[arch-commits] Commit in exim/trunk (8 files)

Felix Yan felixonmars at gemini.archlinux.org
Mon Jun 27 21:34:26 UTC 2022

    Date: Monday, June 27, 2022 @ 21:34:25
  Author: felixonmars
Revision: 1239769

upgpkg: exim 4.96-1


 PKGBUILD                                              |   10 -
 exim.Makefile                                         |   87 ++++++++--------
 keys/pgp/A986F3A6BD6377D8730958DEBCE58C8CE41F32DF.asc |    1 
 keys/pgp/ACBB4324393ADE3515DA2DDA4D1E900E14C1CC04.asc |    1 
 keys/pgp/C693A034E1ED6EE954CAE2DA13DAD99C7E41519C.asc |    1 
 keys/pgp/E5CA331D44AB8E4C806FDBEE26101B62F69376CE.asc |    1 
 6 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2022-06-27 21:32:52 UTC (rev 1239768)
+++ PKGBUILD	2022-06-27 21:34:25 UTC (rev 1239769)
@@ -5,14 +5,14 @@
 # Contributor: judd <jvinet at zeroflux.org>
 pkgdesc='Message Transfer Agent'
 backup=('etc/mail/aliases' 'etc/mail/exim.conf' 'etc/logrotate.d/exim')
-depends=('gdbm' 'libldap' 'libidn' 'libidn2' 'libnsl' 'libspf2' 'libxcrypt' 'openssl' 'pam' 'pcre' 'sqlite')
+depends=('gdbm' 'libldap' 'libidn' 'libidn2' 'libnsl' 'libspf2' 'libxcrypt' 'openssl' 'pam' 'pcre2' 'sqlite')
 provides=('smtp-server' 'smtp-forwarder')
 conflicts=('smtp-server' 'smtp-forwarder')
@@ -26,11 +26,11 @@
-            '107a30691c961e511a6ae86282c41e4d3dfac771f4a30295a0bdfd1b9229c38272aaabf38321707f3c6b235dc749b6fcb56a1cf732c97f01830e5e8348feaf8d'
+            '6e93e8154e9a19c79b72072cfa79e37ed742998fca823bfe87169a038c93e9ab0c11124633ca8c85d5b9ed6195ffb03ccc564f5cda3f1063f5ff62eda8157751'

