[arch-dev-public] [draft] xorg-server 1.16 is now available

Laurent Carlier lordheavym at gmail.com
Fri Jul 25 09:59:27 EDT 2014

The new version comes with the following changes:
* X is now rootless with the help of systemd-logind, this also means that it 
must be launched from the same virtual terminal as was used to log in. Please 
note that launching X through a login-manager (gdm, kdm, ...) doesn't yet 
provide rootless access. The old root execution behavior can be restored 
through the Xorg.wrap config file (man xorg.wrap).
* Better glamor accelerated rendering, deprecating glamor-egl package.
* A new package xorg-server-xwayland that allows running X applications inside 
a wayland session.
* The xf86-video-intel package doesn't yet provide dri3 support because of 
multiple rendering bugs.

Laurent Carlier
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