[arch-commits] Commit in qt5-webengine/repos/testing-x86_64 (8 files)

Antonio Rojas arojas at archlinux.org
Wed Jun 2 14:51:35 UTC 2021

    Date: Wednesday, June 2, 2021 @ 14:51:34
  Author: arojas
Revision: 416970

archrelease: copy trunk to testing-x86_64

    (from rev 416969, qt5-webengine/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 416969, qt5-webengine/trunk/qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch)
    (from rev 416969, qt5-webengine/trunk/qtbug-91773.patch)
    (from rev 416969, qt5-webengine/trunk/qtbug-93802.patch)

 PKGBUILD                                       |  146 ++--
 qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch                 |  288 ++++----
 qtbug-91773.patch                              |  744 +++++++++++------------
 qtbug-93802.patch                              |   27 
 v8-call-new-ListFormatter-createInstance.patch |   95 --
 5 files changed, 616 insertions(+), 684 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2021-06-02 14:51:18 UTC (rev 416969)
+++ PKGBUILD	2021-06-02 14:51:34 UTC (rev 416970)
@@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Felix Yan <felixonmars at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
-license=('LGPL3' 'LGPL2.1' 'BSD')
-pkgdesc='Provides support for web applications using the Chromium browser project'
-depends=('qt5-webchannel' 'qt5-location' 'libxcomposite' 'libxrandr' 'pciutils' 'libxss' 
-         'libevent' 'snappy' 'nss' 'libxslt' 'minizip' 'ffmpeg' 're2' 'libvpx' 'libxtst' 'ttf-font')
-makedepends=('git' 'python2' 'python' 'gperf' 'jsoncpp' 'ninja' 'qt5-tools' 'poppler' 'libpipewire02' 'nodejs')
-optdepends=('libpipewire02: WebRTC desktop sharing under Wayland')
-groups=('qt' 'qt5')
-        git+https://code.qt.io/qt/qtwebengine-chromium.git
-        v8-call-new-ListFormatter-createInstance.patch
-        qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch
-        qtbug-91773.patch)
-            'SKIP'
-            '44ebcff050a1c849819d66399c14bd711801d0eb64f518d292d3d6efedce3b3a'
-            '2294e5390c869963fc58f7bf1ee0a254a3f7fce3ed00c04e34a5f03e2b31b624'
-            '02009c7f87a216131ab96418c9ddb21e697e61668a970b972242f0015b36ba4c')
-prepare() {
-  mkdir -p build
-  cd ${_pkgfqn}
-  git submodule init
-  git submodule set-url src/3rdparty "$srcdir"/qtwebengine-chromium
-  git submodule set-branch --branch 87-based src/3rdparty
-  git submodule update
-  patch -p1 < "$srcdir"/qtbug-91773.patch # Fix load signals 4d4fc9cd120376f30ce0630b1e8c7bf174d44fae
-  patch -p1 -d src/3rdparty/chromium/v8 -i "$srcdir"/v8-call-new-ListFormatter-createInstance.patch # Fix build with ICU 69
-  patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch # Fix text rendering when building with glibc 2.33
-  cd src/3rdparty
-  git cherry-pick -n b498f4ce3f542882767238ea9f01eb85de6c6fda # Fix build with GCC 11
-  sed -e 's|V8_PATCH_LEVEL 31|V8_PATCH_LEVEL 32|' -i chromium/v8/include/v8-version.h # Bump V8 patch version to prevent crashes
-build() {
-  cd build
-  qmake ../${_pkgfqn} -- \
-    -proprietary-codecs \
-    -system-ffmpeg \
-    -webp \
-    -spellchecker \
-    -webengine-icu \
-    -webengine-kerberos \
-    -webengine-webrtc-pipewire
-  make
-package() {
-  cd build
-  make INSTALL_ROOT="$pkgdir" install
-  # Drop QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR because reference the build dir
-  find "$pkgdir/usr/lib" -type f -name '*.prl' \
-    -exec sed -i -e '/^QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR/d' {} \;
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/${_pkgfqn}/src/3rdparty/chromium/LICENSE "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE.chromium
-  # Fix cmake dependency versions
-  sed -e "s|$pkgver\ |5.15.2 |" -i "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/cmake/*/*Config.cmake

Copied: qt5-webengine/repos/testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 416969, qt5-webengine/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2021-06-02 14:51:34 UTC (rev 416970)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+# Maintainer: Felix Yan <felixonmars at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Andrea Scarpino <andrea at archlinux.org>
+license=('LGPL3' 'LGPL2.1' 'BSD')
+pkgdesc='Provides support for web applications using the Chromium browser project'
+depends=('qt5-webchannel' 'qt5-location' 'libxcomposite' 'libxrandr' 'pciutils' 'libxss' 
+         'libevent' 'snappy' 'nss' 'libxslt' 'minizip' 'ffmpeg' 're2' 'libvpx' 'libxtst' 'ttf-font')
+makedepends=('git' 'python2' 'python' 'gperf' 'jsoncpp' 'ninja' 'qt5-tools' 'poppler' 'libpipewire02' 'nodejs')
+optdepends=('libpipewire02: WebRTC desktop sharing under Wayland')
+groups=('qt' 'qt5')
+        git+https://code.qt.io/qt/qtwebengine-chromium.git
+        qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch
+        qtbug-91773.patch
+        qtbug-93802.patch)
+            'SKIP'
+            '2294e5390c869963fc58f7bf1ee0a254a3f7fce3ed00c04e34a5f03e2b31b624'
+            '02009c7f87a216131ab96418c9ddb21e697e61668a970b972242f0015b36ba4c'
+            '38a99bb2839e93f17826af53b8a4dc5e845b5d09cbfdf92a4a5d55bb939f01dc')
+prepare() {
+  mkdir -p build
+  cd ${_pkgfqn}
+  git submodule init
+  git submodule set-url src/3rdparty "$srcdir"/qtwebengine-chromium
+  git submodule set-branch --branch 87-based src/3rdparty
+  git submodule update
+  patch -p1 < "$srcdir"/qtbug-93802.patch # Fix scrolling with touchpad
+  patch -p1 < "$srcdir"/qtbug-91773.patch # Fix load signals 4d4fc9cd120376f30ce0630b1e8c7bf174d44fae
+  patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch # Fix text rendering when building with glibc 2.33
+  cd src/3rdparty
+  git cherry-pick -n b498f4ce3f542882767238ea9f01eb85de6c6fda # Fix build with GCC 11
+  git cherry-pick -n 12ecfd11e326219ef185e7fdd6d967985fc57599 # Fix crashes due to old cached data  
+  git cherry-pick -n e67c7b49247c8b9646790c718b85d8ba75b68945 # Fix build with ICU 69
+build() {
+  cd build
+  qmake ../${_pkgfqn} -- \
+    -proprietary-codecs \
+    -system-ffmpeg \
+    -webp \
+    -spellchecker \
+    -webengine-icu \
+    -webengine-kerberos \
+    -webengine-webrtc-pipewire
+  make
+package() {
+  cd build
+  make INSTALL_ROOT="$pkgdir" install
+  # Drop QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR because reference the build dir
+  find "$pkgdir/usr/lib" -type f -name '*.prl' \
+    -exec sed -i -e '/^QMAKE_PRL_BUILD_DIR/d' {} \;
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir"/${_pkgfqn}/src/3rdparty/chromium/LICENSE "$pkgdir"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE.chromium
+  # Fix cmake dependency versions
+  sed -e "s|$pkgver\ |5.15.2 |" -i "$pkgdir"/usr/lib/cmake/*/*Config.cmake

Deleted: qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch
--- qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch	2021-06-02 14:51:18 UTC (rev 416969)
+++ qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch	2021-06-02 14:51:34 UTC (rev 416970)
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-# Patch made by Kevin Kofler <Kevin at tigcc.ticalc.org>
-# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1904652
-diff -ur qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/baseline_policy.cc qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/baseline_policy.cc
---- qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/baseline_policy.cc	2020-11-07 02:22:36.000000000 +0100
-+++ qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/baseline_policy.cc	2021-01-20 02:14:53.066223906 +0100
-@@ -257,6 +257,18 @@
-     return RestrictKillTarget(current_pid, sysno);
-   }
-+#if defined(__NR_newfstatat)
-+  if (sysno == __NR_newfstatat) {
-+    return RewriteFstatatSIGSYS();
-+  }
-+#if defined(__NR_fstatat64)
-+  if (sysno == __NR_fstatat64) {
-+    return RewriteFstatatSIGSYS();
-+  }
-   if (SyscallSets::IsFileSystem(sysno) ||
-       SyscallSets::IsCurrentDirectory(sysno)) {
-     return Error(fs_denied_errno);
-diff -ur qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.cc qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.cc
---- qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.cc	2020-11-07 02:22:36.000000000 +0100
-+++ qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.cc	2021-01-22 19:02:55.651668257 +0100
-@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
- #include "sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.h"
-+#include <errno.h>
-+#include <fcntl.h>
- #include <stddef.h>
- #include <stdint.h>
- #include <string.h>
-@@ -355,6 +357,35 @@
-   return -ENOSYS;
- }
-+intptr_t SIGSYSFstatatHandler(const struct arch_seccomp_data& args,
-+                            void* aux) {
-+  switch (args.nr) {
-+#if defined(__NR_newfstatat)
-+    case __NR_newfstatat:
-+#if defined(__NR_fstatat64)
-+    case __NR_fstatat64:
-+#if defined(__NR_newfstatat) || defined(__NR_fstatat64)
-+      if (*reinterpret_cast<const char *>(args.args[1]) == '\0'
-+          && args.args[3] == static_cast<uint64_t>(AT_EMPTY_PATH)) {
-+        return sandbox::sys_fstat64(static_cast<int>(args.args[0]),
-+                                    reinterpret_cast<struct stat64 *>(args.args[2]));
-+      } else {
-+        errno = EACCES;
-+        return -1;
-+      }
-+      break;
-+  }
-+  CrashSIGSYS_Handler(args, aux);
-+  // Should never be reached.
