[arch-commits] Commit in filemanager-actions/repos/community-x86_64 (6 files)

Antonio Rojas arojas at gemini.archlinux.org
Mon Apr 25 07:16:15 UTC 2022

    Date: Monday, April 25, 2022 @ 07:16:15
  Author: arojas
Revision: 1189986

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 1189985, filemanager-actions/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 1189985, filemanager-actions/trunk/filemanager-actions.appdata.xml)
    (from rev 1189985, filemanager-actions/trunk/yelp-tools.patch)

 PKGBUILD                        |  100 +--
 filemanager-actions.appdata.xml |   42 -
 yelp-tools.patch                | 1118 +++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 3 files changed, 630 insertions(+), 630 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2022-04-25 07:16:02 UTC (rev 1189985)
+++ PKGBUILD	2022-04-25 07:16:15 UTC (rev 1189986)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Balló György <ballogyor+arch at gmail dot com>
-# Contributor: Ionut Biru <ibiru at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Roman Kyrylych <roman at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: Tor Krill <tor at krill.nu>
-pkgdesc="File-manager extension which offers user configurable context menu actions"
-depends=('gtk3' 'libgtop')
-makedepends=('intltool' 'caja' 'libnautilus-extension' 'nemo' 'yelp-tools')
-optdepends=('caja: supported file manager'
-            'nautilus: supported file manager'
-            'nemo: supported file manager')
-replaces=('caja-actions' 'caja-actions-gtk3' 'nautilus-actions')
-        yelp-tools.patch
-        filemanager-actions.appdata.xml)
-            '4dbe842a20739c05a2d8c62ab7691cfc47669d6a032ad04381624650691d7e6d'
-            'b8f9057e535631d6164581763e49c2e480c02a9f75757528f2df26aa182d4670')
-prepare() {
-  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
-  # Fix icon name
-  sed -i 's/Icon=fma-config-tool/Icon=filemanager-actions/' src/ui/fma-config-tool.desktop.in
-  # Don't use deprecated gnome-doc-utils
-  sed -i 's/ghelp:filemanager-actions-config-tool/help:fma-config-tool/' src/ui/fma-menu.c
-  sed -i 's/ghelp:/help:/g' docs/manual/*/*.{xml,po}
-  mv docs/manual/C/{fma-config-tool.xml,index.docbook}
-  patch -Np1 -i ../yelp-tools.patch
-  autoreconf -fi
-build() {
-  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
-  ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libexecdir=/usr/lib
-  sed -i -e 's/ -shared / -Wl,-O1,--as-needed\0/g' libtool
-  make
-  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
-  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
-  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname.appdata.xml" "$pkgdir/usr/share/metainfo/$pkgname.appdata.xml"

Copied: filemanager-actions/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 1189985, filemanager-actions/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2022-04-25 07:16:15 UTC (rev 1189986)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+# Maintainer: Balló György <ballogyor+arch at gmail dot com>
+# Contributor: Ionut Biru <ibiru at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Roman Kyrylych <roman at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Tor Krill <tor at krill.nu>
+pkgdesc="File-manager extension which offers user configurable context menu actions"
+depends=('gtk3' 'libgtop')
+makedepends=('intltool' 'caja' 'libnautilus-extension' 'nemo' 'yelp-tools' 'gtk-doc')
+optdepends=('caja: supported file manager'
+            'nautilus: supported file manager'
+            'nemo: supported file manager')
+replaces=('caja-actions' 'caja-actions-gtk3' 'nautilus-actions')
+        yelp-tools.patch
+        filemanager-actions.appdata.xml)
+            '4dbe842a20739c05a2d8c62ab7691cfc47669d6a032ad04381624650691d7e6d'
+            'b8f9057e535631d6164581763e49c2e480c02a9f75757528f2df26aa182d4670')
+prepare() {
+  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
+  # Fix icon name
+  sed -i 's/Icon=fma-config-tool/Icon=filemanager-actions/' src/ui/fma-config-tool.desktop.in
+  # Don't use deprecated gnome-doc-utils
+  sed -i 's/ghelp:filemanager-actions-config-tool/help:fma-config-tool/' src/ui/fma-menu.c
+  sed -i 's/ghelp:/help:/g' docs/manual/*/*.{xml,po}
+  mv docs/manual/C/{fma-config-tool.xml,index.docbook}
+  patch -Np1 -i ../yelp-tools.patch
+  autoreconf -fi
+build() {
+  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
+  ./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc --localstatedir=/var --libexecdir=/usr/lib
+  sed -i -e 's/ -shared / -Wl,-O1,--as-needed\0/g' libtool
+  make
+  cd $pkgname-$pkgver
+  make DESTDIR="$pkgdir" install
+  install -Dm644 "$srcdir/$pkgname.appdata.xml" "$pkgdir/usr/share/metainfo/$pkgname.appdata.xml"

Deleted: filemanager-actions.appdata.xml
--- filemanager-actions.appdata.xml	2022-04-25 07:16:02 UTC (rev 1189985)
+++ filemanager-actions.appdata.xml	2022-04-25 07:16:15 UTC (rev 1189986)
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<component type="desktop-application">
-  <id>org.gnome.filemanager_actions</id>
-  <launchable type="desktop-id">fma-config-tool.desktop</launchable>
-  <name>FileManager-Actions</name>
-  <summary>Configure items to be added to the File-Manager context menus</summary>
-  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
-  <project_license>GPL-2.0</project_license>
-  <description>
-      <p>FileManager-Actions is an extension for Nautilus file manager which allows the user to add arbitrary program to be launched through the Nautilus file manager popup menu of selected files.</p>
-  </description>
-  <screenshots>
-    <screenshot type="default">
-      <image>https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/filemanager-actions/-/raw/master/docs/manual/C/figures/fma-action-tab.png</image>
-    </screenshot>
-  </screenshots>
-  <url type="bugtracker">https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/filemanager-actions/issues</url>
-  <url type="homepage">https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/filemanager-actions</url>
-  <update_contact>pwieser at trychlos.org</update_contact>
-  <translation type="gettext">filemanager-actions</translation>

Copied: filemanager-actions/repos/community-x86_64/filemanager-actions.appdata.xml (from rev 1189985, filemanager-actions/trunk/filemanager-actions.appdata.xml)
--- filemanager-actions.appdata.xml	                        (rev 0)
+++ filemanager-actions.appdata.xml	2022-04-25 07:16:15 UTC (rev 1189986)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<component type="desktop-application">
+  <id>org.gnome.filemanager_actions</id>
+  <launchable type="desktop-id">fma-config-tool.desktop</launchable>
+  <name>FileManager-Actions</name>
+  <summary>Configure items to be added to the File-Manager context menus</summary>
+  <metadata_license>CC0-1.0</metadata_license>
+  <project_license>GPL-2.0</project_license>
+  <description>
