[arch-commits] Commit in freecad/repos/community-x86_64 (8 files)

Alexander Rødseth arodseth at gemini.archlinux.org
Tue Jan 4 18:30:46 UTC 2022

    Date: Tuesday, January 4, 2022 @ 18:30:46
  Author: arodseth
Revision: 1093033

archrelease: copy trunk to community-x86_64

    (from rev 1093032, freecad/trunk/PKGBUILD)
    (from rev 1093032, freecad/trunk/freecad-boost.patch)
    (from rev 1093032, freecad/trunk/freecad-vtk9.patch)
    (from rev 1093032, freecad/trunk/freecad.xml)

 PKGBUILD            |  204 +++---
 freecad-boost.patch |   50 -
 freecad-vtk9.patch  | 1654 +++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------
 freecad.xml         |   18 
 4 files changed, 963 insertions(+), 963 deletions(-)

--- PKGBUILD	2022-01-04 18:30:37 UTC (rev 1093032)
+++ PKGBUILD	2022-01-04 18:30:46 UTC (rev 1093033)
@@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
-# Maintainer: Alexander F. Rødseth <xyproto at archlinux.org>
-# Contributor: loqs <bugs-archlinux at entropy-collector.net>
-# Contributor: Gabriel Souza Franco <gabrielfrancosouza at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: Florian Pritz
-# Contributor: Jonas Heinrich <onny at project-insanity.org>
-# Contributor: Jordi De Groof <jordi.degroof at gmail.com>
-# Contributor: mickele
-# Contributor: manwithgrenade
-# Contributor: bricem13
-# Contributor: gborzi
-pkgdesc='General purpose 3D CAD modeler'
-depends=(boost-libs glew jsoncpp libspnav med netcdf opencascade openmpi
-         pyside2-tools python-gitpython python-matplotlib python-pivy
-         python-ply python-pyside2 qt5-svg qt5-tools qt5-webkit qt5-x11extras
-         qt5-xmlpatterns xerces-c)
-makedepends=(adios2 boost cmake cgns coin eigen fmt gcc-fortran gendesk git
-             jdk-openjdk libharu liblas ninja openvdb openvr ospray pdal
-             postgresql-libs python-mpi4py python-shiboken2 shiboken2 swig
-             utf8cpp)
-        freecad-boost.patch
-        freecad-vtk9.patch
-        "git+https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD#commit=7b5e18a0759de778b74d3a5c17eba9cb815035ac") # tag: 0.19.2
-        '6ec5dcead7f3438b387aeb3f608b910105d493aafcd47ae84715cdfe6f8651926056283ec4aeeab542b89df9fd9ffc2dbb74f5593e864acd23c8b352033ed1dc'
-        '242702f926101c57774046548068d17b22bd582ba1a1c45534ac8ceaa174c56277db80f32bed8ad1475b37006a1d777193b6c098ed8a733772152a898d1dd825'
-        'SKIP')
-prepare() {
-  # Fix Boost linking with VTK 9 (thanks Fedora)
-  patch -d FreeCAD -p1 -i ../freecad-boost.patch
-  # Fix build with VTK 9 (thanks Fedora)
-  patch -d FreeCAD -p1 -i ../freecad-vtk9.patch
-  # Generate desktop shortcut
-  gendesk -f -n --pkgname "$pkgname" --pkgdesc "$pkgdesc" --name FreeCAD \
-    --mimetypes='application/x-extension-fcstd' --startupnotify=true
-build() {
-  # OpenCascade requires that /usr/bin comes before /bin in $PATH
-  export PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH"
-  cmake \
-    -B build \
-    -D BUILD_QT5=ON \
-    -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
-    -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS="$CFLAGS -fPIC -w" \
-    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR=/usr/share/freecad \
-    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR=/usr/share/freecad/doc \
-    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/freecad \
-    -D FREECAD_USE_OCC_VARIANT='Official Version' \
-    -D PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python \
-    -G Ninja \
-    -S FreeCAD
-  ninja -C build
-package() {
-  DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ninja -C build install
-  # Desktop shortcut
-  install -Dm644 freecad.desktop \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/freecad.desktop"
-  # MIME info
-  install -Dm644 freecad.xml "$pkgdir/usr/share/mime/packages/freecad.xml"
-  # Thumbnailer
-  install -Dm755 FreeCAD/src/Tools/freecad-thumbnailer \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/bin/freecad-thumbnailer"
-  install -Dm644 \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/lib/freecad/share/thumbnailers/FreeCAD.thumbnailer" \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/share/thumbnailers/FreeCAD.thumbnailer"
-  rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/lib/freecad/share/thumbnailers/FreeCAD.thumbnailer"
-  # Icons
-  cd FreeCAD/src/Gui/Icons
-  install -Dm644 freecad.svg \
-    "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/freecad.svg"
-  for i in 16 32 48 64; do
-    install -Dm644 "freecad-icon-$i.png" \
-      "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x$i/apps/freecad.png"
-  done
-  # Symlinks in /usr/bin
-  install -d "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
-  ln -sf /usr/lib/freecad/bin/FreeCAD "$pkgdir/usr/bin/freecad"
-  ln -sf /usr/lib/freecad/bin/FreeCAD "$pkgdir/usr/bin/FreeCAD"
-  ln -sf /usr/lib/freecad/bin/FreeCADCmd "$pkgdir/usr/bin/freecadcmd"
-  ln -sf /usr/lib/freecad/bin/FreeCADCmd "$pkgdir/usr/bin/FreeCADCmd"

Copied: freecad/repos/community-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 1093032, freecad/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- PKGBUILD	                        (rev 0)
+++ PKGBUILD	2022-01-04 18:30:46 UTC (rev 1093033)
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+# Maintainer: Alexander F. Rødseth <xyproto at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: loqs <bugs-archlinux at entropy-collector.net>
+# Contributor: Gabriel Souza Franco <gabrielfrancosouza at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: Florian Pritz
+# Contributor: Jonas Heinrich <onny at project-insanity.org>
+# Contributor: Jordi De Groof <jordi.degroof at gmail.com>
+# Contributor: mickele
+# Contributor: manwithgrenade
+# Contributor: bricem13
+# Contributor: gborzi
+pkgdesc='General purpose 3D CAD modeler'
+depends=(boost-libs glew jsoncpp libspnav med netcdf opencascade openmpi
+         pyside2-tools python-gitpython python-matplotlib python-pivy
+         python-ply python-pyside2 pugixml qt5-svg qt5-tools qt5-webkit
+         qt5-x11extras qt5-xmlpatterns xerces-c)
+makedepends=(adios2 boost cmake cgns coin eigen fmt gcc-fortran gendesk git
+             jdk-openjdk libharu liblas ninja openvdb openvr ospray pdal
+             postgresql-libs python-mpi4py python-shiboken2 shiboken2 swig
+             utf8cpp)
+        freecad-boost.patch
+        freecad-vtk9.patch
+        "git+https://github.com/FreeCAD/FreeCAD#commit=7b5e18a0759de778b74d3a5c17eba9cb815035ac") # tag: 0.19.2
+        '6ec5dcead7f3438b387aeb3f608b910105d493aafcd47ae84715cdfe6f8651926056283ec4aeeab542b89df9fd9ffc2dbb74f5593e864acd23c8b352033ed1dc'
+        '242702f926101c57774046548068d17b22bd582ba1a1c45534ac8ceaa174c56277db80f32bed8ad1475b37006a1d777193b6c098ed8a733772152a898d1dd825'
+        'SKIP')
+prepare() {
+  # Fix Boost linking with VTK 9 (thanks Fedora)
+  patch -d FreeCAD -p1 -i ../freecad-boost.patch
+  # Fix build with VTK 9 (thanks Fedora)
+  patch -d FreeCAD -p1 -i ../freecad-vtk9.patch
+  # Generate desktop shortcut
+  gendesk -f -n --pkgname "$pkgname" --pkgdesc "$pkgdesc" --name FreeCAD \
+    --mimetypes='application/x-extension-fcstd' --startupnotify=true
+build() {
+  # OpenCascade requires that /usr/bin comes before /bin in $PATH
+  export PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH"
+  cmake \
+    -B build \
+    -D BUILD_QT5=ON \
+    -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release \
+    -D CMAKE_C_FLAGS="$CFLAGS -fPIC -w" \
+    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_DATADIR=/usr/share/freecad \
+    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_DOCDIR=/usr/share/freecad/doc \
+    -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/freecad \
+    -D FREECAD_USE_OCC_VARIANT='Official Version' \
+    -D PYTHON_EXECUTABLE=/usr/bin/python \
+    -G Ninja \
+    -S FreeCAD
+  ninja -C build
+package() {
+  DESTDIR="$pkgdir" ninja -C build install
+  # Desktop shortcut
+  install -Dm644 freecad.desktop \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/share/applications/freecad.desktop"
+  # MIME info
+  install -Dm644 freecad.xml "$pkgdir/usr/share/mime/packages/freecad.xml"
+  # Thumbnailer
+  install -Dm755 FreeCAD/src/Tools/freecad-thumbnailer \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/bin/freecad-thumbnailer"
+  install -Dm644 \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/lib/freecad/share/thumbnailers/FreeCAD.thumbnailer" \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/share/thumbnailers/FreeCAD.thumbnailer"
+  rm -f "$pkgdir/usr/lib/freecad/share/thumbnailers/FreeCAD.thumbnailer"
+  # Icons
+  cd FreeCAD/src/Gui/Icons
+  install -Dm644 freecad.svg \
+    "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/scalable/apps/freecad.svg"
+  for i in 16 32 48 64; do
+    install -Dm644 "freecad-icon-$i.png" \
+      "$pkgdir/usr/share/icons/hicolor/${i}x$i/apps/freecad.png"
+  done
+  # Symlinks in /usr/bin
+  install -d "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
+  ln -sf /usr/lib/freecad/bin/FreeCAD "$pkgdir/usr/bin/freecad"
+  ln -sf /usr/lib/freecad/bin/FreeCAD "$pkgdir/usr/bin/FreeCAD"
+  ln -sf /usr/lib/freecad/bin/FreeCADCmd "$pkgdir/usr/bin/freecadcmd"
+  ln -sf /usr/lib/freecad/bin/FreeCADCmd "$pkgdir/usr/bin/FreeCADCmd"

Deleted: freecad-boost.patch
--- freecad-boost.patch	2022-01-04 18:30:37 UTC (rev 1093032)
+++ freecad-boost.patch	2022-01-04 18:30:46 UTC (rev 1093033)
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/CMakeLists.txt