-+  RAW_CHECK(false);
-+  return -ENOSYS;
- bpf_dsl::ResultExpr CrashSIGSYS() {
-   return bpf_dsl::Trap(CrashSIGSYS_Handler, NULL);
- }
-@@ -387,6 +418,10 @@
-   return bpf_dsl::Trap(SIGSYSSchedHandler, NULL);
- }
-+bpf_dsl::ResultExpr RewriteFstatatSIGSYS() {
-+  return bpf_dsl::Trap(SIGSYSFstatatHandler, NULL);
- void AllocateCrashKeys() {
- #if !defined(OS_NACL_NONSFI)
-   if (seccomp_crash_key)
-diff -ur qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.h qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.h
---- qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.h	2020-11-07 02:22:36.000000000 +0100
-+++ qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.h	2021-01-20 02:11:04.583714199 +0100
-@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@
- // sched_setparam(), sched_setscheduler()
- SANDBOX_EXPORT intptr_t SIGSYSSchedHandler(const arch_seccomp_data& args,
-                                            void* aux);
-+// If the fstatat syscall is actually a disguised fstat, calls the regular fstat
-+// syscall, otherwise, crashes in the same way as CrashSIGSYS_Handler.
-+SANDBOX_EXPORT intptr_t SIGSYSFstatatHandler(const struct arch_seccomp_data& args, 
-+                                             void* aux);
- // Variants of the above functions for use with bpf_dsl.
- SANDBOX_EXPORT bpf_dsl::ResultExpr CrashSIGSYS();
-@@ -72,6 +76,7 @@
- SANDBOX_EXPORT bpf_dsl::ResultExpr CrashSIGSYSFutex();
- SANDBOX_EXPORT bpf_dsl::ResultExpr CrashSIGSYSPtrace();
- SANDBOX_EXPORT bpf_dsl::ResultExpr RewriteSchedSIGSYS();
-+SANDBOX_EXPORT bpf_dsl::ResultExpr RewriteFstatatSIGSYS();
- // Allocates a crash key so that Seccomp information can be recorded.
- void AllocateCrashKeys();
-diff -ur qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.cc qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.cc
---- qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.cc	2020-11-07 02:22:36.000000000 +0100
-+++ qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.cc	2021-01-20 02:41:12.033133269 +0100
-@@ -261,4 +261,13 @@
- #endif  // defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER)
-+SANDBOX_EXPORT int sys_fstat64(int fd, struct stat64 *buf)
-+#if defined(__NR_fstat64)
-+    return syscall(__NR_fstat64, fd, buf);
-+    return syscall(__NR_fstat, fd, buf);
- }  // namespace sandbox
-diff -ur qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.h qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.h
---- qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.h	2020-11-07 02:22:36.000000000 +0100
-+++ qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.h	2021-01-20 02:40:26.499827829 +0100
-@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
- struct rlimit64;
- struct cap_hdr;
- struct cap_data;
-+struct stat64;
- namespace sandbox {
-@@ -84,6 +85,9 @@
-                                  const struct sigaction* act,
-                                  struct sigaction* oldact);
-+// Recent glibc rewrites fstat to fstatat.
-+SANDBOX_EXPORT int sys_fstat64(int fd, struct stat64 *buf);
- }  // namespace sandbox

Copied: qt5-webengine/repos/testing-x86_64/qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch (from rev 416969, qt5-webengine/trunk/qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch)
--- qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ qt5-webengine-glibc-2.33.patch	2021-06-02 14:51:34 UTC (rev 416970)
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+# Patch made by Kevin Kofler <Kevin at tigcc.ticalc.org>
+# https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1904652
+diff -ur qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/baseline_policy.cc qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/baseline_policy.cc
+--- qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/baseline_policy.cc	2020-11-07 02:22:36.000000000 +0100
++++ qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/baseline_policy.cc	2021-01-20 02:14:53.066223906 +0100
+@@ -257,6 +257,18 @@
+     return RestrictKillTarget(current_pid, sysno);
+   }
++#if defined(__NR_newfstatat)
++  if (sysno == __NR_newfstatat) {
++    return RewriteFstatatSIGSYS();
++  }
++#if defined(__NR_fstatat64)
++  if (sysno == __NR_fstatat64) {
++    return RewriteFstatatSIGSYS();
++  }
+   if (SyscallSets::IsFileSystem(sysno) ||
+       SyscallSets::IsCurrentDirectory(sysno)) {
+     return Error(fs_denied_errno);
+diff -ur qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.cc qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.cc
+--- qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.cc	2020-11-07 02:22:36.000000000 +0100
++++ qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.cc	2021-01-22 19:02:55.651668257 +0100
+@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
+ #include "sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.h"
++#include <errno.h>
++#include <fcntl.h>
+ #include <stddef.h>
+ #include <stdint.h>
+ #include <string.h>
+@@ -355,6 +357,35 @@
+   return -ENOSYS;
+ }
++intptr_t SIGSYSFstatatHandler(const struct arch_seccomp_data& args,
++                            void* aux) {
++  switch (args.nr) {
++#if defined(__NR_newfstatat)
++    case __NR_newfstatat:
++#if defined(__NR_fstatat64)
++    case __NR_fstatat64:
++#if defined(__NR_newfstatat) || defined(__NR_fstatat64)
++      if (*reinterpret_cast<const char *>(args.args[1]) == '\0'
++          && args.args[3] == static_cast<uint64_t>(AT_EMPTY_PATH)) {
++        return sandbox::sys_fstat64(static_cast<int>(args.args[0]),
++                                    reinterpret_cast<struct stat64 *>(args.args[2]));
++      } else {
++        errno = EACCES;
++        return -1;
++      }
++      break;
++  }
++  CrashSIGSYS_Handler(args, aux);
++  // Should never be reached.
