[arch-dev-public] xbmc

Ike Devolder ike.devolder at gmail.com
Wed Aug 6 05:00:49 EDT 2014

XBMC in community is currently built with external FFMPEG.
For most people that works just fine, but for a small percentage of
users it is an issue.
My Question here is: Do we prefer the enduser experience or 'technical'
correctness ?
My vote goes to enduser experience.

Since xorg 1.16 the shipped xbmc.service no longer works out of the box.
To make it work you need to add stuff to /etc/X11/Xwrapper.config

allowed_users = anybody
needs_root_rights = yes

If we drop the xbmc.service file we give back a lot of control to the
user, but it is 'less' convenient. Ofcourse if we drop xbmc.service
there will be a note added how to easiely set-up lightdm with autologin
so the usage on standalone machines stays practically the same.

I'd like to hear the input on what direction we will take on this.

If you want to change things, will you participate in the maintenance of
the package?

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