[arch-commits] Commit in python-distributed/repos/community-x86_64 (PKGBUILD PKGBUILD)

Bruno Pagani archange at gemini.archlinux.org
Thu Oct 28 13:46:29 UTC 2021

    Date: Thursday, October 28, 2021 @ 13:46:29
  Author: archange
Revision: 1034865

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 1034864, python-distributed/trunk/PKGBUILD)

 PKGBUILD |  149 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 file changed, 75 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2021-10-28 13:46:03 UTC (rev 1034864)
+++ PKGBUILD	2021-10-28 13:46:29 UTC (rev 1034865)
@@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Bruno Pagani <archange at archlinux.org>
-pkgdesc="Distributed task scheduler for Dask"
-    python
-    python-click
-    python-cloudpickle
-    python-dask
-    python-jinja
-    python-msgpack
-    python-psutil
-    python-setuptools
-    python-sortedcontainers
-    python-tblib
-    python-toolz
-    python-tornado
-    python-yaml
-    python-zict
-    python-pytest
-    python-pytest-asyncio
-    python-pytest-repeat
-    python-pytest-timeout
-    python-blosc
-    python-cryptography
-    python-distributed
-    python-fsspec
-    python-h5py
-    python-ipykernel
-    python-ipywidgets
-    python-joblib
-    python-jsonschema
-    python-jupyter_client
-    python-lz4
-    python-netcdf4
-    python-numpy
-    python-pandas
-    python-paramiko
-    python-prometheus_client
-    python-pytorch
-    python-requests
-    python-scipy
-    python-snappy
-    python-zstandard
-build() {
-  cd ${_pkg}-${pkgver}
-  python setup.py build --with-cython
-# Timing out, no time to investigate
-#check() {
-#  cd ${_pkg}-${pkgver}
-#  pytest distributed -v -rsxfE -m "not avoid_ci" --color=yes
-package() {
-  cd ${_pkg}-${pkgver}
-  python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize=1 --skip-build --with-cython
-  install -Dm644 LICENSE.txt -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/

Copied: python-distributed/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 1034864, python-distributed/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2021-10-28 13:46:29 UTC (rev 1034865)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+# Maintainer: Bruno Pagani <archange at archlinux.org>
+pkgdesc="Distributed task scheduler for Dask"
+    python
+    python-click
+    python-cloudpickle
+    python-dask
+    python-jinja
+    python-msgpack
+    python-psutil
+    python-setuptools
+    python-sortedcontainers
+    python-tblib
+    python-toolz
+    python-tornado
+    python-yaml
+    python-zict
+    python-pytest
+    python-pytest-asyncio
+    python-pytest-repeat
+    python-pytest-timeout
+    python-blosc
+    python-cryptography
+    python-distributed
+    python-fsspec
+    python-h5py
+    python-ipykernel
+    python-ipywidgets
+    python-joblib
+    python-jsonschema
+    python-jupyter_client
+    python-lz4
+    python-netcdf4
+    python-numpy
+    python-pandas
+    python-paramiko
+    python-prometheus_client
+    python-pytorch
+    python-requests
+    python-scipy
+    python-snappy
+    python-zstandard
+# No tests in PyPi tarballs
+build() {
+  cd ${_pkg}-${pkgver}
+  python setup.py build --with-cython
+# Timing out, no time to investigate
+#check() {
+#  cd ${_pkg}-${pkgver}
+#  pytest distributed -v -rsxfE -m "not avoid_ci" --color=yes
+package() {
+  cd ${_pkg}-${pkgver}
+  python setup.py install --prefix=/usr --root="${pkgdir}" --optimize=1 --skip-build --with-cython
+  install -Dm644 LICENSE.txt -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/

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