++  RAW_CHECK(false);
++  return -ENOSYS;
+ bpf_dsl::ResultExpr CrashSIGSYS() {
+   return bpf_dsl::Trap(CrashSIGSYS_Handler, NULL);
+ }
+@@ -387,6 +418,10 @@
+   return bpf_dsl::Trap(SIGSYSSchedHandler, NULL);
+ }
++bpf_dsl::ResultExpr RewriteFstatatSIGSYS() {
++  return bpf_dsl::Trap(SIGSYSFstatatHandler, NULL);
+ void AllocateCrashKeys() {
+ #if !defined(OS_NACL_NONSFI)
+   if (seccomp_crash_key)
+diff -ur qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.h qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.h
+--- qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.h	2020-11-07 02:22:36.000000000 +0100
++++ qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/seccomp-bpf-helpers/sigsys_handlers.h	2021-01-20 02:11:04.583714199 +0100
+@@ -62,6 +62,10 @@
+ // sched_setparam(), sched_setscheduler()
+ SANDBOX_EXPORT intptr_t SIGSYSSchedHandler(const arch_seccomp_data& args,
+                                            void* aux);
++// If the fstatat syscall is actually a disguised fstat, calls the regular fstat
++// syscall, otherwise, crashes in the same way as CrashSIGSYS_Handler.
++SANDBOX_EXPORT intptr_t SIGSYSFstatatHandler(const struct arch_seccomp_data& args, 
++                                             void* aux);
+ // Variants of the above functions for use with bpf_dsl.
+ SANDBOX_EXPORT bpf_dsl::ResultExpr CrashSIGSYS();
+@@ -72,6 +76,7 @@
+ SANDBOX_EXPORT bpf_dsl::ResultExpr CrashSIGSYSFutex();
+ SANDBOX_EXPORT bpf_dsl::ResultExpr CrashSIGSYSPtrace();
+ SANDBOX_EXPORT bpf_dsl::ResultExpr RewriteSchedSIGSYS();
++SANDBOX_EXPORT bpf_dsl::ResultExpr RewriteFstatatSIGSYS();
+ // Allocates a crash key so that Seccomp information can be recorded.
+ void AllocateCrashKeys();
+diff -ur qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.cc qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.cc
+--- qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.cc	2020-11-07 02:22:36.000000000 +0100
++++ qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.cc	2021-01-20 02:41:12.033133269 +0100
+@@ -261,4 +261,13 @@
+ #endif  // defined(MEMORY_SANITIZER)
++SANDBOX_EXPORT int sys_fstat64(int fd, struct stat64 *buf)
++#if defined(__NR_fstat64)
++    return syscall(__NR_fstat64, fd, buf);
++    return syscall(__NR_fstat, fd, buf);
+ }  // namespace sandbox
+diff -ur qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.h qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.h
+--- qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.h	2020-11-07 02:22:36.000000000 +0100
++++ qtwebengine-everywhere-src-5.15.2-#1904652/src/3rdparty/chromium/sandbox/linux/services/syscall_wrappers.h	2021-01-20 02:40:26.499827829 +0100
+@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
+ struct rlimit64;
+ struct cap_hdr;
+ struct cap_data;
++struct stat64;
+ namespace sandbox {
+@@ -84,6 +85,9 @@
+                                  const struct sigaction* act,
+                                  struct sigaction* oldact);
++// Recent glibc rewrites fstat to fstatat.
++SANDBOX_EXPORT int sys_fstat64(int fd, struct stat64 *buf);
+ }  // namespace sandbox

Deleted: qtbug-91773.patch
--- qtbug-91773.patch	2021-06-02 14:51:18 UTC (rev 416969)
+++ qtbug-91773.patch	2021-06-02 14:51:34 UTC (rev 416970)
@@ -1,372 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/src/core/web_contents_adapter.cpp b/src/core/web_contents_adapter.cpp
-index 5597c69f9..2cd48907b 100644
---- a/src/core/web_contents_adapter.cpp
-+++ b/src/core/web_contents_adapter.cpp
-@@ -716,8 +716,7 @@ void WebContentsAdapter::load(const QWebEngineHttpRequest &request)
-             m_adapterClient->loadFinished(false, request.url(), false,
-                                           net::ERR_DISALLOWED_URL_SCHEME,
-                                           QCoreApplication::translate("WebContentsAdapter",
--                                          "HTTP-POST data can only be sent over HTTP(S) protocol"),
--                                          false);
-+                                          "HTTP-POST data can only be sent over HTTP(S) protocol"));
-             return;
-         }
-         params.post_data = network::ResourceRequestBody::CreateFromBytes(
-@@ -773,7 +772,7 @@ void WebContentsAdapter::setContent(const QByteArray &data, const QString &mimeT
-     GURL dataUrlToLoad(urlString);
-     if (dataUrlToLoad.spec().size() > url::kMaxURLChars) {
--        m_adapterClient->loadFinished(false, baseUrl, false, net::ERR_ABORTED, QString(), false);
-+        m_adapterClient->loadFinished(false, baseUrl, false, net::ERR_ABORTED, QString());
-         return;
-     }
-     content::NavigationController::LoadURLParams params((dataUrlToLoad));
-@@ -1995,6 +1994,7 @@ void WebContentsAdapter::discard()
-     if (m_webContents->IsLoading()) {
-         m_webContentsDelegate->didFailLoad(m_webContentsDelegate->url(webContents()), net::Error::ERR_ABORTED,
-                                            QStringLiteral("Discarded"));
-+        m_webContentsDelegate->DidStopLoading();
-     }
-     content::WebContents::CreateParams createParams(m_profileAdapter->profile());
-diff --git a/src/core/web_contents_adapter_client.h b/src/core/web_contents_adapter_client.h
-index 267266d81..afc43806a 100644
---- a/src/core/web_contents_adapter_client.h
-+++ b/src/core/web_contents_adapter_client.h
-@@ -466,8 +466,7 @@ public:
-     virtual void loadStarted(const QUrl &provisionalUrl, bool isErrorPage = false) = 0;
-     virtual void loadCommitted() = 0;
-     virtual void loadVisuallyCommitted() = 0;
--    virtual void loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode,
--                              const QString &errorDescription, bool triggersErrorPage) = 0;
-+    virtual void loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription) = 0;
-     virtual void focusContainer() = 0;
-     virtual void unhandledKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *event) = 0;
-     virtual QSharedPointer<WebContentsAdapter>
-diff --git a/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.cpp b/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.cpp
-index 1e92a46f8..f0e4130e8 100644
---- a/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.cpp
-+++ b/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.cpp
-@@ -259,14 +259,12 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::CloseContents(content::WebContents *source)
- void WebContentsDelegateQt::LoadProgressChanged(double progress)
- {
--    QUrl current_url(m_viewClient->webContentsAdapter()->getNavigationEntryOriginalUrl(m_viewClient->webContentsAdapter()->currentNavigationEntryIndex()));
--    int p = qMin(qRound(progress * 100), 100);
--    if (!m_loadingErrorFrameList.isEmpty() || !m_loadProgressMap.contains(current_url) || m_loadProgressMap[current_url] == 100 || p ==  100)
-+    if (!m_loadingErrorFrameList.isEmpty() || !m_loadingInfo.isLoading()) // suppress signals that aren't between loadStarted and loadFinished
-         return;
--    if (p > m_loadProgressMap[current_url]) { // ensure strict monotonic increase
--        m_loadProgressMap[current_url] = p;
-+    int p = qMin(qRound(progress * 100), 100);
-+    if (p > m_loadingInfo.progress) { // ensure strict monotonic increase
-+        m_loadingInfo.progress = p;
-         m_viewClient->loadProgressChanged(p);
-     }
- }
-@@ -339,35 +337,21 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::RenderViewHostChanged(content::RenderViewHost *, con
-     }
- }
--void WebContentsDelegateQt::EmitLoadStarted(const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage)
-+void WebContentsDelegateQt::emitLoadStarted(bool isErrorPage)
- {
--    m_isDocumentEmpty = true;
--    m_viewClient->loadStarted(url, isErrorPage);
