[arch-commits] Commit in gdal/repos (5 files)

Felix Yan felixonmars at gemini.archlinux.org
Mon Nov 1 18:44:45 UTC 2021

    Date: Monday, November 1, 2021 @ 18:44:45
  Author: felixonmars
Revision: 1035240

archrelease: copy trunk to community-staging-x86_64

    (from rev 1035239, gdal/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 1035239, gdal/trunk/gdal-perl-vendor.patch)
    (from rev 1035239, gdal/trunk/gdal.changelog)
    (from rev 1035239, gdal/trunk/poppler-21.10.0.patch)

 PKGBUILD               |   88 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 gdal-perl-vendor.patch |   18 ++++++
 gdal.changelog         |  132 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 poppler-21.10.0.patch  |   32 +++++++++++
 4 files changed, 270 insertions(+)

Copied: gdal/repos/community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 1035239, gdal/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2021-11-01 18:44:45 UTC (rev 1035240)
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
+# Maintainer: Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: dibblethewrecker dibblethewrecker.at.jiwe.dot.org
+# Contributor: William Rea <sillywilly at gmail.com>
+pkgname=('gdal' 'python-gdal')
+pkgdesc="A translator library for raster geospatial data formats"
+depends=('curl' 'geos' 'giflib' 'hdf5' 'libgeotiff' 'libjpeg-turbo' 'libpng' 'libspatialite' 'libtiff' 'netcdf'
+         'openjpeg2' 'poppler' 'cfitsio' 'sqlite' 'mariadb-libs' 'postgresql-libs' 'xerces-c' 'json-c')
+makedepends=('perl' 'swig' 'chrpath' 'doxygen' 'python-breathe' 'python-numpy' 'python-sphinx' 'boost')
+optdepends=('postgresql: postgresql database support'
+            'mariadb: mariadb database support'
+            'perl: perl binding support')
+        poppler-21.10.0.patch
+        gdal-perl-vendor.patch)
+            '3074318889631fa9a9f351feccedb4d7a368b56017cc3660276c7aac154af6de'
+            '2103b98f2f15954f042d5620658b30d703125927bde2e5eb671c5facb6c2f5ed')
+prepare() {
+  cd "${srcdir}"/$pkgbase-$pkgver
+# Fix mandir
+  sed -i "s|^mandir=.*|mandir='\${prefix}/share/man'|" configure
+# Fix build with poppler 21.10.0
+  patch -Np2 -i "${srcdir}"/poppler-21.10.0.patch
+# Fix Perl bindings installation path
+  patch -Np0 -i "${srcdir}"/gdal-perl-vendor.patch
+build() {
+  cd "${srcdir}"/$pkgbase-$pkgver
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr --with-netcdf --with-libtiff --with-sqlite3 --with-geotiff \
+              --with-mysql --with-curl --with-hdf5 --with-perl --with-geos \
+              --with-png --with-poppler --with-spatialite --with-openjpeg
+# workaround for bug #13646
+#   sed -i 's/PY_HAVE_SETUPTOOLS=1/PY_HAVE_SETUPTOOLS=/g' ./GDALmake.opt
+#   sed -i 's/EXE_DEP_LIBS/KILL_EXE_DEP_LIBS/' apps/GNUmakefile
+  make
+  make man
+  cd "${srcdir}"/$pkgbase-$pkgver/swig/python
+  python setup.py build
+package_gdal () {
+  cd "${srcdir}"/$pkgbase-$pkgver
+  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install
+  make DESTDIR="${pkgdir}" install-man
+# install license
+  install -Dm644 LICENSE.TXT "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgbase/LICENSE
+# Remove RPATH
+  eval local $(perl -V:vendorarch)
+  chrpath --delete "${pkgdir}"${vendorarch}/auto/Geo/OSR/OSR.so
+  chrpath --delete "${pkgdir}"${vendorarch}/auto/Geo/OGR/OGR.so
+  chrpath --delete "${pkgdir}"${vendorarch}/auto/Geo/GDAL/GDAL.so
+  chrpath --delete "${pkgdir}"${vendorarch}/auto/Geo/GDAL/Const/Const.so
+  chrpath --delete "${pkgdir}"${vendorarch}/auto/Geo/GNM/GNM.so
+package_python-gdal () {
+  pkgdesc="Python bindings for GDAL"
+  depends=("gdal=$pkgver" 'python-numpy')
+  optdepends=()
+  cd "${srcdir}"/$pkgbase-$pkgver/swig/python
+  python setup.py install --root="$pkgdir" --optimize=1 --skip-build
+#   install -Dm755 -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin scripts/*.py
+  install -dm755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses
+  ln -s $pkgbase "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname

