[arch-dev-public] Web based signoffs

Dan McGee dpmcgee at gmail.com
Sat Aug 16 14:37:50 EDT 2008

On Sat, Aug 16, 2008 at 1:13 PM, Eric Belanger
<belanger at astro.umontreal.ca> wrote:
> On Sat, 16 Aug 2008, Dusty Phillips wrote:
>> Esteemed ArchLinux Developers,
>> Partially because Aaron asked for it and thinks it is cool and
>> partially because all those [signoff] e-mails in my inbox are kind of
>> boring to me (as a non-packager), I have implemented a web based
>> signoff mechanism into archweb_dev.
>> https://dev.archlinux.org/packages/signoffs/
>> This is a thoroughly un-tested beta version that will probably break.
>> I'm far too lazy/important/busy (depending how you perceive my levels
>> of ambition/arrogance/available time...) to do my own testing, so
>> please break it and report bugs.
>> It works pretty simple. All packages in testing are listed in the
>> signoff page. If you test a package and deem it usable you can click
>> the "signoff" link to sign off for it. If two or more people sign off
>> for a package, the package 'approved' flag is set to true.
> The  'approved' flag for a package (both i686 and x86_64 versions) should be
> set to true when the package has received at least one signoff per arch.
> Apart from that bug, it looks nice and it would be more convenient than the
> ML expecially to keep track of the signoffs.

Yes and no. I can't think of an easy way to record the packager as
having signed off, but it would be nice to know who exactly signed off
rather than just doing the assumed signoff. For instance, I have built
x86_64 packages before that I have no possible way of signing off on
(GUI application or something), and in that case I do want multiple
signoffs and my implicit one doesn't exist.

However, I can't think of an elegant way to do this. Anyone else?


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