[arch-commits] Commit in apm/trunk (PKGBUILD apm.js)

Caleb Maclennan alerque at gemini.archlinux.org
Wed Mar 30 10:44:42 UTC 2022

    Date: Wednesday, March 30, 2022 @ 10:44:41
  Author: alerque
Revision: 1177775

upgpkg: apm 2.6.5-1


 PKGBUILD |  152 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 apm.js   |    2 
 2 files changed, 78 insertions(+), 76 deletions(-)

Modified: PKGBUILD
--- PKGBUILD	2022-03-30 10:43:38 UTC (rev 1177774)
+++ PKGBUILD	2022-03-30 10:44:41 UTC (rev 1177775)
@@ -1,113 +1,115 @@
-# Maintainer: Nicola Squartini <tensor5 at gmail.com>
+# Maintainer: Caleb Maclennan <caleb at alerque.com>
+# Contributor: Nicola Squartini <tensor5 at gmail.com>
 pkgdesc='Atom package manager'
-depends=('libsecret' 'nodejs>=10' 'npm' 'python')
+_electron=electron11 # must match atom package
+depends=(# libgit2{,.so} # see https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/74164
+         libsecret
+         nodejs-lts-gallium
+         npm
+         python)
+             # node-gyp)
-        "${pkgname}-bump-first-mate.patch::https://github.com/atom/apm/commit/42134ae3278d.patch"
-        'apm.js'
-        'no-scripts.patch'
-        'git-utils.patch')
-            'e8725530497a415e0ad7cc51e3855ab5b3eb33b926c3526e439f29e333e0a93cc0a692b46b68819ddbfdcaedb1a1bc2a6161fb9c1c8e34b33ac35a552639311b'
-            '36bbf34a3a7ba9ed63ed1d805be9d7906d284077ff72a4c8199efc1f04ac672c4a1a75568f2c9d81037481452d3a47c3e54370a76e9ed7b35e67fda93acd1726'
-            'a962ecc1557bcfe92c8d771a44c3bbbd72d0bf9c81285662ef26a1f99f3604efcca0307e7edb59eb99c2cbc83db4ab844f0db0532ca990581eff28e50c42acd6'
-            'bf9f4023bfbdc7240e5ed8a87bc9097eb7a57b2bae44f1044098eb380b15ff8a12f92347b99b6754c6adb537b8310d1f47bdfd3e60db411e4d69d575ce70b2a6')
+        apm.js
+        no-scripts.patch)
+        # git-utils.patch)
+            'dd6786d44278f1edbfb87d4a4a639da4fd4b8ab9aca85ae430e113256befd3850b1fb375353afb5f1f4b99ad3dc2666b37d6d6c31c7563d992d8c034d0d2750a'
+            'a962ecc1557bcfe92c8d771a44c3bbbd72d0bf9c81285662ef26a1f99f3604efcca0307e7edb59eb99c2cbc83db4ab844f0db0532ca990581eff28e50c42acd6')
 prepare() {
-  rm -rf "${srcdir}"/apm-build
+  ! test -d "$srcdir"/apm-build
+  cd "$_archive"
-  cd apm-${pkgver}
   # Use custom launcher
   rm bin/apm{,.cmd} bin/npm{,.cmd}
   rm src/cli.coffee
-  install -m755 "${srcdir}"/apm.js bin/apm
+  install -m0755 "$srcdir/apm.js" bin/apm
+  sed -i -e "s/@ELECTRON@/$_electron/" bin/apm
   # Don't download binary Node
-  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}"/no-scripts.patch
+  patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/no-scripts.patch"
-  # Fix build with nodejs 17
-  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/${pkgname}-bump-first-mate.patch"
+  sed -i -e '/git-utils/s/5.7.2/5.7.3/' package.json
+  npm install --cache "$srcdir/npm-cache"
+  # pushd node_modules/git-utils
+  # patch -Np1 -i "$srcdir/git-utils.patch"
 build() {
-  cd apm-${pkgver}
+  cd "$_archive"
-  npm install
   npx coffee --compile --output lib src
   npm uninstall coffee-script coffeelint express jasmine-focused shx node-gyp
-  cd node_modules/git-utils
-  patch -Np1 -i "${srcdir}/git-utils.patch"
-  node-gyp rebuild
-  cd ../..
+  # pushd node_modules/git-utils
+  # node-gyp rebuild
+  # popd
   npm pack
 package() {
-  cd apm-${pkgver}
-  install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}${_apmdir}"
+  cd "$_archive"
+  install -d -m755 "$pkgdir$_apmdir"
   tar -xf atom-package-manager-*.tgz --strip-components 1 \
-      -C "${pkgdir}${_apmdir}"
-  cp -r node_modules "${pkgdir}${_apmdir}"
+      -C "$pkgdir$_apmdir"
+  cp -r node_modules "$pkgdir$_apmdir"
-  install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
+  install -d -m755 "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
   ln -s \
-      "$(realpath --relative-to="${pkgdir}/usr/bin" "${pkgdir}${_apmdir}/bin/apm")" \
-      "${pkgdir}/usr/bin"
+      "$(realpath --relative-to="$pkgdir/usr/bin" "$pkgdir$_apmdir/bin/apm")" \
+      "$pkgdir/usr/bin"
-  # Install license file
-  install -d -m755 "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
-  ln -s \
-      "$(realpath --relative-to="${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}" "${pkgdir}${_apmdir}/LICENSE.md")" \
-      "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}"
+  install -Dm0644 -t "$pkgdir/usr/share/licenses/$pkgname/" LICENSE.md
   # Remove occurrences of ${srcdir}
-  find "${pkgdir}" -name "package.json" \
