[arch-commits] Commit in sarg/repos (3 files)

Evangelos Foutras foutrelis at gemini.archlinux.org
Sat Nov 13 20:12:37 UTC 2021

    Date: Saturday, November 13, 2021 @ 20:12:37
  Author: foutrelis
Revision: 1046032

archrelease: copy trunk to community-staging-x86_64

    (from rev 1046031, sarg/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 1046031, sarg/trunk/build-fix.patch)

 PKGBUILD        |   42 +++++
 build-fix.patch |  408 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 450 insertions(+)

Copied: sarg/repos/community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 1046031, sarg/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD	2021-11-13 20:12:37 UTC (rev 1046032)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+# Maintainer: Sergej Pupykin <pupykin.s+arch at gmail.com>
+# Maintainer: JJDaNiMoTh <jjdanimoth.aur at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Tino Reichardt <milky-archlinux at mcmilk.de>
+pkgdesc="Squid Analysis Report Generator"
+depends=('gd' 'libldap')
+	'etc/sarg/exclude_codes'
+	'etc/sarg/sarg.conf'
+	'etc/sarg/user_limit_block')
+	build-fix.patch)
+            'a243156aed182fe8f0db1032d585b4966f56ab432085f581b91b8faf9ac0e973')
+prepare() {
+  cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver
+  patch -p1 <"$srcdir"/build-fix.patch
+build() {
+  cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver
+  cmake \
+    -DSYSCONFDIR=/etc/sarg \
+    -DMANDIR=/usr/share/man/man1 \
+    .
+  make C_FLAGS="-Wno-error"
+package() {
+  cd "$srcdir"/$pkgname-$pkgver
+  mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/usr/share/sarg "$pkgdir"/etc
+  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install

