnet.com.au>
 pkgdesc='Linux port of the collection of BSD command line games'
+optdepends=('words: for hangman')
-prepare() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  # Remove conflict with fish
-  sed -i "s/FISH/GO-FISH/g; s/\.Nm fish/\.Nm go-fish/g" fish/fish.6
 build() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr
-  make
+    cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
+    ./configure --prefix=/usr
+    make
 package() {
-  cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
-  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
-  chown -R root:games "${pkgdir}/var/lib/bsdgames"
-  chmod 664 "${pkgdir}"/var/lib/bsdgames/*
-  # Remove conflict with fish
-  mv "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/fish" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/go-fish"
-  mv "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man6/fish.6.gz" "${pkgdir}/usr/share/man/man6/go-fish.6.gz"
-  install -D -m644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"
+    cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
+    make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+    install -D -m644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/LICENSE"

Deleted: bad-ntohl-cast.diff
--- bad-ntohl-cast.diff	2021-02-06 07:12:04 UTC (rev 846468)
+++ bad-ntohl-cast.diff	2021-02-06 07:49:24 UTC (rev 846469)
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/hunt/hunt/playit.c b/hunt/hunt/playit.c
-index 9acf86e..881a4e7 100644
---- a/hunt/hunt/playit.c
-+++ b/hunt/hunt/playit.c
-@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ playit()
- 		bad_con();
- 		/* NOTREACHED */
- 	}
--	if (ntohl(version) != (unsigned long)HUNT_VERSION) {
-+	if (ntohl(version) != (uint32_t)HUNT_VERSION) {
- 		bad_ver();
- 		/* NOTREACHED */
- 	}
-@@ -649,7 +649,7 @@ do_message()
- 		bad_con();
- 		/* NOTREACHED */
- 	}
--	if (ntohl(version) != (unsigned long)HUNT_VERSION) {
-+	if (ntohl(version) != (uint32_t)HUNT_VERSION) {
- 		bad_ver();
- 		/* NOTREACHED */
- 	}

Deleted: bsd-games-2.17-64bit.patch
--- bsd-games-2.17-64bit.patch	2021-02-06 07:12:04 UTC (rev 846468)
+++ bsd-games-2.17-64bit.patch	2021-02-06 07:49:24 UTC (rev 846469)
@@ -1,43 +0,0 @@
-David Leverton writes about adventure/crc.c:
-The 'adventure' game from the games-misc/bsd-games-2.13 package crashes 
-when saving the game on AMD64 (and probably other 64-bit systems, but I 
-haven't checked).  Find attached to fix this.
-About utmpentry.c:
-the utmpx structure defines the ut_tv member a little differently on 
-64bit hosts so that a 32bit and 64bit structure can be shared.  So the 
-ut_tv is a custom 32bit structure rather than the native 64bit timeval 
-structure.  Work around is to assign the submembers instead.
---- bsd-games/adventure/crc.c
-+++ bsd-games/adventure/crc.c
-@@ -134,7 +134,8 @@
- 				if (step >= sizeof(crctab) / sizeof(crctab[0]))
- 					step = 0;
- 			}
--			crcval = (crcval << 8) ^ crctab[i];
-+			/* Mask to 32 bits. */
-+			crcval = ((crcval << 8) ^ crctab[i]) & 0xffffffff;
- 		}
--	return crcval & 0xffffffff;	/* Mask to 32 bits. */
-+	return crcval;
- }
---- bsd-games/dm/utmpentry.c
-+++ bsd-games/dm/utmpentry.c
-@@ -291,7 +291,8 @@
- 	e->line[sizeof(e->line) - 1] = '\0';
- 	(void)strncpy(e->host, up->ut_host, sizeof(up->ut_host));
- 	e->name[sizeof(e->host) - 1] = '\0';
--	e->tv = up->ut_tv;
-+	e->tv.tv_sec = up->ut_tv.tv_sec;
-+	e->tv.tv_usec = up->ut_tv.tv_usec;
- 	adjust_size(e);
- }
- #endif

Deleted: bsd-games.install
--- bsd-games.install	2021-02-06 07:12:04 UTC (rev 846468)
+++ bsd-games.install	2021-02-06 07:49:24 UTC (rev 846469)
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-MSG="You need to be in the games group to use the score files."
-post_install() {
-  echo $MSG
-post_upgrade() {
-  if [ $(vercmp 2.17-8 $2) -ge 0 ]; then
-    echo $MSG
-  fi

