[arch-dev-public] 2017 repository cleanup
Balló György
ballogyor at gmail.com
Wed Jan 3 22:31:15 UTC 2018
Please don't remove anything yet. I'll adopt some packages in the next 24
You missed some optional and indirect dependencies. We should keep the
following packages:
- bbdb
spupykin: wanderlust
- btchip-udev
shibumi: electrum
- bwidget
andyrtr: libisoburn
- emovix
arojas: k3b
eric: k3b
- gavl
arojas: mlt
bluewind: openshot
heftig: gnome-video-effects
- gtk-engine-murrine
alucryd: adapta-gtk-theme, numix-gtk-theme
fyan: deepin-gtk-theme
NicoHood: arc-gtk-theme
- gtk2+extra
anthraxx: gpsim
- id3
schuay: abcde
- libopenshot-audio
bluewind: openshot
- libquicktime
arojas: kdenlive
fyan: kdenlive
bluewind: openshot
- mp3gain
schuay: abcde
stativ: soundkonverter
- normalize
jlichtblau: bashburn
- openocd
anatolik: arm-none-eabi-gdb
- perl-anyevent-i3
anthraxx: i3-wm
Foxboron: i3-gaps
jelle: i3-wm
- poco
svenstaro: ogre
- pstotext
spupykin: recoll
- python-btchip
shibumi: electrum
- python2-flup
fyan: python2-paste, python2-webpy, python-paste
- python2-mysql2pgsql
spupykin: dbmail
- speakup-utils
stativ: klavaro
- tcllib
lfleischer: remind
- telepathy-rakia
heftig: empathy
- tix
remy: asymptote
- uniconvertor
bisson: inkscape
arodseth: python2-rst2pdf
- vice
foutrelis: audacious-plugins
jlichtblau: qmmp
- wpa_supplicant_gui
bpiotrowski: wpa_supplicant
György Balló
Trusted User
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