[arch-commits] Commit in paraview/trunk (3 files)

Bruno Pagani archange at gemini.archlinux.org
Wed Mar 23 13:32:26 UTC 2022

    Date: Wednesday, March 23, 2022 @ 13:32:25
  Author: archange
Revision: 1171347

upgpkg: paraview 5.10.1-1


 PKGBUILD              |   57 +++-----
 revert-smp-info.patch |  172 +++++++++++++++++++++++++
 vtk-tbb-2021.patch    |  329 ------------------------------------------------
 3 files changed, 197 insertions(+), 361 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2022-03-23 13:01:10 UTC (rev 1171346)
+++ PKGBUILD	2022-03-23 13:32:25 UTC (rev 1171347)
@@ -7,40 +7,37 @@
 pkgdesc="Parallel Visualization application using VTK (${_mpi} version)"
 license=(BSD custom)
-depends=(boost-libs qt5-tools qt5-x11extras qt5-svg intel-tbb openmpi ffmpeg
-         adios2 liblas ospray pdal python-numpy cgns protobuf
-         double-conversion expat freetype2 gdal gl2ps glew hdf5 libjpeg jsoncpp
-         libjsoncpp.so libharu libxml2 lz4 xz python-mpi4py netcdf libogg
-         libpng pugixml rapidjson libtheora libtiff zlib)
+depends=(boost-libs qt5-tools qt5-svg intel-tbb openmpi ffmpeg
+         adios2 liblas ospray pdal python-numpy protobuf
+         cgns double-conversion expat freetype2 gdal gl2ps glew hdf5 libjpeg
+         jsoncpp libjsoncpp.so libharu libxml2 lz4 xz python-mpi4py netcdf
+         libogg libpng pugixml libtheora libtiff zlib)
 optdepends=(python-matplotlib python-pandas)
-makedepends=(cmake boost mesa gcc-fortran ninja qt5-tools qt5-xmlpatterns eigen utf8cpp)
-# pegtl https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/issues/18151
+makedepends=(cmake boost mesa gcc-fortran ninja qt5-xmlpatterns cli11 eigen utf8cpp)
+# pegtl: https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/issues/18151
+# rapidjson: https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/issues/18366
+# fmt: https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/-/issues/21315
+# catalyst, exprtk, ioss: not packaged
-        vtk-gcc11.patch::https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/merge_requests/7554.patch
-        vtk-fix-shader-initialization.patch::https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/merge_requests/7978.patch
-        vtk-tbb-2021.patch
-        vtkm-tbb-2021-pre.patch::https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk-m/-/merge_requests/2452.patch
-        vtk-ffmpeg5.patch::https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/merge_requests/8863.patch)
+        vtk-ffmpeg5.patch::https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/merge_requests/8863.patch
+        revert-smp-info.patch) # Derived from https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/-/merge_requests/5131
-            'c9959adcb59e2f2657f0144b0b68239d4174947fb2ab8051f2575241281e4d68'
-            '10864f69e2d6577c56cc536438b5dd7a52b004f6bb253a17569899922d804fe8'
-            '5e621ed053ae6e27fea32c09ff64a700684983703d2361c658e1701b0b413189'
-            '39a84440097147338fcfcc937a2efed4ff887e83c2040d43abb97f5532bdb2fc'
-            '066ad5eb3f7cd101c4bbbe4d91ba97419f18537f9dadf6654776b7151c7c6a8d')
+            '066ad5eb3f7cd101c4bbbe4d91ba97419f18537f9dadf6654776b7151c7c6a8d'
+            'fb7496032d3e9fc8575b533127b5d93c7a2d0a1a2c2abad859f4f40ea06e55c7')
 prepare() {
