[arch-dev-public] Tracking different CPU architectures with pkgstats

Levente Polyak anthraxx at archlinux.org
Tue Mar 16 19:27:35 UTC 2021

On 3/16/21 6:00 PM, Pierre Schmitz via arch-dev-public wrote:
> Hi, I saw your post; I just did not want to go off-topic right away.
> :-) At least as long as I am the only contributor I hesitate to give
> up on how the infrastructure is set up. It seems to be much more
> complex to do this on "official" servers. I like being able to switch
> things around outside of just deploying some scripts. E.g. I do
> automatic deployments, updates, change Web server or database
> configurations etc..

Hey Pierre :)

Hm I kind of get the way you feel... but i really really believe it
would be very beneficial if we make this an official project. I don't
think there needs to be a strong relation between contributor and
hosting, we also host foreign software we don't even write ourselves.
Otherwise every main dev of one of our projects would just host their
stuff on their private servers as well :D

I don't think you need to have any fear about the complexity or losing
control, it is actually pretty straight forward and the devops team is
more then open to implement every single bit of the devops ansible infra
setup. So there won't be any workload on you :)
There are multiple ways, for the security tracker (which I'm also more
or less basically the only main dev :P) it is as easy as just bumping
the commit hash [0].

I kind of understand your "concern", if you aim more for a fluent
deployment, we have also prototyped GitLab CI pipeline deployment for
the AUR in a convenient and secure way. This can give more deployment
control without the need to always touch ansible. I'm a hundred percent
convinced there is a good way to make all parties happy and still be
able to promote your side project into an awesome official bit of Arch
Linux as it truly deserves it.


PS: we have a bottom reply post policy on our mailinglist :D :D :D


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