Copied: sarg/repos/community-staging-x86_64/build-fix.patch (from rev 1046031, sarg/trunk/build-fix.patch)
--- community-staging-x86_64/build-fix.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/build-fix.patch	2021-11-13 20:12:37 UTC (rev 1046032)
@@ -0,0 +1,408 @@
+diff -wbBur sarg-2.4.0/CMakeLists.txt sarg-2.4.0.my/CMakeLists.txt
+--- sarg-2.4.0/CMakeLists.txt	2020-01-16 14:23:43.000000000 +0300
++++ sarg-2.4.0.my/CMakeLists.txt	2021-05-17 23:51:33.398136359 +0300
+@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
+        redirector.c auth.c download.c grepday.c ip2name_exec.c
+        dansguardian_log.c dansguardian_report.c realtime.c btree_cache.c
+        usertab.c userinfo.c longline.c url.c fnmatch.c stringbuffer.c
+-       filelist.c readlog.c alias.c
++       filelist.c fileobject.c readlog.c alias.c
+ 	   readlog_squid.c readlog_sarg.c readlog_extlog.c readlog_common.c
+ 	   include/conf.h include/info.h include/defs.h include/stringbuffer.h)
+diff -wbBur sarg-2.4.0/include/conf.h sarg-2.4.0.my/include/conf.h
+--- sarg-2.4.0/include/conf.h	2019-12-24 15:00:50.000000000 +0300
++++ sarg-2.4.0.my/include/conf.h	2021-05-18 00:44:30.068099542 +0300
+@@ -307,202 +307,208 @@
+    char html[90];
+ };
+-char outdir[MAXLEN];
+-char outdirname[MAXLEN];
+-struct periodstruct period;
+-char code[MAXLEN];
+-char code2[MAXLEN];
+-char tmp[MAXLEN];
+-char parse_out[MAXLEN];
+-char html[MAXLEN];
+-char ConfigFile[MAXLEN];
+-char df;
+-int LastLog;
+-bool RemoveTempFiles;
+-char ReplaceIndex[256];
+-unsigned long int Index;
+-bool OverwriteReport;
+-unsigned long int RecordsWithoutUser;
+-bool UseComma;
+-char MailUtility[PATH_MAX];
+-int TopSitesNum;
+-int TopUsersNum;
+-char ExcludeCodes[256];
+-unsigned long int TopsitesSort;
+-unsigned long int ReportType;
+-char UserTabFile[255];
+-char warea[MAXLEN];
+-char name[MAXLEN];
+-bool LongUrl;
+-bool Ip2Name;
+-int AccessLogFromCmdLine;
+-char Title[MAXLEN];
+-char BgColor[MAXLEN];
+-char BgImage[MAXLEN];
+-char TxColor[MAXLEN];
+-char TxBgColor[MAXLEN];
+-char TiColor[MAXLEN];
+-char LogoImage[MAXLEN];
+-char LogoText[MAXLEN];
+-char LogoTextColor[MAXLEN];
+-char Width[MAXLEN];
+-char Height[MAXLEN];
+-char FontFace[MAXLEN];
+-char HeaderColor[MAXLEN];
+-char HeaderBgColor[MAXLEN];
+-char FontSize[MAXLEN];
+-char PasswdFile[MAXLEN];
+-char TempDir[MAXLEN];
+-char TempDirPath[MAXLEN];
+-char OutputDir[MAXLEN];
+-char OutputEmail[MAXLEN];
+-unsigned long int TopuserSort;
+-unsigned long int UserSort;
+-char module[255];
+-char ExcludeHosts[255];
+-char ExcludeUsers[255];
+-char DateFormat;
+-bool UserIp;
+-char MaxElapsed[255];
+-unsigned long int datetimeby;
+-char CharSet[255];
+-char UserInvalidChar[255];
+-bool Graphs;
+-char GraphDaysBytesBarColor[255];
+-bool Privacy;
+-char PrivacyString[255];
+-char PrivacyStringColor[30];
+-char IncludeUsers[MAXLEN];
+-char ExcludeString[MAXLEN];
+-bool SuccessfulMsg;
+-unsigned long int TopUserFields;
+-unsigned long int UserReportFields;
+-char DataFile[MAXLEN];
+-char DataFileDelimiter[3];
+-unsigned long int DataFileFields;
+-unsigned long int DataFileUrl;
++#if UTIL
++#define EXTERN
++#define EXTERN extern
++EXTERN char outdir[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char outdirname[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN struct periodstruct period;
++EXTERN char code[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char code2[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char tmp[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char parse_out[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char html[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char ConfigFile[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char df;
++EXTERN int LastLog;
++EXTERN bool RemoveTempFiles;
++EXTERN char ReplaceIndex[256];
++EXTERN unsigned long int Index;
++EXTERN bool OverwriteReport;
++EXTERN unsigned long int RecordsWithoutUser;
++EXTERN bool UseComma;
++EXTERN char MailUtility[PATH_MAX];
++EXTERN int TopSitesNum;
++EXTERN int TopUsersNum;
++EXTERN char ExcludeCodes[256];
++EXTERN unsigned long int TopsitesSort;
++EXTERN unsigned long int ReportType;
++EXTERN char UserTabFile[255];
++EXTERN char warea[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char name[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN bool LongUrl;
++EXTERN bool Ip2Name;
++EXTERN int AccessLogFromCmdLine;