   # Specify python version in wrapper
@@ -51,23 +48,13 @@
   # We have a patched libharu
   sed -i "s|2.4.0|2.3.0|" VTK/ThirdParty/libharu/CMakeLists.txt
   # Fix licences install (upstreamed but not released)
-  sed -i 's|CACHE PATH "License|CACHE STRING "License|g' CMakeLists.txt
   sed -i 's|CACHE PATH "License|CACHE STRING "License|g' VTK/CMakeLists.txt
-  # Missing includes with GCC11
-  patch -p1 -d VTK < ../vtk-gcc11.patch
-  # FS#71081
-  patch -p1 -d VTK < ../vtk-fix-shader-initialization.patch
-  # Fix build with HDF5 1.12.1, https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/issues/18265
-  sed -i 's/typedef int hid_t;/typedef int64_t hid_t;/' VTK/ThirdParty/xdmf3/vtkxdmf3/core/XdmfHDF5Controller.hpp
   # Fix build with TBB 2021
-  # https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/merge_requests/7650
-  # https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/merge_requests/7765
-  # https://gitlab.kitware.com/vtk/vtk/-/merge_requests/8011
-  patch -p1 -d VTK < ../vtk-tbb-2021.patch
-  patch -p1 -d VTK/ThirdParty/vtkm/vtkvtkm/vtk-m < ../vtkm-tbb-2021-pre.patch
   patch -p1 -d VTK/ThirdParty/vtkm/vtkvtkm/vtk-m < ../vtkm-tbb-2021.patch
   # Fix build with FFmpeg 5
   patch -p1 -d VTK < ../vtk-ffmpeg5.patch
+  # https://gitlab.kitware.com/paraview/paraview/-/issues/21323
+  patch -p1 -R < ../revert-smp-info.patch
 build() {
@@ -94,6 +81,12 @@
+    -DVTK_MODULE_USE_EXTERNAL_ParaView_vtkcatalyst=OFF \
   ninja -C build ${MAKEFLAGS}

Added: revert-smp-info.patch
--- revert-smp-info.patch	                        (rev 0)
+++ revert-smp-info.patch	2022-03-23 13:32:25 UTC (rev 1171347)
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+From 2f378aea29c406a41d9cb4f8cda5c165efd969ad Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
+From: =?UTF-8?q?Timoth=C3=A9e=20Couble?= <timothee.couble at kitware.com>
+Date: Mon, 23 Aug 2021 10:41:48 +0200
+Subject: [PATCH] Add SMP backend information in about dialog
+Add in about dialog:
+- SMP Tools backend in use
+- SMP max number of thread
+Fix #20894
+ .../release/dev/AddSMPInfoAboutDialog.md      |  5 ++++
+ Qt/Components/pqAboutDialog.cxx               |  7 ++++++
+ Remoting/Core/vtkPVServerInformation.cxx      | 23 +++++++++++++++++++
+ Remoting/Core/vtkPVServerInformation.h        | 18 +++++++++++++++
+ 4 files changed, 53 insertions(+)
+ create mode 100644 Documentation/release/dev/AddSMPInfoAboutDialog.md
+diff --git a/Qt/Components/pqAboutDialog.cxx b/Qt/Components/pqAboutDialog.cxx
+index 623d1ceee8..2d0003da15 100644
+--- a/Qt/Components/pqAboutDialog.cxx
++++ b/Qt/Components/pqAboutDialog.cxx
+ #include "vtkPVServerInformation.h"
+ #include "vtkProcessModule.h"
+ #include "vtkRemotingCoreConfiguration.h"
++#include "vtkSMPTools.h"
+ #include "vtkSMProxyManager.h"
+ #include "vtkSMSession.h"
+ #include "vtkSMViewProxy.h"
+@@ -164,6 +165,9 @@ void pqAboutDialog::AddClientInformation()
+   ::addItem(tree, "Test Directory", QString::fromStdString(pqConfig->testDirectory()));
+   ::addItem(tree, "Data Directory", QString::fromStdString(pqConfig->dataDirectory()));
++  ::addItem(tree, "SMP Backend", vtkSMPTools::GetBackend());
++  ::addItem(tree, "SMP Max Number of Threads", vtkSMPTools::GetEstimatedNumberOfThreads());
+   // For local OpenGL info, we ask Qt, as that's more truthful anyways.
