[arch-dev-public] Upcoming PHP 8.1 update

David Runge dave at sleepmap.de
Mon Apr 25 21:58:17 UTC 2022

On 2022-04-25 17:25:47 (+0200), David Runge via arch-dev-public wrote:
> And a note on the versioned provides (e.g. `php-apcu=7.4` for the
> current php7-apcu). I believe this should be done, but it would only
> prove useful if packagers then relied on two dependency contraints (I'm
> choosing a different module, because php-apcu has always the same
> version as the interpreter): Depend on e.g. php-igbinary>3.2 and
> php-igbinary-interpreter=7.4 (this way php7-igbinary, when following the
> current naming scheme, would be selected).
> Once again, rebuilds **have to** be done on minor version interpreter
> updates, else this does not work.

Addendum to the addendum...

So, it turns out that pacman does not resolve versioned dependencies the
way I expected it to [1].
As php is a real package, it is resolved directly and a version
constraint does not lead to a user selection.
This can be observed when php7 provides php=7.4.29 and nextcloud depends
on php>=7.4.29 and php<8.1. The former is resolved as php (without
offered selection) while the latter is resolved as php7.

According to Andrew Gregory it would work to add a virtual provide (e.g.
php-interpreter) which is added to both php (php-interpreter=8.1.5) and
php7 (php-interpreter=7.4.29) and that packages may then use to
distinguish versions with.

I'll try this out in [testing] and with nextcloud further in
[community-staging] tomorrow to see whether this is workable.


[1] https://bugs.archlinux.org/task/63086

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