--    m_viewClient->updateNavigationActions();
--    if ((url.hasFragment() || m_lastLoadedUrl.hasFragment())
--        && url.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFragment) == m_lastLoadedUrl.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFragment)
--        && !m_isNavigationCommitted) {
--        m_loadProgressMap.insert(url, 100);
--        m_lastLoadedUrl = url;
--        m_viewClient->loadProgressChanged(100);
-+    // only report first ever load start or separate one for error page only
-+    if (!isErrorPage && m_loadingInfo.isLoading()) // already running
-         return;
--    }
--    if (!m_loadProgressMap.isEmpty()) {
--        QMap<QUrl, int>::iterator it = m_loadProgressMap.begin();
--        while (it != m_loadProgressMap.end()) {
--            if (it.value() == 100) {
--                it = m_loadProgressMap.erase(it);
--                continue;
--            }
--            ++it;
--        }
-+    m_isDocumentEmpty = true; // reset to default which may only be overridden on actual resource load complete
-+    if (!isErrorPage) {
-+        m_loadingInfo.progress = 0;
-+        m_viewClient->loadStarted(m_loadingInfo.url, false);
-+        m_viewClient->updateNavigationActions();
-+        m_viewClient->loadProgressChanged(0);
-+    } else {
-+        m_viewClient->loadStarted(toQt(GURL(content::kUnreachableWebDataURL)), true);
-     }
--    m_lastLoadedUrl = url;
--    m_loadProgressMap.insert(url, 0);
--    m_viewClient->loadProgressChanged(0);
- }
- void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidStartNavigation(content::NavigationHandle *navigation_handle)
-@@ -375,34 +359,41 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidStartNavigation(content::NavigationHandle *naviga
-     if (!webEngineSettings()->testAttribute(WebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled))
-         navigation_handle->SetSilentlyIgnoreErrors();
--    if (!navigation_handle->IsInMainFrame())
-+    if (!navigation_handle->IsInMainFrame() || !web_contents()->IsLoadingToDifferentDocument())
-         return;
-     m_loadingErrorFrameList.clear();
-     m_faviconManager->resetCandidates();
--    EmitLoadStarted(toQt(navigation_handle->GetURL()));
-+    m_loadingInfo.url = toQt(navigation_handle->GetURL());
-+    // IsErrorPage is only set after navigation commit, so check it otherwise: error page shouldn't have navigation entry
-+    bool isErrorPage = m_loadingInfo.triggersErrorPage && !navigation_handle->GetNavigationEntry();
-+    emitLoadStarted(isErrorPage);
- }
--void WebContentsDelegateQt::EmitLoadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription, bool triggersErrorPage)
-+void WebContentsDelegateQt::emitLoadFinished(bool isErrorPage)
- {
--    Q_ASSERT(!isErrorPage || webEngineSettings()->testAttribute(WebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled));
--    Q_ASSERT((triggersErrorPage && webEngineSettings()->testAttribute(WebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled)) || !triggersErrorPage);
--    // When error page enabled we don't need to send the error page load finished signal
--    if (m_loadProgressMap[url] == 100)
-+    if (!m_loadingInfo.isLoading()) // not currently running
-         return;
--    m_lastLoadedUrl = url;
--    m_loadProgressMap[url] = 100;
--    m_isNavigationCommitted = false;
--    m_viewClient->loadProgressChanged(100);
-+    Q_ASSERT(!isErrorPage || webEngineSettings()->testAttribute(WebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled));
-+    Q_ASSERT((m_loadingInfo.triggersErrorPage && webEngineSettings()->testAttribute(WebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled)) || !m_loadingInfo.triggersErrorPage);
-+    if (!isErrorPage) {
-+        if (m_loadingInfo.progress < 100) {
-+            m_loadingInfo.progress = 100;
-+            m_viewClient->loadProgressChanged(100);
-+        }
--    m_viewClient->loadFinished(success, url, isErrorPage, errorCode, errorDescription, triggersErrorPage);
--    m_viewClient->updateNavigationActions();
-+        m_viewClient->loadFinished(m_loadingInfo.success, m_loadingInfo.url, false, m_loadingInfo.errorCode, m_loadingInfo.errorDescription);
-+        m_viewClient->updateNavigationActions();
-+    } else {
-+        m_viewClient->loadFinished(false, toQt(GURL(content::kUnreachableWebDataURL)), true, 0, QString());
-+    }
- }
--void WebContentsDelegateQt::EmitLoadCommitted()
-+void WebContentsDelegateQt::emitLoadCommitted()
- {
-     m_findTextHelper->handleLoadCommitted();
-     m_viewClient->loadCommitted();
-@@ -422,8 +413,7 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidFinishNavigation(content::NavigationHandle *navig
-                 profileAdapter->visitedLinksManager()->addUrl(url);
-         }
--        m_isNavigationCommitted = true;
--        EmitLoadCommitted();
-+        emitLoadCommitted();
-     }
-     // Success is reported by DidFinishLoad, but DidFailLoad is now dead code and needs to be handled below
-@@ -440,11 +430,11 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidFinishNavigation(content::NavigationHandle *navig
-         // Now report we are starting to load an error-page.
-         m_loadingErrorFrameList.append(navigation_handle->GetRenderFrameHost()->GetRoutingID());
-         m_faviconManager->resetCandidates();
--        EmitLoadStarted(toQt(GURL(content::kUnreachableWebDataURL)), true);
-+        emitLoadStarted(true);
-         // If it is already committed we will not see another DidFinishNavigation call or a DidFinishLoad call.
-         if (navigation_handle->HasCommitted())
--            EmitLoadCommitted();
-+            emitLoadCommitted();
-     }
- }
-@@ -486,6 +476,9 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidStopLoading()
-     if (m_loadingState == LoadingState::Loading)
-         setLoadingState(LoadingState::Loaded);
-+    emitLoadFinished();
-+    m_loadingInfo.clear();
- }
- void WebContentsDelegateQt::didFailLoad(const QUrl &url, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription)
-@@ -495,7 +488,11 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::didFailLoad(const QUrl &url, int errorCode, const QS
-     // Delay notifying failure until the error-page is done loading.
-     // Error-pages are not loaded on failures due to abort.
-     bool aborted = (errorCode == -3 /* ERR_ABORTED*/ );
--    EmitLoadFinished(false /* success */ , url, false /* isErrorPage */, errorCode, errorDescription, errorPageEnabled && !aborted);
-+    m_loadingInfo.success = false;
-+    m_loadingInfo.url = url;
-+    m_loadingInfo.errorCode = errorCode;
-+    m_loadingInfo.errorDescription = errorDescription;
-+    m_loadingInfo.triggersErrorPage = errorPageEnabled && !aborted;
- }
- void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidFailLoad(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host, const GURL& validated_url, int error_code)
-@@ -511,8 +508,7 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidFailLoad(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_h
-         Q_ASSERT(error_code == -3 /* ERR_ABORTED */);
-         m_loadingErrorFrameList.removeOne(render_frame_host->GetRoutingID());
-         m_viewClient->iconChanged(QUrl());
--        EmitLoadFinished(false /* success */, toQt(validated_url), true /* isErrorPage */);
-+        emitLoadFinished(/* isErrorPage = */true);
-         return;
-     }
-     // Qt6: Consider getting rid of the error_description (Chromium already has)
-@@ -532,7 +528,7 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidFinishLoad(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame
-         // Trigger LoadFinished signal for main frame's error page only.
