[arch-commits] Commit in gitlab-shell/repos (6 files)
Anatol Pomozov
anatolik at gemini.archlinux.org
Sun Sep 26 20:21:50 UTC 2021
Date: Sunday, September 26, 2021 @ 20:21:49
Author: anatolik
Revision: 1025703
archrelease: copy trunk to community-testing-x86_64
(from rev 1025702, gitlab-shell/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 1025702, gitlab-shell/trunk/configs.patch)
(from rev 1025702, gitlab-shell/trunk/gitlab-shell.gitconfig)
(from rev 1025702, gitlab-shell/trunk/gitlab-shell.install)
(from rev 1025702, gitlab-shell/trunk/gitlab-shell.sysusers)
PKGBUILD | 101 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
configs.patch | 65 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
gitlab-shell.gitconfig | 12 +++++
gitlab-shell.install | 9 ++++
gitlab-shell.sysusers | 1
5 files changed, 188 insertions(+)
Copied: gitlab-shell/repos/community-testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 1025702, gitlab-shell/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ community-testing-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2021-09-26 20:21:49 UTC (rev 1025703)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+# Maintainer: Anatol Pomozov <anatol dot pomozov at gmail>
+# Contributor: Sven-Hendrik Haase <svenstaro at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Pavol (Lopo) Hluchy <lopo AT losys DOT eu>
+# Contributor: Massimiliano Torromeo <massimiliano.torromeo at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Jonas Heinrich <onny at project-insnaity.org>
+# Contributor: Lee Watson <aur at revthefox.co.uk>
+# Contributor: Tobias Hunger <tobias DOT hunger AT gmail DOT com>
+# Contributor: Stefan Tatschner <stefan at sevenbyte.org>
+# NOTE: Gitlab isn't always compatible with modern Ruby versions. In that case, check the
+# commit log for an old fix on how to tell it to use older versions of Ruby. I'm afraid we'll
+# need this again at some point in the future.
+pkgdesc="Git management software"
+depends=('ruby' 'redis' 'git')
+ "etc/webapps/${pkgname}/secret"
+ "etc/webapps/${pkgname}/.gitconfig")
+ "configs.patch"
+ "gitlab-shell.gitconfig"
+ "gitlab-shell.sysusers")
+ '13c0fb88693e787f2960059985713d7ffb6d2fa51d9dbcba9c9562ae91e74bd3963efc63837cd19c5441fb5835d0c8eafd3285bea6676168f7b111a08fb086a7'
+ 'cb8003f2ce8013fcd807aae6d66c22c3a767e74d569bd69aaa5a54b84a36135d25b3af57861f858f8f407e089ff69ff5c325bf065c6051ce8fa197fab70470b8'
+ '616188911fa7b7c569bc2d5e2024177e67366c48b4ffef1f7ad4dc8e4e9e2cdb421b687f45a1e9bdec8bf2736a157ca9f1e0ba24edae2f073b8c7b5ac42745e8')
+prepare() {
+ cd ${_srcdir}
+ patch -p1 < ../configs.patch
+ # At this point config file should not contain any references to '/home/git'
+build() {
+ cd ${_srcdir}
+ export CGO_CFLAGS="${CFLAGS}"
+ export GOFLAGS="-buildmode=pie -trimpath -mod=readonly -modcacherw"
+ make build
+package() {
+ cd ${_srcdir}
+ install -dm755 -o root -g root "${pkgdir}${_datadir}"
+ install -dm750 -o 105 -g 105 "${pkgdir}${_homedir}"
+ install -dm750 -o 105 -g 105 "${pkgdir}${_homedir}/satellites"
+ install -dm700 -o 105 -g 105 "${pkgdir}${_homedir}/.ssh"
+ install -dm750 -o 105 -g 105 "${pkgdir}${_etcdir}"
+ install -dm770 -o 105 -g root "${pkgdir}${_logdir}"
+ # sysusers
+ install -Dm644 "${srcdir}/gitlab-shell.sysusers" "${pkgdir}/usr/lib/sysusers.d/gitlab-shell.conf"
+ # .gitconfig
+ install -Dm644 -o 105 -g 105 "${srcdir}/gitlab-shell.gitconfig" "${pkgdir}${_etcdir}/.gitconfig"
+ ln -fs "${_etcdir}/.gitconfig" "${pkgdir}${_homedir}/.gitconfig"
+ # .gitlab_shell_secret
+ touch "${pkgdir}${_etcdir}/secret"
+ chmod 640 "${pkgdir}${_etcdir}/secret"
+ chown root:105 "${pkgdir}${_etcdir}/secret"
+ ln -fs "${_etcdir}/secret" "${pkgdir}${_datadir}/.gitlab_shell_secret"
+ # config.yml
+ install -Dm644 config.yml.example "${pkgdir}${_etcdir}/config.yml"
+ ln -fs "${_etcdir}/config.yml" "${pkgdir}${_datadir}/config.yml"
+ cp -r VERSION bin spec support "${pkgdir}${_datadir}"
+ ln -fs "${_datadir}" "${pkgdir}/${_homedir}/"
+ # Compatibility for FS#64251
+ ln -s gitlab-shell "${pkgdir}"/${_datadir}/bin/gitlab-shell-ruby
+ install -dm2770 -o 105 -g 105 "${pkgdir}${_homedir}/repositories"
+ install -Dm644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
+ install -Dm644 README.md "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/README.md"
+# vim:set ts=2 sw=2 et:
Copied: gitlab-shell/repos/community-testing-x86_64/configs.patch (from rev 1025702, gitlab-shell/trunk/configs.patch)
--- community-testing-x86_64/configs.patch (rev 0)
+++ community-testing-x86_64/configs.patch 2021-09-26 20:21:49 UTC (rev 1025703)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+commit 91264d5a92bbc464f77fac14e3076e7264cf6513
+Author: Anatol Pomozov <anatol.pomozov at gmail.com>
+Date: Tue May 26 00:39:46 2020 -0700
+ Patch config files with Arch Linux specific locations
+ Arch uses upstream's default config files as a base for its configs.
