[arch-commits] Commit in mda.lv2/trunk (4 files)
David Runge
dvzrv at gemini.archlinux.org
Sun Aug 14 17:15:21 UTC 2022
Date: Sunday, August 14, 2022 @ 17:15:21
Author: dvzrv
Revision: 1266075
upgpkg: mda.lv2 1.2.10-1: Upgrade to 1.2.10.
Remove unnecessary quotes and curly braces.
Switch to meson (yay) as build system.
Remove unnecessary prepare().
Whitelist globally visible library when calling lv2lint.
PKGBUILD | 62 +++++-----------
keys/pgp/907D226E7E13FA337F014A083672782A9BF368F3.asc | 1
2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 40 deletions(-)
Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD 2022-08-14 16:58:08 UTC (rev 1266074)
+++ PKGBUILD 2022-08-14 17:15:21 UTC (rev 1266075)
@@ -2,62 +2,44 @@
pkgdesc="A port of the MDA VST plugins to LV2"
-groups=('lv2-plugins' 'pro-audio')
-depends=('gcc-libs' 'glibc')
-makedepends=('lv2' 'waf')
-optdepends=('lv2-host: for LV2 plugins')
+groups=(lv2-plugins pro-audio)
+depends=(gcc-libs glibc lv2-host)
+makedepends=(lv2 meson)
validpgpkeys=('907D226E7E13FA337F014A083672782A9BF368F3') # David Robillard <d at drobilla.net>
-prepare() {
- mv -v "${_name}-$pkgver" "$pkgname-$pkgver"
- cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
- # let wscript(s) find the custom waf scripts
- mkdir -pv tools
- touch __init__.py
- cp -v waflib/extras/{autoship,autowaf,lv2}.py tools/
- mkdir -pv plugins/tools/
- cp -v waflib/extras/{autoship,autowaf,lv2}.py plugins/tools/
- rm -rv waflib
- sed -e 's/waflib.extras/tools/g' \
- -e "s/load('autowaf'/load('autowaf', tooldir='tools'/g" \
- -e "s/load('lv2'/load('lv2', tooldir='tools'/g" \
- -i wscript
build() {
- cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
- waf configure --prefix=/usr
- waf
+ # NOTE: disable tests because some weird internal tooling is required otherwise
+ arch-meson $_name-$pkgver build -D tests=disabled
+ meson compile -C build
check() {
local _plugins _plugin
- _plugins=( 'Ambience' 'Bandisto' 'BeatBox' 'Combo' 'DX10' 'DeEss' 'Degrade'
- 'Delay' 'Detune' 'Dither' 'DubDelay' 'Dynamics' 'EPiano' 'Image' 'JX10'
- 'Leslie' 'Limiter' 'Loudness' 'MultiBand' 'Overdrive' 'Piano' 'RePsycho'
- 'RezFilter' 'RingMod' 'RoundPan' 'Shepard' 'Splitter' 'Stereo' 'SubSynth'
- 'TalkBox' 'TestTone' 'ThruZero' 'Tracker' 'Transient' 'VocInput' 'Vocoder')
+ _plugins=(Ambience Bandisto BeatBox Combo DX10 DeEss Degrade Delay Detune
+ Dither DubDelay Dynamics EPiano Image JX10 Leslie Limiter Loudness MultiBand
+ Overdrive Piano RePsycho RezFilter RingMod RoundPan Shepard Splitter Stereo
+ SubSynth TalkBox TestTone ThruZero Tracker Transient VocInput Vocoder)
- cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
for _plugin in "${_plugins[@]}"; do
- lv2lint -Mpack -I "build/lv2/${pkgname}" "http://drobilla.net/plugins/mda/${_plugin}" || echo "Known to fail: https://gitlab.com/drobilla/mda-lv2/-/issues/2"
+ # NOTE: whitelist globally visible library: https://gitlab.com/drobilla/mda-lv2/-/issues/2
+ lv2lint -Mpack -s lvz_new_audioeffectx -I "build/$pkgname/" "http://drobilla.net/plugins/mda/$_plugin"
package() {
- cd "$pkgname-$pkgver"
- waf install --destdir="$pkgdir/"
- install -vDm 644 {NEWS,README.md} -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}/"
+ meson install -C build --destdir "$pkgdir"
+ install -vDm 644 $_name-$pkgver/{NEWS,README.md} -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/doc/$pkgname/"
Added: keys/pgp/907D226E7E13FA337F014A083672782A9BF368F3.asc
(Binary files differ)
Index: mda.lv2/trunk/keys/pgp/907D226E7E13FA337F014A083672782A9BF368F3.asc
--- keys/pgp/907D226E7E13FA337F014A083672782A9BF368F3.asc 2022-08-14 16:58:08 UTC (rev 1266074)
+++ keys/pgp/907D226E7E13FA337F014A083672782A9BF368F3.asc 2022-08-14 17:15:21 UTC (rev 1266075)
Property changes on: mda.lv2/trunk/keys/pgp/907D226E7E13FA337F014A083672782A9BF368F3.asc
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
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