[arch-dev-public] Windows Subsystem Linux - Arch Linux as official container?

Eli Schwartz eschwartz at archlinux.org
Tue Jan 30 15:45:33 UTC 2018

On 01/29/2018 04:00 PM, Christian Rebischke via arch-dev-public wrote:
> I would like to hear as much feedback as possible. So don't be shy :)
> I want to give feedback to the microsoft guys in round about 1 week.
> I guess that should be enough to dicuss this topic.

I'd like to reiterate what everyone else seems to be saying: WSL is too
fragile to offer real guarantees from our end, and AFAICT you're the
only person who even wants to offer it in the first place. So I'm not
sure what Arch Linux gets out of this.

It seems like the only thing that would actually happen is that
Microsoft gets to advertise that *we* support *them*, and then point
people who complain at you.

Having you "maintain" this, would seem to be a lot more complicated than
maintaining docker or VM images, since both of the latter are at least
compatible with basic things like glibc so only the packaging actually
needs to be maintained. We cannot really say this about WSL, so you
would have to be maintaining [core] as well.

If people really want Arch Linux in WSL, they can do that today. It
works, sort of, but it also pops up odd issues like the aforementioned
glibc stuff. Do you have a plan for how you would work with Microsoft to
get that fixed, without ultimately asking other Devs/TUs to aid in the
process? Because this is the absolute minimum threshold for being able
to actually say that we as a distro support WSL.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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