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/CMakeLists.txt
-     SetupPCL()
-     SetupPybind11()
-     SetupBoost()
-+	set(Boost_LIBRARIES_App ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
-     SetupXercesC()
-     find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED)
-     find_package(PyCXX REQUIRED)
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/App/CMakeLists.txt
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/App/CMakeLists.txt
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/App/CMakeLists.txt
-@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ include_directories(
- set(FreeCADApp_LIBS
-     FreeCADBase
--    ${Boost_LIBRARIES}
-+    ${Boost_LIBRARIES_App}
- )
- if (BUILD_QT5)

Copied: freecad/repos/community-x86_64/freecad-boost.patch (from rev 1093032, freecad/trunk/freecad-boost.patch)
--- freecad-boost.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ freecad-boost.patch	2022-01-04 18:30:46 UTC (rev 1093033)
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/CMakeLists.txt
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/CMakeLists.txt
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/CMakeLists.txt
+     SetupPCL()
+     SetupPybind11()
+     SetupBoost()
++	set(Boost_LIBRARIES_App ${Boost_LIBRARIES})
+     SetupXercesC()
+     find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED)
+     find_package(PyCXX REQUIRED)
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/App/CMakeLists.txt
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/App/CMakeLists.txt
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/App/CMakeLists.txt
+@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ include_directories(
+ set(FreeCADApp_LIBS
+     FreeCADBase
+-    ${Boost_LIBRARIES}
++    ${Boost_LIBRARIES_App}
+ )
+ if (BUILD_QT5)

Deleted: freecad-vtk9.patch
--- freecad-vtk9.patch	2022-01-04 18:30:37 UTC (rev 1093032)
+++ freecad-vtk9.patch	2022-01-04 18:30:46 UTC (rev 1093033)
@@ -1,827 +0,0 @@
-From bb9bcbd51df7c3cb76c5823038e4ea0f7e25a9ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: wmayer <wmayer at users.sourceforge.net>
-Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2020 17:56:03 +0200
-Subject: [PATCH] Make smesh compile with vtk9
- .../salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_MeshElement.hxx      |  9 +++-
- .../salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx |  4 ++
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_BallElement.cpp |  9 +++-
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Downward.cpp    | 44 +++++++++----------
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh.cpp        |  6 ++-
- .../src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh0DElement.cpp           | 12 +++++
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_MeshNode.cpp    | 10 ++---
- .../src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cpp        | 35 +++++++++++++--
- .../src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkCellIterator.cpp         |  7 +--
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkEdge.cpp     | 19 +++++++-
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkFace.cpp     | 29 ++++++++++--
- .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkVolume.cpp   | 38 +++++++++++-----
- .../src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cpp            |  8 ++--
- src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemPostObject.cpp |  7 ++-
- 14 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_MeshElement.hxx
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_MeshElement.hxx
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_MeshElement.hxx
-@@ -40,11 +40,16 @@
- #include <vtkType.h>
- #include <vtkCellType.h>
-+#include <vtkCellArray.h>
- //typedef unsigned short UShortType;
- typedef short ShortType;
- typedef int   LongType;
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+typedef const vtkIdType* vtkIdTypePtr;
-+typedef vtkIdType* vtkIdTypePtr;
- class SMDS_MeshNode;
- class SMDS_MeshEdge;
- class SMDS_MeshFace;
-@@ -192,7 +197,7 @@ protected:
-   //! Element index in vector SMDS_Mesh::myNodes or SMDS_Mesh::myCells
-   int myID;
-   //! index in vtkUnstructuredGrid
--  int myVtkID;
-+  vtkIdType myVtkID;
-   //! SMDS_Mesh identification in SMESH
-   ShortType myMeshId;
-   //! SubShape and SubMesh identification in SMESHDS
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx
-@@ -95,7 +95,11 @@ public:
-                                        std::map<int, std::map<long,int> >& nodeQuadDomains);
-   vtkCellLinks* GetLinks()
-   {
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+    return static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(GetCellLinks());
-     return Links;
-   }
-   SMDS_Downward* getDownArray(unsigned char vtkType)
-   {
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_BallElement.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_BallElement.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_BallElement.cpp
-@@ -67,10 +67,16 @@ void SMDS_BallElement::SetDiameter(doubl
- bool SMDS_BallElement::ChangeNode (const SMDS_MeshNode * node)
- {
-   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+  vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+  grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+  cellPoints->SetId(0, node->getVtkId());
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
-   vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-   pts[0] = node->getVtkId();
-   SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
-   return true;
- }
-@@ -83,7 +89,8 @@ void SMDS_BallElement::Print (std::ostre
- const SMDS_MeshNode* SMDS_BallElement::GetNode (const int ind) const
- {
-   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
--  vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+  vtkIdType npts;
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
-   grid->GetCellPoints( myVtkID, npts, pts );
-   return SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->FindNodeVtk( pts[ 0 ]);
- }
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Downward.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Downward.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Downward.cpp
-@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ int SMDS_Down1D::getNodeSet(int cellId,
- void SMDS_Down1D::setNodes(int cellId, int vtkId)
- {
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, pts);
-   // MESSAGE(vtkId << " " << npts << "  " << _nbDownCells);
-   //ASSERT(npts == _nbDownCells);
-@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ int SMDS_Down1D::computeVtkCells(int *pt
-     {
-       vtkIdType point = pts[i];
-       int numCells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetNcells(point);
--      vtkIdType *cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
-+      vtkIdTypePtr cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
-       for (int j = 0; j < numCells; j++)
-         {
-           int vtkCellId = cells[j];
-@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ int SMDS_Down2D::computeVolumeIds(int ce
-   // --- find point id's of the face
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, pts);
-   vector<int> nodes;
-   for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
-@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ int SMDS_Down2D::computeVolumeIdsFromNod
-       vtkIdType point = pts[i];
-       int numCells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetNcells(point);
-       //MESSAGE("cells pour " << i << " " << numCells);
--      vtkIdType *cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
-+      vtkIdTypePtr cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
-       for (int j = 0; j < numCells; j++)
-         {
-           int vtkCellId = cells[j];
-@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ int SMDS_Down2D::computeVolumeIdsFromNod
- void SMDS_Down2D::setTempNodes(int cellId, int vtkId)
- {
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, pts);
-   // MESSAGE(vtkId << " " << npts << "  " << _nbNodes);
-   //ASSERT(npts == _nbNodes);
-@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ void SMDS_Down3D::getNodeIds(int cellId,
- {
-   int vtkId = this->_vtkCellIds[cellId];
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, nodes);
-   for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
-     nodeSet.insert(nodes[i]);
-@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ void SMDS_DownTetra::getOrderedNodesOfFa
-   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
-   set<int> tofind;
-@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ void SMDS_DownTetra::computeFacesWithNod
-   // --- find point id's of the volume
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
-   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadTetra::getOrderedNodes
-   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
-   set<int> tofind;
-@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadTetra::computeFacesWit
-   // --- find point id's of the volume
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
-   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ void SMDS_DownPyramid::getOrderedNodesOf
-   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
-   set<int> tofind;
-@@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ void SMDS_DownPyramid::computeFacesWithN
-   // --- find point id's of the volume
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
