[arch-devops] Finally fixed DKIM (I hope)

Florian Pritz bluewind at xinu.at
Fri May 27 23:04:21 UTC 2016


Turns out mailman was set to deliver mail to an smtpd without milter
support enabled so opendkim didn't run and didn't sign any outgoing
mails. I've fixed that now so all mails from senders with a DMARC policy
should be changed to the list address as the From header and they should
be correctly signed by our key.

I've also noticed that some DKIM verification software (the thunderbird
plugin) stores keys and does not update it's cache. Since the initial
key was broken due to nameserver/webui problems, I've set up a new
selector for each affected key. Sorry for bloating the zone file, but I
think we should keep the old keys in there so that mails with the old
selector can still be verified.

If anyone notices any more broken DKIM sigs or other weirdness please
tell me.


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