+   QOpenGLContext* ctx = QOpenGLContext::currentContext();
+   if (QOpenGLFunctions* f = ctx ? ctx->functions() : nullptr)
+@@ -226,6 +230,9 @@ void pqAboutDialog::AddServerInformation(pqServer* server, QTreeWidget* tree)
+   ::addItem(tree, "vtkIdType size", QString("%1bits").arg(serverInfo->GetIdTypeSize()));
++  ::addItem(tree, "SMP Backend", serverInfo->GetSMPBackendName().c_str());
++  ::addItem(tree, "SMP Max Number of Threads", serverInfo->GetSMPMaxNumberOfThreads());
+   vtkSMSession* session = server->session();
+   vtkNew<vtkPVPythonInformation> pythonInfo;
+   session->GatherInformation(vtkPVSession::SERVERS, pythonInfo.GetPointer(), 0);
+diff --git a/Remoting/Core/vtkPVServerInformation.cxx b/Remoting/Core/vtkPVServerInformation.cxx
+index e7f4071a16..aa6c14d488 100644
+--- a/Remoting/Core/vtkPVServerInformation.cxx
++++ b/Remoting/Core/vtkPVServerInformation.cxx
+@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+ #include "vtkPVSession.h"
+ #include "vtkProcessModule.h"
+ #include "vtkRemotingCoreConfiguration.h"
++#include "vtkSMPTools.h"
+ #if VTK_MODULE_ENABLE_ParaView_nvpipe
+ #include <nvpipe.h>
+ #endif
+@@ -97,6 +98,9 @@ vtkPVServerInformation::vtkPVServerInformation()
+   this->IsInTileDisplay = false;
+   this->IsInCave = false;
+   this->TileDimensions[0] = this->TileDimensions[1] = 0;
++  this->SMPBackendName = vtkSMPTools::GetBackend() ? vtkSMPTools::GetBackend() : "";
++  this->SMPMaxNumberOfThreads = vtkSMPTools::GetEstimatedNumberOfThreads();
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -121,6 +125,8 @@ void vtkPVServerInformation::PrintSelf(ostream& os, vtkIndent indent)
+   os << indent << "IsInCave: " << this->IsInCave << endl;
+   os << indent << "TileDimensions: " << this->TileDimensions[0] << ", " << this->TileDimensions[1]
+      << endl;
++  os << indent << "SMPBackendName: " << this->SMPBackendName << endl;
++  os << indent << "SMPMaxNumberOfThreads: " << this->SMPMaxNumberOfThreads << endl;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -138,6 +144,8 @@ void vtkPVServerInformation::DeepCopy(vtkPVServerInformation* info)
+   this->IsInTileDisplay = info->GetIsInTileDisplay();
+   this->IsInCave = info->GetIsInCave();
+   info->GetTileDimensions(this->TileDimensions);
++  this->SMPBackendName = info->GetSMPBackendName();
++  this->SMPMaxNumberOfThreads = info->GetSMPMaxNumberOfThreads();
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+@@ -219,6 +227,8 @@ void vtkPVServerInformation::AddInformation(vtkPVInformation* info)
+     {
+       this->ClientId = serverInfo->ClientId;
+     }
++    this->SMPBackendName = serverInfo->GetSMPBackendName();
++    this->SMPMaxNumberOfThreads = serverInfo->GetSMPMaxNumberOfThreads();
+     this->SetIdTypeSize(serverInfo->GetIdTypeSize());
+   }
+ }
+@@ -242,6 +252,8 @@ void vtkPVServerInformation::CopyToStream(vtkClientServerStream* css)
+   *css << this->IsInTileDisplay;
+   *css << this->IsInCave;
+   *css << this->TileDimensions[0] << this->TileDimensions[1];
++  *css << this->SMPBackendName;
++  *css << this->SMPMaxNumberOfThreads;
+   *css << vtkClientServerStream::End;
+ }
+@@ -329,6 +341,17 @@ void vtkPVServerInformation::CopyFromStream(const vtkClientServerStream* css)
+     vtkErrorMacro("Error parsing TileDimensions from message.");
+     return;
+   }
++  if (!css->GetArgument(0, idx++, &this->SMPBackendName))
++  {
++    vtkErrorMacro("Error parsing SMPBackendName from message.");
++    return;
++  }
++  if (!css->GetArgument(0, idx++, &this->SMPMaxNumberOfThreads))
++  {
++    vtkErrorMacro("Error parsing SMPMaxNumberOfThreads from message.");
++    return;
++  }
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+diff --git a/Remoting/Core/vtkPVServerInformation.h b/Remoting/Core/vtkPVServerInformation.h
+index fd12529cfe..7f2f1fe085 100644
+--- a/Remoting/Core/vtkPVServerInformation.h
++++ b/Remoting/Core/vtkPVServerInformation.h
+@@ -24,6 +24,8 @@
+ #ifndef vtkPVServerInformation_h
+ #define vtkPVServerInformation_h
++#include <string>
+ #include "vtkPVInformation.h"
+ #include "vtkRemotingCoreModule.h" //needed for exports
+@@ -140,6 +142,20 @@ public:
+   vtkGetMacro(IdTypeSize, int);
+   //@}
++  //@{
++  /**
++   * Get the SMP Tools backend name of the server.
++   */
++  vtkGetMacro(SMPBackendName, std::string);
++  //@}
++  //@{
++  /**
++   * Get the max number of threads of the server.