-         if (!render_frame_host->GetParent()) {
-             m_viewClient->iconChanged(QUrl());
--            EmitLoadFinished(true /* success */, toQt(validated_url), true /* isErrorPage */);
-+            emitLoadFinished(/* isErrorPage = */true);
-         }
-         return;
-@@ -550,7 +546,11 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidFinishLoad(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame
-     int http_statuscode = entry ? entry->GetHttpStatusCode() : 0;
-     bool errorPageEnabled = webEngineSettings()->testAttribute(WebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled);
-     bool triggersErrorPage = errorPageEnabled && (http_statuscode >= 400) && m_isDocumentEmpty;
--    EmitLoadFinished(http_statuscode < 400, toQt(validated_url), false /* isErrorPage */, http_statuscode, QString(), triggersErrorPage);
-+    m_loadingInfo.success = http_statuscode < 400;
-+    m_loadingInfo.url = toQt(validated_url);
-+    m_loadingInfo.errorCode = http_statuscode;
-+    m_loadingInfo.triggersErrorPage = triggersErrorPage;
- }
- void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidUpdateFaviconURL(content::RenderFrameHost *render_frame_host, const std::vector<blink::mojom::FaviconURLPtr> &candidates)
-diff --git a/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.h b/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.h
-index 5a3dff6e9..7149f6bff 100644
---- a/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.h
-+++ b/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.h
-@@ -216,9 +216,9 @@ private:
-                  WindowOpenDisposition disposition, const gfx::Rect &initial_pos,
-                  const QUrl &url,
-                  bool user_gesture);
--    void EmitLoadStarted(const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage = false);
--    void EmitLoadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage = false, int errorCode = 0, const QString &errorDescription = QString(), bool triggersErrorPage = false);
--    void EmitLoadCommitted();
-+    void emitLoadStarted(bool isErrorPage = false);
-+    void emitLoadFinished(bool isErrorPage = false);
-+    void emitLoadCommitted();
-     LoadingState determineLoadingState(content::WebContents *contents);
-     void setLoadingState(LoadingState state);
-@@ -242,9 +242,17 @@ private:
-     int m_desktopStreamCount = 0;
-     mutable bool m_pendingUrlUpdate = false;
--    QMap<QUrl, int> m_loadProgressMap;
--    QUrl m_lastLoadedUrl;
--    bool m_isNavigationCommitted = false;
-+    struct LoadingInfo {
-+        bool success = false;
-+        int progress = -1;
-+        bool isLoading() const { return progress >= 0; }
-+        QUrl url;
-+        int errorCode = 0;
-+        QString errorDescription;
-+        bool triggersErrorPage = false;
-+        void clear() { *this = LoadingInfo(); }
-+    } m_loadingInfo;
-     bool m_isDocumentEmpty = true;
-     base::WeakPtrFactory<WebContentsDelegateQt> m_weakPtrFactory { this };
- };
-diff --git a/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview.cpp b/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview.cpp
-index 6ab1c97cb..1de7f1c7f 100644
---- a/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview.cpp
-+++ b/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview.cpp
-@@ -496,11 +496,9 @@ Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(WebEngineError::NoErrorDomain) == static_cast<i
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(WebEngineError::CertificateErrorDomain) == static_cast<int>(QQuickWebEngineView::CertificateErrorDomain));
- Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(WebEngineError::DnsErrorDomain) == static_cast<int>(QQuickWebEngineView::DnsErrorDomain));
--void QQuickWebEngineViewPrivate::loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode,
--                                              const QString &errorDescription, bool triggersErrorPage)
-+void QQuickWebEngineViewPrivate::loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription)
- {
-     Q_Q(QQuickWebEngineView);
--    Q_UNUSED(triggersErrorPage);
-     if (isErrorPage) {
- #if QT_CONFIG(webengine_testsupport)
-diff --git a/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview_p_p.h b/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview_p_p.h
-index ebe55c345..ec535298b 100644
---- a/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview_p_p.h
-+++ b/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview_p_p.h
-@@ -116,8 +116,7 @@ public:
-     void loadStarted(const QUrl &provisionalUrl, bool isErrorPage = false) override;
-     void loadCommitted() override;
-     void loadVisuallyCommitted() override;
--    void loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode,
--                      const QString &errorDescription, bool triggersErrorPage) override;
-+    void loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription) override;
-     void focusContainer() override;
-     void unhandledKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
-     QSharedPointer<QtWebEngineCore::WebContentsAdapter>
-diff --git a/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage.cpp b/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage.cpp
-index e08afed44..b32c15039 100644
---- a/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage.cpp
-+++ b/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage.cpp
-@@ -282,28 +282,20 @@ void QWebEnginePagePrivate::loadStarted(const QUrl &provisionalUrl, bool isError
-     QTimer::singleShot(0, q, &QWebEnginePage::loadStarted);
- }
--void QWebEnginePagePrivate::loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode,
--                                         const QString &errorDescription, bool triggersErrorPage)
-+void QWebEnginePagePrivate::loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription)
- {
-     Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
-     Q_UNUSED(url);
-     Q_UNUSED(errorCode);
-     Q_UNUSED(errorDescription);
--    if (isErrorPage) {
--        QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [q](){
--            emit q->loadFinished(false);
--        });
-+    if (isErrorPage)
-         return;
--    }
-     isLoading = false;
--    Q_ASSERT((success && !triggersErrorPage) || !success);
--    if (!triggersErrorPage) {
--        QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [q, success](){
--            emit q->loadFinished(success);
--        });
--    }
-+    QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [q, success](){
-+        emit q->loadFinished(success);
-+    });
- }
- void QWebEnginePagePrivate::didPrintPageToPdf(const QString &filePath, bool success)
-diff --git a/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage_p.h b/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage_p.h
-index 82ce99503..ae3ab5d25 100644
---- a/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage_p.h
-+++ b/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage_p.h
-@@ -107,8 +107,7 @@ public:
-     void loadStarted(const QUrl &provisionalUrl, bool isErrorPage = false) override;
-     void loadCommitted() override { }
-     void loadVisuallyCommitted() override { }
--    void loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode,
--                      const QString &errorDescription, bool triggersErrorPage) override;
-+    void loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription) override;
-     void focusContainer() override;
-     void unhandledKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
-     QSharedPointer<QtWebEngineCore::WebContentsAdapter>

Copied: qt5-webengine/repos/testing-x86_64/qtbug-91773.patch (from rev 416969, qt5-webengine/trunk/qtbug-91773.patch)
--- qtbug-91773.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ qtbug-91773.patch	2021-06-02 14:51:34 UTC (rev 416970)
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+diff --git a/src/core/web_contents_adapter.cpp b/src/core/web_contents_adapter.cpp
+index 5597c69f9..2cd48907b 100644
+--- a/src/core/web_contents_adapter.cpp
++++ b/src/core/web_contents_adapter.cpp
+@@ -716,8 +716,7 @@ void WebContentsAdapter::load(const QWebEngineHttpRequest &request)
+             m_adapterClient->loadFinished(false, request.url(), false,
+                                           net::ERR_DISALLOWED_URL_SCHEME,
+                                           QCoreApplication::translate("WebContentsAdapter",
+-                                          "HTTP-POST data can only be sent over HTTP(S) protocol"),
+-                                          false);
++                                          "HTTP-POST data can only be sent over HTTP(S) protocol"));
+             return;
+         }