Deleted: config.params
--- config.params	2021-02-06 07:12:04 UTC (rev 846468)
+++ config.params	2021-02-06 07:49:24 UTC (rev 846469)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-bsd_games_cfg_no_build_dirs='banner fortune wtf factor monop'

Deleted: gamescreen.h.diff
--- gamescreen.h.diff	2021-02-06 07:12:04 UTC (rev 846468)
+++ gamescreen.h.diff	2021-02-06 07:49:24 UTC (rev 846469)
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
---- a/dab/gamescreen.h	2004-01-02 23:34:51.000000000 +0530
-+++ b/dab/gamescreen.h	2008-07-31 23:45:19.000000000 +0530
-@@ -70,9 +70,9 @@
-     virtual void redraw(void) = 0;			// Refresh
-     virtual int getinput(void) = 0;			// Get user input
-     virtual void bell(void) = 0;			// Beep
--    virtual void score(size_t p, const PLAYER& p) = 0;	// Post current score
--    virtual void games(size_t p, const PLAYER& p) = 0;	// Post games won
--    virtual void total(size_t p, const PLAYER& p) = 0;	// Post total score
-+    virtual void score(size_t, const PLAYER&) = 0;	// Post current score
-+    virtual void games(size_t, const PLAYER&) = 0;	// Post games won
-+    virtual void total(size_t, const PLAYER&) = 0;	// Post total score
-     virtual void ties(const PLAYER& p) = 0;		// Post tie games
- };

