[arch-dev-public] Killing the 'codecs' package

Varun Acharya ganja.guru.x64 at gmail.com
Mon Dec 17 20:12:41 EST 2007

On 12/18/07, eliott <eliott at cactuswax.net> wrote:
> I think putting it in unsupported would be fine. If some people (end
> users) decide they really must have it, then more power to them to
> maintain it in the aur (with a note to not have it taken into
> community).
> At that point it would just be a pkgbuild anyway.
> Somehow, this doesn't seem  very future proof. When a new codec arrives,
it will take some time for VLC/ffmpeg/xine guys to come out with the open
source equivalent (for example, the amount of time it took to get .rmvb
support) after all the reverse engineering and voodoo magic they do. What if
this new codec becomes really popular, really fast? Somehow, it doesn't seem
 practical to direct users to AUR to get the  codecs. I propose instead
renaming 'codecs' to 'codecs-nonfree' or something similar, and  shipped
along with the post_install or post_upgrade message we had discussed


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