-   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadPyramid::getOrderedNod
-   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
-   set<int> tofind;
-@@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadPyramid::computeFacesW
-   // --- find point id's of the volume
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
-   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -1660,7 +1660,7 @@ void SMDS_DownPenta::getOrderedNodesOfFa
-   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
-   set<int> tofind;
-@@ -1744,7 +1744,7 @@ void SMDS_DownPenta::computeFacesWithNod
-   // --- find point id's of the volume
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
-   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -1810,7 +1810,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadPenta::getOrderedNodes
-   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
-   set<int> tofind;
-@@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadPenta::computeFacesWit
-   // --- find point id's of the volume
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
-   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -1981,7 +1981,7 @@ void SMDS_DownHexa::getOrderedNodesOfFac
-   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
-   set<int> tofind;
-@@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@ void SMDS_DownHexa::computeFacesWithNode
-   // --- find point id's of the volume
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
-   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-@@ -2112,7 +2112,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadHexa::getOrderedNodesO
-   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
-   set<int> tofind;
-@@ -2167,7 +2167,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadHexa::computeFacesWith
-   // --- find point id's of the volume
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-+  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
-   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
-   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh.cpp
-@@ -4768,7 +4768,11 @@ void SMDS_Mesh::dumpGrid(string ficdump)
-         ficcon << endl;
-   }
-   ficcon << "-------------------------------- connectivity " <<  nbPoints << endl;
--        vtkCellLinks *links = myGrid->GetCellLinks();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+  vtkCellLinks *links = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(myGrid->GetCellLinks());
-+  vtkCellLinks *links = myGrid->GetCellLinks();
-   for (int i=0; i<nbPoints; i++)
-   {
-         int ncells = links->GetNcells(i);
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh0DElement.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh0DElement.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh0DElement.cpp
-@@ -146,6 +146,17 @@ bool SMDS_Mesh0DElement::ChangeNodes(con
-   if ( nbNodes == 1 )
-   {
-     vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+    vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+    grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+    if (nbNodes != cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds())
-+    {
-+      MESSAGE("ChangeNodes problem: not the same number of nodes " << cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds() << " -> " << nbNodes);
-+      return false;
-+    }
-+    myNode = nodes[0];
-+    cellPoints->SetId(0, myNode->getVtkId());
-     vtkIdType npts = 0;
-     vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-     grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-@@ -156,6 +167,7 @@ bool SMDS_Mesh0DElement::ChangeNodes(con
-     }
-     myNode = nodes[0];
-     pts[0] = myNode->getVtkId();
-     SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
-     return true;
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_MeshNode.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_MeshNode.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_MeshNode.cpp
-@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public:
- SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr SMDS_MeshNode::
- GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_ElementType type) const
- {
--  vtkCellLinks::Link l = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(myVtkID);
-+  vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(myVtkID);
-   //MESSAGE("myID " << myID << " ncells " << l.ncells);
-   return SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr(new SMDS_MeshNode_MyInvIterator(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId], l.cells, l.ncells, type));
- }
-@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ elementsIterator(SMDSAbs_ElementType typ
-     return SMDS_MeshElement::elementsIterator(SMDSAbs_Node);
-   else
-   {
--    vtkCellLinks::Link l = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(myVtkID);
-+    vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(myVtkID);
-     return SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr(new SMDS_MeshNode_MyIterator(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId], l.cells, l.ncells, type));
-   }
- }
-@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ void SMDS_MeshNode::AddInverseElement(co
-   const SMDS_MeshCell *cell = dynamic_cast<const SMDS_MeshCell*> (ME);
-   assert(cell);
-   SMDS_UnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
--  vtkCellLinks *Links = grid->GetCellLinks();
-+  vtkCellLinks *Links = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(grid->GetCellLinks());
-   Links->ResizeCellList(myVtkID, 1);
-   Links->AddCellReference(cell->getVtkId(), myVtkID);
- }
-@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ void SMDS_MeshNode::ClearInverseElements
- bool SMDS_MeshNode::emptyInverseElements()
- {
--  vtkCellLinks::Link l = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(myVtkID);
-+  vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(myVtkID);
-   return (l.ncells == 0);
- }
-@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ bool SMDS_MeshNode::emptyInverseElements
- int SMDS_MeshNode::NbInverseElements(SMDSAbs_ElementType type) const
- {
--  vtkCellLinks::Link l = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(myVtkID);
-+  vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(myVtkID);
-   if ( type == SMDSAbs_All )
-     return l.ncells;
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cpp
-@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ int SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::InsertNextLin
-   for (; it != setOfNodes.end(); ++it)
-     {
-       //MESSAGE("reverse link for node " << *it << " cell " << cellid);
--      this->Links->ResizeCellList(*it, 1);
--      this->Links->AddCellReference(cellid, *it);
-+      this->GetLinks()->ResizeCellList(*it, 1);
-+      this->GetLinks()->AddCellReference(cellid, *it);
-     }
-   return cellid;
-@@ -332,9 +332,13 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::copyBloc(vtk
-     {
-       newTypes->SetValue(alreadyCopied, this->Types->GetValue(j));
-       idCellsOldToNew[j] = alreadyCopied; // old vtkId --> new vtkId
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+      vtkIdType oldLoc = this->GetCellLocationsArray()->GetValue(j);
-       vtkIdType oldLoc = this->Locations->GetValue(j);
-       vtkIdType nbpts;
--      vtkIdType *oldPtsCell = 0;
-+      vtkIdTypePtr oldPtsCell = 0;
-       this->Connectivity->GetCell(oldLoc, nbpts, oldPtsCell);
-       assert(nbpts < NBMAXNODESINCELL);
-       //MESSAGE(j << " " << alreadyCopied << " " << (int)this->Types->GetValue(j) << " " << oldLoc << " " << nbpts );
-@@ -952,6 +956,21 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::GetNodeIds(s
-  */
- void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::ModifyCellNodes(int vtkVolId, std::map<int, int> localClonedNodeIds)
- {
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+  vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+  this->GetCellPoints(vtkVolId, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+  for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds(); i++)
-+    {
-+      if (localClonedNodeIds.count(cellPoints->GetId(i)))
-+        {
-+          vtkIdType oldpt = cellPoints->GetId(i);
-+          cellPoints->SetId(i, localClonedNodeIds[oldpt]);
-+          //MESSAGE(oldpt << " --> " << pts[i]);
-+          //this->RemoveReferenceToCell(oldpt, vtkVolId);
-+          //this->AddReferenceToCell(pts[i], vtkVolId);
-+        }
-+    }
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
-   vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
-   this->GetCellPoints(vtkVolId, npts, pts);
-@@ -966,6 +985,7 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::ModifyCellNo
-           //this->AddReferenceToCell(pts[i], vtkVolId);
-         }
-     }
- }
- /*! reorder the nodes of a face
-@@ -995,11 +1015,20 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::BuildLinks()
-     this->Links->UnRegister(this);
-     }
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+  this->Links = SMDS_CellLinks::New();
-+  GetLinks()->Allocate(this->GetNumberOfPoints());
-+  GetLinks()->Register(this);
-+//FIXME: vtk9
-+  GetLinks()->BuildLinks(this);
-+  GetLinks()->Delete();
-   this->Links = SMDS_CellLinks::New();
-   this->Links->Allocate(this->GetNumberOfPoints());
-   this->Links->Register(this);
-   this->Links->BuildLinks(this, this->Connectivity);
-   this->Links->Delete();
- }
- /*! Create a volume (prism or hexahedron) by duplication of a face.
