[arch-commits] Commit in emby-server/repos (8 files)
Maxime Gauduin
alucryd at gemini.archlinux.org
Sun May 1 10:00:12 UTC 2022
Date: Sunday, May 1, 2022 @ 10:00:12
Author: alucryd
Revision: 1192062
archrelease: copy trunk to community-staging-x86_64
(from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/PKGBUILD)
(from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/Permission_to_distribute.mbox)
(from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/emby-server)
(from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/emby-server.conf)
(from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/emby-server.install)
(from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/emby-server.service)
(from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/license.docx)
PKGBUILD | 134 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Permission_to_distribute.mbox | 81 ++++++++++++++++++++++++
emby-server | 10 ++
emby-server.conf | 5 +
emby-server.install | 9 ++
emby-server.service | 26 +++++++
6 files changed, 265 insertions(+)
Copied: emby-server/repos/community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/PKGBUILD)
--- community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/PKGBUILD 2022-05-01 10:00:12 UTC (rev 1192062)
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+# Maintainer: Maxime Gauduin <alucryd at archlinux.org>
+# Contributor: Daniel Seymour <dannyseeless at gmail.com>
+pkgdesc='Bring together your videos, music, photos, and live television'
+ alsa-lib
+ aom
+ bzip2
+ dotnet-runtime-3.1
+ expat
+ ffmpeg
+ fontconfig
+ fribidi
+ glibc
+ gmp
+ gnutls
+ lame
+ libass.so
+ libdav1d.so
+ libdrm
+ libfreetype.so
+ libjpeg-turbo
+ libmfx
+ libpng
+ libtheora
+ libva-drm.so
+ libva.so
+ libvorbisenc.so
+ libvorbis.so
+ libwebp
+ libx264.so
+ opus
+ skia-sharp
+ sqlite
+ zlib
+ zvbi
+ ffnvcodec-headers8.1
+ nasm
+ 'intel-media-sdk: Intel QuickSync support (requires Emby Premiere)'
+ 'nvidia-utils: Nvidia NVDEC/NVENC support (requires Emby Premiere)'
+ https://github.com/MediaBrowser/Emby.Releases/releases/download/${pkgver}/embyserver-netcore_${pkgver}.zip
+ https://mediabrowser.github.io/embytools/ffmpeg-${_ffmpeg_ver}.tar.gz
+ https://mediabrowser.github.io/embytools/ffdetect-${_ffmpeg_ver}-x64.tar.xz
+ emby-server
+ emby-server.conf
+ emby-server.service
+ license.docx
+ Permission_to_distribute.mbox
+ '089ffcc7c51231c6caceaceb871d54edfb8d453f5b5515ef6a32969eac7c3609ea0e3b14925b6d1af5ce0157c442c904433fcf3b9ca5d45c7736402e6fa54cc3'
+ 'c3c4935a704a2bcd83f33138d2140a1964ce8ceb3249cc9b4339c821d8954d10c8c0ebe56e9a5eddf5bcdcf046a41b17e779ab5a015846307f7cf631d1ffc605'
+ '48c11601d00121e725951fd48ba34137804d4a67aa12528a29ca4d43d301d19311182421e96bef7b7ddbc4929dc9d5b577b1659cb0b716b1c1f6938283465c46'
+ '49c2e6a27f36a2e44a6b988573ee7d08bacb036008f5360ad1cb617b3d1577bdcd48a323ebb882e0f9ec4483962a96d8bd9af44385feb5245b49dfc191d73352'
+ '11cc26f44f81823bcd50ee16344aff94eb0a64d740a2e489d832bc8d48d11f3065bf683da243409bab8e3d8a201083596a27983cc11a90688128442e0116430c'
+ 'e490c2ec7aff3deb9874a80345273c2aa435624b914a13fe8cba8f07ee44938699a024d0c6784fe68820d3a848cccf5af3f7120c7906356ed17d306fc31b6490'
+ '61ca54af95278f498b21b424b4d4bae98660b4b7898bfd9752fe21da20d7c508502014bc1970a60920f3064ca20b31b46ba2a788b3b1371f75b5278add70ffc4')
+prepare() {
+ rm -rf system/{electron,runtimes/{osx,tizen*,win*}}
+#build() {
+# cd ffmpeg-${_ffmpeg_ver}_public
+# export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/lib/ffnvcodec8.1/pkgconfig
+# ./configure \
+# --disable-doc \
+# --disable-ffplay \
+# --disable-shared \
+# --disable-vdpau \
+# --disable-libxcb \
+# --disable-lzma \
+# --disable-sdl2 \
+# --disable-xlib \
+# --enable-fontconfig \
+# --enable-gmp \
+# --enable-gnutls \
+# --enable-gpl \
+# --enable-libaom \
+# --enable-libass \
+# --enable-libdav1d \
+# --enable-libdrm \
+# --enable-libfreetype \
+# --enable-libfribidi \
+# --enable-libmfx \
+# --enable-libmp3lame \
+# --enable-libopus \
+# --enable-libtheora \
+# --enable-libvorbis \
+# --enable-libwebp \
+# --enable-libx264 \
+# --enable-libzvbi \
+# --enable-version3 \
+# --enable-nvdec \
+# --enable-nvenc \
+# --enable-static \
+# --enable-vaapi
+# make
+package() {
+ install -dm 755 "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib
