[arch-commits] Commit in lm_sensors/repos/extra-x86_64 (10 files)

Laurent Carlier lcarlier at archlinux.org
Thu Feb 18 15:26:53 UTC 2021

    Date: Thursday, February 18, 2021 @ 15:26:52
  Author: lcarlier
Revision: 408496

archrelease: copy trunk to extra-x86_64

    (from rev 408495, lm_sensors/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 408495, lm_sensors/trunk/healthd)
    (from rev 408495, lm_sensors/trunk/healthd.conf)
    (from rev 408495, lm_sensors/trunk/healthd.service)
    (from rev 408495, lm_sensors/trunk/sensord.conf)

 PKGBUILD        |  115 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------
 healthd         |  106 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 healthd.conf    |   34 +++++++--------
 healthd.service |   18 ++++----
 sensord.conf    |   18 ++++----
 5 files changed, 146 insertions(+), 145 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2021-02-18 15:26:44 UTC (rev 408495)
+++ PKGBUILD	2021-02-18 15:26:52 UTC (rev 408496)
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Laurent Carlier <lordheavym at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Eric Bélanger
-pkgdesc="Collection of user space tools for general SMBus access and hardware monitoring"
-license=('GPL' 'LGPL')
-optdepends=('rrdtool: for logging with sensord'
-            'perl: for sensor detection and configuration convert')
-makedepends=('rrdtool' 'perl' 'git')
-backup=('etc/sensors3.conf' 'etc/healthd.conf' 'etc/conf.d/sensord')
-	healthd healthd.conf healthd.service sensord.conf)
-            '0ac9afb2a9155dd74ab393756ed552cd542dde1081149beb2ab4ec7ff55b8f4a'
-            '5d17a366b175cf9cb4bb0115c030d4b8d91231546f713784a74935b6e533da9f'
-            '2638cd363e60f8d36bcac468f414a6ba29a1b5599f40fc651ca953858c8429d7'
-            '23bebef4c250f8c0aaba2c75fd3d2c8ee9473cc91a342161a9f5b3a34ddfa9e5')
-pkgver() {
-  cd "${srcdir}"/lm-sensors*
-  echo 3.6.0.r$(git rev-list --count HEAD).g$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)
-prepare() {
-  cd "${srcdir}"/lm-sensors*
-  sed -i 's|/etc/sysconfig|/etc/conf.d|' prog/{detect/sensors-detect,init/{sensord,lm_sensors}.service}
-  sed -i 's/EnvironmentFile=/EnvironmentFile=-/' prog/init/lm_sensors.service
-build() {
-  cd "${srcdir}"/lm-sensors*
-  make PREFIX=/usr
-package() {
-  cd "${srcdir}"/lm-sensors*
-  make PROG_EXTRA=sensord BUILD_STATIC_LIB=0 \
-    PREFIX=/usr SBINDIR=/usr/bin MANDIR=/usr/share/man DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
-  install -D -m755 "${srcdir}/healthd" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/healthd"
-  install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/healthd.conf" "${pkgdir}/etc/healthd.conf"
-  install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/sensord.conf" "${pkgdir}/etc/conf.d/sensord"
-  install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/healthd.service" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/healthd.service"
-  install -D -m644 prog/init/*.service "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/"

Copied: lm_sensors/repos/extra-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 408495, lm_sensors/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2021-02-18 15:26:52 UTC (rev 408496)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Maintainer: Laurent Carlier <lordheavym at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Eric Bélanger
+pkgdesc="Collection of user space tools for general SMBus access and hardware monitoring"
+license=('GPL' 'LGPL')
+optdepends=('rrdtool: for logging with sensord'
+            'perl: for sensor detection and configuration convert')
+makedepends=('rrdtool' 'perl' 'git')
+backup=('etc/sensors3.conf' 'etc/healthd.conf' 'etc/conf.d/sensord')
+	healthd healthd.conf healthd.service sensord.conf)
+            '0ac9afb2a9155dd74ab393756ed552cd542dde1081149beb2ab4ec7ff55b8f4a'
+            '5d17a366b175cf9cb4bb0115c030d4b8d91231546f713784a74935b6e533da9f'
+            '2638cd363e60f8d36bcac468f414a6ba29a1b5599f40fc651ca953858c8429d7'
+            '23bebef4c250f8c0aaba2c75fd3d2c8ee9473cc91a342161a9f5b3a34ddfa9e5')
+pkgver() {
+  cd "${srcdir}"/lm-sensors*
+  git describe --long --tags | sed 's/V//;s/\([^-]*-g\)/r\1/;s/-/./g'
+prepare() {
+  cd "${srcdir}"/lm-sensors*
+  sed -i 's|/etc/sysconfig|/etc/conf.d|' prog/{detect/sensors-detect,init/{sensord,lm_sensors}.service}
+  sed -i 's/EnvironmentFile=/EnvironmentFile=-/' prog/init/lm_sensors.service
+build() {
+  cd "${srcdir}"/lm-sensors*
+  make PREFIX=/usr
+package() {
+  cd "${srcdir}"/lm-sensors*
+  make PROG_EXTRA=sensord BUILD_STATIC_LIB=0 \
+    PREFIX=/usr SBINDIR=/usr/bin MANDIR=/usr/share/man DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+  install -D -m755 "${srcdir}/healthd" "${pkgdir}/usr/bin/healthd"
+  install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/healthd.conf" "${pkgdir}/etc/healthd.conf"
+  install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/sensord.conf" "${pkgdir}/etc/conf.d/sensord"
+  install -D -m644 "${srcdir}/healthd.service" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/healthd.service"
+  install -D -m644 prog/init/*.service "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/systemd/system/"

