[arch-dev-public] Cleaning up orphaned packages

Pierre Schmitz pierre at archlinux.de
Fri Feb 24 10:19:25 EST 2012

Hi all,

while the rebuild of unsigned packages is about to be finished we
should start to think about our orphaned packages. ATM there about 430
of them in core and extra 1); some of them are 8probably) not needed by
any other package 2)

Here is my proposal:
* Everybody please review the list and adopt packages that you use and
might be willing to maintain.
* If you maintain a package that depends on an orphan, please adopt it.
It does not make sense to depend on an maintained package. Note that
packages can have mroe than one maintainer; so you should share the
* If a TU wants to maintain an orphan that is currently in [extra],
please let us know.
* Maybe we can also have a small team that adopts all orphans that
nobody wants to adopt on their own but is needed.

The goal should be to adopt all needed/wanted orphans and remove
everything else.



2) https://www.archlinux.org/devel/reports/unneeded-orphans/

Pierre Schmitz, http://pierre-schmitz.com

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