+         params.post_data = network::ResourceRequestBody::CreateFromBytes(
+@@ -773,7 +772,7 @@ void WebContentsAdapter::setContent(const QByteArray &data, const QString &mimeT
+     GURL dataUrlToLoad(urlString);
+     if (dataUrlToLoad.spec().size() > url::kMaxURLChars) {
+-        m_adapterClient->loadFinished(false, baseUrl, false, net::ERR_ABORTED, QString(), false);
++        m_adapterClient->loadFinished(false, baseUrl, false, net::ERR_ABORTED, QString());
+         return;
+     }
+     content::NavigationController::LoadURLParams params((dataUrlToLoad));
+@@ -1995,6 +1994,7 @@ void WebContentsAdapter::discard()
+     if (m_webContents->IsLoading()) {
+         m_webContentsDelegate->didFailLoad(m_webContentsDelegate->url(webContents()), net::Error::ERR_ABORTED,
+                                            QStringLiteral("Discarded"));
++        m_webContentsDelegate->DidStopLoading();
+     }
+     content::WebContents::CreateParams createParams(m_profileAdapter->profile());
+diff --git a/src/core/web_contents_adapter_client.h b/src/core/web_contents_adapter_client.h
+index 267266d81..afc43806a 100644
+--- a/src/core/web_contents_adapter_client.h
++++ b/src/core/web_contents_adapter_client.h
+@@ -466,8 +466,7 @@ public:
+     virtual void loadStarted(const QUrl &provisionalUrl, bool isErrorPage = false) = 0;
+     virtual void loadCommitted() = 0;
+     virtual void loadVisuallyCommitted() = 0;
+-    virtual void loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode,
+-                              const QString &errorDescription, bool triggersErrorPage) = 0;
++    virtual void loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription) = 0;
+     virtual void focusContainer() = 0;
+     virtual void unhandledKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *event) = 0;
+     virtual QSharedPointer<WebContentsAdapter>
+diff --git a/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.cpp b/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.cpp
+index 1e92a46f8..f0e4130e8 100644
+--- a/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.cpp
++++ b/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.cpp
+@@ -259,14 +259,12 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::CloseContents(content::WebContents *source)
+ void WebContentsDelegateQt::LoadProgressChanged(double progress)
+ {
+-    QUrl current_url(m_viewClient->webContentsAdapter()->getNavigationEntryOriginalUrl(m_viewClient->webContentsAdapter()->currentNavigationEntryIndex()));
+-    int p = qMin(qRound(progress * 100), 100);
+-    if (!m_loadingErrorFrameList.isEmpty() || !m_loadProgressMap.contains(current_url) || m_loadProgressMap[current_url] == 100 || p ==  100)
++    if (!m_loadingErrorFrameList.isEmpty() || !m_loadingInfo.isLoading()) // suppress signals that aren't between loadStarted and loadFinished
+         return;
+-    if (p > m_loadProgressMap[current_url]) { // ensure strict monotonic increase
+-        m_loadProgressMap[current_url] = p;
++    int p = qMin(qRound(progress * 100), 100);
++    if (p > m_loadingInfo.progress) { // ensure strict monotonic increase
++        m_loadingInfo.progress = p;
+         m_viewClient->loadProgressChanged(p);
+     }
+ }
+@@ -339,35 +337,21 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::RenderViewHostChanged(content::RenderViewHost *, con
+     }
+ }
+-void WebContentsDelegateQt::EmitLoadStarted(const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage)
++void WebContentsDelegateQt::emitLoadStarted(bool isErrorPage)
+ {
+-    m_isDocumentEmpty = true;
+-    m_viewClient->loadStarted(url, isErrorPage);
+-    m_viewClient->updateNavigationActions();
+-    if ((url.hasFragment() || m_lastLoadedUrl.hasFragment())
+-        && url.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFragment) == m_lastLoadedUrl.adjusted(QUrl::RemoveFragment)
+-        && !m_isNavigationCommitted) {
+-        m_loadProgressMap.insert(url, 100);
+-        m_lastLoadedUrl = url;
+-        m_viewClient->loadProgressChanged(100);
++    // only report first ever load start or separate one for error page only
++    if (!isErrorPage && m_loadingInfo.isLoading()) // already running
+         return;
+-    }
+-    if (!m_loadProgressMap.isEmpty()) {
+-        QMap<QUrl, int>::iterator it = m_loadProgressMap.begin();
+-        while (it != m_loadProgressMap.end()) {
+-            if (it.value() == 100) {
+-                it = m_loadProgressMap.erase(it);
+-                continue;
+-            }
+-            ++it;
+-        }
++    m_isDocumentEmpty = true; // reset to default which may only be overridden on actual resource load complete
++    if (!isErrorPage) {
++        m_loadingInfo.progress = 0;
++        m_viewClient->loadStarted(m_loadingInfo.url, false);
++        m_viewClient->updateNavigationActions();
++        m_viewClient->loadProgressChanged(0);
++    } else {
++        m_viewClient->loadStarted(toQt(GURL(content::kUnreachableWebDataURL)), true);
+     }
+-    m_lastLoadedUrl = url;
+-    m_loadProgressMap.insert(url, 0);
+-    m_viewClient->loadProgressChanged(0);
+ }
+ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidStartNavigation(content::NavigationHandle *navigation_handle)
+@@ -375,34 +359,41 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidStartNavigation(content::NavigationHandle *naviga
+     if (!webEngineSettings()->testAttribute(WebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled))
+         navigation_handle->SetSilentlyIgnoreErrors();
+-    if (!navigation_handle->IsInMainFrame())
++    if (!navigation_handle->IsInMainFrame() || !web_contents()->IsLoadingToDifferentDocument())
+         return;
+     m_loadingErrorFrameList.clear();
+     m_faviconManager->resetCandidates();
+-    EmitLoadStarted(toQt(navigation_handle->GetURL()));
++    m_loadingInfo.url = toQt(navigation_handle->GetURL());
++    // IsErrorPage is only set after navigation commit, so check it otherwise: error page shouldn't have navigation entry
++    bool isErrorPage = m_loadingInfo.triggersErrorPage && !navigation_handle->GetNavigationEntry();
++    emitLoadStarted(isErrorPage);
+ }
+-void WebContentsDelegateQt::EmitLoadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription, bool triggersErrorPage)
++void WebContentsDelegateQt::emitLoadFinished(bool isErrorPage)
+ {
+-    Q_ASSERT(!isErrorPage || webEngineSettings()->testAttribute(WebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled));
+-    Q_ASSERT((triggersErrorPage && webEngineSettings()->testAttribute(WebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled)) || !triggersErrorPage);
+-    // When error page enabled we don't need to send the error page load finished signal
+-    if (m_loadProgressMap[url] == 100)
++    if (!m_loadingInfo.isLoading()) // not currently running
+         return;
+-    m_lastLoadedUrl = url;
+-    m_loadProgressMap[url] = 100;
+-    m_isNavigationCommitted = false;
+-    m_viewClient->loadProgressChanged(100);
++    Q_ASSERT(!isErrorPage || webEngineSettings()->testAttribute(WebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled));
++    Q_ASSERT((m_loadingInfo.triggersErrorPage && webEngineSettings()->testAttribute(WebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled)) || !m_loadingInfo.triggersErrorPage);
++    if (!isErrorPage) {
++        if (m_loadingInfo.progress < 100) {
++            m_loadingInfo.progress = 100;
++            m_viewClient->loadProgressChanged(100);
++        }
+-    m_viewClient->loadFinished(success, url, isErrorPage, errorCode, errorDescription, triggersErrorPage);
+-    m_viewClient->updateNavigationActions();
++        m_viewClient->loadFinished(m_loadingInfo.success, m_loadingInfo.url, false, m_loadingInfo.errorCode, m_loadingInfo.errorDescription);
++        m_viewClient->updateNavigationActions();
++    } else {
++        m_viewClient->loadFinished(false, toQt(GURL(content::kUnreachableWebDataURL)), true, 0, QString());
++    }
+ }
+-void WebContentsDelegateQt::EmitLoadCommitted()
++void WebContentsDelegateQt::emitLoadCommitted()
+ {
+     m_findTextHelper->handleLoadCommitted();
+     m_viewClient->loadCommitted();
+@@ -422,8 +413,7 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidFinishNavigation(content::NavigationHandle *navig
+                 profileAdapter->visitedLinksManager()->addUrl(url);
+         }
+-        m_isNavigationCommitted = true;
+-        EmitLoadCommitted();
++        emitLoadCommitted();
+     }
+     // Success is reported by DidFinishLoad, but DidFailLoad is now dead code and needs to be handled below
+@@ -440,11 +430,11 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidFinishNavigation(content::NavigationHandle *navig
+         // Now report we are starting to load an error-page.