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkCellIterator.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkCellIterator.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkCellIterator.cpp
-@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ SMDS_VtkCellIterator::SMDS_VtkCellIterat
-   }
-   else
-   {
--    vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+    vtkIdType npts;
-+    vtkIdTypePtr pts;
-     grid->GetCellPoints( _cellId, npts, pts );
-     _vtkIdList->SetNumberOfIds( _nbNodes = npts );
-     for (int i = 0; i < _nbNodes; i++)
-@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ SMDS_VtkCellIteratorToUNV::SMDS_VtkCellI
-   //MESSAGE("SMDS_VtkCellInterlacedIterator (UNV)" << _type);
-   _vtkIdList = vtkIdList::New();
--  vtkIdType* pts;
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
-   vtkIdType npts;
-   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = _mesh->getGrid();
-   grid->GetCellPoints((vtkIdType)_cellId, npts, pts);
-@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ SMDS_VtkCellIteratorPolyH::SMDS_VtkCellI
-   {
-     //MESSAGE("SMDS_VtkCellIterator Polyhedra");
-     vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
--    vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+    vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
-     grid->GetFaceStream(_cellId, nFaces, ptIds);
-     int id = 0;
-     _nbNodesInFaces = 0;
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkEdge.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkEdge.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkEdge.cpp
-@@ -67,6 +67,19 @@ bool SMDS_VtkEdge::ChangeNodes(const SMD
- bool SMDS_VtkEdge::ChangeNodes(const SMDS_MeshNode* nodes[], const int nbNodes)
- {
-   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+  vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+  grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+  if (nbNodes != cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds())
-+    {
-+      MESSAGE("ChangeNodes problem: not the same number of nodes " << cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds() << " -> " << nbNodes);
-+      return false;
-+    }
-+  for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++)
-+    {
-+      cellPoints->SetId(i, nodes[i]->getVtkId());
-+    }
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
-   vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-@@ -79,6 +92,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkEdge::ChangeNodes(const SMD
-     {
-       pts[i] = nodes[i]->getVtkId();
-     }
-   SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
-   return true;
- }
-@@ -87,7 +101,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkEdge::IsMediumNode(const SM
- {
-   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
-   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-   //MESSAGE("IsMediumNode " << npts  << " " << (node->getVtkId() == pts[npts-1]));
-   return ((npts == 3) && (node->getVtkId() == pts[2]));
-@@ -137,7 +151,8 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode*
- SMDS_VtkEdge::GetNode(const int ind) const
- {
-   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
--  vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+  vtkIdType npts;
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
-   grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
-   return SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->FindNodeVtk( pts[ ind ]);
- }
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkFace.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkFace.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkFace.cpp
-@@ -101,6 +101,19 @@ void SMDS_VtkFace::initQuadPoly(const st
- bool SMDS_VtkFace::ChangeNodes(const SMDS_MeshNode* nodes[], const int nbNodes)
- {
-   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+  vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+  grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+  if (nbNodes != cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds())
-+    {
-+      MESSAGE("ChangeNodes problem: not the same number of nodes " << cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds() << " -> " << nbNodes);
-+      return false;
-+    }
-+  for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++)
-+    {
-+      cellPoints->SetId(i, nodes[i]->getVtkId());
-+    }
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
-   vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-@@ -113,6 +126,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkFace::ChangeNodes(const SMD
-     {
-       pts[i] = nodes[i]->getVtkId();
-     }
-   SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
-   return true;
- }
-@@ -173,7 +187,8 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode*
- SMDS_VtkFace::GetNode(const int ind) const
- {
-   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
--  vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+  vtkIdType npts;
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
-   grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
-   return SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->FindNodeVtk( pts[ ind ]);
- }
-@@ -186,7 +201,8 @@ SMDS_VtkFace::GetNode(const int ind) con
- int SMDS_VtkFace::GetNodeIndex( const SMDS_MeshNode* node ) const
- {
-   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
--  vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+  vtkIdType npts;
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
-   grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
-   for ( vtkIdType i = 0; i < npts; ++i )
-     if ( pts[i] == node->getVtkId() )
-@@ -251,7 +267,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkFace::IsMediumNode(const SM
-     return false;
-   }
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
-   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-   vtkIdType nodeId = node->getVtkId();
-   for (int rank = 0; rank < npts; rank++)
-@@ -356,11 +372,18 @@ SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr SMDS_VtkFace::inter
- void SMDS_VtkFace::ChangeApex(SMDS_MeshNode* node)
- {
-   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+  vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+  grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+  grid->RemoveReferenceToCell(cellPoints->GetId(0), myVtkID);
-+  cellPoints->SetId(0, node->getVtkId());
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
-   vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-   grid->RemoveReferenceToCell(pts[0], myVtkID);
-   pts[0] = node->getVtkId();
-   node->AddInverseElement(this),
-   SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
- }
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkVolume.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkVolume.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkVolume.cpp
-@@ -133,6 +133,19 @@ void SMDS_VtkVolume::initPoly(const std:
- bool SMDS_VtkVolume::ChangeNodes(const SMDS_MeshNode* nodes[], const int nbNodes)
- {
-   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
-+#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
-+  vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
-+  grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
-+  if (nbNodes != cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds())
-+    {
-+      MESSAGE("ChangeNodes problem: not the same number of nodes " << cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds() << " -> " << nbNodes);
-+      return false;
-+    }
-+  for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++)
-+    {
-+      cellPoints->SetId(i, nodes[i]->getVtkId());
-+    }
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
-   vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-@@ -145,6 +158,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkVolume::ChangeNodes(const S
-     {
-       pts[i] = nodes[i]->getVtkId();
-     }
-   SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
-   return true;
- }
-@@ -207,7 +221,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::NbFaces() const
-     case VTK_POLYHEDRON:
-       {
-         vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
--        vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+        vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
-         grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
-         nbFaces = nFaces;
-         break;
-@@ -236,7 +250,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::NbNodes() const
-   else
-     {
-       vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
--      vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+      vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
-       grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
-       int id = 0;
-       for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
-@@ -276,7 +290,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::NbEdges() const
-     case VTK_POLYHEDRON:
-       {
-         vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
--        vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+        vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
-         grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
-         nbEdges = 0;
-         int id = 0;
-@@ -312,7 +326,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::NbFaceNodes(const in
-   if (aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
-     {
-       vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
--      vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+      vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
-       grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
-       int id = 0;
-       for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
-@@ -342,7 +356,7 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMDS_VtkVolume::Get
