[arch-dev-public] Anyone want to adopt vpnc?

Eric Bélanger snowmaniscool at gmail.com
Sat Oct 20 22:54:59 EDT 2012

On Sat, Oct 20, 2012 at 5:06 PM, Dave Reisner <d at falconindy.com> wrote:
> I used to use this on a daily basis, but I now have zero use for it (and
> zero ability to test it). Anyone actually use this? It's pretty low
> maintenance -- I was pulling snapshots from svn/git with some bash
> voodoo I left in the PKGBUILD to generate snapshots.
> Two repos you say? svn because vpnc seems to refuse to tag a new
> release, and the repo is varying states of quiet to silent. git
> because an Intel employee actively maintains the shell scripts used on
> post-connect (/etc/vpnc/vpnc-script).
> I'll give this a week before dropping it to the AUR.
> d

FTR, vpnc is used by a couple of packages:

so it will need to stay in the repos unless we also remove or update
the dependencies of these packages.

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