[arch-dev-public] [PATCH 2/6] commitpkg: make repo/server selection more modular

Dan McGee dan at archlinux.org
Fri Apr 1 17:35:31 EDT 2011

This gets rid of the ever-expanding conditional we had before and
replaces it with two case statements.

The first handles the command name. If it ends with 'pkg', we treat the
entire first part of the reponame, unless of course 'commitpkg' was
called directly. This allows one to add new symlinks such as

The second handles the server. Well-known repositories are listed and
passed to the appropriate server. All unusual repos are assumed to live
on gerolde and sent that direction.

Signed-off-by: Dan McGee <dan at archlinux.org>
 commitpkg |   55 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------------------------------
 1 files changed, 24 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)

diff --git a/commitpkg b/commitpkg
index dfc2bd1..009c777 100755
--- a/commitpkg
+++ b/commitpkg
@@ -51,38 +51,31 @@ fi
-# set up repo-specific opts depending on how we were called
-if [ "$cmd" == 'extrapkg' ]; then
-	repo='extra'
-elif [ "$cmd" == 'corepkg' ]; then
-	repo='core'
-elif [ "$cmd" == 'testingpkg' ]; then
-	repo='testing'
-elif [ "$cmd" == 'stagingpkg' ]; then
-	repo='staging'
-elif [ "$cmd" == 'communitypkg' ]; then
-	repo='community'
-	server='aur.archlinux.org'
-elif [ "$cmd" == 'community-testingpkg' ]; then
-	repo='community-testing'
-	server='aur.archlinux.org'
-elif [ "$cmd" == 'community-stagingpkg' ]; then
-	repo='community-staging'
-	server='aur.archlinux.org'
-elif [ "$cmd" == 'multilibpkg' ]; then
-	repo='multilib'
-	server='aur.archlinux.org'
-elif [ "$cmd" == 'multilib-testingpkg' ]; then
-	repo='multilib-testing'
-	server='aur.archlinux.org'
-	if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+case "$cmd" in
+	commitpkg)
+		if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
+			abort 'usage: commitpkg <reponame> [-l limit] [commit message]'
+		fi
+		repo="$1"
+		shift
+		;;
+	*pkg)
+		repo="${cmd%pkg}"
+		;;
+	*)
 		abort 'usage: commitpkg <reponame> [-l limit] [commit message]'
-	fi
-	repo="$1"
-	shift
+		;;
+case "$repo" in
+	core|extra|testing|staging)
+		server='gerolde.archlinux.org' ;;
+	community*|multilib*)
+		server='aur.archlinux.org' ;;
+	*)
+		server='gerolde.archlinux.org'
+		echo "Non-standard repository $repo in use, defaulting to server $server" ;;
 # check if all local source files are under version control
 for s in ${source[@]}; do

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