-   if (aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
-     {
-       vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
--      vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+      vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
-       grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
-       int id = 0;
-       for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
-@@ -372,7 +386,7 @@ std::vector<int> SMDS_VtkVolume::GetQuan
-   if (aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
-     {
-       vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
--      vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+      vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
-       grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
-       int id = 0;
-       for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
-@@ -430,7 +444,7 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMDS_VtkVolume::Get
-   if ( aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
-   {
-     vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
--    vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+    vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
-     grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
-     int id = 0, nbPoints = 0;
-     for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
-@@ -443,7 +457,8 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMDS_VtkVolume::Get
-     }
-     return 0;
-   }
--  vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+  vtkIdType npts;
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
-   grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
-   const std::vector<int>& interlace = SMDS_MeshCell::fromVtkOrder( VTKCellType( aVtkType ));
-   return SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->FindNodeVtk( pts[ interlace.empty() ? ind : interlace[ind]] );
-@@ -460,7 +475,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::GetNodeIndex( const
-   if ( aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
-   {
-     vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
--    vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
-+    vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
-     grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
-     int id = 0;
-     for (int iF = 0; iF < nFaces; iF++)
-@@ -473,7 +488,8 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::GetNodeIndex( const
-     }
-     return -1;
-   }
--  vtkIdType npts, *pts;
-+  vtkIdType npts;
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
-   grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
-   for ( vtkIdType i = 0; i < npts; ++i )
-     if ( pts[i] == node->getVtkId() )
-@@ -534,7 +550,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkVolume::IsMediumNode(const
-       return false;
-   }
-   vtkIdType npts = 0;
--  vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-+  vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
-   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
-   vtkIdType nodeId = node->getVtkId();
-   for (int rank = 0; rank < npts; rank++)
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cpp
-@@ -11348,7 +11348,7 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::DoubleNodesOnGrou
-             {
-               int oldId = *itn;
-               //MESSAGE("     node " << oldId);
--              vtkCellLinks::Link l = grid->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(oldId);
-+              vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(grid->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(oldId);
-               for (int i=0; i<l.ncells; i++)
-                 {
-                   int vtkId = l.cells[i];
-@@ -11527,7 +11527,7 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::DoubleNodesOnGrou
-                                           //MESSAGE("  domain " << idom << " volume " << elem->GetID());
-                                           double values[3];
-                                           vtkIdType npts = 0;
--                                          vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-+                                          vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
-                                           grid->GetCellPoints(vtkVolIds[ivol], npts, pts);
-                                           SMDS_VtkVolume::gravityCenter(grid, pts, npts, values);
-                                           if (id ==0)
-@@ -11708,7 +11708,7 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::DoubleNodesOnGrou
-         {
-           int oldId = itnod->first;
-           //MESSAGE("     node " << oldId);
--          vtkCellLinks::Link l = grid->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(oldId);
-+          vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(grid->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(oldId);
-           for (int i = 0; i < l.ncells; i++)
-             {
-               int vtkId = l.cells[i];
-@@ -12165,7 +12165,7 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::CreateHoleSkin(do
-           MESSAGE("volume to check,  vtkId " << vtkId << " smdsId " << meshDS->fromVtkToSmds(vtkId));
-           bool volInside = false;
-           vtkIdType npts = 0;
--          vtkIdType* pts = 0;
-+          vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
-           grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, pts);
-           for (int i=0; i<npts; i++)
-             {
-Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemPostObject.cpp
---- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemPostObject.cpp
-+++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemPostObject.cpp
-@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
-  *                                                                         *
-  ***************************************************************************/
- #include "PreCompiled.h"
- #ifndef _PreComp_

Copied: freecad/repos/community-x86_64/freecad-vtk9.patch (from rev 1093032, freecad/trunk/freecad-vtk9.patch)
--- freecad-vtk9.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ freecad-vtk9.patch	2022-01-04 18:30:46 UTC (rev 1093033)
@@ -0,0 +1,827 @@
+From bb9bcbd51df7c3cb76c5823038e4ea0f7e25a9ff Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: wmayer <wmayer at users.sourceforge.net>
+Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2020 17:56:03 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Make smesh compile with vtk9
+ .../salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_MeshElement.hxx      |  9 +++-
+ .../salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx |  4 ++
+ .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_BallElement.cpp |  9 +++-
+ .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Downward.cpp    | 44 +++++++++----------
+ .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh.cpp        |  6 ++-
+ .../src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh0DElement.cpp           | 12 +++++
+ .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_MeshNode.cpp    | 10 ++---
+ .../src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cpp        | 35 +++++++++++++--
+ .../src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkCellIterator.cpp         |  7 +--
+ .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkEdge.cpp     | 19 +++++++-
+ .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkFace.cpp     | 29 ++++++++++--
+ .../salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkVolume.cpp   | 38 +++++++++++-----
+ .../src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cpp            |  8 ++--
+ src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemPostObject.cpp |  7 ++-
+ 14 files changed, 179 insertions(+), 58 deletions(-)
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_MeshElement.hxx
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_MeshElement.hxx
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_MeshElement.hxx
+@@ -40,11 +40,16 @@
+ #include <vtkType.h>
+ #include <vtkCellType.h>
++#include <vtkCellArray.h>
+ //typedef unsigned short UShortType;
+ typedef short ShortType;
+ typedef int   LongType;
++#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
++typedef const vtkIdType* vtkIdTypePtr;
++typedef vtkIdType* vtkIdTypePtr;
+ class SMDS_MeshNode;
+ class SMDS_MeshEdge;
+ class SMDS_MeshFace;
+@@ -192,7 +197,7 @@ protected:
+   //! Element index in vector SMDS_Mesh::myNodes or SMDS_Mesh::myCells
+   int myID;
+   //! index in vtkUnstructuredGrid
+-  int myVtkID;
++  vtkIdType myVtkID;
+   //! SMDS_Mesh identification in SMESH
+   ShortType myMeshId;
+   //! SubShape and SubMesh identification in SMESHDS
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/inc/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.hxx
+@@ -95,7 +95,11 @@ public:
+                                        std::map<int, std::map<long,int> >& nodeQuadDomains);
+   vtkCellLinks* GetLinks()
+   {
++#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
++    return static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(GetCellLinks());
+     return Links;
+   }
+   SMDS_Downward* getDownArray(unsigned char vtkType)
+   {
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_BallElement.cpp
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_BallElement.cpp
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_BallElement.cpp
+@@ -67,10 +67,16 @@ void SMDS_BallElement::SetDiameter(doubl
+ bool SMDS_BallElement::ChangeNode (const SMDS_MeshNode * node)
+ {
+   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
++#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
++  vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
++  grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
++  cellPoints->SetId(0, node->getVtkId());