+      <p>FileManager-Actions is an extension for Nautilus file manager which allows the user to add arbitrary program to be launched through the Nautilus file manager popup menu of selected files.</p>
+  </description>
+  <screenshots>
+    <screenshot type="default">
+      <image>https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/filemanager-actions/-/raw/master/docs/manual/C/figures/fma-action-tab.png</image>
+    </screenshot>
+  </screenshots>
+  <url type="bugtracker">https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/filemanager-actions/issues</url>
+  <url type="homepage">https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/filemanager-actions</url>
+  <update_contact>pwieser at trychlos.org</update_contact>
+  <translation type="gettext">filemanager-actions</translation>

Deleted: yelp-tools.patch
--- yelp-tools.patch	2022-04-25 07:16:02 UTC (rev 1189985)
+++ yelp-tools.patch	2022-04-25 07:16:15 UTC (rev 1189986)
@@ -1,559 +0,0 @@
-diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
-index 6618306f..6129c611 100644
---- a/configure.ac
-+++ b/configure.ac
-@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ fi
- # check for gnome-doc-utils
- # - starting with N-A 3.1.5, gnome-doc-utils is no more required when one want
- #   compile the tarball distribution (i.e. without regenerating users's manuals)
- # add --enable-html-manuals and --enable-pdf-manuals configure options
-diff --git a/docs/manual/Makefile.am b/docs/manual/Makefile.am
-index e7d1e44c..8eabfa2d 100644
---- a/docs/manual/Makefile.am
-+++ b/docs/manual/Makefile.am
-@@ -24,61 +24,34 @@
- #   Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo at gnome-db.org>
- #   Pierre Wieser <pwieser at trychlos.org>
- #   ... and many others (see AUTHORS)
--# from Migrating your documentation to gnome-doc-utils
--# http://live.gnome.org/GnomeDocUtilsMigrationHowTo
--# The gnome-doc-utils packages produces the FileManager-Actions
--# Configuration Tool Users's Manual as DocBook XML documents, suitable
--# for Yelp, the Gnome help system.
--# At install time, it installs these .xml help files
--# in <datadir>/gnome/help/fma-config-tool/<lang>.
--# Missing tranlated images are replaced with symlinks to
--# ../../C/figures/<image.png>.
--# --enable-html-manuals (resp. --enable-pdf-manuals) are configure
--# options which produce HTML (resp. PDF) formats. These options are
--# always enabled when making distcheck, so that all output formats for
--# all known locales are always included in the distributed tarball.
--# Do not confuse gnome-doc-utils which targets the help documentation
--# of the Gnome (i.e. gui) applications, and that we are using here to
--# generate html and pdf FMACT user's manuals, with gtk-doc which rather
--# targets the developer documentation (see docs/reference).
--# Do not use the $(NULL) syntax here as this may prevent Damned-Lies
--# to correctly generate POT files (cf. mail of Claude Paroz 2010-08-29
--# http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2010-August/msg00229.html).
--DOC_MODULE = fma-config-tool
--#DOC_ENTITIES = $(patsubst $(srcdir)/C/%,%,$(shell \ls -1 $(srcdir)/C/*.xml | $(GREP) -v $(DOC_MODULE)))
--	appendix-gnu-fdl-1.3.xml						\
--	articleinfo.xml									\
--	fma-bugs.xml									\
--	fma-conditions.xml								\
--	fma-config-tool.xml								\
--	fma-edit.xml									\
--	fma-execution.xml								\
--	fma-export.xml									\
--	fma-import.xml									\
--	fma-menus.xml									\
--	fma-misc.xml									\
--	fma-prefs.xml									\
--	fma-profiles.xml								\
--	fma-properties.xml								\
--	fma-save.xml									\
--	fma-sorting.xml									\
--	fma-starting.xml								\
--	fma-where.xml									\
--	legalnotice.xml
--#DOC_FIGURES = $(patsubst $(srcdir)/C/%,%,$(shell \ls -1 $(srcdir)/C/figures/*.png))
-+HELP_ID = fma-config-tool
-+HELP_FILES = index.docbook
-+       appendix-gnu-fdl-1.3.xml                                                \
-+       articleinfo.xml                                                                 \
-+       fma-bugs.xml                                                                    \
-+       fma-conditions.xml                                                              \
-+       fma-edit.xml                                                                    \
-+       fma-execution.xml                                                               \
-+       fma-export.xml                                                                  \
-+       fma-import.xml                                                                  \
-+       fma-menus.xml                                                                   \
-+       fma-misc.xml                                                                    \
-+       fma-prefs.xml                                                                   \
-+       fma-profiles.xml                                                                \
-+       fma-properties.xml                                                              \
-+       fma-save.xml                                                                    \
-+       fma-sorting.xml                                                                 \
-+       fma-starting.xml                                                                \
-+       fma-where.xml                                                                   \
-+       legalnotice.xml
- 	figures/add.png									\
- 	figures/fma-action-tab.png						\
- 	figures/fma-basenames-tab.png					\
-@@ -132,451 +105,6 @@ DOC_FIGURES = \
- 	figures/start-zenity-result.png					\
- 	figures/stock-icon-about.png
--include $(top_srcdir)/gnome-doc-utils.make
--# the name of the directory which contains the HTML user's manual
- TARGET_DIR = fma-config-tool
--#DOC_LINGUAS = $(patsubst $(srcdir)/%,%,$(shell find $(srcdir) -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | $(GREP) -v $(srcdir)/C))
--DOC_LINGUAS = de el es fr sl
--# doc-dist-hook is the dist hook provided by gnome-doc-utils.make
--# it distributes both C (original) and generated (translated) .xml files,
--# but not generated .omf files
--dist-hook: omf-dist-hook doc-dist-hook manuals-dist-hook
--# Distributing .omf files is required if we want the user be able to
--# get rid of gnome-doc-utils
--	@for lc in C $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
--		omf="$(DOC_MODULE)-$$lc.omf"; \
--		if test -f $(builddir)/$$omf; then d=$(builddir); \
--		elif test -f $(srcdir)/$$lc/$$omf; then d=$(srcdir)/$$lc; fi; \
--		if test -f "$$d/$$omf"; then \
--			if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  Distributing $$omf"; fi; \
--			$(MKDIR_P) $(distdir)/$$lc; \
--			cmd="cp $$d/$$omf $(distdir)/$$lc/"; eval $$cmd; \
--			if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo $$cmd; fi; \
--		fi; \
--	done
--# gnome-doc-utils doesn't provide by itself html nor pdf targets
--# generate these formats here
--# set to '-v' to be verbose (much verbose!)
