[arch-dev-public] dev / user signoff request for ruby 1.9.3_p125-1 in [testing]

Thomas Dziedzic gostrc at gmail.com
Sat Feb 18 22:59:23 EST 2012


I recently released a new version of ruby into testing.
In addition to updating it, I also changed some default settings.

The biggest change users will see in this version is that user
installs are the default now when running gem.
The change is in /etc/gemrc which will make the default location
$HOME/.gem/ruby when installing gems manually with the gem command.

If you install gems with the gem command which contain executable
scripts, you will have to add the bin directory to your PATH with:
export PATH="$PATH:$(ruby -rubygems -e 'puts Gem.user_dir')/bin"

Also, as a result of this change, PKGBUILDs that use gem will have to
append a --no-user-install flag when running gem.

The main motivation behind this change is to better separate gems that
were installed with the package manager from gems installed by the

Since ruby isn't as popular among the devs, I would also like any
users to join in on the signoff so we can get ruby into the repos
Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions.


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