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+   vtkIdType* pts = 0;
+   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
+   pts[0] = node->getVtkId();
+   SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
+   return true;
+ }
+@@ -83,7 +89,8 @@ void SMDS_BallElement::Print (std::ostre
+ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMDS_BallElement::GetNode (const int ind) const
+ {
+   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
+-  vtkIdType npts, *pts;
++  vtkIdType npts;
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
+   grid->GetCellPoints( myVtkID, npts, pts );
+   return SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->FindNodeVtk( pts[ 0 ]);
+ }
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Downward.cpp
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Downward.cpp
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Downward.cpp
+@@ -303,7 +303,7 @@ int SMDS_Down1D::getNodeSet(int cellId,
+ void SMDS_Down1D::setNodes(int cellId, int vtkId)
+ {
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, pts);
+   // MESSAGE(vtkId << " " << npts << "  " << _nbDownCells);
+   //ASSERT(npts == _nbDownCells);
+@@ -357,7 +357,7 @@ int SMDS_Down1D::computeVtkCells(int *pt
+     {
+       vtkIdType point = pts[i];
+       int numCells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetNcells(point);
+-      vtkIdType *cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
++      vtkIdTypePtr cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
+       for (int j = 0; j < numCells; j++)
+         {
+           int vtkCellId = cells[j];
+@@ -532,7 +532,7 @@ int SMDS_Down2D::computeVolumeIds(int ce
+   // --- find point id's of the face
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, pts);
+   vector<int> nodes;
+   for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
+@@ -577,7 +577,7 @@ int SMDS_Down2D::computeVolumeIdsFromNod
+       vtkIdType point = pts[i];
+       int numCells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetNcells(point);
+       //MESSAGE("cells pour " << i << " " << numCells);
+-      vtkIdType *cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
++      vtkIdTypePtr cells = _grid->GetLinks()->GetCells(point);
+       for (int j = 0; j < numCells; j++)
+         {
+           int vtkCellId = cells[j];
+@@ -627,7 +627,7 @@ int SMDS_Down2D::computeVolumeIdsFromNod
+ void SMDS_Down2D::setTempNodes(int cellId, int vtkId)
+ {
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, pts);
+   // MESSAGE(vtkId << " " << npts << "  " << _nbNodes);
+   //ASSERT(npts == _nbNodes);
+@@ -795,7 +795,7 @@ void SMDS_Down3D::getNodeIds(int cellId,
+ {
+   int vtkId = this->_vtkCellIds[cellId];
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, nodes);
+   for (int i = 0; i < npts; i++)
+     nodeSet.insert(nodes[i]);
+@@ -1126,7 +1126,7 @@ void SMDS_DownTetra::getOrderedNodesOfFa
+   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
+   set<int> tofind;
+@@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ void SMDS_DownTetra::computeFacesWithNod
+   // --- find point id's of the volume
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
+   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
+@@ -1234,7 +1234,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadTetra::getOrderedNodes
+   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
+   set<int> tofind;
+@@ -1288,7 +1288,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadTetra::computeFacesWit
+   // --- find point id's of the volume
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
+   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
+@@ -1357,7 +1357,7 @@ void SMDS_DownPyramid::getOrderedNodesOf
+   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
+   set<int> tofind;
+@@ -1435,7 +1435,7 @@ void SMDS_DownPyramid::computeFacesWithN
+   // --- find point id's of the volume
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
+   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
+@@ -1500,7 +1500,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadPyramid::getOrderedNod
+   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
+   set<int> tofind;
+@@ -1580,7 +1580,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadPyramid::computeFacesW
+   // --- find point id's of the volume
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
+   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
+@@ -1660,7 +1660,7 @@ void SMDS_DownPenta::getOrderedNodesOfFa
+   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
+   set<int> tofind;
+@@ -1744,7 +1744,7 @@ void SMDS_DownPenta::computeFacesWithNod
+   // --- find point id's of the volume
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
+   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
+@@ -1810,7 +1810,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadPenta::getOrderedNodes
+   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
+   set<int> tofind;
+@@ -1896,7 +1896,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadPenta::computeFacesWit
+   // --- find point id's of the volume
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
+   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
+@@ -1981,7 +1981,7 @@ void SMDS_DownHexa::getOrderedNodesOfFac
+   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
+   set<int> tofind;
+@@ -2036,7 +2036,7 @@ void SMDS_DownHexa::computeFacesWithNode
+   // --- find point id's of the volume
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
+   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
+@@ -2112,7 +2112,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadHexa::getOrderedNodesO
+   //MESSAGE("cellId = " << cellId);
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(this->_vtkCellIds[cellId], npts, nodes);
+   set<int> tofind;
+@@ -2167,7 +2167,7 @@ void SMDS_DownQuadHexa::computeFacesWith
+   // --- find point id's of the volume
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType *nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
++  vtkIdTypePtr nodes; // will refer to the point id's of the volume
+   _grid->GetCellPoints(cellId, npts, nodes);
+   // --- create all the ordered list of node id's for each face
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh.cpp
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh.cpp
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh.cpp
+@@ -4768,7 +4768,11 @@ void SMDS_Mesh::dumpGrid(string ficdump)
+         ficcon << endl;
+   }
+   ficcon << "-------------------------------- connectivity " <<  nbPoints << endl;
+-        vtkCellLinks *links = myGrid->GetCellLinks();
++#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
++  vtkCellLinks *links = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(myGrid->GetCellLinks());
++  vtkCellLinks *links = myGrid->GetCellLinks();
+   for (int i=0; i<nbPoints; i++)
+   {
+         int ncells = links->GetNcells(i);
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh0DElement.cpp
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh0DElement.cpp
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_Mesh0DElement.cpp
+@@ -146,6 +146,17 @@ bool SMDS_Mesh0DElement::ChangeNodes(con
+   if ( nbNodes == 1 )
+   {
+     vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
++#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
++    vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
++    grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
++    if (nbNodes != cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds())
++    {
++      MESSAGE("ChangeNodes problem: not the same number of nodes " << cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds() << " -> " << nbNodes);
++      return false;
++    }
++    myNode = nodes[0];
++    cellPoints->SetId(0, myNode->getVtkId());
+     vtkIdType npts = 0;
+     vtkIdType* pts = 0;
+     grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
+@@ -156,6 +167,7 @@ bool SMDS_Mesh0DElement::ChangeNodes(con
+     }
+     myNode = nodes[0];
+     pts[0] = myNode->getVtkId();
+     SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
+     return true;
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_MeshNode.cpp
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_MeshNode.cpp
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_MeshNode.cpp
+@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ public:
+ SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr SMDS_MeshNode::
+ GetInverseElementIterator(SMDSAbs_ElementType type) const
+ {
+-  vtkCellLinks::Link l = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(myVtkID);
++  vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(myVtkID);
+   //MESSAGE("myID " << myID << " ncells " << l.ncells);
+   return SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr(new SMDS_MeshNode_MyInvIterator(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId], l.cells, l.ncells, type));
+ }
+@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ elementsIterator(SMDSAbs_ElementType typ
+     return SMDS_MeshElement::elementsIterator(SMDSAbs_Node);
+   else
+   {
+-    vtkCellLinks::Link l = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(myVtkID);
++    vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(myVtkID);
+     return SMDS_ElemIteratorPtr(new SMDS_MeshNode_MyIterator(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId], l.cells, l.ncells, type));
+   }
+ }
+@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ void SMDS_MeshNode::AddInverseElement(co
+   const SMDS_MeshCell *cell = dynamic_cast<const SMDS_MeshCell*> (ME);
+   assert(cell);
+   SMDS_UnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
+-  vtkCellLinks *Links = grid->GetCellLinks();
++  vtkCellLinks *Links = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(grid->GetCellLinks());
+   Links->ResizeCellList(myVtkID, 1);
+   Links->AddCellReference(cell->getVtkId(), myVtkID);