++   */
++  vtkGetMacro(SMPMaxNumberOfThreads, int);
++  //@}
+ protected:
+   vtkPVServerInformation();
+   ~vtkPVServerInformation() override;
+@@ -158,6 +174,8 @@ protected:
+   bool IsInTileDisplay;
+   bool IsInCave;
+   int TileDimensions[2];
++  std::string SMPBackendName;
++  int SMPMaxNumberOfThreads;
+ private:
+   vtkPVServerInformation(const vtkPVServerInformation&) = delete;

Deleted: vtk-tbb-2021.patch
--- vtk-tbb-2021.patch	2022-03-23 13:01:10 UTC (rev 1171346)
+++ vtk-tbb-2021.patch	2022-03-23 13:32:25 UTC (rev 1171347)
@@ -1,329 +0,0 @@
-From 172e85feaf7cd36533012d66fb12a8942888d61d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Ben Boeckel <ben.boeckel at kitware.com>
-Date: Fri, 19 Feb 2021 12:41:29 -0500
-Subject: [PATCH] FindTBB: chain off to TBBConfig if available
-Fixes: #18112
- CMake/FindTBB.cmake | 26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
- 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+)
-diff --git a/CMake/FindTBB.cmake b/CMake/FindTBB.cmake
-index 27576a5cc8b..5ba89d52fb9 100644
---- a/CMake/FindTBB.cmake
-+++ b/CMake/FindTBB.cmake
-@@ -68,6 +68,32 @@
- #  FindTBB helper functions and macros
- #
-+# Use TBBConfig.cmake if possible.
-+  set(_tbb_find_quiet QUIET)
-+endif ()
-+foreach (_tbb_find_component IN LISTS TBB_FIND_COMPONENTS)
-+  if (TBB_FIND_REQUIRED_${_tbb_find_component})
-+    list(APPEND _tbb_find_components "${_tbb_find_component}")
-+  else ()
-+    list(APPEND _tbb_find_optional_components "${_tbb_find_component}")
-+  endif ()
-+endforeach ()
-+find_package(TBB CONFIG ${_tbb_find_quiet}
-+  COMPONENTS ${_tbb_find_components}
-+  OPTIONAL_COMPONENTS ${_tbb_find_optional_components})
-+if (TBB_FOUND)
-+  return ()
-+endif ()
- #====================================================
- # Fix the library path in case it is a linker script
- #====================================================
-From 56cf03534c58a21f3cea608e4f53b7e7e00670fc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Mickael PHILIT <mickey.phy at gmail.com>
-Date: Thu, 27 May 2021 04:32:51 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH 1/2] Update TBB version file location
-From ded89c1e3a025874bfd69feb6c67fa21d6af36d4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: Mickael PHILIT <mickey.phy at gmail.com>
-Date: Thu, 27 May 2021 04:44:42 +0000
-Subject: [PATCH 2/2] add missing {
- CMake/FindTBB.cmake | 12 +++++++++---
- 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/CMake/FindTBB.cmake b/CMake/FindTBB.cmake
-index 5ba89d52fb9..bd756313176 100644
---- a/CMake/FindTBB.cmake
-+++ b/CMake/FindTBB.cmake
-@@ -424,12 +424,18 @@ findpkg_finish(TBB_MALLOC_PROXY tbbmalloc_proxy)
- #=============================================================================
- #parse all the version numbers from tbb
-- #only read the start of the file
-- file(STRINGS
-+  if (EXISTS "${TBB_INCLUDE_DIR}/oneapi/tbb/version.h")
-+    file(STRINGS
-+      "${TBB_INCLUDE_DIR}/oneapi/tbb/version.h"
-+      REGEX "VERSION")
-+  else()
-+    #only read the start of the file
-+    file(STRINGS
-       "${TBB_INCLUDE_DIR}/tbb/tbb_stddef.h"
-       REGEX "VERSION")
-+  endif()
-   string(REGEX REPLACE
-     ".*#define TBB_VERSION_MAJOR ([0-9]+).*" "\\1"
-From 3e5313e71c35aaeabfd4e65e090031716460d35e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
-From: =?UTF-8?q?Timoth=C3=A9e=20Couble?= <timothee.couble at kitware.com>
-Date: Thu, 18 Mar 2021 16:43:47 +0100
-Subject: [PATCH] Replace task_scheduler_init with task_arena
-And update Initialize documentation
- Common/Core/SMP/TBB/vtkSMPTools.cxx          | 47 ++++++++-------
- Common/Core/SMP/TBB/vtkSMPToolsInternal.h.in | 62 ++++++++++++--------
- Common/Core/vtkSMPTools.h                    |  7 +--
- 3 files changed, 65 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
-diff --git a/Common/Core/SMP/TBB/vtkSMPTools.cxx b/Common/Core/SMP/TBB/vtkSMPTools.cxx
-index c3f45fa4888..596aedbb963 100644
---- a/Common/Core/SMP/TBB/vtkSMPTools.cxx
-+++ b/Common/Core/SMP/TBB/vtkSMPTools.cxx
-@@ -24,24 +24,13 @@
- #endif
--#include <tbb/task_scheduler_init.h>
-+#include <tbb/task_arena.h>
