[arch-dev-public] Regarding Elasticsearch/Kibana and OpenSearch/OS Dashboards

Justin Kromlinger hashworks at archlinux.org
Wed Aug 25 18:03:25 UTC 2021

Hello everyone,

I've recently taken a look at Elasticsearch and the Amazon OpenSearch fork.

Since the ES and kibana packages has been orphaned on 7.10.1 for a while I've adopted and
bumped them to 7.10.2, which is the last version before the license change. Doing so required
switching to jdk11 and the included gradle wrapper for builds (if someone wants to maintain gradle6
in community, feel free to contact me about it).

I'm going to keep it on <7.11.0 for now so we can provide a FOSS version, which means the beats
package should stay on 7.10.2 as well for compatibility reasons. That will change when we push
OpenSearch (including it's plugins and OpenSearch Dashboards) to community, since this gives users
a FOSS alternative.

The reasons for why I don't package OpenSearch right now is that OpenSearch plugins currently can't
be installed using the plugin manager and are a PITA to build [0] until the build-tools and other
dependencies are published to Maven Central [1].

[0] https://github.com/opensearch-project/opensearch-plugins/blob/main/BUILDING.md
[1] https://github.com/opensearch-project/opensearch-build/issues/20

Best Regards


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