[arch-commits] Commit in arc-gtk-theme/repos/community-any (PKGBUILD PKGBUILD)

NicoHood nicohood at gemini.archlinux.org
Fri Nov 12 06:50:51 UTC 2021

    Date: Friday, November 12, 2021 @ 06:50:50
  Author: nicohood
Revision: 1043266

archrelease: copy trunk to community-any

    (from rev 1043265, arc-gtk-theme/trunk/PKGBUILD)

 PKGBUILD |  135 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------------
 1 file changed, 69 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2021-11-12 06:50:34 UTC (rev 1043265)
+++ PKGBUILD	2021-11-12 06:50:50 UTC (rev 1043266)
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: NicoHood <archlinux {cat} nicohood {dog} de>
-# PGP ID: 97312D5EB9D7AE7D0BD4307351DAE9B7C1AE9161
-# Contributor: zach <zach {at} zach-adams {dot} com>
-# Contributor: Gordian Edenhofer <gordian.edenhofer[at]yahoo[dot]de
-# Contributor: Philipp Wolfer <ph.wolfer at gmail.com>
-pkgname=('arc-gtk-theme' 'arc-solid-gtk-theme')
-pkgdesc="A flat theme with transparent elements for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell"
-# Upstream url: https://github.com/horst3180/arc-theme
-# Now using soft fork: https://github.com/jnsh/arc-theme/issues/18
-optdepends=('arc-icon-theme: recommended icon theme'
-            'gtk-engine-murrine: for gtk2 themes'
-            'gnome-themes-standard: for gtk2 themes')
-makedepends=('meson' 'sassc' 'inkscape')
-        "${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.xz.sig::${url}/releases/download/${pkgver}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.xz.asc")
-            'SKIP')
-# Latest stable Arch package versions
-build() {
-    cd ${_pkgname}-${pkgver}
-    meson --prefix=/usr build \
-      -Dgnome_shell_gresource=true \
-      -Dcinnamon_version="${_cinnamonver}" \
-      -Dgnome_shell_version="${_gnomeshellver}" \
-      -Dgtk3_version="${_gtk3ver}"
-    meson compile -C build
-    meson --prefix=/usr build-solid \
-      -Dtransparency=false \
-      -Dgnome_shell_gresource=true \
-      -Dcinnamon_version="${_cinnamonver}" \
-      -Dgnome_shell_version="${_gnomeshellver}" \
-      -Dgtk3_version="${_gtk3ver}"
-    meson compile -C build-solid
-package_arc-gtk-theme() {
-    replaces=('gtk-theme-arc')
-    cd ${_pkgname}-${pkgver}
-    DESTDIR="$pkgdir" meson install -C build
-package_arc-solid-gtk-theme() {
-    pkgdesc="A flat theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell (without transparency)"
-    replaces=('gtk-theme-arc-solid')
-    cd ${_pkgname}-${pkgver}
-    DESTDIR="$pkgdir" meson install -C build-solid

Copied: arc-gtk-theme/repos/community-any/PKGBUILD (from rev 1043265, arc-gtk-theme/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2021-11-12 06:50:50 UTC (rev 1043266)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+# Maintainer: NicoHood <archlinux {cat} nicohood {dog} de>
+# PGP ID: 97312D5EB9D7AE7D0BD4307351DAE9B7C1AE9161
+# Contributor: zach <zach {at} zach-adams {dot} com>
+# Contributor: Gordian Edenhofer <gordian.edenhofer[at]yahoo[dot]de
+# Contributor: Philipp Wolfer <ph.wolfer at gmail.com>
+pkgname=('arc-gtk-theme' 'arc-solid-gtk-theme')
+pkgdesc="A flat theme with transparent elements for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell"
+# Upstream url: https://github.com/horst3180/arc-theme
+# Now using soft fork: https://github.com/jnsh/arc-theme/issues/18
+optdepends=('arc-icon-theme: recommended icon theme'
+            'gtk-engine-murrine: for gtk2 themes'
+            'gnome-themes-standard: for gtk2 themes')
+makedepends=('meson' 'sassc' 'inkscape')
+        "${pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.xz.sig::${url}/releases/download/${pkgver}/${_pkgname}-${pkgver}.tar.xz.asc")
+            'SKIP')
+# Latest stable Arch package versions
+build() {
+    cd ${_pkgname}-${pkgver}
+    meson --prefix=/usr build \
+      -Dgnome_shell_gresource=true \
+      -Dcinnamon_version="${_cinnamonver}" \
+      -Dgnome_shell_version="${_gnomeshellver}" \
+      -Dgtk3_version="${_gtk3ver}" \
+      -Dgtk4_version="${_gtk4ver}"
+    meson compile -C build
+    meson --prefix=/usr build-solid \
+      -Dtransparency=false \
+      -Dgnome_shell_gresource=true \
+      -Dcinnamon_version="${_cinnamonver}" \
+      -Dgnome_shell_version="${_gnomeshellver}" \
+      -Dgtk3_version="${_gtk3ver}" \
+      -Dgtk4_version="${_gtk4ver}"
+    meson compile -C build-solid
+package_arc-gtk-theme() {
+    replaces=('gtk-theme-arc')
+    cd ${_pkgname}-${pkgver}
+    DESTDIR="$pkgdir" meson install -C build
+package_arc-solid-gtk-theme() {
+    pkgdesc="A flat theme for GTK 3, GTK 2 and Gnome-Shell (without transparency)"
+    replaces=('gtk-theme-arc-solid')
+    cd ${_pkgname}-${pkgver}
+    DESTDIR="$pkgdir" meson install -C build-solid

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