+ }
+@@ -366,7 +366,7 @@ void SMDS_MeshNode::ClearInverseElements
+ bool SMDS_MeshNode::emptyInverseElements()
+ {
+-  vtkCellLinks::Link l = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(myVtkID);
++  vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(myVtkID);
+   return (l.ncells == 0);
+ }
+@@ -378,7 +378,7 @@ bool SMDS_MeshNode::emptyInverseElements
+ int SMDS_MeshNode::NbInverseElements(SMDSAbs_ElementType type) const
+ {
+-  vtkCellLinks::Link l = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(myVtkID);
++  vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid()->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(myVtkID);
+   if ( type == SMDSAbs_All )
+     return l.ncells;
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cpp
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cpp
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_UnstructuredGrid.cpp
+@@ -139,8 +139,8 @@ int SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::InsertNextLin
+   for (; it != setOfNodes.end(); ++it)
+     {
+       //MESSAGE("reverse link for node " << *it << " cell " << cellid);
+-      this->Links->ResizeCellList(*it, 1);
+-      this->Links->AddCellReference(cellid, *it);
++      this->GetLinks()->ResizeCellList(*it, 1);
++      this->GetLinks()->AddCellReference(cellid, *it);
+     }
+   return cellid;
+@@ -332,9 +332,13 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::copyBloc(vtk
+     {
+       newTypes->SetValue(alreadyCopied, this->Types->GetValue(j));
+       idCellsOldToNew[j] = alreadyCopied; // old vtkId --> new vtkId
++#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
++      vtkIdType oldLoc = this->GetCellLocationsArray()->GetValue(j);
+       vtkIdType oldLoc = this->Locations->GetValue(j);
+       vtkIdType nbpts;
+-      vtkIdType *oldPtsCell = 0;
++      vtkIdTypePtr oldPtsCell = 0;
+       this->Connectivity->GetCell(oldLoc, nbpts, oldPtsCell);
+       assert(nbpts < NBMAXNODESINCELL);
+       //MESSAGE(j << " " << alreadyCopied << " " << (int)this->Types->GetValue(j) << " " << oldLoc << " " << nbpts );
+@@ -952,6 +956,21 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::GetNodeIds(s
+  */
+ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::ModifyCellNodes(int vtkVolId, std::map<int, int> localClonedNodeIds)
+ {
++#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
++  vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
++  this->GetCellPoints(vtkVolId, cellPoints.GetPointer());
++  for (vtkIdType i = 0; i < cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds(); i++)
++    {
++      if (localClonedNodeIds.count(cellPoints->GetId(i)))
++        {
++          vtkIdType oldpt = cellPoints->GetId(i);
++          cellPoints->SetId(i, localClonedNodeIds[oldpt]);
++          //MESSAGE(oldpt << " --> " << pts[i]);
++          //this->RemoveReferenceToCell(oldpt, vtkVolId);
++          //this->AddReferenceToCell(pts[i], vtkVolId);
++        }
++    }
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+   vtkIdType *pts; // will refer to the point id's of the face
+   this->GetCellPoints(vtkVolId, npts, pts);
+@@ -966,6 +985,7 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::ModifyCellNo
+           //this->AddReferenceToCell(pts[i], vtkVolId);
+         }
+     }
+ }
+ /*! reorder the nodes of a face
+@@ -995,11 +1015,20 @@ void SMDS_UnstructuredGrid::BuildLinks()
+     this->Links->UnRegister(this);
+     }
++#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
++  this->Links = SMDS_CellLinks::New();
++  GetLinks()->Allocate(this->GetNumberOfPoints());
++  GetLinks()->Register(this);
++//FIXME: vtk9
++  GetLinks()->BuildLinks(this);
++  GetLinks()->Delete();
+   this->Links = SMDS_CellLinks::New();
+   this->Links->Allocate(this->GetNumberOfPoints());
+   this->Links->Register(this);
+   this->Links->BuildLinks(this, this->Connectivity);
+   this->Links->Delete();
+ }
+ /*! Create a volume (prism or hexahedron) by duplication of a face.
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkCellIterator.cpp
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkCellIterator.cpp
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkCellIterator.cpp
+@@ -33,7 +33,8 @@ SMDS_VtkCellIterator::SMDS_VtkCellIterat
+   }
+   else
+   {
+-    vtkIdType npts, *pts;
++    vtkIdType npts;
++    vtkIdTypePtr pts;
+     grid->GetCellPoints( _cellId, npts, pts );
+     _vtkIdList->SetNumberOfIds( _nbNodes = npts );
+     for (int i = 0; i < _nbNodes; i++)
+@@ -67,7 +68,7 @@ SMDS_VtkCellIteratorToUNV::SMDS_VtkCellI
+   //MESSAGE("SMDS_VtkCellInterlacedIterator (UNV)" << _type);
+   _vtkIdList = vtkIdList::New();
+-  vtkIdType* pts;
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
+   vtkIdType npts;
+   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = _mesh->getGrid();
+   grid->GetCellPoints((vtkIdType)_cellId, npts, pts);
+@@ -182,7 +183,7 @@ SMDS_VtkCellIteratorPolyH::SMDS_VtkCellI
+   {
+     //MESSAGE("SMDS_VtkCellIterator Polyhedra");
+     vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
+-    vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
++    vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
+     grid->GetFaceStream(_cellId, nFaces, ptIds);
+     int id = 0;
+     _nbNodesInFaces = 0;
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkEdge.cpp
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkEdge.cpp
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkEdge.cpp
+@@ -67,6 +67,19 @@ bool SMDS_VtkEdge::ChangeNodes(const SMD
+ bool SMDS_VtkEdge::ChangeNodes(const SMDS_MeshNode* nodes[], const int nbNodes)
+ {
+   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
++#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
++  vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
++  grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
++  if (nbNodes != cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds())
++    {
++      MESSAGE("ChangeNodes problem: not the same number of nodes " << cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds() << " -> " << nbNodes);
++      return false;
++    }
++  for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++)
++    {
++      cellPoints->SetId(i, nodes[i]->getVtkId());
++    }
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+   vtkIdType* pts = 0;
+   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
+@@ -79,6 +92,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkEdge::ChangeNodes(const SMD
+     {
+       pts[i] = nodes[i]->getVtkId();
+     }
+   SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
+   return true;
+ }
+@@ -87,7 +101,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkEdge::IsMediumNode(const SM
+ {
+   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType* pts = 0;
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
+   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
+   //MESSAGE("IsMediumNode " << npts  << " " << (node->getVtkId() == pts[npts-1]));
+   return ((npts == 3) && (node->getVtkId() == pts[2]));
+@@ -137,7 +151,8 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode*
+ SMDS_VtkEdge::GetNode(const int ind) const
+ {
+   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
+-  vtkIdType npts, *pts;
++  vtkIdType npts;
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
+   grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
+   return SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->FindNodeVtk( pts[ ind ]);
+ }
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkFace.cpp
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkFace.cpp
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkFace.cpp
+@@ -101,6 +101,19 @@ void SMDS_VtkFace::initQuadPoly(const st
+ bool SMDS_VtkFace::ChangeNodes(const SMDS_MeshNode* nodes[], const int nbNodes)
+ {
+   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
++#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
++  vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
++  grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
++  if (nbNodes != cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds())
++    {
++      MESSAGE("ChangeNodes problem: not the same number of nodes " << cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds() << " -> " << nbNodes);
++      return false;
++    }
++  for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++)
++    {
++      cellPoints->SetId(i, nodes[i]->getVtkId());
++    }
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+   vtkIdType* pts = 0;
+   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
+@@ -113,6 +126,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkFace::ChangeNodes(const SMD
+     {
+       pts[i] = nodes[i]->getVtkId();
+     }
+   SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
+   return true;
+ }
+@@ -173,7 +187,8 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode*
+ SMDS_VtkFace::GetNode(const int ind) const
+ {
+   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
+-  vtkIdType npts, *pts;
++  vtkIdType npts;
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
+   grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
+   return SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->FindNodeVtk( pts[ ind ]);
+ }
+@@ -186,7 +201,8 @@ SMDS_VtkFace::GetNode(const int ind) con
+ int SMDS_VtkFace::GetNodeIndex( const SMDS_MeshNode* node ) const
+ {
+   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
+-  vtkIdType npts, *pts;
++  vtkIdType npts;
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
+   grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
+   for ( vtkIdType i = 0; i < npts; ++i )
+     if ( pts[i] == node->getVtkId() )
+@@ -251,7 +267,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkFace::IsMediumNode(const SM
+     return false;
+   }
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType* pts = 0;