--#opt_verbose =
--opt_verbose = -v
--pkgdocdir = $(datarootdir)/doc/@PACKAGE at -@VERSION@
--all-local: all-manuals
--#all-manuals: install-C-xml all-html-manuals all-pdf-manuals
--all-manuals: install-C-xml all-html-manuals 
--# this install-data-local target below is executed after the 
--# gnome-doc-utils.make install-data-local target (and this is an
--# unexpected, though welcome, behavior)
--install-data-local: install-manuals
--#install-manuals: install-html-manuals install-pdf-manuals
--install-manuals: install-html-manuals
--#uninstall-local: uninstall-manuals
--uninstall-doc-html: uninstall-manuals
--uninstall-manuals: uninstall-html-manuals uninstall-pdf-manuals
--#manuals-dist-hook: html-manuals-dist-hook pdf-manuals-dist-hook
--manuals-dist-hook: html-manuals-dist-hook
--# when building the manuals, C source files are in srcdir, while all
--# other xml files are in builddir - installing C xml sources in builddir
--# so that all rules apply
--	@if ! test -f C/$(DOC_MODULE).xml; then \
--		echo "Installing C xml source files in $(abs_builddir)"; \
--		$(MKDIR_P) C; cp -v $(srcdir)/C/*.xml C/; \
--	fi
--	@echo "Removing C xml source files from $(abs_builddir)"
--	@if test "$(abs_srcdir)" != "$(abs_builddir)"; then \
--		rm -vf C/*.xml; \
--	fi
--# _DOC_LC_DOCS is the list of the translated (not C) DOC_MODULE.xml files
--# we so are sure that they exist and are up to date
--# (path is .po ->[msgfmt]-> .mo ->[xml2po]-> .xml)
--# Build HTML manuals as $(builddir)/<lang>/<module>.html
--# We have two alternative for generating HTML manual:
--# - gnome-doc-tool (from gnome-doc-utils package)
--# - db2html (from docbook-utils package)
--# The actual tool to be used may be specified as an argument of
--# --enable-html-manuals configure option. It defaults to gnome-doc-tool.
--# gnome-doc-tool <format> -o <dir> -d0 nautilus-actions-config-tool.xml
--# - format: output format (html)
--# - dir: output directory
--# -d0: nochunks
--# The produced output is very close of what Yelp gives, with in particular
--# a summary in each chapter while db2html does not produce it.
--# As of v 0.20.1:
--# - does not produce the legal and abstract sections in top of the document
--# - does not honor external links: they are converted to simple links
--#   which target the same frame window.
--# - embeds references to 'admon-xxx' images (which are the equivalent
--#   of db2html's 'stylesheet-images' ones), but does not provide them
--#   (see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=636175)
--#   and so we 'manually' copy them as a "admon/" subdirectory
--#   the same way db2html does
--# - does not honor the base directory of the source document, only
--#   searching for extern entities in the current working directory
--#   (see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=664784)
--# gnome-doc-tool is so our preferred tool for its proximity with Yelp
--# and the summary in top of the chapters.
--# db2html --nochunks nautilus-actions-config-tool.xml
--# Generate the html document(s).
--# As of
--# - does produce the legal and abstract sections in top of the document
--# - creates a stylesheet-images/ subdirectory
--# - does not honor external links: they are converted to simple links
--#   which target the same frame window
--# - may create docbook2html-dir(.junk) subdirectories when it is run
--#   without argument
--#   (see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=756930)
--# - begins by emptying the target directory, even if it also contains
--#   the source file
--# When building HTML and PDF formats from XML sources, note that the
--# .xml documents default to be read from <srcdir> for the C version,
--# and from <builddir> for translated ones.
--MANUALS_HTML = $(MANUALS_XML:%.xml=%.html)
--all-html-manuals: $(MANUALS_HTML)
--# The rule here is: only rebuild html/ files if corresponding xml has changed
--# .xml themselves are distributed, so are not modified when building from a
--# distributed package.
--$(MANUALS_HTML): %.html: %.xml
--	@ftarget=$@; \
--	if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  HTML   $$ftarget building..."; fi; \
--	lc=$${ftarget%/*}; \
--	if test "x$(WITH_DB2HTML)" = "xyes"; then $(call exec_db2html,$$lc); fi; \
--	if test "x$(WITH_GDT)" = "xyes"; then $(call exec_g_d_t,$$lc); fi; \
--	if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  HTML   $$ftarget done"; fi
--# execute gnome-doc-tool
--# install admon/ images now to keep consistent with db2html which
--# installs its stylesheet-images/ at build time
--# as a result, admon/stylesheet images will be copied once for each
--# language, instead of begin symlinked (a small inconvenience)
--# 1. locale
--exec_g_d_t = \
--	fxml=$(DOC_MODULE).xml; \
--	(cd $(1); \
--	 cmd="gnome-doc-tool html -o . -d0 $$fxml"; \
--	 if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo "$$cmd"; fi; \
--	 eval $$cmd >/dev/null; \
--	 fhtml=$(DOC_MODULE).html; \
--	 if test -f $$fhtml; then \
--		sed -i -e 's?url("admon?url("admon/admon?' $$fhtml; \
--		admon_dir=/usr/share/gnome-doc-utils/icons/hicolor/48x48/status; \
--		if test -d $$admon_dir; then \
--			$(MKDIR_P) -m 0775 admon; \
--			cmd="cp $(opt_verbose) $$admon_dir/*.png admon/"; eval $$cmd; \
--		fi; \
--	 fi; \
--	)
--# execute db2html
--# 1. locale
--exec_db2html = \
--	cddir="$(1)"; \
--	output="."; \
--	fxml=$(DOC_MODULE).xml; \
--	cmd="(cd $$cddir && db2html --output $$output --nochunks $$fxml)"; \
--	if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo "$$cmd"; fi; \
--	eval $$cmd >/dev/null; \
--	find . -type d -name '*.junk' | xargs rm -fr
--# Install HTML manuals in <htmldir>/<lang>/$(TARGET_DIR)/ subdirectory;
--# where <htmldir> defaults to <pkgdocdir>/html
--# Note: we do honor here --htmldir autotools configuration option.
--# Manuals may be installed from builddir, if they just have been built,
--# or from srcdir, if they were not built but come from distribution.