Copied: gdal/repos/community-staging-x86_64/gdal-perl-vendor.patch (from rev 1035239, gdal/trunk/gdal-perl-vendor.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/gdal-perl-vendor.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/gdal-perl-vendor.patch	2021-11-01 18:44:45 UTC (rev 1035240)
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+Description: pass INSTALLDIRS=vendor to Makefile.PL to get stuff into the right place
+Origin: vendor
+Forwarded: not-needed
+Author: gregor herrmann <gregoa at debian.org>
+--- swig/perl/Makefile.orig	2018-12-14 22:34:20.000000000 +0100
++++ swig/perl/Makefile	2018-12-25 17:52:06.053358428 +0100
+@@ -10 +10 @@
++	perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor
+ test: build
+ 	$(MAKE) -f Makefile_Geo__GDAL test
+--- swig/perl/GNUmakefile.orig	2018-12-14 22:34:20.000000000 +0100
++++ swig/perl/GNUmakefile	2018-12-25 17:52:28.636748048 +0100
+@@ -31 +31 @@
++	perl Makefile.PL INSTALLDIRS=vendor

Copied: gdal/repos/community-staging-x86_64/gdal.changelog (from rev 1035239, gdal/trunk/gdal.changelog)
--- community-staging-x86_64/gdal.changelog	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/gdal.changelog	2021-11-01 18:44:45 UTC (rev 1035240)
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+2021-07-22 Bruno Pagani <archange at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 3.3.1-1
+	* update url
+	* netcdf 4.8.0 rebuild
+	* hdf5 1.12.1 rebuild
+2021-06-05 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 3.3.0-1
+2021-05-08 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 3.2.3-1
+2020-01-30 Evangelos Foutras <evangelos at foutrelis.com>
+	* gdal 3.0.4-1
+2020-01-25 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 3.0.3-1
+2019-11-27 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 3.0.2-1
+2019-06-16 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 3.0.0-1
+2019-02-05 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.4.0-1
+2018-09-30 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.3.2-1
+2018-07-02 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.3.1-1
+2018-05-16 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.3.0-1
+2018-04-09 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.2.4-1
+2017-11-26 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.2.3-1
+2017-10-21 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.2.2-1
+2017-08-06 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.2.1-1
+2017-07-10 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.2.0-1
+	* hdf5 1.10.1 rebuild
+2017-01-22 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.1.2-1
+2016-08-02 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.1.1-1 glew 2.0.0 / poppler 0.46.0 rebuilds rebuild
+2016-06-05 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.1.0-2 cfitsio 3.390 rebuild
+2016-05-22 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.1.0-1
+2016-04-12 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.0.2-5
+	* hdf5 1.10.0 rebuild
+2016-02-08 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.0.2-1
+2016-01-23 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.0.0-7
+	* postgresql-libs 9.5 rebuild
+	* openjpeg2 added as dependency
+2015-10-06 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.0.1-2 FS#46581 fix
+2015-06-27 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 2.0.0-1
+2015-03-01 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.11.2-2 poppler 0.31.0 rebuild
+2015-02-23 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.11.2-1
+2015-01-29 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.11.1-6 poppler 0.30.0 rebuild
+2014-12-22 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.11.1-5 FS#43193 fix
+2014-12-20 Evangelos Foutras <evangelos at foutrelis.com>
+	* gdal 1.11.1-4 poppler 0.29.0 rebuild
+2014-11-25 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.11.1-3 hdf5 1.8.14 rebuild
+2014-10-03 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.11.1-1
+2014-07-28 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.11.0-4 libspatialite soname rebuild
+2014-05-27 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.11.0-2 giflib soname rebuild
+2014-04-27 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.11.0-1
+2013-11-11 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.10.1-1
+2013-09-29 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.10.0-4 FS#36328 fix
+2013-05-18 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.10.0-1
+2011-02-19 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* gdal 1.8.0-1
+2010-11-20 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* Update to major release 1.7.3
+2010-06-26 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* FS#19946 fixed in 1.7.2-2
+2010-05-05 Jaroslav Lichtblau <svetlemodry at archlinux.org>
+	* Update to major release 1.7.2

Copied: gdal/repos/community-staging-x86_64/poppler-21.10.0.patch (from rev 1035239, gdal/trunk/poppler-21.10.0.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/poppler-21.10.0.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/poppler-21.10.0.patch	2021-11-01 18:44:45 UTC (rev 1035240)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+From 9c09870e374ca21d558101af3f4c09a6164fdfc3 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>
+Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2021 22:49:52 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Fix build against Poppler master
+ gdal/frmts/pdf/pdfdataset.cpp | 4 +++-
+ 1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
+diff --git a/gdal/frmts/pdf/pdfdataset.cpp b/gdal/frmts/pdf/pdfdataset.cpp
+index 9c4c28a6572..50a8154c756 100644
+--- a/gdal/frmts/pdf/pdfdataset.cpp
++++ b/gdal/frmts/pdf/pdfdataset.cpp
+@@ -5012,7 +5012,7 @@ PDFDataset *PDFDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )
+   if (bUseLib.test(PDFLIB_POPPLER))
+   {
+-    GooString* poMetadata = poCatalogPoppler->readMetadata();
++    auto poMetadata = poCatalogPoppler->readMetadata();
+     if (poMetadata)
+     {
+@@ -5026,7 +5026,9 @@ PDFDataset *PDFDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )
+             const char * const apszMDList[2] = { pszContent, nullptr };
+             poDS->SetMetadata(const_cast<char**>(apszMDList), "xml:XMP");
+         }
+         delete poMetadata;
+     }
+     /* Read Info object */

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