[arch-dev-public] New wireless and network scripts.

James iphitus at gmail.com
Sun Apr 1 03:59:56 EDT 2007


The network profile's that i've been working on for far too long, have
now been uploaded and put into a git repository on archlinux.org.

To get it,
git clone http://archlinux.org/~james/projects/network.git
To make a package, run package.sh for the meantime. There will be a
proper PKGBUILD and a custom repository for it shortly.

There's a few known bugs, and not enough documentation, however I've
put enough basic information to get you going on the wiki:

There's undoubtedly other bugs and hiccups, and i'm calling on you to
test. If you find a bug, let me know.

iphitus // Arch Developer // kernel26beyond // iphitus.loudas.com

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