--	@if test "x$(htmldir)" = "x$(docdir)"; then \
--		_instd="$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir)/html"; \
--	else \
--		_instd="$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)"; \
--	fi; \
--	echo "  Installing in $$_instd ..."; \
--	for lc in C $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
--		_instdir="$$_instd/$$lc/$(TARGET_DIR)"; \
--		if test -f "$(builddir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then \
--			d="$(builddir)"; \
--		elif test -f "$(srcdir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then \
--			d="$(srcdir)"; \
--		fi; \
--		if test -f "$$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then \
--			$(call install_html_doc,$$d,$$lc,$$_instdir); \
--			$(call install_html_images,$$d,$$lc,$$_instdir,"stylesheet-images"); \
--			$(call install_html_images,$$d,$$lc,$$_instdir,"admon"); \
--			$(call install_html_figs,$$d,$$lc,$$_instdir); \
--		fi; \
--	done
--# installing html document
--# 1: source dir
--# 2: locale
--# 3: target dir
--install_html_doc = \
--	if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "    $(2)/$(TARGET_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; fi; \
--	$(MKDIR_P) $(3); \
--	cp -p $(opt_verbose) "$(1)/$(2)/$(DOC_MODULE).html" $(3)/
--# installing html images
--# 1: source dir
--# 2: locale
--# 3: target dir
--# 4: stylesheet-images or admon
--install_html_images = \
--	if grep -lq $(4) "$(1)/$(2)/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then \
--		if test -d "$(1)/$(2)/$(4)"; then \
--			if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "    $(2)/$(TARGET_DIR)/$(4)"; fi; \
--			cmd="cp -rp $(opt_verbose) \"$(1)/$(2)/$(4)\" $(3)/"; eval $$cmd; \
--			chmod -R u+w $(3); \
--			if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo $$cmd; fi; \
--		fi; \
--	fi
--# installing user's manual figures
--# rebuilding list of figures here because I'm unable to pass it as a parameter
--# (it comes here as a single string in which I cannot walk through)
--# 1: source dir
--# 2: locale
--# 3: target dir
--install_html_figs = \
--	if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "    $(2)/$(TARGET_DIR)/figures"; fi; \
--	figdir="$(3)/figures"; \
--	if ! test -d "$$figdir"; then $(MKDIR_P) "$$figdir"; fi; \
--	for fig in $(DOC_FIGURES); do \
--		figsrc=$(srcdir)/$(2)/$$fig; \
--		if test -f $${figsrc} -a ! -h $${figsrc}; then \
--			cmd="$(INSTALL_DATA) $${figsrc} $${figdir}/"; \
--		else \
--			cmd="(cd $${figdir} && $(LN_S) -f ../../../C/$(TARGET_DIR)/$$fig)"; \
--		fi; \
--		if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo $$cmd; fi; \
--		eval $$cmd; \
--	done
--	@if test "x$(htmldir)" = "x$(docdir)"; then \
--		_instdir="$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir)/html"; \
--	else \
--		_instdir="$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)"; \
--	fi; \
--	if test -d $$_instdir; then \
--		chmod -R u+w $$_instdir; \
--		find $$_instdir -type d -name 'admon' | xargs rm -fr $(opt_verbose); \
--		find $$_instdir -type d -name 'figures' | xargs rm -fr $(opt_verbose); \
--		find $$_instdir -type d -name 'stylesheet-images' | xargs rm -fr $(opt_verbose); \
--		find $$_instdir -type f -name '*.html' | xargs rm -f $(opt_verbose); \
--		find $$_instdir -type d | sort -r | xargs rmdir $(opt_verbose); \
--	fi
--# locale figures (_DOC_LC_FIGURES) are distributed by gnome-doc-utils
--# when they exist
--# - distribute admon/ or stylesheet-images/ icons
--# - distribute *.html manuals
--	@for lc in C $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
--		if test -f "$(builddir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then d=$(builddir); \
--		elif test -f "$(srcdir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then d=$(srcdir); fi; \
--		if test -f "$$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then \
--			if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  Distributing $$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; fi; \
--			cmd="cp $(opt_verbose) $$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html $(distdir)/$$lc/"; eval $$cmd; \
--			$(call dist_html_images,$$d,$$lc,"stylesheet-images"); \
--			$(call dist_html_images,$$d,$$lc,"admon"); \
--		fi; \
--	done
--# distribute html images
--# 1. source dir
--# 2. locale
--# 3. image type (stylesheet-images or admon)
--dist_html_images = \
--	if grep -lq $(3) "$(1)/$(2)/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then \
--		if test -d "$(1)/$(2)/$(3)"; then \
--			if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  Distributing $(2)/$(3)"; fi; \
--			cmd="cp -rp $(opt_verbose) \"$(1)/$(2)/$(3)\" $(distdir)/$(2)/"; eval $$cmd; \
--		fi; \
--	fi
--# Build pdf manuals as $(srcdir)/<lang>/<module>.pdf
--# The rule here is: only rebuild .pdf files if corresponding xml has changed
--# .xml themselves are distributed, so are not modified when compiling from a
--# distribution
--# We only use dblatex for now
--MANUALS_PDF = $(MANUALS_XML:%.xml=%.pdf)
--all-pdf-manuals: $(MANUALS_PDF)
--# workaround against l10n bug #664768
--# pdflatex cannot generate some localized pdf
--# As of dblatex 0.3.3:
--# - always create the output pdf in the same directory that the
--#   source xml
--#   (but we need to cd $$lc to mkdir figures)
--$(MANUALS_PDF): %.pdf: %.xml
--	@ftarget=$@; \
--	if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  PDF    $$ftarget building..."; fi; \
--	lc=$${ftarget%/*}; \
--	list='$(DOC_FIGURES)'; \
--	(cd $$lc; \
--	 $(MKDIR_P) figures; \
--	 for fig in $$list; do \
--		if test -f "$(srcdir)/$$lc/$$fig"; then d=$$lc; else d="C"; fi; \
--		cmd="(cd figures && $(LN_S) -f $(srcdir)/$$d/$$fig)"; eval $$cmd; \
--	 done; \
--	 cmd="dblatex $(DOC_MODULE).xml"; eval $$cmd >/dev/null; \
--	 if ! test -f $(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then \
--		echo "  PDF    $$ftarget recovering from dblatex error..."; \
--		tmpdir=`dblatex -d $(DOC_MODULE).xml 2>&1 | grep 'not removed' | awk '{ print $$1 }'`; \
--		cp $$tmpdir/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf . || :; \
--		rm -fr $$tmpdir; \
--	 fi; \
--	 for fig in $$list; do \
--		if test -h figures/$$fig; then rm -f figures/$$fig; fi; \
--	 done; \
--	); \
--	if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then \