-       -exec sed -e "s|${srcdir}/apm-${pkgver}|${_apmdir}|" \
+  find "$pkgdir" -name "package.json" \
+       -exec sed -e "s|$srcdir/$_archive|$_apmdir|" \
                  -i '{}' \;
   # Remove useless stuff
-  find "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib \
-      -name ".*" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "*.a" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "*.bat" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "*.mk" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -path "*/git-utils/binding.gyp" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -path "*/git-utils/src/*.cc" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -path "*/git-utils/src/*.h" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -path "*/keytar/binding.gyp" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -path "*/keytar/src" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -path "*/oniguruma/binding.gyp" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -path "*/oniguruma/src" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "appveyor.yml" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "benchmark" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "binding.Makefile" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "config.gypi" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "deps" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "doc" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "html" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "Makefile" -exec rm '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "man" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "obj.target" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "samples" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "scripts" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "test" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
-      -or -name "tests" -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \;
+  find "$pkgdir"/usr/lib \
+      -name '.*' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name '*.a' -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -name '*.bat' -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -name '*.mk' -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -path '*/git-utils/binding.gyp' -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -path '*/git-utils/src/*.cc' -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -path '*/git-utils/src/*.h' -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -path '*/keytar/binding.gyp' -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -path '*/keytar/src' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -path '*/oniguruma/binding.gyp' -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -path '*/oniguruma/src' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'appveyor.yml' -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'benchmark' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'binding.Makefile' -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'config.gypi' -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'deps' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'doc' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'html' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'Makefile' -exec rm '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'man' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'obj.target' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'samples' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'scripts' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'test' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \; \
+      -or -name 'tests' -prune -exec rm -r '{}' \;

Modified: apm.js
--- apm.js	2022-03-30 10:43:38 UTC (rev 1177774)
+++ apm.js	2022-03-30 10:44:41 UTC (rev 1177775)
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 process.env.ATOM_RESOURCE_PATH = process.env.ATOM_RESOURCE_PATH || "/usr/lib/atom";
-process.env.ATOM_ELECTRON_VERSION = process.env.ATOM_ELECTRON_VERSION || require("fs").readFileSync("/usr/lib/electron9/version", "utf8");
+process.env.ATOM_ELECTRON_VERSION = process.env.ATOM_ELECTRON_VERSION || require("fs").readFileSync("/usr/lib/@ELECTRON@/version", "utf8");
 require("../lib/apm-cli.js").run(process.argv.slice(2), function (error) {
     process.exitCode = Number(Boolean(error));

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