[arch-dev-public] dbscripts pkg pools

Allan McRae allan at archlinux.org
Thu Apr 29 01:39:52 CEST 2010

On 29/04/10 03:42, Aaron Griffin wrote:
> On Wed, Apr 28, 2010 at 12:21 PM, Pierre Schmitz<pierre at archlinux.de>  wrote:

>> * Does this also work with the old layout/packages? (especially the
>> cleanup and move scripts)
> No. What will have to happen is that all packages will need to be
> moved to /srv/ftp/packages/os/*/ and symlinked to where they actually
> end up (with relative symlinks, for the purposes of rsync). This can
> be scripted away fairly quickly.

That is going to be a painful initial rsync...  Is it just the clean-up 
script that can not handle the change?

>> * Do all packages have the $arch within their filename? (community might
>> be a problem here as they are not using db-scripts for that long)

All package in [core] and [extra] have $arch in their filename as of a 
month or two ago.  There is no way community is even close.


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