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
+   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
+   vtkIdType nodeId = node->getVtkId();
+   for (int rank = 0; rank < npts; rank++)
+@@ -356,11 +372,18 @@ SMDS_NodeIteratorPtr SMDS_VtkFace::inter
+ void SMDS_VtkFace::ChangeApex(SMDS_MeshNode* node)
+ {
+   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
++#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
++  vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
++  grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
++  grid->RemoveReferenceToCell(cellPoints->GetId(0), myVtkID);
++  cellPoints->SetId(0, node->getVtkId());
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+   vtkIdType* pts = 0;
+   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
+   grid->RemoveReferenceToCell(pts[0], myVtkID);
+   pts[0] = node->getVtkId();
+   node->AddInverseElement(this),
+   SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
+ }
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkVolume.cpp
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkVolume.cpp
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMDS/SMDS_VtkVolume.cpp
+@@ -133,6 +133,19 @@ void SMDS_VtkVolume::initPoly(const std:
+ bool SMDS_VtkVolume::ChangeNodes(const SMDS_MeshNode* nodes[], const int nbNodes)
+ {
+   vtkUnstructuredGrid* grid = SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->getGrid();
++#ifdef VTK_CELL_ARRAY_V2
++  vtkNew<vtkIdList> cellPoints;
++  grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, cellPoints.GetPointer());
++  if (nbNodes != cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds())
++    {
++      MESSAGE("ChangeNodes problem: not the same number of nodes " << cellPoints->GetNumberOfIds() << " -> " << nbNodes);
++      return false;
++    }
++  for (int i = 0; i < nbNodes; i++)
++    {
++      cellPoints->SetId(i, nodes[i]->getVtkId());
++    }
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+   vtkIdType* pts = 0;
+   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
+@@ -145,6 +158,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkVolume::ChangeNodes(const S
+     {
+       pts[i] = nodes[i]->getVtkId();
+     }
+   SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->setMyModified();
+   return true;
+ }
+@@ -207,7 +221,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::NbFaces() const
+     case VTK_POLYHEDRON:
+       {
+         vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
+-        vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
++        vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
+         grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
+         nbFaces = nFaces;
+         break;
+@@ -236,7 +250,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::NbNodes() const
+   else
+     {
+       vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
+-      vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
++      vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
+       grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
+       int id = 0;
+       for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
+@@ -276,7 +290,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::NbEdges() const
+     case VTK_POLYHEDRON:
+       {
+         vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
+-        vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
++        vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
+         grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
+         nbEdges = 0;
+         int id = 0;
+@@ -312,7 +326,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::NbFaceNodes(const in
+   if (aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
+     {
+       vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
+-      vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
++      vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
+       grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
+       int id = 0;
+       for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
+@@ -342,7 +356,7 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMDS_VtkVolume::Get
+   if (aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
+     {
+       vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
+-      vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
++      vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
+       grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
+       int id = 0;
+       for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
+@@ -372,7 +386,7 @@ std::vector<int> SMDS_VtkVolume::GetQuan
+   if (aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
+     {
+       vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
+-      vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
++      vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
+       grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
+       int id = 0;
+       for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
+@@ -430,7 +444,7 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMDS_VtkVolume::Get
+   if ( aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
+   {
+     vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
+-    vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
++    vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
+     grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
+     int id = 0, nbPoints = 0;
+     for (int i = 0; i < nFaces; i++)
+@@ -443,7 +457,8 @@ const SMDS_MeshNode* SMDS_VtkVolume::Get
+     }
+     return 0;
+   }
+-  vtkIdType npts, *pts;
++  vtkIdType npts;
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
+   grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
+   const std::vector<int>& interlace = SMDS_MeshCell::fromVtkOrder( VTKCellType( aVtkType ));
+   return SMDS_Mesh::_meshList[myMeshId]->FindNodeVtk( pts[ interlace.empty() ? ind : interlace[ind]] );
+@@ -460,7 +475,7 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::GetNodeIndex( const
+   if ( aVtkType == VTK_POLYHEDRON)
+   {
+     vtkIdType nFaces = 0;
+-    vtkIdType* ptIds = 0;
++    vtkIdTypePtr ptIds = 0;
+     grid->GetFaceStream(this->myVtkID, nFaces, ptIds);
+     int id = 0;
+     for (int iF = 0; iF < nFaces; iF++)
+@@ -473,7 +488,8 @@ int SMDS_VtkVolume::GetNodeIndex( const
+     }
+     return -1;
+   }
+-  vtkIdType npts, *pts;
++  vtkIdType npts;
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts;
+   grid->GetCellPoints( this->myVtkID, npts, pts );
+   for ( vtkIdType i = 0; i < npts; ++i )
+     if ( pts[i] == node->getVtkId() )
+@@ -534,7 +550,7 @@ bool SMDS_VtkVolume::IsMediumNode(const
+       return false;
+   }
+   vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-  vtkIdType* pts = 0;
++  vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
+   grid->GetCellPoints(myVtkID, npts, pts);
+   vtkIdType nodeId = node->getVtkId();
+   for (int rank = 0; rank < npts; rank++)
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cpp
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cpp
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/3rdParty/salomesmesh/src/SMESH/SMESH_MeshEditor.cpp
+@@ -11348,7 +11348,7 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::DoubleNodesOnGrou
+             {
+               int oldId = *itn;
+               //MESSAGE("     node " << oldId);
+-              vtkCellLinks::Link l = grid->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(oldId);
++              vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(grid->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(oldId);
+               for (int i=0; i<l.ncells; i++)
+                 {
+                   int vtkId = l.cells[i];
+@@ -11527,7 +11527,7 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::DoubleNodesOnGrou
+                                           //MESSAGE("  domain " << idom << " volume " << elem->GetID());
+                                           double values[3];
+                                           vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-                                          vtkIdType* pts = 0;
++                                          vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
+                                           grid->GetCellPoints(vtkVolIds[ivol], npts, pts);
+                                           SMDS_VtkVolume::gravityCenter(grid, pts, npts, values);
+                                           if (id ==0)
+@@ -11708,7 +11708,7 @@ bool SMESH_MeshEditor::DoubleNodesOnGrou
+         {
+           int oldId = itnod->first;
+           //MESSAGE("     node " << oldId);
+-          vtkCellLinks::Link l = grid->GetCellLinks()->GetLink(oldId);
++          vtkCellLinks::Link l = static_cast<vtkCellLinks*>(grid->GetCellLinks())->GetLink(oldId);
+           for (int i = 0; i < l.ncells; i++)
+             {
+               int vtkId = l.cells[i];
+@@ -12165,7 +12165,7 @@ void SMESH_MeshEditor::CreateHoleSkin(do
+           MESSAGE("volume to check,  vtkId " << vtkId << " smdsId " << meshDS->fromVtkToSmds(vtkId));
+           bool volInside = false;
+           vtkIdType npts = 0;
+-          vtkIdType* pts = 0;
++          vtkIdTypePtr pts = 0;
+           grid->GetCellPoints(vtkId, npts, pts);
+           for (int i=0; i<npts; i++)
+             {
+Index: FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemPostObject.cpp
+--- FreeCAD-0.19.2.orig/src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemPostObject.cpp
++++ FreeCAD-0.19.2/src/Mod/Fem/Gui/ViewProviderFemPostObject.cpp
+@@ -20,7 +20,6 @@
+  *                                                                         *
+  ***************************************************************************/
+ #include "PreCompiled.h"
+ #ifndef _PreComp_

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