Deleted: healthd
--- healthd	2021-02-18 15:26:44 UTC (rev 408495)
+++ healthd	2021-02-18 15:26:52 UTC (rev 408496)
@@ -1,53 +0,0 @@
-# /usr/bin/healthd
-. /etc/healthd.conf
-while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
-	case "${1}" in
-		-c ) cmd="${2}" ; shift 2 ;;
-		-m ) addr="${2}" ; shift 2 ;;
-		-s ) slp="${2}" ; shift 2 ;;
-		*  ) shift 1 ;;
-	esac
-case "${ALARM_RESET}" in
-	yes) /usr/bin/sensors > /dev/null
-	;;
-        no) true
-	;;
-[ -n "${cmd}" ] && [ -n "$( which -- "${cmd%% *}" )" ] || \
-	[ -n "${addr}" ] || exit 1
-[ "${slp}" -ge 2 ] || slp=600
-while true ; do
-	sleep 15
-	message="$( $sensors )"
-	case "$message" in
-		''      ) message='Could not get any sensor values !' ;;
-		*ALARM* ) : ;;
-		*       ) message='' ;;
-	esac
-	if [ -n "$message" ]; then
-		if [ -n "${addr}" ]; then
-			echo "$message" | mail -s \
-				"Sensors ALARM detected at host: $( hostname )" \
-				"${addr}"
-		fi
-		[ -z "${cmd}" ] || ${cmd} &
-		sleep ${slp}
-	fi
-done &

Copied: lm_sensors/repos/extra-x86_64/healthd (from rev 408495, lm_sensors/trunk/healthd)
--- healthd	                        (rev 0)
+++ healthd	2021-02-18 15:26:52 UTC (rev 408496)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+# /usr/bin/healthd
+. /etc/healthd.conf
+while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
+	case "${1}" in
+		-c ) cmd="${2}" ; shift 2 ;;
+		-m ) addr="${2}" ; shift 2 ;;
+		-s ) slp="${2}" ; shift 2 ;;
+		*  ) shift 1 ;;
+	esac
+case "${ALARM_RESET}" in
+	yes) /usr/bin/sensors > /dev/null
+	;;
+        no) true
+	;;
+[ -n "${cmd}" ] && [ -n "$( which -- "${cmd%% *}" )" ] || \
+	[ -n "${addr}" ] || exit 1
+[ "${slp}" -ge 2 ] || slp=600
+while true ; do
+	sleep 15
+	message="$( $sensors )"
+	case "$message" in
+		''      ) message='Could not get any sensor values !' ;;
+		*ALARM* ) : ;;
+		*       ) message='' ;;
+	esac
+	if [ -n "$message" ]; then
+		if [ -n "${addr}" ]; then
+			echo "$message" | mail -s \
+				"Sensors ALARM detected at host: $( hostname )" \
+				"${addr}"
+		fi
+		[ -z "${cmd}" ] || ${cmd} &
+		sleep ${slp}
+	fi
+done &

Deleted: healthd.conf
--- healthd.conf	2021-02-18 15:26:44 UTC (rev 408495)
+++ healthd.conf	2021-02-18 15:26:52 UTC (rev 408496)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/healthd.conf
-# reset any pending alarms on startup
-# where to sent mails on alarm
-# Seconds to sleep when alarm detected before checking again
-# If you want to fill up your mail inbox set this to 2. ;-)
-# command to run in background on each alarm
-# N.B.: If you choose to use the beep command, you'll need to install it: pacman -S beep
-ALARM_CMD="beep -f 800 -l 500 -d 500 -r 600"

Copied: lm_sensors/repos/extra-x86_64/healthd.conf (from rev 408495, lm_sensors/trunk/healthd.conf)
--- healthd.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ healthd.conf	2021-02-18 15:26:52 UTC (rev 408496)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# /etc/healthd.conf
+# reset any pending alarms on startup
+# where to sent mails on alarm
+# Seconds to sleep when alarm detected before checking again
+# If you want to fill up your mail inbox set this to 2. ;-)
+# command to run in background on each alarm
+# N.B.: If you choose to use the beep command, you'll need to install it: pacman -S beep
+ALARM_CMD="beep -f 800 -l 500 -d 500 -r 600"

Deleted: healthd.service
--- healthd.service	2021-02-18 15:26:44 UTC (rev 408495)
+++ healthd.service	2021-02-18 15:26:52 UTC (rev 408496)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-Description=A daemon which can be used to alert you in the event of a hardware health monitoring alarm

Copied: lm_sensors/repos/extra-x86_64/healthd.service (from rev 408495, lm_sensors/trunk/healthd.service)
--- healthd.service	                        (rev 0)
+++ healthd.service	2021-02-18 15:26:52 UTC (rev 408496)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+Description=A daemon which can be used to alert you in the event of a hardware health monitoring alarm

Deleted: sensord.conf
--- sensord.conf	2021-02-18 15:26:44 UTC (rev 408495)
+++ sensord.conf	2021-02-18 15:26:52 UTC (rev 408496)
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-# /etc/conf.d/sensord
-#Specify the interval between scanning for sensor alarms
-#Specify the interval between logging all sensor readings

Copied: lm_sensors/repos/extra-x86_64/sensord.conf (from rev 408495, lm_sensors/trunk/sensord.conf)
--- sensord.conf	                        (rev 0)
+++ sensord.conf	2021-02-18 15:26:52 UTC (rev 408496)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+# /etc/conf.d/sensord
+#Specify the interval between scanning for sensor alarms
+#Specify the interval between logging all sensor readings

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