[arch-dev-public] Maintaining consolekit support in community

Lukas Jirkovsky l.jirkovsky at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 08:42:31 EDT 2012

On 19 October 2012 14:00, Stéphane Gaudreault <stephane at archlinux.org> wrote:
> The problem is that it will eventually become an unmantainable mess, not
> because of initscripts itself (Tom, Dave et al did a great job to keep it in
> a good state), but because most devs are not going to provide much support
> on the rc scripts in their packages once the switch to systemd will be
> completed. Also new packages will probably not include any rc scripts in a
> short future.
> Stéphane

I know that at some point of time it will become unmaintainable. But I
believe it should be possible to support initscripts for next few
months without any larger problems. As for the rc scripts – these are
low maintenance, so keeping them is not a problem. I'm sure I will
have to switch to systemd on all my systems eventually, but I don't
give up that easily ;-)

> Certainly Lukas intends to create and maintain an initscripts-arch-rc.d
> package similar to systemd-arch-units. He would surely not expect every
> packager to duplicate their work for two init systems, when most of us
> agree to deprecate one and move towards the other. Right Lukas?

Sure. If the package maintainer decides to drop rc srcipt from the
package, I can keep it in such package. As the rc scripts doesn't need
to be changed often I think this isn't a big problem, unless some of
the applications starts requiring systemd for their services.


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