++EXTERN char Title[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char BgColor[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char BgImage[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char TxColor[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char TxBgColor[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char TiColor[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char LogoImage[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char LogoText[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char LogoTextColor[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char Width[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char Height[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char FontFace[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char HeaderColor[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char HeaderBgColor[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char FontSize[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char PasswdFile[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char TempDir[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char TempDirPath[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char OutputDir[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char OutputEmail[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN unsigned long int TopuserSort;
++EXTERN unsigned long int UserSort;
++EXTERN char module[255];
++EXTERN char ExcludeHosts[255];
++EXTERN char ExcludeUsers[255];
++EXTERN char DateFormat;
++EXTERN bool UserIp;
++EXTERN char MaxElapsed[255];
++EXTERN unsigned long int datetimeby;
++EXTERN char CharSet[255];
++EXTERN char UserInvalidChar[255];
++EXTERN bool Graphs;
++EXTERN char GraphDaysBytesBarColor[255];
++EXTERN bool Privacy;
++EXTERN char PrivacyString[255];
++EXTERN char PrivacyStringColor[30];
++EXTERN char IncludeUsers[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char ExcludeString[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN bool SuccessfulMsg;
++EXTERN unsigned long int TopUserFields;
++EXTERN unsigned long int UserReportFields;
++EXTERN char DataFile[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char DataFileDelimiter[3];
++EXTERN unsigned long int DataFileFields;
++EXTERN unsigned long int DataFileUrl;
+ //! if \c true, show the number of lines read from the input log file during the reading of the file.
+-bool ShowReadStatistics;
++EXTERN bool ShowReadStatistics;
+ /*!
+ If \c true, the read statistics also includes the percent of the number of lines read.
+ Beware that it requires two readings of the input log file. It is not possible if the
+ input log file is stdin or a pipe.
+ */
+-bool ShowReadPercent;
+-char IndexSortOrder[5];
+-char DansGuardianConf[MAXLEN];
+-bool DansguardianFilterOutDate;
+-char SquidGuardConf[MAXLEN];
+-char SquidGuarddbHome[255];
+-char RedirectorLogFormat[4096];
+-int NRedirectorLogs;
+-int RedirectorLogFromCmdLine;
+-bool RedirectorFilterOutDate;
+-bool ShowSargInfo;
+-bool BytesInSitesUsersReport;
+-bool ShowSargLogo;
+-char ParsedOutputLog[MAXLEN];
+-char ParsedOutputLogCompress[512];
+-unsigned long int DisplayedValues;
+-char HeaderFontSize[5];
+-char TitleFontSize[5];
+-char wwwDocumentRoot[MAXLEN];
+-char ExternalCSSFile[MAXLEN];
+-char BlockIt[255];
+-unsigned long int NtlmUserFormat;
++EXTERN bool ShowReadPercent;
++EXTERN char IndexSortOrder[5];
++EXTERN char DansGuardianConf[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN bool DansguardianFilterOutDate;
++EXTERN char SquidGuardConf[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char SquidGuarddbHome[255];
++EXTERN char RedirectorLogFormat[4096];
++EXTERN int NRedirectorLogs;
++EXTERN int RedirectorLogFromCmdLine;
++EXTERN bool RedirectorFilterOutDate;
++EXTERN bool ShowSargInfo;
++EXTERN bool BytesInSitesUsersReport;
++EXTERN bool ShowSargLogo;
++EXTERN char ParsedOutputLog[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char ParsedOutputLogCompress[512];
++EXTERN unsigned long int DisplayedValues;
++EXTERN char HeaderFontSize[5];
++EXTERN char TitleFontSize[5];
++EXTERN char wwwDocumentRoot[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char ExternalCSSFile[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char BlockIt[255];
++EXTERN unsigned long int NtlmUserFormat;
+ //! How to display the index of the reports.
+-unsigned long int IndexTree;
++EXTERN unsigned long int IndexTree;
+ //! The columns to show in the index of the reports.
+-unsigned long int IndexFields;
+-bool UserAuthentication;
+-char AuthUserTemplateFile[1024];
++EXTERN unsigned long int IndexFields;
++EXTERN bool UserAuthentication;
++EXTERN char AuthUserTemplateFile[1024];
+ //! \c True to use anonymous file and directory names in the report.
+-bool AnonymousOutputFiles;
+-char val1[MAXLEN];
+-char val3[MAXLEN];
+-char val5[MAXLEN];
+-char val6[MAXLEN];
+-char val7[MAXLEN];
+-char val8[MAXLEN];
+-char val9[MAXLEN];
+-char val10[MAXLEN];
+-char val11[MAXLEN];
+-char mask[MAXLEN];
+-char site[MAXLEN];
+-char us[50];
+-char email[MAXLEN];
+-char test[1];
+-char user2[MAXLEN];
+-char wentp[512];
+-char addr[MAXLEN];
+-char Ulimit[6];
+-char RealtimeTypes[1024];
+-char cmd[255];
+-char ImageFile[255];
+-unsigned long int RealtimeUnauthRec;
+-char LDAPHost[255];
+-char LDAPBindDN[512];
+-char LDAPBindPW[255];
+-int LDAPPort;