--		if test -f $$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then \
--			echo "  PDF    $$ftarget done"; \
--		else \
--			echo "  PDF    unable to build $$ftarget"; \
--		fi; \
--	fi
--# if --pdfdir has not been specified, then we default to PKGDOCDIR/pdf
--# in all case, we append the locale as a subdirectory level
--# as pdf are monobloc documents, we do not create a per-document subdir
--	@if test "$(pdfdir)" = "$(docdir)"; then \
--		_instdir=$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir)/pdf; \
--	else \
--		_instdir=$(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir); \
--	fi; \
--	echo "  Installing in $$_instdir ... "; \
--	for lc in C $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
--		if test -f $(srcdir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then d=$(srcdir); fi; \
--		if test -f $(builddir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then d=$(builddir); fi; \
--		if test -f $$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then \
--			if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "    $$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf"; fi; \
--			if ! test -d $$_instdir/$$lc; then cmd="$(MKDIR_P) $$_instdir/$$lc"; eval $$cmd; fi; \
--			cmd="$(INSTALL_DATA) \"$$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf\" \"$$_instdir/$$lc/\""; eval $$cmd; \
--			if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo $$cmd; fi; \
--		fi; \
--	done
--	@if test "$(pdfdir)" = "$(docdir)"; then \
--		_instdir=$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir)/pdf; \
--	else \
--		_instdir=$(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir); \
--	fi; \
--	if test -d $$_instdir; then \
--		chmod -R u+w $$_instdir; \
--		find $$_instdir -name '*.pdf' | xargs rm -f $(opt_verbose); \
--		find $$_instdir -type d | sort -r | xargs rmdir $(opt_verbose); \
--	fi
--	@for lc in C $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
--		if test -f $(builddir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then d=$(builddir); \
--		elif test -f $(srcdir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then d=$(srcdir); fi; \
--		if test -f "$$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf"; then \
--			if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  Distributing $$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf"; fi; \
--			cmd="cp $$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf $(distdir)/$$lc/"; eval $$cmd; \
--			if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo $$cmd; fi; \
--		fi; \
--	done
--# According to GNU Make manual (§ 13 What Gets Cleaned):
--# - mostlyclean deletes files we typically want to rebuild
--# - clean deletes other files built with make
--# - distclean deletes files built by configure (none here)
--##  None of these target should delete any distributed file
--# - maintainer-clean should delete other files
--clean-local: remove-C-xml
--	rm -f *~
--	rm -f *.stamp
--	for lc in C $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
--	  (cd $$lc; \
--	   find figures -type l | xargs rm -f; \
--	   rmdir figures 2>/dev/null || :; \
--	  ); \
--	done
--distclean-local: distclean-html distclean-pdf
--maintainer-clean-local: maintainer-clean-html maintainer-clean-pdf
--	find $(srcdir) -type d -name 'admon' | xargs rm -fr
--	find $(builddir) -type l -name 'admon' | xargs rm -f
--	find $(srcdir) -type d -name 'stylesheet-images' | xargs rm -fr
--	find $(builddir) -type d -name 'stylesheet-images' | xargs rm -fr
--# we have to override gnome-doc-utils.make:clean-doc-dir recipe
--# as it tries to remove directories which are not empty as we have
--# not yet deleted the files we putted on
--	@:
--.PHONY: \
--	all-manuals install-manuals uninstall-manuals dist-manuals-hook \
--	all-html-manuals install-html-manuals uninstall-html-manuals dist-html-manuals-hook \
--	all-pdf-manuals install-pdf-manuals uninstall-pdf-manuals dist-pdf-manuals-hook
-+HELP_LINGUAS = de el es fr sl

Copied: filemanager-actions/repos/community-x86_64/yelp-tools.patch (from rev 1189985, filemanager-actions/trunk/yelp-tools.patch)
--- yelp-tools.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ yelp-tools.patch	2022-04-25 07:16:15 UTC (rev 1189986)
@@ -0,0 +1,559 @@
+diff --git a/configure.ac b/configure.ac
+index 6618306f..6129c611 100644
+--- a/configure.ac
++++ b/configure.ac
+@@ -138,7 +138,7 @@ fi
+ # check for gnome-doc-utils
+ # - starting with N-A 3.1.5, gnome-doc-utils is no more required when one want
+ #   compile the tarball distribution (i.e. without regenerating users's manuals)
+ # add --enable-html-manuals and --enable-pdf-manuals configure options
+diff --git a/docs/manual/Makefile.am b/docs/manual/Makefile.am
+index e7d1e44c..8eabfa2d 100644
+--- a/docs/manual/Makefile.am
++++ b/docs/manual/Makefile.am
+@@ -24,61 +24,34 @@
+ #   Rodrigo Moya <rodrigo at gnome-db.org>
+ #   Pierre Wieser <pwieser at trychlos.org>
+ #   ... and many others (see AUTHORS)
+-# from Migrating your documentation to gnome-doc-utils
+-# http://live.gnome.org/GnomeDocUtilsMigrationHowTo
+-# The gnome-doc-utils packages produces the FileManager-Actions
+-# Configuration Tool Users's Manual as DocBook XML documents, suitable
+-# for Yelp, the Gnome help system.
+-# At install time, it installs these .xml help files
+-# in <datadir>/gnome/help/fma-config-tool/<lang>.
+-# Missing tranlated images are replaced with symlinks to
+-# ../../C/figures/<image.png>.
+-# --enable-html-manuals (resp. --enable-pdf-manuals) are configure
+-# options which produce HTML (resp. PDF) formats. These options are
+-# always enabled when making distcheck, so that all output formats for
+-# all known locales are always included in the distributed tarball.
+-# Do not confuse gnome-doc-utils which targets the help documentation
+-# of the Gnome (i.e. gui) applications, and that we are using here to
+-# generate html and pdf FMACT user's manuals, with gtk-doc which rather
+-# targets the developer documentation (see docs/reference).
+-# Do not use the $(NULL) syntax here as this may prevent Damned-Lies
+-# to correctly generate POT files (cf. mail of Claude Paroz 2010-08-29
+-# http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-i18n/2010-August/msg00229.html).