Deleted: getline.diff
--- getline.diff	2021-02-06 07:12:04 UTC (rev 846468)
+++ getline.diff	2021-02-06 07:49:24 UTC (rev 846469)
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-diff -Naur bsd-games-2.17/boggle/boggle/bog.c bsd-games-2.17.1/boggle/boggle/bog.c
---- bsd-games-2.17/boggle/boggle/bog.c	2004-12-07 07:34:21.000000000 -0600
-+++ bsd-games-2.17.1/boggle/boggle/bog.c	2010-05-22 10:51:23.000000000 -0500
-@@ -336,7 +336,7 @@
- 	}
- 	while (1) {
--		if (getline(buf) == NULL) {
-+		if (boggle_getline(buf) == NULL) {
- 			if (feof(stdin))
- 				clearerr(stdin);
- 			break;
-diff -Naur bsd-games-2.17/boggle/boggle/extern.h bsd-games-2.17.1/boggle/boggle/extern.h
---- bsd-games-2.17/boggle/boggle/extern.h	2004-01-27 14:52:07.000000000 -0600
-+++ bsd-games-2.17.1/boggle/boggle/extern.h	2010-05-22 10:51:23.000000000 -0500
-@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@
- long	 dictseek(FILE *, long, int);
- void	 findword(void);
- void	 flushin(FILE *);
--char	*getline(char *);
-+char	*boggle_getline(char *);
- void	 getword(char *);
- int	 help(void);
- int	 inputch(void);
-diff -Naur bsd-games-2.17/boggle/boggle/mach.c bsd-games-2.17.1/boggle/boggle/mach.c
---- bsd-games-2.17/boggle/boggle/mach.c	2004-12-07 07:34:21.000000000 -0600
-+++ bsd-games-2.17.1/boggle/boggle/mach.c	2010-05-22 10:51:23.000000000 -0500
-@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
-  * - doesn't accept words longer than MAXWORDLEN or containing caps
-  */
- char *
- 	char *q;
- {
- 	int ch, done;
-diff -Naur bsd-games-2.17/cribbage/cribbage.h bsd-games-2.17.1/cribbage/cribbage.h
---- bsd-games-2.17/cribbage/cribbage.h	2004-02-08 16:29:14.000000000 -0600
-+++ bsd-games-2.17.1/cribbage/cribbage.h	2010-05-22 10:51:23.000000000 -0500
-@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
- int	 fifteens(const CARD [], int);
- void	 game(void);
- void	 gamescore(void);
--char	*getline(void);
-+char	*cribbage_getline(void);
- int	 getuchar(void);
- int	 incard(CARD *);
- int	 infrom(const CARD [], int, const char *);
-diff -Naur bsd-games-2.17/cribbage/crib.c bsd-games-2.17.1/cribbage/crib.c
---- bsd-games-2.17/cribbage/crib.c	2004-01-27 14:52:07.000000000 -0600
-+++ bsd-games-2.17.1/cribbage/crib.c	2010-05-22 10:51:23.000000000 -0500
-@@ -221,7 +221,7 @@
- 			if (!rflag) {			/* player cuts deck */
- 				msg(quiet ? "Cut for crib? " :
- 			    "Cut to see whose crib it is -- low card wins? ");
--				getline();
-+				cribbage_getline();
- 			}
- 			i = (rand() >> 4) % CARDS;	/* random cut */
- 			do {	/* comp cuts deck */
-@@ -397,7 +397,7 @@
- 		if (!rflag) {	/* random cut */
- 			msg(quiet ? "Cut the deck? " :
- 		    "How many cards down do you wish to cut the deck? ");
--			getline();
-+			cribbage_getline();
- 		}
- 		i = (rand() >> 4) % (CARDS - pos);
- 		turnover = deck[i + pos];
-diff -Naur bsd-games-2.17/cribbage/io.c bsd-games-2.17.1/cribbage/io.c
---- bsd-games-2.17/cribbage/io.c	2004-12-07 07:34:21.000000000 -0600
-+++ bsd-games-2.17.1/cribbage/io.c	2010-05-22 10:51:23.000000000 -0500
-@@ -245,7 +245,7 @@
- 	retval = FALSE;
- 	rnk = sut = EMPTY;
--	if (!(line = getline()))
-+	if (!(line = cribbage_getline()))
- 		goto gotit;
- 	p = p1 = line;
- 	while (*p1 != ' ' && *p1 != '\0')
-@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@
- 	for (sum = 0;;) {
- 		msg(prompt);
--		if (!(p = getline()) || *p == '\0') {
-+		if (!(p = cribbage_getline()) || *p == '\0') {
- 			msg(quiet ? "Not a number" :
- 			    "That doesn't look like a number");
- 			continue;
-@@ -528,12 +528,12 @@
- }
- /*
-- * getline:
-+ * cribbage_getline:
-  *      Reads the next line up to '\n' or EOF.  Multiple spaces are
-  *	compressed to one space; a space is inserted before a ','
-  */
- char *
- {
- 	char *sp;
- 	int c, oy, ox;
-diff -Naur bsd-games-2.17/gomoku/bdisp.c bsd-games-2.17.1/gomoku/bdisp.c
---- bsd-games-2.17/gomoku/bdisp.c	2003-12-16 20:47:37.000000000 -0600
-+++ bsd-games-2.17.1/gomoku/bdisp.c	2010-05-22 10:51:23.000000000 -0500
-@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
- }
- int
--getline(buf, size)
-+gomoku_getline(buf, size)
- 	char *buf;
- 	int size;
- {
-diff -Naur bsd-games-2.17/gomoku/gomoku.h bsd-games-2.17.1/gomoku/gomoku.h
---- bsd-games-2.17/gomoku/gomoku.h	2004-01-27 14:52:07.000000000 -0600
-+++ bsd-games-2.17.1/gomoku/gomoku.h	2010-05-22 10:51:23.000000000 -0500
-@@ -263,7 +263,7 @@
- void	bdinit(struct spotstr *);
- void	init_overlap(void);
--int	getline(char *, int);
-+int	gomoku_getline(char *, int);
- void	ask(const char *);
- void	dislog(const char *);
- void	bdump(FILE *);
-diff -Naur bsd-games-2.17/gomoku/main.c bsd-games-2.17.1/gomoku/main.c
---- bsd-games-2.17/gomoku/main.c	2004-01-27 14:52:07.000000000 -0600
-+++ bsd-games-2.17.1/gomoku/main.c	2010-05-22 10:51:23.000000000 -0500
-@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
- 		if (inputfp == NULL && test == 0) {
- 			for (;;) {
- 				ask("black or white? ");
--				getline(buf, sizeof(buf));
-+				gomoku_getline(buf, sizeof(buf));
- 				if (buf[0] == 'b' || buf[0] == 'B') {
- 					color = BLACK;
- 					break;
-@@ -172,7 +172,7 @@
- 		}
- 	} else {
- 		setbuf(stdout, 0);
--		getline(buf, sizeof(buf));
-+		gomoku_getline(buf, sizeof(buf));
- 		if (strcmp(buf, "black") == 0)
- 			color = BLACK;
- 		else if (strcmp(buf, "white") == 0)
-@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
- 		getinput:
- 			if (interactive)
- 				ask("move? ");
--			if (!getline(buf, sizeof(buf))) {
-+			if (!gomoku_getline(buf, sizeof(buf))) {
- 				curmove = RESIGN;
- 				break;
- 			}
-@@ -256,7 +256,7 @@
- 					FILE *fp;
- 					ask("save file name? ");
--					(void)getline(buf, sizeof(buf));
-+					(void)gomoku_getline(buf, sizeof(buf));
- 					if ((fp = fopen(buf, "w")) == NULL) {
- 						glog("cannot create save file");
- 						goto getinput;
-@@ -309,14 +309,14 @@
- 		if (i != RESIGN) {
- 		replay:
- 			ask("replay? ");
--			if (getline(buf, sizeof(buf)) &&
-+			if (gomoku_getline(buf, sizeof(buf)) &&
- 			    (buf[0] == 'y' || buf[0] == 'Y'))
- 				goto again;
- 			if (strcmp(buf, "save") == 0) {
- 				FILE *fp;
- 				ask("save file name? ");
--				(void)getline(buf, sizeof(buf));
-+				(void)gomoku_getline(buf, sizeof(buf));
- 				if ((fp = fopen(buf, "w")) == NULL) {
- 					glog("cannot create save file");
- 					goto replay;
-@@ -367,7 +367,7 @@
- 		quit();
- top:
- 	ask("cmd? ");
--	if (!getline(fmtbuf, sizeof(fmtbuf)))
-+	if (!gomoku_getline(fmtbuf, sizeof(fmtbuf)))
- 		quit();
- 	switch (*fmtbuf) {
- 	case '\0':

