[arch-dev-public] Removing 'orphan' python2 modules

Jelle van der Waa jelle at vdwaa.nl
Wed Jun 27 19:35:45 UTC 2018

Hi All,

Our repository contains a lot of python2 modules which are required by
any package in the repository. I'd like to propose to remove these
modules pre-emptively since they serve no purpose and python2 is dead.
We should strive to be a modern distro, so promoting Python3 should be a
big part of it :)

Please reply if you have objections.

A list of modules / programs can be obtained as following or viewed here

$ pacman -Sqs python2 > list  
$ expac -S '%n %N' -l ' ' - < list | awk NF==1

[1] http://pkgbuild.com/~jelle/python2_modules.txt

Jelle van der Waa
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