+-int LDAPProtocolVersion;
+-char LDAPBaseSearch[255];
+-char LDAPFilterSearch[512];
+-char LDAPTargetAttr[64];
++EXTERN bool AnonymousOutputFiles;
++EXTERN char val1[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char val3[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char val5[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char val6[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char val7[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char val8[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char val9[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char val10[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char val11[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char mask[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char site[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char us[50];
++EXTERN char email[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char test[1];
++EXTERN char user2[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char wentp[512];
++EXTERN char addr[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char Ulimit[6];
++EXTERN char RealtimeTypes[1024];
++EXTERN char cmd[255];
++EXTERN char ImageFile[255];
++EXTERN unsigned long int RealtimeUnauthRec;
++EXTERN char LDAPHost[255];
++EXTERN char LDAPBindDN[512];
++EXTERN char LDAPBindPW[255];
++EXTERN int LDAPPort;
++EXTERN int LDAPProtocolVersion;
++EXTERN char LDAPBaseSearch[255];
++EXTERN char LDAPFilterSearch[512];
++EXTERN char LDAPTargetAttr[64];
+ //! Character set to convert the LDAP returned string to.
+-char LDAPNativeCharset[20];
+-char GraphFont[MAXLEN];
++EXTERN char LDAPNativeCharset[20];
++EXTERN char GraphFont[MAXLEN];
+ //! The full path to sorttable.js if the table in the reports must be dynamicaly sorted.
+-char SortTableJs[256];
++EXTERN char SortTableJs[256];
+ //! The name of the file containing the host names to replace by an alias in the report.
+-char HostAliasFile[512];
++EXTERN char HostAliasFile[512];
+ //! The name of the file containing the user names to replace by an alias in the report.
+-char UserAliasFile[512];
++EXTERN char UserAliasFile[512];
+ //! The number of consecutive errors allowed in an input log file before the process is interrupted.
+-int NumLogSuccessiveErrors;
++EXTERN int NumLogSuccessiveErrors;
+ /*!
+ The total number of errors allowed in an input log file before the process is interrupted. A negative
+ value means the process should never fails irrespective of the number of errors found in the input
+ log files.
+ */
+-int NumLogTotalErrors;
++EXTERN int NumLogTotalErrors;
+ //! Count the number of lines read from the input log files.
+-unsigned long int lines_read;
++EXTERN unsigned long int lines_read;
+ //! Count the number of records kept for the processing.
+-unsigned long int records_kept;
++EXTERN unsigned long int records_kept;
+ //! Count the number of users.
+-unsigned long int nusers;
++EXTERN unsigned long int nusers;
+-int  idate;
+-int  dansguardian_count;
+-int  redirector_count;
+-int  useragent_count;
+-int  z1, z2, z3;
+-int  ttopen;
+-int  sarglog;
+-int  isalog;
+-bool dataonly;
+-bool indexonly;
+-bool iprel;
+-int  langcode;
+-int  debug;
+-int  debugz;
+-int  AuthfailReportLimit;
+-int  DeniedReportLimit;
+-int  DownloadReportLimit;
+-int  SiteUsersReportLimit;
+-int  DansGuardianReportLimit;
+-int  SquidGuardReportLimit;
+-int  UserReportLimit;
+-int  realtime_refresh;
+-int  realtime_access_log_lines;
+-int  rc;
+-int  ntopsites;
+-int  nrepday;
+-bool  squid24;
++EXTERN int  idate;
++EXTERN int  dansguardian_count;
++EXTERN int  redirector_count;
++EXTERN int  useragent_count;
++EXTERN int  z1, z2, z3;
++EXTERN int  ttopen;
++EXTERN int  sarglog;
++EXTERN int  isalog;
++EXTERN bool dataonly;
++EXTERN bool indexonly;
++EXTERN bool iprel;
++EXTERN int  langcode;
++EXTERN int  debug;
++EXTERN int  debugz;
++EXTERN int  AuthfailReportLimit;
++EXTERN int  DeniedReportLimit;
++EXTERN int  DownloadReportLimit;
++EXTERN int  SiteUsersReportLimit;
++EXTERN int  DansGuardianReportLimit;
++EXTERN int  SquidGuardReportLimit;
++EXTERN int  UserReportLimit;
++EXTERN int  realtime_refresh;
++EXTERN int  realtime_access_log_lines;
++EXTERN int  rc;
++EXTERN int  ntopsites;
++EXTERN int  nrepday;
++EXTERN bool  squid24;
+ //! \c True to keep the temporary files for inspection.
+-bool KeepTempLog;
++EXTERN bool KeepTempLog;
+-long long int nocost;
+-float cost;
++EXTERN long long int nocost;
++EXTERN float cost;
+diff -wbBur sarg-2.4.0/util.c sarg-2.4.0.my/util.c
+--- sarg-2.4.0/util.c	2019-12-25 00:35:19.000000000 +0300
++++ sarg-2.4.0.my/util.c	2021-05-18 00:43:25.538100279 +0300
+@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
+ // #define LEGACY_MY_ATOLL
++#define UTIL 1
+ #include "include/conf.h"
+ #include "include/defs.h"

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