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #pragma pop_macro("__TBB_NO_IMPLICIT_LINKAGE")
- #endif
--struct vtkSMPToolsInit
--  tbb::task_scheduler_init Init;
--  vtkSMPToolsInit(int numThreads)
--    : Init(numThreads)
--  {
--  }
--static bool vtkSMPToolsInitialized = 0;
--static int vtkTBBNumSpecifiedThreads = 0;
-+static tbb::task_arena taskArena;
- static vtkSimpleCriticalSection vtkSMPToolsCS;
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-@@ -54,23 +43,37 @@ const char* vtkSMPTools::GetBackend()
- void vtkSMPTools::Initialize(int numThreads)
- {
-   vtkSMPToolsCS.Lock();
--  if (!vtkSMPToolsInitialized)
-+  // If numThreads <= 0, don't create a task_arena
-+  // and let TBB do the default thing.
-+  if (numThreads > 0 && numThreads != taskArena.max_concurrency())
-   {
--    // If numThreads <= 0, don't create a task_scheduler_init
--    // and let TBB do the default thing.
--    if (numThreads > 0)
-+    if (taskArena.is_active())
-     {
--      static vtkSMPToolsInit aInit(numThreads);
--      vtkTBBNumSpecifiedThreads = numThreads;
-+      taskArena.terminate();
-     }
--    vtkSMPToolsInitialized = true;
-+    taskArena.initialize(numThreads);
-   }
-   vtkSMPToolsCS.Unlock();
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- int vtkSMPTools::GetEstimatedNumberOfThreads()
- {
--  return vtkTBBNumSpecifiedThreads ? vtkTBBNumSpecifiedThreads
--                                   : tbb::task_scheduler_init::default_num_threads();
-+  return taskArena.max_concurrency();
-+void vtk::detail::smp::vtkSMPTools_Impl_For_TBB(vtkIdType first, vtkIdType last, vtkIdType grain,
-+  ExecuteFunctorPtrType functorExecuter, void* functor)
-+  if (taskArena.is_active())
-+  {
-+    taskArena.execute([&] { functorExecuter(functor, first, last, grain); });
-+  }
-+  else
-+  {
-+    functorExecuter(functor, first, last, grain);
-+  }
- }
-diff --git a/Common/Core/SMP/TBB/vtkSMPToolsInternal.h.in b/Common/Core/SMP/TBB/vtkSMPToolsInternal.h.in
-index c6614e42a4a..1c7253deeec 100644
---- a/Common/Core/SMP/TBB/vtkSMPToolsInternal.h.in
-+++ b/Common/Core/SMP/TBB/vtkSMPToolsInternal.h.in
-@@ -12,7 +12,8 @@
-      PURPOSE.  See the above copyright notice for more information.
- =========================================================================*/
--#include "vtkNew.h"
-+#include "vtkCommonCoreModule.h" // For export macro
- #ifdef _MSC_VER
- #  pragma push_macro("__TBB_NO_IMPLICIT_LINKAGE")
-@@ -34,6 +35,10 @@ namespace detail
- namespace smp
- {
-+typedef void (*ExecuteFunctorPtrType)(void*, vtkIdType, vtkIdType, vtkIdType);
-+void VTKCOMMONCORE_EXPORT vtkSMPTools_Impl_For_TBB(vtkIdType first, vtkIdType last, vtkIdType grain,
-+  ExecuteFunctorPtrType functorExecuter, void* functor);
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename T>
- class FuncCall
-@@ -43,22 +48,22 @@ class FuncCall
-   void operator=(const FuncCall&) = delete;
- public:
--  void operator() (const tbb::blocked_range<vtkIdType>& r) const
--  {
--      o.Execute(r.begin(), r.end());
-+  void operator()(const tbb::blocked_range<vtkIdType>& r) const {
-+    o.Execute(r.begin(), r.end());
-   }
--  FuncCall (T& _o) : o(_o)
-+  FuncCall(T& _o)
-+    : o(_o)
-   {
-   }
- };
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- template <typename FunctorInternal>
--void vtkSMPTools_Impl_For(
--  vtkIdType first, vtkIdType last, vtkIdType grain,
--  FunctorInternal& fi)
-+void ExecuteFunctor(void* functor, vtkIdType first, vtkIdType last, vtkIdType grain)
- {
-+  FunctorInternal& fi = *reinterpret_cast<FunctorInternal*>(functor);
-   vtkIdType range = last - first;
-   if (range <= 0)
-   {
-@@ -66,20 +71,26 @@ void vtkSMPTools_Impl_For(
-   }
-   if (grain > 0)
-   {
--    tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<vtkIdType>(first, last, grain), FuncCall<FunctorInternal>(fi));
-+    tbb::parallel_for(
-+      tbb::blocked_range<vtkIdType>(first, last, grain), FuncCall<FunctorInternal>(fi));
-   }
-   else
-   {
-     // When the grain is not specified, automatically calculate an appropriate grain size so
-     // most of the time will still be spent running the calculation and not task overhead.
