[arch-dev-public] [signoff] kernel26

Daniel Isenmann daniel.isenmann at gmx.de
Tue Apr 27 19:30:34 CEST 2010

On Mon, 26 Apr 2010 19:45:36 +0200
Thomas Bächler <thomas at archlinux.org> wrote:

> This is an upstream kernel release, including security fixes. Packages
> will enter testing within the next hour.
> We had a gcc 4.4 -> 4.5 version bump, so the external modules are
> still compiled with 4.4, while the kernel is compiled with 4.5. If any
> external modules break (usual candidates are nvidia and aufs2), we
> will have to rebuild them with 4.5 as well.
> Please test this update thoroughly and sign off. Please provide
> feedback about the state of our nvidia and aufs2 (or other external)
> builds, so we know whether we require a rebuild.

Signoff x86_64. Works with nvidia without problems...

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