[arch-dev-public] [arch-general] [AUR-Server] lastsync file on aur.archlinux.org

Gerhard Brauer gerhard.brauer at web.de
Tue Jul 14 16:31:10 EDT 2009

Am Dienstag, den 14.07.2009, 22:26 +0200 schrieb Thomas Bächler:
> Gerhard Brauer schrieb:
> > Hi,
> > since 3-4 days i notice on mirrorchecking that for community repos the
> > status file for indicate the last sync of the mirror switch temporary on
> > some mirrors between actual(synced) and a out-of-sync period from ~16
> > days.
> > It seems that only mirrors are affected which snyc more than once a day
> > and when theys sync from rsync.archlinux.org.
> > So somewhat "switches" the lastsync file (which is automatically
> > generated by cron each hour on gerolde for all repos).
> > 
> > I don't know how or if aur.archlinux.org and gerolde get synced, but
> > please: could one admin look if on aur.al.org is in the community repos
> > a file named lastsync?
> > If you, please remove this so it don't overwrite the generated one on
> > gerolde.
> Yes, from what you describe I think lastsync is overwritten by rsync 
> when community is synced from sigurd. The lastsync file in the community 
> folder on sigurd is 17 days old.

Thank, Thomas.
So aur-admins should exclude on sigurd lastsync file from rsync, so we
could be sure lastsync is *only* generated on gerolde.

Gerhard "gerbra"

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