Deleted: null-check.diff
--- null-check.diff	2021-02-06 07:12:04 UTC (rev 846468)
+++ null-check.diff	2021-02-06 07:49:24 UTC (rev 846469)
@@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/hunt/hunt/hunt.c b/hunt/hunt/hunt.c
-index 11f4c44..28321bc 100644
---- a/hunt/hunt/hunt.c
-+++ b/hunt/hunt/hunt.c
-@@ -394,7 +394,8 @@ broadcast_vec(s, vector)
- 	vec_cnt = 0;
- 	for (ip = ifp; ip; ip = ip->ifa_next)
--		if ((ip->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) &&
-+		if (ip->ifa_addr &&
-+		    (ip->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) &&
- 		    (ip->ifa_flags & IFF_BROADCAST))
- 			vec_cnt++;
-@@ -405,7 +406,8 @@ broadcast_vec(s, vector)
- 	vec_cnt = 0;
- 	for (ip = ifp; ip; ip = ip->ifa_next)
--		if ((ip->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) &&
-+		if (ip->ifa_addr &&
-+		    (ip->ifa_addr->sa_family == AF_INET) &&
- 		    (ip->ifa_flags & IFF_BROADCAST))
- 			memcpy(&(*vector)[vec_cnt++], ip->ifa_broadaddr,
- 			       sizeof(struct sockaddr_in));

