[arch-dev-public] devtools will require running systemd

keenerd keenerd at gmail.com
Sun Oct 7 09:50:39 EDT 2012

The whole nspawn thing puts a bit of a crimp in those of us who us
build helpers.  But there are exciting workarounds!

I was going to post a clever one liner that gets around nspawn, but I
am not clever enough to get it on one line.  I needed 9.  And screen.
And you need to manually tell it when the build is done.  And you can
only build one thing at a time.  Those last two are kind of annoying,
but whatever.

if ! grep pkgbuilder <<< "$(ssh pkgbuild.com screen -ls)"; then
    ssh pkgbuild.com screen -d -m -S pkgbuilder

# start build
# '-X exec' runs in a clean shell (~, non-tty) and is not usable
# '-X stuff' needs everything escaped
ssh pkgbuild.com screen -rx pkgbuilder -p0 -X stuff \
"cd\ ~/packages/pkgbuilder-$pkgname/\;\ \
sudo\ extra-x86_64-build\;\ \
sudo\ extra-i686-build\;\ \
echo\ 'Press\ ^a\ d...'$'\015'"

# wait for user to detach
ssh -t pkgbuild.com screen -rx pkgbuilder -p0

Contact me privately if you'd like to see the rest of the build script
- I don't consider it nice enough to post here.


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