+         m_loadingErrorFrameList.append(navigation_handle->GetRenderFrameHost()->GetRoutingID());
+         m_faviconManager->resetCandidates();
+-        EmitLoadStarted(toQt(GURL(content::kUnreachableWebDataURL)), true);
++        emitLoadStarted(true);
+         // If it is already committed we will not see another DidFinishNavigation call or a DidFinishLoad call.
+         if (navigation_handle->HasCommitted())
+-            EmitLoadCommitted();
++            emitLoadCommitted();
+     }
+ }
+@@ -486,6 +476,9 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidStopLoading()
+     if (m_loadingState == LoadingState::Loading)
+         setLoadingState(LoadingState::Loaded);
++    emitLoadFinished();
++    m_loadingInfo.clear();
+ }
+ void WebContentsDelegateQt::didFailLoad(const QUrl &url, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription)
+@@ -495,7 +488,11 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::didFailLoad(const QUrl &url, int errorCode, const QS
+     // Delay notifying failure until the error-page is done loading.
+     // Error-pages are not loaded on failures due to abort.
+     bool aborted = (errorCode == -3 /* ERR_ABORTED*/ );
+-    EmitLoadFinished(false /* success */ , url, false /* isErrorPage */, errorCode, errorDescription, errorPageEnabled && !aborted);
++    m_loadingInfo.success = false;
++    m_loadingInfo.url = url;
++    m_loadingInfo.errorCode = errorCode;
++    m_loadingInfo.errorDescription = errorDescription;
++    m_loadingInfo.triggersErrorPage = errorPageEnabled && !aborted;
+ }
+ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidFailLoad(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_host, const GURL& validated_url, int error_code)
+@@ -511,8 +508,7 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidFailLoad(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame_h
+         Q_ASSERT(error_code == -3 /* ERR_ABORTED */);
+         m_loadingErrorFrameList.removeOne(render_frame_host->GetRoutingID());
+         m_viewClient->iconChanged(QUrl());
+-        EmitLoadFinished(false /* success */, toQt(validated_url), true /* isErrorPage */);
++        emitLoadFinished(/* isErrorPage = */true);
+         return;
+     }
+     // Qt6: Consider getting rid of the error_description (Chromium already has)
+@@ -532,7 +528,7 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidFinishLoad(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame
+         // Trigger LoadFinished signal for main frame's error page only.
+         if (!render_frame_host->GetParent()) {
+             m_viewClient->iconChanged(QUrl());
+-            EmitLoadFinished(true /* success */, toQt(validated_url), true /* isErrorPage */);
++            emitLoadFinished(/* isErrorPage = */true);
+         }
+         return;
+@@ -550,7 +546,11 @@ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidFinishLoad(content::RenderFrameHost* render_frame
+     int http_statuscode = entry ? entry->GetHttpStatusCode() : 0;
+     bool errorPageEnabled = webEngineSettings()->testAttribute(WebEngineSettings::ErrorPageEnabled);
+     bool triggersErrorPage = errorPageEnabled && (http_statuscode >= 400) && m_isDocumentEmpty;
+-    EmitLoadFinished(http_statuscode < 400, toQt(validated_url), false /* isErrorPage */, http_statuscode, QString(), triggersErrorPage);
++    m_loadingInfo.success = http_statuscode < 400;
++    m_loadingInfo.url = toQt(validated_url);
++    m_loadingInfo.errorCode = http_statuscode;
++    m_loadingInfo.triggersErrorPage = triggersErrorPage;
+ }
+ void WebContentsDelegateQt::DidUpdateFaviconURL(content::RenderFrameHost *render_frame_host, const std::vector<blink::mojom::FaviconURLPtr> &candidates)
+diff --git a/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.h b/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.h
+index 5a3dff6e9..7149f6bff 100644
+--- a/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.h
++++ b/src/core/web_contents_delegate_qt.h
+@@ -216,9 +216,9 @@ private:
+                  WindowOpenDisposition disposition, const gfx::Rect &initial_pos,
+                  const QUrl &url,
+                  bool user_gesture);
+-    void EmitLoadStarted(const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage = false);
+-    void EmitLoadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage = false, int errorCode = 0, const QString &errorDescription = QString(), bool triggersErrorPage = false);
+-    void EmitLoadCommitted();
++    void emitLoadStarted(bool isErrorPage = false);
++    void emitLoadFinished(bool isErrorPage = false);
++    void emitLoadCommitted();
+     LoadingState determineLoadingState(content::WebContents *contents);
+     void setLoadingState(LoadingState state);
+@@ -242,9 +242,17 @@ private:
+     int m_desktopStreamCount = 0;
+     mutable bool m_pendingUrlUpdate = false;
+-    QMap<QUrl, int> m_loadProgressMap;
+-    QUrl m_lastLoadedUrl;
+-    bool m_isNavigationCommitted = false;
++    struct LoadingInfo {
++        bool success = false;
++        int progress = -1;
++        bool isLoading() const { return progress >= 0; }
++        QUrl url;
++        int errorCode = 0;
++        QString errorDescription;
++        bool triggersErrorPage = false;
++        void clear() { *this = LoadingInfo(); }
++    } m_loadingInfo;
+     bool m_isDocumentEmpty = true;
+     base::WeakPtrFactory<WebContentsDelegateQt> m_weakPtrFactory { this };
+ };
+diff --git a/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview.cpp b/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview.cpp
+index 6ab1c97cb..1de7f1c7f 100644
+--- a/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview.cpp
++++ b/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview.cpp
+@@ -496,11 +496,9 @@ Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(WebEngineError::NoErrorDomain) == static_cast<i
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(WebEngineError::CertificateErrorDomain) == static_cast<int>(QQuickWebEngineView::CertificateErrorDomain));
+ Q_STATIC_ASSERT(static_cast<int>(WebEngineError::DnsErrorDomain) == static_cast<int>(QQuickWebEngineView::DnsErrorDomain));
+-void QQuickWebEngineViewPrivate::loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode,
+-                                              const QString &errorDescription, bool triggersErrorPage)
++void QQuickWebEngineViewPrivate::loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription)
+ {
+     Q_Q(QQuickWebEngineView);
+-    Q_UNUSED(triggersErrorPage);
+     if (isErrorPage) {
+ #if QT_CONFIG(webengine_testsupport)
+diff --git a/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview_p_p.h b/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview_p_p.h
+index ebe55c345..ec535298b 100644
+--- a/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview_p_p.h
++++ b/src/webengine/api/qquickwebengineview_p_p.h
+@@ -116,8 +116,7 @@ public:
+     void loadStarted(const QUrl &provisionalUrl, bool isErrorPage = false) override;
+     void loadCommitted() override;
+     void loadVisuallyCommitted() override;
+-    void loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode,
+-                      const QString &errorDescription, bool triggersErrorPage) override;
++    void loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription) override;
+     void focusContainer() override;
+     void unhandledKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
+     QSharedPointer<QtWebEngineCore::WebContentsAdapter>
+diff --git a/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage.cpp b/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage.cpp