--    const vtkIdType numberThreadsEstimate = 40; // Estimate of how many threads we might be able to run
--    const vtkIdType batchesPerThread = 5; // Plan for a few batches per thread so one busy core doesn't stall the whole system
-+    // Estimate of how many threads we might be able to run
-+    const vtkIdType numberThreadsEstimate = 40;
-+    // Plan for a few batches per thread so one busy core doesn't stall the whole system
-+    const vtkIdType batchesPerThread = 5;
-     const vtkIdType batches = numberThreadsEstimate * batchesPerThread;
-     if (range >= batches)
-     {
--      vtkIdType calculatedGrain = ((range - 1) / batches) + 1; // std::ceil round up for systems without cmath
--      tbb::parallel_for(tbb::blocked_range<vtkIdType>(first, last, calculatedGrain), FuncCall<FunctorInternal>(fi));
-+      // std::ceil round up for systems without cmath
-+      vtkIdType calculatedGrain = ((range - 1) / batches) + 1;
-+      tbb::parallel_for(
-+        tbb::blocked_range<vtkIdType>(first, last, calculatedGrain), FuncCall<FunctorInternal>(fi));
-     }
-     else
-     {
-@@ -91,23 +102,26 @@ void vtkSMPTools_Impl_For(
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--template<typename RandomAccessIterator>
--void vtkSMPTools_Impl_Sort(RandomAccessIterator begin,
--                                  RandomAccessIterator end)
-+template <typename FunctorInternal>
-+void vtkSMPTools_Impl_For(vtkIdType first, vtkIdType last, vtkIdType grain, FunctorInternal& fi)
-+  vtkSMPTools_Impl_For_TBB(first, last, grain, ExecuteFunctor<FunctorInternal>, &fi);
-+template <typename RandomAccessIterator>
-+void vtkSMPTools_Impl_Sort(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end)
- {
-   tbb::parallel_sort(begin, end);
- }
- //--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
--template<typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
--void vtkSMPTools_Impl_Sort(RandomAccessIterator begin,
--                                  RandomAccessIterator end,
--                                  Compare comp)
-+template <typename RandomAccessIterator, typename Compare>
-+void vtkSMPTools_Impl_Sort(RandomAccessIterator begin, RandomAccessIterator end, Compare comp)
- {
-   tbb::parallel_sort(begin, end, comp);
- }
--}//namespace smp
--}//namespace detail
--}//namespace vtk
-+} // namespace smp
-+} // namespace detail
-+} // namespace vtk
-diff --git a/Common/Core/vtkSMPTools.h b/Common/Core/vtkSMPTools.h
-index cee63ad6ec6..4fa28abd72a 100644
---- a/Common/Core/vtkSMPTools.h
-+++ b/Common/Core/vtkSMPTools.h
-@@ -228,11 +228,8 @@ public:
-    * Initialize the underlying libraries for execution. This is
-    * not required as it is automatically called before the first
-    * execution of any parallel code. However, it can be used to
--   * control the maximum number of threads used when the back-end
--   * supports it (currently Simple and TBB only). Make sure to call
--   * it before any other parallel operation.
--   * When using Kaapi, use the KAAPI_CPUCOUNT env. variable to control
--   * the number of threads used in the thread pool.
-+   * control the maximum number of threads used. Make sure to call
-+   * it before the parallel operation.
-    */
-   static void Initialize(int numThreads = 0);

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