[arch-dev-public] 2007.08 Don't Panic Isos release

eliott eliott at cactuswax.net
Mon Aug 6 18:51:37 EDT 2007

Just fyi.
This apostrophe made it a pain to download the torrent files.

wget "http://linuxtracker.org/download.php?id=4433&name=Archlinux-x86_64-2007.08-Don%27t-Panic.current.iso.torrent"
-O Archlinux-x86_64-2007.08-Don't-Panic.current.iso.torrent

Yeah. That doesn't work. You have to \' escape the apostrophe manually
(no tab completion on user entered names).. Which meant I couldn't
just copy/paste with my mouse. (it made me sad)

As a result, the torrent files don't have an apostrophe.

ps. I think we should name the next release iso "--help !zomg.iso"

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