[arch-dev-public] New extra package: gnucash

Aaron Griffin aaronmgriffin at gmail.com
Wed Jan 9 12:01:53 EST 2008

On Jan 9, 2008 10:54 AM, Aaron Griffin <aaronmgriffin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Aaron,
> I am the current maintainer of the gnucash package in AUR.  I was
> wondering, if it is being pulled into extra, would you become the new
> maintainer?  Also, i would like to warn you about a couple of things:

Yes, but I'm more than willing to work with you as I don't use gnucash
as much as some of the online financial utilities, but it depends on
goffice, and I already maintain gnumeric because goffice is such a
pain in the ass.

I also feel that gnucash is a worthy package to be supported by Arch
in the official repos, so that's part of the rationale here. I also
feel like I would use it more were it a package I was responsible for
(so there's a subtle selfish reason in here, heh)

> 1. gnucash depends on slib, which is in community currently
> 3. gnucash depends on aqbanking which is also in community (and which
> we are also currently having runtime problems with)

Ah good catch, I was not aware of these two deps not being in extra. Silly me.

So guys: adding gnucash to extra would pull in these two deps. Is this
still acceptable?

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