Modified: exim.Makefile
--- exim.Makefile	2022-06-27 21:32:52 UTC (rev 1239768)
+++ exim.Makefile	2022-06-27 21:34:25 UTC (rev 1239769)
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# $Cambridge: exim/src/src/EDITME,v 4.93 $
 #          The Exim mail transport agent         #
@@ -14,12 +13,11 @@
 # Things that depend on the operating system have default settings in
 # OS/Makefile-Default, but these are overridden for some OS by files
-# called called OS/Makefile-<osname>. You can further override these by
-# creating files called Local/Makefile-<osname>, and
-# Local/Makefile-<buildname> (where "<osname>" stands for the name of
-# your operating system - look at the names in the OS directory to see
-# which names are recognized, and "<buildname>" is derived from the
-# environment variable "build")
+# called OS/Makefile-<osname>. You can further override these settings by
+# creating files Local/Makefile-<osname>, and Local/Makefile-<build>.
+# The suffix "<osname>" stands for the name of your operating system - look
+# at the names in the OS directory to see which names are recognized,
+# and "<build>" is the content of the environment variable "build".
 # However, if you are building Exim for a single OS only, you don't need to
 # worry about setting up Local/Makefile-<osname>. Any build-time configuration
@@ -203,7 +201,7 @@
 # the libraries and headers are installed, as the pkg-config .pc
 # specification should include all -L/-I information necessary.
 # Enabling the USE_*_PC options should be sufficient. If not using
-# pkg-config, then you have to specify the libraries, and you mmight
+# pkg-config, then you have to specify the libraries, and you might
 # need to specify the locations too.
 # Uncomment the following lines if you want
@@ -212,7 +210,7 @@
 # Unless you do this, you must define one of USE_OPENSSL or USE_GNUTLS
 # below.
-# If you are buliding with TLS, the library configuration must be done:
+# If you are building with TLS, the library configuration must be done:
 # Uncomment this if you are using OpenSSL
@@ -281,7 +279,10 @@
 # specified in INCLUDE.
+# Uncomment the following line to remove support for TLS Resumption
 #           THESE ARE THINGS YOU PROBABLY WANT TO SPECIFY                     #
@@ -416,6 +417,8 @@
 # LOOKUP_MYSQL_PC=mariadb
@@ -457,11 +460,11 @@
-# The PCRE library is required for Exim.  There is no longer an embedded
+# The PCRE2 library is required for Exim.  There is no longer an embedded
 # version of the PCRE library included with the source code, instead you
-# must use a system library or build your own copy of PCRE.
+# must use a system library or build your own copy of PCRE2.
 # In either case you must specify the library link info here.  If the
-# PCRE header files are not in the standard search path you must also
+# PCRE2 header files are not in the standard search path you must also
 # modify the INCLUDE path (above)
 # Use PCRE_CONFIG to query the pcre-config command (first found in $PATH)
@@ -468,8 +471,8 @@
 # to find the include files and libraries, else use PCRE_LIBS and set INCLUDE
 # too if needed.
-# PCRE_LIBS=-lpcre
+# PCRE_LIBS=-lpcre2
@@ -492,10 +495,18 @@
 # You do not need to use this for any lookup information added via pkg-config.
 # LOOKUP_INCLUDE=-I /usr/local/ldap/include -I /usr/local/mysql/include -I /usr/local/pgsql/include
-# LOOKUP_LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lldap -llber -lmysqlclient -lpq -lgds -lsqlite3
+# LOOKUP_INCLUDE +=-I /usr/local/include
+# LOOKUP_LIBS=-L/usr/local/lib -lldap -llber -lmysqlclient -lpq -lgds -lsqlite3 -llmdb
 LOOKUP_LIBS=-lldap -llber
+# If you included LOOKUP_LMDB above you will need the library. Depending
+# on where installed you may also need an include directory
+# LOOKUP_INCLUDE += -I/usr/local/include
+# LOOKUP_LIBS += -llmdb
 # Compiling the Exim monitor: If you want to compile the Exim monitor, a
 # program that requires an X11 display, then EXIM_MONITOR should be set to the
@@ -566,15 +577,22 @@
 # To disable support for Events set DISABLE_EVENT to "yes"
-# Uncomment this line to include support for early pipelining, per
+# Uncomment this line to remove support for early pipelining, per
 # https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-harris-early-pipe/
+# Uncomment the following to remove the fast-ramp two-phase-queue-run support
+# Uncomment the following lines to add SRS (Sender Rewriting Scheme) support
+# using only native facilities.
 # Compiling Exim with experimental features. These are documented in
 # experimental-spec.txt. "Experimental" means that the way these features are
@@ -586,21 +604,10 @@
-# Uncomment the following lines to add SRS (Sender rewriting scheme) support.
-# You need to have libsrs_alt installed on your system (srs.mirtol.com).
-# Depending on where it is installed you may have to edit the CFLAGS and
-# LDFLAGS lines.
-# CFLAGS  += -I/usr/local/include
-# LDFLAGS += -lsrs_alt
-# Uncomment the following lines to add SRS (Sender rewriting scheme) support
-# using only native facilities.
 # Uncomment the following line to add DMARC checking capability, implemented
 # using libopendmarc libraries. You must have SPF and DKIM support enabled also.
+# Library version libopendmarc-1.4.1-1.fc33.x86_64  (on Fedora 33) is known broken;
+# 1.3.2-3 works.  I seems that the OpenDMARC project broke their API.
 # CFLAGS += -I/usr/local/include
 # LDFLAGS += -lopendmarc
@@ -624,19 +631,9 @@
 # Uncomment the following to include extra information in fail DSN message (bounces)
-# Uncomment the following to add LMDB lookup support
-# You need to have LMDB installed on your system (https://github.com/LMDB/lmdb)
-# Depending on where it is installed you may have to edit the CFLAGS and LDFLAGS lines.
-# CFLAGS += -I/usr/local/include
-# LDFLAGS += -llmdb
 # Uncomment the following line to add queuefile transport support
-# Uncomment the following line to include support for TLS Resumption
 #                 THESE ARE THINGS YOU MIGHT WANT TO SPECIFY                  #
@@ -789,7 +786,10 @@
 # AUTH_LIBS=-lgsasl
 # AUTH_LIBS=-lgssapi -lheimntlm -lkrb5 -lhx509 -lcom_err -lhcrypto -lasn1 -lwind -lroken -lcrypt
+# If using AUTH_GSASL with SCRAM methods, you should also be defining
+# SUPPORT_I18N to get standards-conformant support of utf8 normalization.
 # When Exim is decoding MIME "words" in header lines, most commonly for use
 # in the $header_xxx expansion, it converts any foreign character sets to the
@@ -1494,4 +1494,9 @@
 # For development, add this to include code to time various stages and report.
+# For a very slightly smaller build, for constrained systems, uncomment this.
+# The feature involved is purely for debugging.
 # End of EDITME for Exim 4.