+-DOC_MODULE = fma-config-tool
+-#DOC_ENTITIES = $(patsubst $(srcdir)/C/%,%,$(shell \ls -1 $(srcdir)/C/*.xml | $(GREP) -v $(DOC_MODULE)))
+-	appendix-gnu-fdl-1.3.xml						\
+-	articleinfo.xml									\
+-	fma-bugs.xml									\
+-	fma-conditions.xml								\
+-	fma-config-tool.xml								\
+-	fma-edit.xml									\
+-	fma-execution.xml								\
+-	fma-export.xml									\
+-	fma-import.xml									\
+-	fma-menus.xml									\
+-	fma-misc.xml									\
+-	fma-prefs.xml									\
+-	fma-profiles.xml								\
+-	fma-properties.xml								\
+-	fma-save.xml									\
+-	fma-sorting.xml									\
+-	fma-starting.xml								\
+-	fma-where.xml									\
+-	legalnotice.xml
+-#DOC_FIGURES = $(patsubst $(srcdir)/C/%,%,$(shell \ls -1 $(srcdir)/C/figures/*.png))
++HELP_ID = fma-config-tool
++HELP_FILES = index.docbook
++       appendix-gnu-fdl-1.3.xml                                                \
++       articleinfo.xml                                                                 \
++       fma-bugs.xml                                                                    \
++       fma-conditions.xml                                                              \
++       fma-edit.xml                                                                    \
++       fma-execution.xml                                                               \
++       fma-export.xml                                                                  \
++       fma-import.xml                                                                  \
++       fma-menus.xml                                                                   \
++       fma-misc.xml                                                                    \
++       fma-prefs.xml                                                                   \
++       fma-profiles.xml                                                                \
++       fma-properties.xml                                                              \
++       fma-save.xml                                                                    \
++       fma-sorting.xml                                                                 \
++       fma-starting.xml                                                                \
++       fma-where.xml                                                                   \
++       legalnotice.xml
+ 	figures/add.png									\
+ 	figures/fma-action-tab.png						\
+ 	figures/fma-basenames-tab.png					\
+@@ -132,451 +105,6 @@ DOC_FIGURES = \
+ 	figures/start-zenity-result.png					\
+ 	figures/stock-icon-about.png
+-include $(top_srcdir)/gnome-doc-utils.make
+-# the name of the directory which contains the HTML user's manual
+ TARGET_DIR = fma-config-tool
+-#DOC_LINGUAS = $(patsubst $(srcdir)/%,%,$(shell find $(srcdir) -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type d | $(GREP) -v $(srcdir)/C))
+-DOC_LINGUAS = de el es fr sl
+-# doc-dist-hook is the dist hook provided by gnome-doc-utils.make
+-# it distributes both C (original) and generated (translated) .xml files,
+-# but not generated .omf files
+-dist-hook: omf-dist-hook doc-dist-hook manuals-dist-hook
+-# Distributing .omf files is required if we want the user be able to
+-# get rid of gnome-doc-utils
+-	@for lc in C $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
+-		omf="$(DOC_MODULE)-$$lc.omf"; \
+-		if test -f $(builddir)/$$omf; then d=$(builddir); \
+-		elif test -f $(srcdir)/$$lc/$$omf; then d=$(srcdir)/$$lc; fi; \
+-		if test -f "$$d/$$omf"; then \
+-			if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  Distributing $$omf"; fi; \
+-			$(MKDIR_P) $(distdir)/$$lc; \
+-			cmd="cp $$d/$$omf $(distdir)/$$lc/"; eval $$cmd; \
+-			if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo $$cmd; fi; \
+-		fi; \
+-	done
+-# gnome-doc-utils doesn't provide by itself html nor pdf targets
+-# generate these formats here
+-# set to '-v' to be verbose (much verbose!)
+-#opt_verbose =
+-opt_verbose = -v
+-pkgdocdir = $(datarootdir)/doc/@PACKAGE at -@VERSION@
+-all-local: all-manuals
+-#all-manuals: install-C-xml all-html-manuals all-pdf-manuals
+-all-manuals: install-C-xml all-html-manuals 
+-# this install-data-local target below is executed after the 
+-# gnome-doc-utils.make install-data-local target (and this is an
+-# unexpected, though welcome, behavior)
+-install-data-local: install-manuals
+-#install-manuals: install-html-manuals install-pdf-manuals
+-install-manuals: install-html-manuals
+-#uninstall-local: uninstall-manuals
+-uninstall-doc-html: uninstall-manuals
+-uninstall-manuals: uninstall-html-manuals uninstall-pdf-manuals
+-#manuals-dist-hook: html-manuals-dist-hook pdf-manuals-dist-hook
+-manuals-dist-hook: html-manuals-dist-hook
+-# when building the manuals, C source files are in srcdir, while all
+-# other xml files are in builddir - installing C xml sources in builddir
+-# so that all rules apply
+-	@if ! test -f C/$(DOC_MODULE).xml; then \
+-		echo "Installing C xml source files in $(abs_builddir)"; \
+-		$(MKDIR_P) C; cp -v $(srcdir)/C/*.xml C/; \
+-	fi
+-	@echo "Removing C xml source files from $(abs_builddir)"
+-	@if test "$(abs_srcdir)" != "$(abs_builddir)"; then \
+-		rm -vf C/*.xml; \
+-	fi
+-# _DOC_LC_DOCS is the list of the translated (not C) DOC_MODULE.xml files
+-# we so are sure that they exist and are up to date
+-# (path is .po ->[msgfmt]-> .mo ->[xml2po]-> .xml)
+-# Build HTML manuals as $(builddir)/<lang>/<module>.html
+-# We have two alternative for generating HTML manual:
+-# - gnome-doc-tool (from gnome-doc-utils package)
+-# - db2html (from docbook-utils package)
+-# The actual tool to be used may be specified as an argument of
+-# --enable-html-manuals configure option. It defaults to gnome-doc-tool.
+-# gnome-doc-tool <format> -o <dir> -d0 nautilus-actions-config-tool.xml
+-# - format: output format (html)
+-# - dir: output directory
+-# -d0: nochunks
+-# The produced output is very close of what Yelp gives, with in particular
+-# a summary in each chapter while db2html does not produce it.
+-# As of v 0.20.1:
+-# - does not produce the legal and abstract sections in top of the document
+-# - does not honor external links: they are converted to simple links
+-#   which target the same frame window.
+-# - embeds references to 'admon-xxx' images (which are the equivalent
+-#   of db2html's 'stylesheet-images' ones), but does not provide them
+-#   (see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=636175)
+-#   and so we 'manually' copy them as a "admon/" subdirectory
+-#   the same way db2html does
+-# - does not honor the base directory of the source document, only
+-#   searching for extern entities in the current working directory
+-#   (see https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=664784)
+-# gnome-doc-tool is so our preferred tool for its proximity with Yelp
+-# and the summary in top of the chapters.
+-# db2html --nochunks nautilus-actions-config-tool.xml
+-# Generate the html document(s).
+-# As of
+-# - does produce the legal and abstract sections in top of the document
+-# - creates a stylesheet-images/ subdirectory
+-# - does not honor external links: they are converted to simple links
+-#   which target the same frame window
+-# - may create docbook2html-dir(.junk) subdirectories when it is run
+-#   without argument
+-#   (see https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=756930)
+-# - begins by emptying the target directory, even if it also contains
+-#   the source file
+-# When building HTML and PDF formats from XML sources, note that the
+-# .xml documents default to be read from <srcdir> for the C version,
+-# and from <builddir> for translated ones.
+-MANUALS_HTML = $(MANUALS_XML:%.xml=%.html)
+-all-html-manuals: $(MANUALS_HTML)
+-# The rule here is: only rebuild html/ files if corresponding xml has changed
+-# .xml themselves are distributed, so are not modified when building from a
+-# distributed package.