+ cp -dr --no-preserve='ownership' system "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/emby-server
+ ln -s ../libSkiaSharp.so.80.2.0 "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/emby-server/libSkiaSharp.so
+ install -Dm 755 emby-server -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/
+ install -Dm 755 bin/ffdetect "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/ffdetect-emby
+# install -Dm 755 ffmpeg-${_ffmpeg_ver}_public/ffmpeg "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/ffmpeg-emby
+# install -Dm 755 ffmpeg-${_ffmpeg_ver}_public/ffprobe "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/ffprobe-emby
+ ln -s /usr/bin/ffmpeg "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/ffmpeg-emby
+ ln -s /usr/bin/ffprobe "${pkgdir}"/usr/bin/ffprobe-emby
+ install -Dm 644 emby-server.service -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/lib/systemd/system/
+ install -Dm 644 emby-server.conf "${pkgdir}"/etc/conf.d/emby-server
+ install -Dm 644 license.docx -t "${pkgdir}"/usr/share/licenses/emby-server/
+# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:
Copied: emby-server/repos/community-staging-x86_64/Permission_to_distribute.mbox (from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/Permission_to_distribute.mbox)
--- community-staging-x86_64/Permission_to_distribute.mbox (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/Permission_to_distribute.mbox 2022-05-01 10:00:12 UTC (rev 1192062)
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+From apps at emby.media Wed Mar 25 19:41:04 2020
+Return-Path: <apps at emby.media>
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+Received: from orion.archlinux.org (localhost [])
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+To: alucryd at archlinux.org
+Subject: Permission to distribute
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+Date: Wed, 25 Mar 2020 14:31:25 -0400
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+Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
+Hey Maxime,
+This is an official notification granting you permission to distribute
+Emby in the Arch official repositories.
+Luke Pulverenti
+Emby, LLC
Copied: emby-server/repos/community-staging-x86_64/emby-server (from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/emby-server)
--- community-staging-x86_64/emby-server (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/emby-server 2022-05-01 10:00:12 UTC (rev 1192062)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+exec dotnet /usr/lib/emby-server/EmbyServer.dll \
+ -programdata $PROGRAM_DATA \
+ -ffdetect $FFDETECT \
+ -ffmpeg $FFMPEG \
+ -ffprobe $FFPROBE \
+ -restartexitcode 3
+# vim: ts=2 sw=2 et:
Copied: emby-server/repos/community-staging-x86_64/emby-server.conf (from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/emby-server.conf)
--- community-staging-x86_64/emby-server.conf (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/emby-server.conf 2022-05-01 10:00:12 UTC (rev 1192062)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
Copied: emby-server/repos/community-staging-x86_64/emby-server.install (from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/emby-server.install)
--- community-staging-x86_64/emby-server.install (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/emby-server.install 2022-05-01 10:00:12 UTC (rev 1192062)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+post_upgrade() {
+ if [ $(vercmp $2 -lt 0 ]; then
+ cat << EOF
+The systemd service now uses DynamicUser to manage the emby user.
+You may safely userdel the old emby user.
+ fi
Copied: emby-server/repos/community-staging-x86_64/emby-server.service (from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/emby-server.service)
--- community-staging-x86_64/emby-server.service (rev 0)
+++ community-staging-x86_64/emby-server.service 2022-05-01 10:00:12 UTC (rev 1192062)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+Description=Emby brings together your videos, music, photos, and live television.
Copied: emby-server/repos/community-staging-x86_64/license.docx (from rev 1192061, emby-server/trunk/license.docx)
(Binary files differ)
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