Added: keys/pgp/A986F3A6BD6377D8730958DEBCE58C8CE41F32DF.asc
(Binary files differ)

Index: exim/trunk/keys/pgp/A986F3A6BD6377D8730958DEBCE58C8CE41F32DF.asc
--- keys/pgp/A986F3A6BD6377D8730958DEBCE58C8CE41F32DF.asc	2022-06-27 21:32:52 UTC (rev 1239768)
+++ keys/pgp/A986F3A6BD6377D8730958DEBCE58C8CE41F32DF.asc	2022-06-27 21:34:25 UTC (rev 1239769)

Property changes on: exim/trunk/keys/pgp/A986F3A6BD6377D8730958DEBCE58C8CE41F32DF.asc
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: keys/pgp/ACBB4324393ADE3515DA2DDA4D1E900E14C1CC04.asc
(Binary files differ)

Index: exim/trunk/keys/pgp/ACBB4324393ADE3515DA2DDA4D1E900E14C1CC04.asc
--- keys/pgp/ACBB4324393ADE3515DA2DDA4D1E900E14C1CC04.asc	2022-06-27 21:32:52 UTC (rev 1239768)
+++ keys/pgp/ACBB4324393ADE3515DA2DDA4D1E900E14C1CC04.asc	2022-06-27 21:34:25 UTC (rev 1239769)

Property changes on: exim/trunk/keys/pgp/ACBB4324393ADE3515DA2DDA4D1E900E14C1CC04.asc
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: keys/pgp/C693A034E1ED6EE954CAE2DA13DAD99C7E41519C.asc
(Binary files differ)

Index: exim/trunk/keys/pgp/C693A034E1ED6EE954CAE2DA13DAD99C7E41519C.asc
--- keys/pgp/C693A034E1ED6EE954CAE2DA13DAD99C7E41519C.asc	2022-06-27 21:32:52 UTC (rev 1239768)
+++ keys/pgp/C693A034E1ED6EE954CAE2DA13DAD99C7E41519C.asc	2022-06-27 21:34:25 UTC (rev 1239769)

Property changes on: exim/trunk/keys/pgp/C693A034E1ED6EE954CAE2DA13DAD99C7E41519C.asc
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property
Added: keys/pgp/E5CA331D44AB8E4C806FDBEE26101B62F69376CE.asc
(Binary files differ)

Index: exim/trunk/keys/pgp/E5CA331D44AB8E4C806FDBEE26101B62F69376CE.asc
--- keys/pgp/E5CA331D44AB8E4C806FDBEE26101B62F69376CE.asc	2022-06-27 21:32:52 UTC (rev 1239768)
+++ keys/pgp/E5CA331D44AB8E4C806FDBEE26101B62F69376CE.asc	2022-06-27 21:34:25 UTC (rev 1239769)

Property changes on: exim/trunk/keys/pgp/E5CA331D44AB8E4C806FDBEE26101B62F69376CE.asc
Added: svn:mime-type
## -0,0 +1 ##
\ No newline at end of property

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