+-$(MANUALS_HTML): %.html: %.xml
+-	@ftarget=$@; \
+-	if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  HTML   $$ftarget building..."; fi; \
+-	lc=$${ftarget%/*}; \
+-	if test "x$(WITH_DB2HTML)" = "xyes"; then $(call exec_db2html,$$lc); fi; \
+-	if test "x$(WITH_GDT)" = "xyes"; then $(call exec_g_d_t,$$lc); fi; \
+-	if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  HTML   $$ftarget done"; fi
+-# execute gnome-doc-tool
+-# install admon/ images now to keep consistent with db2html which
+-# installs its stylesheet-images/ at build time
+-# as a result, admon/stylesheet images will be copied once for each
+-# language, instead of begin symlinked (a small inconvenience)
+-# 1. locale
+-exec_g_d_t = \
+-	fxml=$(DOC_MODULE).xml; \
+-	(cd $(1); \
+-	 cmd="gnome-doc-tool html -o . -d0 $$fxml"; \
+-	 if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo "$$cmd"; fi; \
+-	 eval $$cmd >/dev/null; \
+-	 fhtml=$(DOC_MODULE).html; \
+-	 if test -f $$fhtml; then \
+-		sed -i -e 's?url("admon?url("admon/admon?' $$fhtml; \
+-		admon_dir=/usr/share/gnome-doc-utils/icons/hicolor/48x48/status; \
+-		if test -d $$admon_dir; then \
+-			$(MKDIR_P) -m 0775 admon; \
+-			cmd="cp $(opt_verbose) $$admon_dir/*.png admon/"; eval $$cmd; \
+-		fi; \
+-	 fi; \
+-	)
+-# execute db2html
+-# 1. locale
+-exec_db2html = \
+-	cddir="$(1)"; \
+-	output="."; \
+-	fxml=$(DOC_MODULE).xml; \
+-	cmd="(cd $$cddir && db2html --output $$output --nochunks $$fxml)"; \
+-	if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo "$$cmd"; fi; \
+-	eval $$cmd >/dev/null; \
+-	find . -type d -name '*.junk' | xargs rm -fr
+-# Install HTML manuals in <htmldir>/<lang>/$(TARGET_DIR)/ subdirectory;
+-# where <htmldir> defaults to <pkgdocdir>/html
+-# Note: we do honor here --htmldir autotools configuration option.
+-# Manuals may be installed from builddir, if they just have been built,
+-# or from srcdir, if they were not built but come from distribution.
+-	@if test "x$(htmldir)" = "x$(docdir)"; then \
+-		_instd="$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir)/html"; \
+-	else \
+-		_instd="$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)"; \
+-	fi; \
+-	echo "  Installing in $$_instd ..."; \
+-	for lc in C $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
+-		_instdir="$$_instd/$$lc/$(TARGET_DIR)"; \
+-		if test -f "$(builddir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then \
+-			d="$(builddir)"; \
+-		elif test -f "$(srcdir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then \
+-			d="$(srcdir)"; \
+-		fi; \
+-		if test -f "$$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then \
+-			$(call install_html_doc,$$d,$$lc,$$_instdir); \
+-			$(call install_html_images,$$d,$$lc,$$_instdir,"stylesheet-images"); \
+-			$(call install_html_images,$$d,$$lc,$$_instdir,"admon"); \
+-			$(call install_html_figs,$$d,$$lc,$$_instdir); \
+-		fi; \
+-	done
+-# installing html document
+-# 1: source dir
+-# 2: locale
+-# 3: target dir
+-install_html_doc = \
+-	if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "    $(2)/$(TARGET_DIR)/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; fi; \
+-	$(MKDIR_P) $(3); \
+-	cp -p $(opt_verbose) "$(1)/$(2)/$(DOC_MODULE).html" $(3)/
+-# installing html images
+-# 1: source dir
+-# 2: locale
+-# 3: target dir
+-# 4: stylesheet-images or admon
+-install_html_images = \
+-	if grep -lq $(4) "$(1)/$(2)/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then \
+-		if test -d "$(1)/$(2)/$(4)"; then \
+-			if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "    $(2)/$(TARGET_DIR)/$(4)"; fi; \
+-			cmd="cp -rp $(opt_verbose) \"$(1)/$(2)/$(4)\" $(3)/"; eval $$cmd; \
+-			chmod -R u+w $(3); \
+-			if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo $$cmd; fi; \
+-		fi; \
+-	fi
+-# installing user's manual figures
+-# rebuilding list of figures here because I'm unable to pass it as a parameter
+-# (it comes here as a single string in which I cannot walk through)
+-# 1: source dir
+-# 2: locale
+-# 3: target dir
+-install_html_figs = \
+-	if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "    $(2)/$(TARGET_DIR)/figures"; fi; \
+-	figdir="$(3)/figures"; \
+-	if ! test -d "$$figdir"; then $(MKDIR_P) "$$figdir"; fi; \
+-	for fig in $(DOC_FIGURES); do \
+-		figsrc=$(srcdir)/$(2)/$$fig; \
+-		if test -f $${figsrc} -a ! -h $${figsrc}; then \
+-			cmd="$(INSTALL_DATA) $${figsrc} $${figdir}/"; \
+-		else \
+-			cmd="(cd $${figdir} && $(LN_S) -f ../../../C/$(TARGET_DIR)/$$fig)"; \
+-		fi; \
+-		if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo $$cmd; fi; \
+-		eval $$cmd; \
+-	done
+-	@if test "x$(htmldir)" = "x$(docdir)"; then \
+-		_instdir="$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir)/html"; \
+-	else \
+-		_instdir="$(DESTDIR)$(htmldir)"; \
+-	fi; \
+-	if test -d $$_instdir; then \
+-		chmod -R u+w $$_instdir; \
+-		find $$_instdir -type d -name 'admon' | xargs rm -fr $(opt_verbose); \
+-		find $$_instdir -type d -name 'figures' | xargs rm -fr $(opt_verbose); \
+-		find $$_instdir -type d -name 'stylesheet-images' | xargs rm -fr $(opt_verbose); \
+-		find $$_instdir -type f -name '*.html' | xargs rm -f $(opt_verbose); \
+-		find $$_instdir -type d | sort -r | xargs rmdir $(opt_verbose); \
+-	fi
+-# locale figures (_DOC_LC_FIGURES) are distributed by gnome-doc-utils
+-# when they exist
+-# - distribute admon/ or stylesheet-images/ icons
+-# - distribute *.html manuals
+-	@for lc in C $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
+-		if test -f "$(builddir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then d=$(builddir); \
+-		elif test -f "$(srcdir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+-		if test -f "$$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then \
+-			if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  Distributing $$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; fi; \
+-			cmd="cp $(opt_verbose) $$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).html $(distdir)/$$lc/"; eval $$cmd; \
