[arch-dev-public] Repository rebuilding

Jürgen Hötzel juergen at hoetzel.info
Fri Aug 10 16:16:35 EDT 2007

On Fri, Aug 10, 2007 at 09:39:01PM +0200, Damir Perisa wrote:
> Friday 10 August 2007, Aaron Griffin wrote:
>  | Still, I never liked decimal pkgrels. It's the "release" number,
>  | or number of times ArchLinux has released or rebuilt the package.
>  | It doesn't make sense anymore when you say you released a package
>  | 0.3 times.
> at least it is decimals... imagine we would work in multiple 
> dimensions and have pkgrel as a multidimensional matrix :)
> well.. 0.3 times means that in 3 out of 10 times it is rebuilt LOL
> sorry... it was a long day and i find it _really_ funny.

Hmm... most of the discussion on this is list is about "'" and "." ;)) me
musing ;))


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