+ But directory structure at Arch is completely different from the default
+ one specified by gitlab project.
+ We used to have a lot of seds expressions to adjust the files but as
+ complexity of configs grew 'sed' makes it easy to miss a changed/added
+ option.
+ Track set of diffs as a patch. If upstream modifies config file then it
+ will cause a conflict that needs to be reviewed manually.
+diff --git a/config.yml.example b/config.yml.example
+index 645cb88..b99e965 100644
+--- a/config.yml.example
++++ b/config.yml.example
+@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
+ #
+ # GitLab user. git by default
+-user: git
++user: gitlab
+ # URL to GitLab instance, used for API calls. Default: http://localhost:8080.
+ # For relative URL support read http://doc.gitlab.com/ce/install/relative_url.html
+@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ user: git
+ # only listen on a Unix domain socket. For Unix domain sockets use
+ # "http+unix://<urlquoted-path-to-socket>", e.g.
+ # "http+unix://%2Fpath%2Fto%2Fsocket"
+-gitlab_url: "http+unix://%2Fhome%2Fgit%2Fgitlab%2Ftmp%2Fsockets%2Fgitlab-workhorse.socket"
++gitlab_url: "http+unix://%2Frun%2Fgitlab%2Fgitlab-workhorse.socket"
+ # When a http+unix:// is used in gitlab_url, this is the relative URL root to GitLab.
+ # Not used if gitlab_url is http:// or https://.
+@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ http_settings:
+ self_signed_cert: false
+ # File used as authorized_keys for gitlab user
+-auth_file: "/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys"
++auth_file: "/var/lib/gitlab/.ssh/authorized_keys"
+ # SSL certificate dir where custom certificates can be placed
+ # https://golang.org/pkg/crypto/x509/
+@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ auth_file: "/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys"
+ # File that contains the secret key for verifying access to GitLab.
+ # Default is .gitlab_shell_secret in the gitlab-shell directory.
+-# secret_file: "/home/git/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret"
++secret_file: "/var/lib/gitlab/gitlab-shell/.gitlab_shell_secret"
+ #
+ # The secret field supersedes the secret_file, and if set that
+ # file will not be read.
+@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ auth_file: "/home/git/.ssh/authorized_keys"
+ # Log file.
+ # Default is gitlab-shell.log in the root directory.
+-# log_file: "/home/git/gitlab-shell/gitlab-shell.log"
++log_file: "/var/log/gitlab/gitlab-shell.log"
+ # Log level. INFO by default
+ log_level: INFO
Copied: gitlab-shell/repos/community-testing-x86_64/gitlab-shell.gitconfig (from rev 1025702, gitlab-shell/trunk/gitlab-shell.gitconfig)
--- community-testing-x86_64/gitlab-shell.gitconfig (rev 0)
+++ community-testing-x86_64/gitlab-shell.gitconfig 2021-09-26 20:21:49 UTC (rev 1025703)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+ name = GitLab
+ email = gitlab at localhost
+ autocrlf = input
+ fsyncObjectFiles = true
+ advertisePushOptions = true
+ auto = 0
+ writeBitmaps = true
Copied: gitlab-shell/repos/community-testing-x86_64/gitlab-shell.install (from rev 1025702, gitlab-shell/trunk/gitlab-shell.install)
--- community-testing-x86_64/gitlab-shell.install (rev 0)
+++ community-testing-x86_64/gitlab-shell.install 2021-09-26 20:21:49 UTC (rev 1025703)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+post_install() {
+ echo "Configure gitlab-shell in /etc/webapps/gitlab-shell/config.yml"
+ echo "Put a secret bytestring to /etc/webapps/gitlab-shell/secret"
+post_upgrade() {
+ echo "If you have previously installed gitlab-shell and now git pull fails on a repo, try changing the shell:"
+ echo "usermod -s /usr/share/webapps/gitlab-shell/bin/gitlab-shell gitlab"
Copied: gitlab-shell/repos/community-testing-x86_64/gitlab-shell.sysusers (from rev 1025702, gitlab-shell/trunk/gitlab-shell.sysusers)
--- community-testing-x86_64/gitlab-shell.sysusers (rev 0)
+++ community-testing-x86_64/gitlab-shell.sysusers 2021-09-26 20:21:49 UTC (rev 1025703)
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+u gitlab 105 - /var/lib/gitlab /usr/share/webapps/gitlab-shell/bin/gitlab-shell
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