+-			$(call dist_html_images,$$d,$$lc,"stylesheet-images"); \
+-			$(call dist_html_images,$$d,$$lc,"admon"); \
+-		fi; \
+-	done
+-# distribute html images
+-# 1. source dir
+-# 2. locale
+-# 3. image type (stylesheet-images or admon)
+-dist_html_images = \
+-	if grep -lq $(3) "$(1)/$(2)/$(DOC_MODULE).html"; then \
+-		if test -d "$(1)/$(2)/$(3)"; then \
+-			if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  Distributing $(2)/$(3)"; fi; \
+-			cmd="cp -rp $(opt_verbose) \"$(1)/$(2)/$(3)\" $(distdir)/$(2)/"; eval $$cmd; \
+-		fi; \
+-	fi
+-# Build pdf manuals as $(srcdir)/<lang>/<module>.pdf
+-# The rule here is: only rebuild .pdf files if corresponding xml has changed
+-# .xml themselves are distributed, so are not modified when compiling from a
+-# distribution
+-# We only use dblatex for now
+-MANUALS_PDF = $(MANUALS_XML:%.xml=%.pdf)
+-all-pdf-manuals: $(MANUALS_PDF)
+-# workaround against l10n bug #664768
+-# pdflatex cannot generate some localized pdf
+-# As of dblatex 0.3.3:
+-# - always create the output pdf in the same directory that the
+-#   source xml
+-#   (but we need to cd $$lc to mkdir figures)
+-$(MANUALS_PDF): %.pdf: %.xml
+-	@ftarget=$@; \
+-	if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  PDF    $$ftarget building..."; fi; \
+-	lc=$${ftarget%/*}; \
+-	list='$(DOC_FIGURES)'; \
+-	(cd $$lc; \
+-	 $(MKDIR_P) figures; \
+-	 for fig in $$list; do \
+-		if test -f "$(srcdir)/$$lc/$$fig"; then d=$$lc; else d="C"; fi; \
+-		cmd="(cd figures && $(LN_S) -f $(srcdir)/$$d/$$fig)"; eval $$cmd; \
+-	 done; \
+-	 cmd="dblatex $(DOC_MODULE).xml"; eval $$cmd >/dev/null; \
+-	 if ! test -f $(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then \
+-		echo "  PDF    $$ftarget recovering from dblatex error..."; \
+-		tmpdir=`dblatex -d $(DOC_MODULE).xml 2>&1 | grep 'not removed' | awk '{ print $$1 }'`; \
+-		cp $$tmpdir/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf . || :; \
+-		rm -fr $$tmpdir; \
+-	 fi; \
+-	 for fig in $$list; do \
+-		if test -h figures/$$fig; then rm -f figures/$$fig; fi; \
+-	 done; \
+-	); \
+-	if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then \
+-		if test -f $$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then \
+-			echo "  PDF    $$ftarget done"; \
+-		else \
+-			echo "  PDF    unable to build $$ftarget"; \
+-		fi; \
+-	fi
+-# if --pdfdir has not been specified, then we default to PKGDOCDIR/pdf
+-# in all case, we append the locale as a subdirectory level
+-# as pdf are monobloc documents, we do not create a per-document subdir
+-	@if test "$(pdfdir)" = "$(docdir)"; then \
+-		_instdir=$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir)/pdf; \
+-	else \
+-		_instdir=$(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir); \
+-	fi; \
+-	echo "  Installing in $$_instdir ... "; \
+-	for lc in C $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
+-		if test -f $(srcdir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+-		if test -f $(builddir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then d=$(builddir); fi; \
+-		if test -f $$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then \
+-			if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "    $$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf"; fi; \
+-			if ! test -d $$_instdir/$$lc; then cmd="$(MKDIR_P) $$_instdir/$$lc"; eval $$cmd; fi; \
+-			cmd="$(INSTALL_DATA) \"$$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf\" \"$$_instdir/$$lc/\""; eval $$cmd; \
+-			if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo $$cmd; fi; \
+-		fi; \
+-	done
+-	@if test "$(pdfdir)" = "$(docdir)"; then \
+-		_instdir=$(DESTDIR)$(pkgdocdir)/pdf; \
+-	else \
+-		_instdir=$(DESTDIR)$(pdfdir); \
+-	fi; \
+-	if test -d $$_instdir; then \
+-		chmod -R u+w $$_instdir; \
+-		find $$_instdir -name '*.pdf' | xargs rm -f $(opt_verbose); \
+-		find $$_instdir -type d | sort -r | xargs rmdir $(opt_verbose); \
+-	fi
+-	@for lc in C $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
+-		if test -f $(builddir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then d=$(builddir); \
+-		elif test -f $(srcdir)/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf; then d=$(srcdir); fi; \
+-		if test -f "$$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf"; then \
+-			if test "$(opt_verbose)" = ""; then echo "  Distributing $$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf"; fi; \
+-			cmd="cp $$d/$$lc/$(DOC_MODULE).pdf $(distdir)/$$lc/"; eval $$cmd; \
+-			if test "$(opt_verbose)" != ""; then echo $$cmd; fi; \
+-		fi; \
+-	done
+-# According to GNU Make manual (§ 13 What Gets Cleaned):
+-# - mostlyclean deletes files we typically want to rebuild
+-# - clean deletes other files built with make
+-# - distclean deletes files built by configure (none here)
+-##  None of these target should delete any distributed file
+-# - maintainer-clean should delete other files
+-clean-local: remove-C-xml
+-	rm -f *~
+-	rm -f *.stamp
+-	for lc in C $(DOC_LINGUAS); do \
+-	  (cd $$lc; \
+-	   find figures -type l | xargs rm -f; \
+-	   rmdir figures 2>/dev/null || :; \
+-	  ); \
+-	done
+-distclean-local: distclean-html distclean-pdf
+-maintainer-clean-local: maintainer-clean-html maintainer-clean-pdf
+-	find $(srcdir) -type d -name 'admon' | xargs rm -fr
+-	find $(builddir) -type l -name 'admon' | xargs rm -f
+-	find $(srcdir) -type d -name 'stylesheet-images' | xargs rm -fr
+-	find $(builddir) -type d -name 'stylesheet-images' | xargs rm -fr
+-# we have to override gnome-doc-utils.make:clean-doc-dir recipe
+-# as it tries to remove directories which are not empty as we have
+-# not yet deleted the files we putted on
+-	@:
+-.PHONY: \
+-	all-manuals install-manuals uninstall-manuals dist-manuals-hook \
+-	all-html-manuals install-html-manuals uninstall-html-manuals dist-html-manuals-hook \
+-	all-pdf-manuals install-pdf-manuals uninstall-pdf-manuals dist-pdf-manuals-hook
++HELP_LINGUAS = de el es fr sl

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