+index e08afed44..b32c15039 100644
+--- a/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage.cpp
++++ b/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage.cpp
+@@ -282,28 +282,20 @@ void QWebEnginePagePrivate::loadStarted(const QUrl &provisionalUrl, bool isError
+     QTimer::singleShot(0, q, &QWebEnginePage::loadStarted);
+ }
+-void QWebEnginePagePrivate::loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode,
+-                                         const QString &errorDescription, bool triggersErrorPage)
++void QWebEnginePagePrivate::loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription)
+ {
+     Q_Q(QWebEnginePage);
+     Q_UNUSED(url);
+     Q_UNUSED(errorCode);
+     Q_UNUSED(errorDescription);
+-    if (isErrorPage) {
+-        QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [q](){
+-            emit q->loadFinished(false);
+-        });
++    if (isErrorPage)
+         return;
+-    }
+     isLoading = false;
+-    Q_ASSERT((success && !triggersErrorPage) || !success);
+-    if (!triggersErrorPage) {
+-        QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [q, success](){
+-            emit q->loadFinished(success);
+-        });
+-    }
++    QTimer::singleShot(0, q, [q, success](){
++        emit q->loadFinished(success);
++    });
+ }
+ void QWebEnginePagePrivate::didPrintPageToPdf(const QString &filePath, bool success)
+diff --git a/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage_p.h b/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage_p.h
+index 82ce99503..ae3ab5d25 100644
+--- a/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage_p.h
++++ b/src/webenginewidgets/api/qwebenginepage_p.h
+@@ -107,8 +107,7 @@ public:
+     void loadStarted(const QUrl &provisionalUrl, bool isErrorPage = false) override;
+     void loadCommitted() override { }
+     void loadVisuallyCommitted() override { }
+-    void loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode,
+-                      const QString &errorDescription, bool triggersErrorPage) override;
++    void loadFinished(bool success, const QUrl &url, bool isErrorPage, int errorCode, const QString &errorDescription) override;
+     void focusContainer() override;
+     void unhandledKeyEvent(QKeyEvent *event) override;
+     QSharedPointer<QtWebEngineCore::WebContentsAdapter>

Copied: qt5-webengine/repos/testing-x86_64/qtbug-93802.patch (from rev 416969, qt5-webengine/trunk/qtbug-93802.patch)
--- qtbug-93802.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ qtbug-93802.patch	2021-06-02 14:51:34 UTC (rev 416970)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+From f9881e0556368da36b36687183e4be351bfbd81b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Allan Sandfeld Jensen <allan.jensen at qt.io>
+Date: Wed, 2 Jun 2021 15:54:43 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Always send phased wheel events beginning with Began
+The input event router does not like MayBegin.
+Fixes: QTBUG-93082
+Change-Id: I4ac9677d7f69da3d36fc33c17541026f011feb42
+ src/core/web_event_factory.cpp | 2 +-
+ 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/src/core/web_event_factory.cpp b/src/core/web_event_factory.cpp
+index 593acb5e5c..aa5ea40365 100644
+--- a/src/core/web_event_factory.cpp
++++ b/src/core/web_event_factory.cpp
+@@ -1585,7 +1585,7 @@ blink::WebMouseWheelEvent::Phase toBlinkPhase(QWheelEvent *ev)
+ #endif
+         return blink::WebMouseWheelEvent::kPhaseNone;
+     case Qt::ScrollBegin:
+-        return ev->angleDelta().isNull() ? blink::WebMouseWheelEvent::kPhaseMayBegin : blink::WebMouseWheelEvent::kPhaseBegan;
++        return blink::WebMouseWheelEvent::kPhaseBegan;
+     case Qt::ScrollUpdate:
+         return blink::WebMouseWheelEvent::kPhaseChanged;
+     case Qt::ScrollEnd:

Deleted: v8-call-new-ListFormatter-createInstance.patch
--- v8-call-new-ListFormatter-createInstance.patch	2021-06-02 14:51:18 UTC (rev 416969)
+++ v8-call-new-ListFormatter-createInstance.patch	2021-06-02 14:51:34 UTC (rev 416970)
@@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
-From 035c305ce7761f51328b45f1bd83e26aef267c9d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
-Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2020 22:44:27 -0700
-Subject: [PATCH] [Intl] call new ListFormatter::createInstance
-The one we currently using is now marked as internal and to be removed
-for 68. Migrating to the style which already avaiable in ICU 67-1.
-Bug: v8:11031
-Change-Id: I668382a2e1b8602ddca02bf231c5008a6c92bf2d
-Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/v8/v8/+/2477751
-Reviewed-by: Jakob Kummerow <jkummerow at chromium.org>
-Commit-Queue: Frank Tang <ftang at chromium.org>
-Cr-Commit-Position: refs/heads/master@{#70638}
- src/objects/js-list-format.cc | 55 ++++++++++++-----------------------
- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 37 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/src/objects/js-list-format.cc b/src/objects/js-list-format.cc
-index b17d38c43ff5..e48a387be50f 100644
---- a/src/objects/js-list-format.cc
-+++ b/src/objects/js-list-format.cc
-@@ -29,46 +29,27 @@ namespace v8 {
- namespace internal {
- namespace {
--const char* kStandard = "standard";
--const char* kOr = "or";
--const char* kUnit = "unit";
--const char* kStandardShort = "standard-short";
--const char* kOrShort = "or-short";
--const char* kUnitShort = "unit-short";
--const char* kStandardNarrow = "standard-narrow";
--const char* kOrNarrow = "or-narrow";
--const char* kUnitNarrow = "unit-narrow";
--const char* GetIcuStyleString(JSListFormat::Style style,
--                              JSListFormat::Type type) {
-+UListFormatterWidth GetIcuWidth(JSListFormat::Style style) {
-+  switch (style) {
-+    case JSListFormat::Style::LONG:
-+      return ULISTFMT_WIDTH_WIDE;
-+    case JSListFormat::Style::SHORT:
-+      return ULISTFMT_WIDTH_SHORT;
-+    case JSListFormat::Style::NARROW:
-+  }
-+UListFormatterType GetIcuType(JSListFormat::Type type) {
-   switch (type) {
-     case JSListFormat::Type::CONJUNCTION:
--      switch (style) {
--        case JSListFormat::Style::LONG:
--          return kStandard;
--        case JSListFormat::Style::SHORT:
--          return kStandardShort;
--        case JSListFormat::Style::NARROW:
--          return kStandardNarrow;
--      }
-+      return ULISTFMT_TYPE_AND;
-     case JSListFormat::Type::DISJUNCTION:
--      switch (style) {
--        case JSListFormat::Style::LONG:
--          return kOr;
--        case JSListFormat::Style::SHORT:
--          return kOrShort;
--        case JSListFormat::Style::NARROW:
--          return kOrNarrow;
--      }
-+      return ULISTFMT_TYPE_OR;
-     case JSListFormat::Type::UNIT:
--      switch (style) {
--        case JSListFormat::Style::LONG:
--          return kUnit;
--        case JSListFormat::Style::SHORT:
--          return kUnitShort;
--        case JSListFormat::Style::NARROW:
--          return kUnitNarrow;
--      }
-+      return ULISTFMT_TYPE_UNITS;
-   }
- }
-@@ -143,7 +124,7 @@ MaybeHandle<JSListFormat> JSListFormat::New(Isolate* isolate, Handle<Map> map,
-   icu::Locale icu_locale = r.icu_locale;
-   UErrorCode status = U_ZERO_ERROR;
-   icu::ListFormatter* formatter = icu::ListFormatter::createInstance(
--      icu_locale, GetIcuStyleString(style_enum, type_enum), status);
-+      icu_locale, GetIcuType(type_enum), GetIcuWidth(style_enum), status);
-   if (U_FAILURE(status) || formatter == nullptr) {
-     delete formatter;
-     THROW_NEW_ERROR(isolate, NewRangeError(MessageTemplate::kIcuError),

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