Deleted: number.c.diff
--- number.c.diff	2021-02-06 07:12:04 UTC (rev 846468)
+++ number.c.diff	2021-02-06 07:49:24 UTC (rev 846469)
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
---- bsdgames-2.17.orig/number/number.c
-+++ bsdgames-2.17/number/number.c
-@@ -78,9 +78,9 @@
- void	convert(char *);
- int	main(int, char *[]);
--int	number(const char *, int);
--void	pfract(int);
--int	unit(int, const char *);
-+int	number(const char *, int, int *);
-+void	pfract(int, int);
-+int	unit(int, const char *, int *);
- void	usage(void) __attribute__((__noreturn__));
- int lflag;
-@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
- convert(line)
- 	char *line;
- {
--	int flen, len, rval;
-+	int flen, len, rval, singular;
- 	char *p, *fraction;
- 	flen = 0;
-@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
- 		--len;
- 	}
--	rval = len > 0 ? unit(len, line) : 0;
-+	rval = len > 0 ? unit(len, line, &singular) : 0;
- 	if (fraction != NULL && flen != 0)
- 		for (p = fraction; *p != '\0'; ++p)
- 			if (*p != '0') {
-@@ -182,10 +182,10 @@
- 					(void)printf("%sand%s",
- 					    lflag ? " " : "",
- 					    lflag ? " " : "\n");
--				if (unit(flen, fraction)) {
-+				if (unit(flen, fraction, &singular)) {
- 					if (lflag)
- 						(void)printf(" ");
--					pfract(flen);
-+					pfract(flen, singular);
- 					rval = 1;
- 				}
- 				break;
-@@ -197,9 +197,10 @@
- }
- int
--unit(len, p)
-+unit(len, p, singular)
- 	int len;
- 	const char *p;
-+	int *singular;
- {
- 	int off, rval;
-@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@
- 		if (len % 3) {
- 			off = len % 3;
- 			len -= off;
--			if (number(p, off)) {
-+			if (number(p, off, singular)) {
- 				rval = 1;
- 				(void)printf(" %s%s",
- 				    name3[len / 3], lflag ? " " : ".\n");
-@@ -217,14 +218,16 @@
- 		}
- 		for (; len > 3; p += 3) {
- 			len -= 3;
--			if (number(p, 3)) {
-+			if (number(p, 3, singular)) {
- 				rval = 1;
- 				(void)printf(" %s%s",
- 				    name3[len / 3], lflag ? " " : ".\n");
- 			}
- 		}
- 	}
--	if (number(p, len)) {
-+	if (number(p, len, singular)) {
-+		if (rval)
-+			*singular = 0;
- 		if (!lflag)
- 			(void)printf(".\n");
- 		rval = 1;
-@@ -233,17 +236,20 @@
- }
- int
--number(p, len)
-+number(p, len, singular)
- 	const char *p;
- 	int len;
-+	int *singular;
- {
- 	int val, rval;
- 	rval = 0;
-+	*singular = 1;
- 	switch (len) {
- 	case 3:
- 		if (*p != '0') {
- 			rval = 1;
-+			*singular = 0;
- 			(void)printf("%s hundred", name1[*p - '0']);
- 		}
- 		++p;
-@@ -262,33 +268,42 @@
- 			}
- 			rval = 1;
- 		}
-+		if (val != 1)
-+			*singular = 0;
- 		break;
- 	case 1:
- 		if (*p != '0') {
- 			rval = 1;
- 			(void)printf("%s", name1[*p - '0']);
- 		}
-+		if (*p != '1')
-+			*singular = 0;
- 	}
- 	return (rval);
- }
- void
-+pfract(len, singular)
- 	int len;
-+	int singular;
- {
- 	static const char *const pref[] = { "", "ten-", "hundred-" };
- 	switch(len) {
- 	case 1:
--		(void)printf("tenths.\n");
-+		(void)printf("tenth");
- 		break;
- 	case 2:
--		(void)printf("hundredths.\n");
-+		(void)printf("hundredth");
- 		break;
- 	default:
--		(void)printf("%s%sths.\n", pref[len % 3], name3[len / 3]);
-+		(void)printf("%s%sth", pref[len % 3], name3[len / 3]);
- 		break;
- 	}
-+	if (!singular) {
-+		printf("s");
-+	}
-+	printf(".\n");
- }
- void

Deleted: stdio.h.diff
--- stdio.h.diff	2021-02-06 07:12:04 UTC (rev 846468)
+++ stdio.h.diff	2021-02-06 07:49:24 UTC (rev 846469)
@@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
-diff -ru a/include/stdio.h b/include/stdio.h
---- a/include/stdio.h	2000-08-04 10:24:39.000000000 +1000
-+++ b/include/stdio.h	2005-06-18 14:26:35.000000000 +1000
-@@ -34,6 +34,10 @@
- #include <bsd-games.h>
- #include_next <stdio.h>
- #ifndef HAVE_fgetln
- extern char *fgetln(FILE *stream, size_t *len);
- #endif

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